public function preRender($template_buffer, $template_name, &$data) { if ($this->template != 'setting/store_form.tpl') { return parent::preRender($template_buffer, $template_name, $data); } // add support for the Google site verification field $this->load->language('setting/store'); $data['entry_google_site_verification'] = $this->language->get('entry_google_site_verification'); if (isset($this->request->post['config_google_site_verification'])) { $data['config_google_site_verification'] = $this->request->post['config_google_site_verification']; } elseif (isset($store_info['config_google_site_verification'])) { $data['config_google_site_verification'] = $store_info['config_google_site_verification']; } else { $data['config_google_site_verification'] = ''; } // add the Google site verification field to the template file $add = ' <div class="form-group">' . "\n"; $add .= ' <label class="col-sm-2 control-label" for="input-google-site-verification"><?php echo $entry_google_site_verification; ?></label>' . "\n"; $add .= ' <div class="col-sm-10">' . "\n"; $add .= ' <input type="text" name="config_google_site_verification" value="<?php echo $config_google_site_verification; ?>" placeholder="<?php echo $entry_google_site_verification; ?>" id="input-google_site_verification" class="form-control" />' . "\n"; $add .= ' </div>' . "\n"; $add .= ' </div>' . "\n"; $this->load->helper('modifier'); $template_buffer = Modifier::modifyStringBuffer($template_buffer, '<textarea name="config_meta_description"', $add, 'after', 2); return parent::preRender($template_buffer, $template_name, $data); }
public static function getByCustomization($id) { global $db; //get customization from database $customizationSQL = "SELECT * FROM customizations WHERE customizationid=?"; $values = array($id); $customization = $db->qwv($customizationSQL, $values); //get modifier from database $modifierSQL = "SELECT * FROM modifiers WHERE modifierid=?"; $values = array($customization[0]['modifierid']); $modifier = $db->qwv($modifierSQL, $values); return Modifier::wrap($modifier); }
protected function preRender($templateBuffer) { if ($this->template != 'common/header.tpl') { return parent::preRender($templateBuffer); } if (!$this->user->isLogged() || !isset($this->request->get['token']) || !isset($this->session->data['token']) || $this->request->get['token'] != $this->session->data['token']) { return parent::preRender($templateBuffer); } // add the additional controller variables for the export menu $this->data['text_export'] = $this->language->get('text_export'); $this->data['export'] = $this->url->link('tool/export', 'token=' . $this->session->data['token'], 'SSL'); // add the export menus to the header $this->load->helper('modifier'); $search = '<li><a href="<?php echo $backup; ?>"><?php echo $text_backup; ?></a></li>'; $add = ' <li><a href="<?php echo $export; ?>"><?php echo $text_export; ?></a></li>' . "\n"; $templateBuffer = Modifier::modifyStringBuffer($templateBuffer, $search, $add, 'after'); return parent::preRender($templateBuffer); }
public function __get($var) { if( $var == 'order_item' ) { return Order_Item::getByID($this->order_itemid); } elseif( $var == 'modifier' ) { return Modifier::getByID($this->modifierid); } elseif( $var == 'ingredient' ) { return Ingredient::getByID($this->ingredientid); } else { return $this->$var; } }
/** @inheritdoc */ public static function calculateValue($modifierName, $modifierParams, $value, $params = array()) { switch ($modifierName) { case 'replace': $default = Util::lavnn('default', $modifierParams, ''); $fallback = Util::lavnn('fallback', $modifierParams, ''); $value = Util::lavnn($fallback, $params, $default); break; case "checked": $value = $value == '1' ? 'checked' : ''; break; case "fixbool": $value = (bool) $value; break; case 'round': $value = round($value, Util::lavnn('digits', $modifierParams, 0)); break; case 'money': $value = round($value, 2); break; case 'date': $value = date('d.m.Y H:i:s', $value); break; case 'thousands': // @TODO make it configurable from locale. so far usable only for admin purposes $value = number_format($value, 0, '', '.'); break; case 'checkboxvalue': $avalue = $value ? 'checked="checked"' : ''; break; default: $value = parent::calculateValue($modifierName, $modifierParams, $value, $params); break; } return $value; }
public function testImportRecursive() { $this->fenom->compile('macro_recursive_import.tpl'); $this->fenom->flush(); $tpl = $this->fenom->getTemplate('macro_recursive.tpl'); $this->assertSame("10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10", Modifier::strip($tpl->fetch(array()), true)); }
