 public function getMappedMedbiqInstructionalMethod()
     return Models_Event_MapEventsEventType::fetchRowByEventTypeID($this->eventtype_id);
 if ($eventtype_organisation) {
     if ($eventtype->insert()) {
         // if creating a new eventtype we will need to delete the old one, then update all of the previously fetched events to the new one.
         $eventtype_id = $eventtype->getID();
         $eto = new Models_Event_EventTypeOrganisation(array("eventtype_id" => $PROCESSED["eventtype_id"], "organisation_id" => $ORGANISATION_ID));
         if (!$eto->delete()) {
             application_log("error", "An error occured while attempting to delete the organisation eventtype " . $eto->getEventTypeID() . " DB said: " . $db->ErrorMsg());
             add_error("An error while attempting to delete the organisation event type");
         } else {
             if (!$eto->insert()) {
                 application_log("error", "An error occured while attempting to insert the organisation eventtype " . $eto->getEventTypeID() . " DB said: " . $db->ErrorMsg());
                 add_error("An error while attempting to insert the organisation event type");
         $mapped_instructional_method = Models_Event_MapEventsEventType::fetchRowByEventTypeID($PROCESSED["eventtype_id"]);
         if ($mapped_instructional_method) {
         if (isset($PROCESSED["medbiq_instructional_method_id"])) {
             $mapped_method = new Models_Event_MapEventsEventType(array("fk_instructional_method_id" => $PROCESSED["medbiq_instructional_method_id"], "fk_eventtype_id" => $eventtype_id, "updated_date" => time(), "updated_by" => $ENTRADA_USER->getID()));
             if (!$mapped_method->insert()) {
                 application_log("error", "An error occured while attempting to insert the medbiq instructional method " . $mapped_method->getID() . " DB said: " . $db->ErrorMsg());
                 add_error("An error occured while attempting to save the selected medbiq instructional method " . $db->ErrorMsg());
         // we need a list of event_ids that are associated with this eventtype_id
         $query = "\tSELECT b.`event_id`, c.*\n                                    FROM `courses` AS a\n                                    LEFT JOIN `events` AS b\n                                    ON a.`course_id` = b.`course_id`\n                                    LEFT JOIN `event_eventtypes` AS c\n                                    ON b.`event_id` = c.`event_id`\n                                    WHERE a.`organisation_id` = " . $db->qstr($ORGANISATION_ID) . "\n                                    AND c.`eventtype_id` = " . $db->qstr($PROCESSED["eventtype_id"]);
         $events_list = $db->GetAssoc($query);
         if ($events_list) {
             foreach ($events_list as $event_id => $event) {