/** * Get the Mollie client. Needs the Config array for multishop to retrieve the API key. * * @param array $config * * @return Mollie_API_Client */ public static function getAPIClientAdmin($config) { require_once realpath(DIR_SYSTEM . "/..") . "/catalog/controller/extension/payment/mollie-api-client/src/Mollie/API/Autoloader.php"; $mollie = new Mollie_API_Client(); $mollie->setApiKey(isset($config['mollie_api_key']) ? $config['mollie_api_key'] : null); $mollie->addVersionString("OpenCart/" . VERSION); $mollie->addVersionString("MollieOpenCart/" . self::PLUGIN_VERSION); return $mollie; }
/** * Get the Mollie client. Needs the Config object to retrieve the API key. * * @param Config $config * * @return Mollie_API_Client */ public static function getAPIClient($config) { if (!self::$api_client && self::apiClientFound()) { require_once realpath(DIR_SYSTEM . "/..") . "/catalog/controller/payment/mollie-api-client/src/Mollie/API/Autoloader.php"; $mollie = new Mollie_API_Client(); $mollie->setApiKey($config->get('mollie_api_key')); $mollie->addVersionString("OpenCart/" . VERSION); $mollie->addVersionString("MollieOpenCart/" . self::PLUGIN_VERSION); self::$api_client = $mollie; } return self::$api_client; }
public function __construct() { parent::__construct(); $this->displayName = $this->l('Mollie Payment Module'); $this->description = $this->l('Mollie Payments'); $this->confirmUninstall = $this->l('Are you sure you want to uninstall the Mollie Payment Module?'); require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/lib/src/Mollie/API/Autoloader.php'; try { $this->api = new Mollie_API_Client(); $this->api->setApiKey($this->getConfigValue('MOLLIE_API_KEY')); $this->api->addVersionString('Prestashop/' . (defined('_PS_VERSION_') ? _PS_VERSION_ : 'Unknown')); $this->api->addVersionString('MolliePrestashop/' . (isset($this->version) ? $this->version : 'Unknown')); } catch (Mollie_API_Exception_IncompatiblePlatform $e) { Logger::addLog(__METHOD__ . ' - System incompatible: ' . $e->getMessage(), Mollie::CRASH); } catch (Mollie_API_Exception $e) { $this->warning = $this->l('Payment error:') . $e->getMessage(); Logger::addLog(__METHOD__ . ' said: ' . $this->warning, Mollie::CRASH); } $this->statuses = array(Mollie_API_Object_Payment::STATUS_PAID => $this->getConfigValue('MOLLIE_STATUS_PAID'), Mollie_API_Object_Payment::STATUS_CANCELLED => $this->getConfigValue('MOLLIE_STATUS_CANCELLED'), Mollie_API_Object_Payment::STATUS_EXPIRED => $this->getConfigValue('MOLLIE_STATUS_EXPIRED'), Mollie_API_Object_Payment::STATUS_REFUNDED => $this->getConfigValue('MOLLIE_STATUS_REFUNDED'), Mollie_API_Object_Payment::STATUS_OPEN => $this->getConfigValue('MOLLIE_STATUS_OPEN')); // Load all translatable text here so we have a single translation point $this->lang = array(Mollie_API_Object_Payment::STATUS_PAID => $this->l('paid'), Mollie_API_Object_Payment::STATUS_CANCELLED => $this->l('cancelled'), Mollie_API_Object_Payment::STATUS_EXPIRED => $this->l('expired'), Mollie_API_Object_Payment::STATUS_REFUNDED => $this->l('refunded'), Mollie_API_Object_Payment::STATUS_OPEN => $this->l('bankwire pending'), 'This payment method is not available.' => $this->l('This payment method is not available.'), 'Click here to continue' => $this->l('Click here to continue'), 'This payment method is only available for Euros.' => $this->l('This payment method is only available for Euros.'), 'There was an error while processing your request: ' => $this->l('There was an error while processing your request: '), 'The order with this id does not exist.' => $this->l('The order with this id does not exist.'), 'We have not received a definite payment status. You will be notified as soon as we receive a confirmation of the bank/merchant.' => $this->l('We have not received