/** * Add modifier fields for this order, such as Shipping fields. * * @param Array $fields Array of fields * @param OrderFormValidator $validator Checkout form validator * @param Order $order The current order */ private function addModifierFields(&$fields, &$validator, $order) { foreach (Modifier::combined_form_fields($order) as $field) { if ($field->modifiesSubTotal()) { $fields['SubTotalModifiers'][] = $field; } else { $fields['Modifiers'][] = $field; } } }
/** * Returns a string describing this <code>Field</code>. The format is * the access modifiers for the field, if any, followed * by the field type, followed by a space, followed by * the fully-qualified name of the class declaring the field, * followed by a period, followed by the name of the field. * For example: * <pre> * public static final int java.lang.Thread.MIN_PRIORITY * private int * </pre> * * <p>The modifiers are placed in canonical order as specified by * "The Java Language Specification". This is <tt>public</tt>, * <tt>protected</tt> or <tt>private</tt> first, and then other * modifiers in the following order: <tt>static</tt>, <tt>final</tt>, * <tt>transient</tt>, <tt>volatile</tt>. * * @return string */ public function toString() { $mod = $this->getModifiers(); return ($mod == 0 ? "" : Modifier::toString(mod) + " ") + $this->getTypeName($this->getType()) + " " + $this->getTypeName($this->getDeclaringClass()) + "." + $this->getName(); }
/** @inheritdoc */ public static function calculateValue($modifierName, $modifierParams, $value, $params = array()) { switch ($modifierName) { case 'tag': return '{{' . $value . '}}'; break; case "lowercase": $value = strtolower($value); break; case "uppercase": $value = strtoupper($value); break; case "trim": $value = trim($value); break; case "length": $value = strlen($value); break; case "wordcount": //$value = str_word_count($value, 0, '/[\p{C}\p{S}\p{Z}]+/'); // does not work with utf-8 $value = str_replace("", '', $value); // soft hyphen encoded in UTF-8 $value = preg_match_all('~[\\p{L}\'\\-]+~u', $value); break; case "htmlentities": $value = htmlentities($value); break; case "zero": if ($value == '') { $value = 0; } break; case "shortener": $wordCount = Util::lavnn('words', $modifierParams, 0); $charCount = Util::lavnn('chars', $modifierParams, 0); $value = TextUtil::shorten($value, $wordCount, $charCount); break; case "split": $delimiter = Util::lavnn('delimiter', $modifierParams, ''); $value = explode(Processor::glueDecoder($delimiter), $value); break; case "if": if (!self::applyIf($modifierParams, $value, $params)) { return ''; } break; case "ifempty": $default = Util::lavnn('default', $modifierParams, ''); $fallback = Util::lavnn('fallback', $modifierParams, ''); if ($value != '') { return $value; } elseif ($fallback != '') { // @TODO fallback is now on top level of $params. make it findable in the tree return Util::lavnn($fallback, $params, $default); } else { return $default; } break; case "ifnotempty": if (is_null($value) || $value == '') { return ''; } break; case 'replace': $default = Util::lavnn('default', $modifierParams, ''); $fallback = Util::lavnn('fallback', $modifierParams, ''); $value = $fallback == '' ? $default : Util::lavnn($fallback, $params, $default); break; case "dbsafe": $value = TextUtil::dbsafe($value); break; case "jssafe": $value = TextUtil::jssafe($value); break; case "htmlsafe": $value = TextUtil::htmlsafe($value); break; case "urlencode": $value = urlencode($value); break; case "fixfloat": $value = floatval($value); break; case "fixint": $value = intval($value); break; case "fixbool": $value = (bool) $value; break; case 'rsstime': $value = date('D, d M Y H:i:s O', strtotime($value)); break; case 'dbdate': // Convert date from current locale format to DB-suitable format if ($value != '') { $value = DateTimeUtil::DateTimeToDB($value, Util::lavnn('time', $modifierParams, 'now')); } break; case 'date': // Convert database-formatted datetime into user favourite locale, without time if ($value != '') { $utcDate = date_create_from_format('Y-m-d H:i:s', $value); if (!$utcDate) { $value = date($_SESSION['formats']['date_php'], strtotime($value)); } else { $offset = Util::lavnn('timezoneOffset', $_SESSION, 0); $localDate = $utcDate->modify("+{$offset} minutes"); // fixing the timezone offset can change the date $value = $localDate->format($_SESSION['formats']['date_php']); } } break; case 'time': // Convert database-formatted datetime into user favourite locale, without date if ($value != '') { $utcDate = date_create_from_format('Y-m-d H:i:s', $value); if (!$utcDate) { $value = date($_SESSION['formats']['time_php'], strtotime($value)); } else { $offset = Util::lavnn('timezoneOffset', $_SESSION, 0); $localDate = $utcDate->modify("+{$offset} minutes"); $value = $localDate->format($_SESSION['formats']['time_php']); } } break; case 'datetime': // Convert database-formatted datetime into user current locale, using time if ($value != '') { $utcDate = date_create_from_format('Y-m-d H:i:s', $value); if (!$utcDate) { $value = date($_SESSION['formats']['datetime_php'], strtotime($value)); } else { $offset = Util::lavnn('timezoneOffset', $_SESSION, 0); $localDate = $utcDate->modify("+{$offset} minutes"); $value = $localDate->format($_SESSION['formats']['datetime_php']); } } break; case 'timestamp': if ($value != '') { $value = strtotime($value); } break; case "fixurl": $value = $value == '' ? '#' : (substr($value, 0, 4) != 'http' ? 'http://' : '') . $value; break; case "nohtml": $value = strip_tags($value); break; case "htmlcomment": $value = "<!--{$value}-->"; break; case "dump": $value = print_r($value, 1); break; case 'unserialize': $value = $value == '' ? array() : json_decode($value, true); break; case 'loremipsum': $loremIpsum = array("Donec ullamcorper nulla non metus auctor fringilla.", "Vestibulum id ligula porta felis euismod semper.", "Praesent commodo cursus magna, vel scelerisque nisl consectetur.", "Fusce dapibus, tellus ac cursus commodo."); $value = $value == '' ? join(' ', $loremIpsum) : $value; break; case 'gravatar': $size = Util::lavnn('size', $modifierParams, 50); $email = md5(strtolower(trim($value))); $value = "{$email}?s=" . $size; break; default: $value = parent::calculateValue($modifierName, $modifierParams, $value, $params); break; } return $value; }
/** @inheritdoc */ public static function calculateValue($modifierName, $modifierParams, $value, $params = array()) { switch ($modifierName) { case "ifnotempty": case "stopifempty": if (count($value) == 0) { return ""; } break; case "ifempty": case "stopifnotempty": $default = Util::lavnn('default', $modifierParams, ''); if (count($value) != 0) { return ""; } elseif ($default != '') { return $default; } break; case "length": $value = count($value); break; case "first": $value = $value[0]; break; case "last": $value = $value[count($value)]; break; case "field": $fieldName = Util::lavnn('name', $modifierParams, ''); $value = Util::lavnn($fieldName, $value, ''); break; case "buildquerystring": $value = '?' . http_build_query($value); break; case "cutcolumn": $columnName = Util::lavnn('column', $params, ''); $output = array(); foreach ($value as $row) { $columnValue = Util::lavnn($columnName, $row, ''); if ($columnValue != '') { $output[$columnValue] = $columnValue; } } $value = $output; break; case "join": $glue = Util::lavnn('glue', $modifierParams, ''); $value = join(Processor::glueDecoder($glue), $value); break; case "joincolumn": $fieldName = Util::lavnn('field', $modifierParams, ''); $glue = Util::lavnn('glue', $modifierParams, ''); $rowValues = array(); foreach ($value as $row) { $fieldValue = $row[$fieldName] or ''; if ($fieldValue != '') { $rowValues[] = $row[$fieldName]; } } $value = join(Processor::glueDecoder($glue), $rowValues); break; case 'replace': $default = Util::lavnn('default', $modifierParams, ''); $fallback = Util::lavnn('fallback', $modifierParams, ''); $value = Util::lavnn($fallback, $params, $default); break; case "ksort": ksort($value); break; case "asort": asort($value); break; case "sort": sort($value); break; case "json": $value = json_encode($value); break; default: $value = parent::calculateValue($modifierName, $modifierParams, $value, $params); break; } return $value; }
/** * Returns the modifiers used in the section * * @return array */ public function getModifiers() { $lastIndent = null; $modifiers = array(); if ($modiferComment = $this->getModifiersComment()) { $modifierLines = explode("\n", $modiferComment); foreach ($modifierLines as $line) { if (empty($line)) { continue; } preg_match('/^\\s*/', $line, $matches); $indent = strlen($matches[0]); if ($lastIndent && $indent > $lastIndent) { $modifier = end($modifiers); $modifier->setDescription($modifier->getDescription() + trim($line)); } else { $lineParts = explode(' - ', $line); $name = trim(array_shift($lineParts)); $description = ''; if (!empty($lineParts)) { $description = trim(implode(' - ', $lineParts)); } $modifier = new Modifier($name, $description); // If the CSS has a markup, pass it to the modifier for the example HTML if ($markup = $this->getMarkup()) { $modifier->setMarkup($markup); } $modifiers[] = $modifier; } } } return $modifiers; }
/** @inheritdoc */ public static function calculateValue($modifierName, $modifierParams, $value, $params = array()) { return parent::calculateValue($modifierName, $modifierParams, $value, $params); }
/** * Add a new set of modifiers to current modifiers. If modifiers has already been * added for specific field, they will be overwritten. * @param Modifier $modifier modifier to merge into current object * @return Modifier */ public function mergeWith($modifier) { if (is_array($modifier)) { $modifier = new Modifier($modifier); } if (empty($modifier)) { return $this; } foreach ($modifier->getFields() as $fieldName => $rule) { $this->_fields[$fieldName] = $rule; } return $this; }