a definite payment status. You will be notified as soon as we receive a confirmation of the bank/merchant.'), 'You have cancelled your payment.' => $this->l('You have cancelled your payment.'), 'Unfortunately your payment was expired.' => $this->l('Unfortunately your payment was expired.'), 'Thank you. Your payment has been received.' => $this->l('Thank you. Your payment has been received.'), 'The transaction has an unexpected status.' => $this->l('The transaction has an unexpected status.'), 'You are not authorised to see this page.' => $this->l('You are not authorised to see this page.'), 'Continue shopping' => $this->l('Continue shopping'), 'Welcome back' => $this->l('Welcome back'), 'Select your bank:' => $this->l('Select your bank:'), 'OK' => $this->l('OK'), 'Return to the homepage' => $this->l('Return to the homepage'), 'Pay with %s' => $this->l('Pay with %s'), 'Refund this order' => $this->l('Refund this order'), 'Mollie refund' => $this->l('Mollie refund'), 'Refund order #%d through the Mollie API.' => $this->l('Refund order #%d through the Mollie API.'), 'iDEAL' => $this->l('iDEAL'), 'Creditcard' => $this->l('Creditcard'), 'Mister Cash' => $this->l('Mister Cash'), 'Bank transfer' => $this->l('Bank transfer'), 'PayPal' => $this->l('PayPal'), 'paysafecard' => $this->l('paysafecard'), 'MiniTix' => $this->l('MiniTix'), 'Micropayments' => $this->l('Micropayments')); // If an update includes a new hook, it normally takes a manual reinstall for it to take effect // This would cause all config values to reset and the Mollie table to be cleared. // $this->reinstall() fixes the hook registration without those sad side effects. $version = $this->getConfigValue('MOLLIE_VERSION'); if ($version === FALSE || version_compare($version, $this->version, '<')) { $this->reinstall(); $this->updateConfigValue('MOLLIE_VERSION', $this->version); } }
/** * @param bool $test_mode * @return Mollie_API_Client * @throws Mollie_WC_Exception_InvalidApiKey */ public function getApiClient($test_mode = false) { global $wp_version; $api_key = $this->settings_helper->getApiKey($test_mode); if (empty($api_key)) { throw new Mollie_WC_Exception_InvalidApiKey(__('No API key provided.', 'mollie-payments-for-woocommerce')); } elseif (!preg_match('/^(live|test)_\\w+$/', $api_key)) { throw new Mollie_WC_Exception_InvalidApiKey(__('Invalid API key. The API key must start with \'live_\' or \'test_\' and can\'t further contain any special characters.', 'mollie-payments-for-woocommerce')); } if (empty(self::$api_client)) { $client = new Mollie_API_Client(); $client->setApiKey($api_key); $client->setApiEndpoint(self::getApiEndpoint()); $client->addVersionString('WordPress/' . (isset($wp_version) ? $wp_version : 'Unknown')); $client->addVersionString('WooCommerce/' . get_option('woocommerce_version', 'Unknown')); $client->addVersionString('MollieWoo/' . Mollie_WC_Plugin::PLUGIN_VERSION); self::$api_client = $client; } return self::$api_client; }
/** * @param NULL|string $key * * @return Mollie_API_Client * @throws Mollie_API_Exception */ public function _getMollieAPI($key = NULL) { $this->_setAutoLoader(); $key = $key === NULL ? $this->getApiKey() : $key; $api = new Mollie_API_Client(); $api->setApiKey($key); $api->addVersionString('Magento/' . Mage::getVersion()); $api->addVersionString('MollieMagento/' . $this->getExtensionVersion()); return $api; }
/** * @param null|string $key * @return Mollie_API_Client * @throws Mollie_API_Exception */ public function _getMollieAPI($key = null) { $this->_setAutoLoader(); $key = $key === null ? $this->getApiKey() : $key; $api = new Mollie_API_Client(); $api->setApiKey($key); $api->addVersionString('Magento/' . Mage::getVersion()); $api->addVersionString('MollieMagento/' . self::PLUGIN_VERSION); return $api; }