文件: tag.php 项目: ZerGabriel/cms-1
  * @param integer|Model_Page_Front $page_id
  * @param array $tags
 public static function save_by_page($page_id, $tags)
     if (is_string($tags)) {
         $tags = explode(Model_Tag::SEPARATOR, $tags);
     $tags = array_unique(array_map('trim', $tags));
     $current_tags = Model_Page_Tag::find_by_page($page_id);
     if ($page_id instanceof Model_Page_Front) {
         $page_id = $page_id->id();
     // no tag before! no tag now! ... nothing to do!
     if (empty($tags) and empty($current_tags)) {
         return NULL;
     // delete all tags
     if (empty($tags)) {
         // update count (-1) of those tags
         foreach ($current_tags as $tag) {
             DB::update(Model_Tag::tableName())->set(array('count' => DB::expr('count - 1')))->where('name', '=', $tag)->execute();
         Record::deleteWhere(self::tableName(), array('where' => array(array('page_id', '=', (int) $page_id))));
     } else {
         $old_tags = array_diff($current_tags, $tags);
         $new_tags = array_diff($tags, $current_tags);
         // insert all tags in the tag table and then populate the page_tag table
         foreach ($new_tags as $index => $tag_name) {
             if (empty($tag_name)) {
             $tag = Record::findOneFrom('Model_Tag', array('where' => array(array('name', '=', $tag_name))));
             // try to get it from tag list, if not we add it to the list
             if (!$tag instanceof Model_Tag) {
                 $tag = new Model_Tag(array('name' => trim($tag_name)));
             // create the relation between the page and the tag
             $page_tag = new Model_Page_Tag(array('page_id' => (int) $page_id, 'tag_id' => $tag->id));
         // remove all old tag
         foreach ($old_tags as $index => $tag_name) {
             // get the id of the tag
             $tag = Record::findOneFrom('Model_Tag', array('where' => array(array('name', '=', $tag_name))));
             Record::deleteWhere(self::tableName(), array('where' => array(array('page_id', '=', (int) $page_id), array('tag_id', '=', $tag->id))));
文件: Tag.php 项目: kstep/pnut
 private function saveTag(Model_Tag $tag, View_Html $view)
     if (isset($_REQUEST['save'])) {
         if (!($errors = $tag->validate())) {
             $view->redir('Admin_Tag', 'default', array('id' => $tag->getId()));
             return true;
         $view->errors = $errors;
     return false;
文件: tag.php 项目: rukku/SwiftRiver
  * Checks if a given tag already exists. 
  * The parameter $tag is a hash containing the tag name and type as below
  * E.g: $tag = array('tag_name' => 'bubba', tag_type => 'junk');
  * @param string $tag Has containing the tag name and tag type
  * @param bool $save Optionally saves the tag if does not exist
  * @return mixed Model_Tag if the tag exists, FALSE otherwise
 public static function get_tag_by_name($tag, $save = FALSE)
     $result = ORM::factory('tag')->where('tag', '=', $tag['tag_name'])->where('tag_type', '=', $tag['tag_type'])->find();
     if ($result->loaded()) {
         return $result;
     } elseif (!$result->loaded() and $save == TRUE) {
         try {
             // Save the tag
             $orm_tag = new Model_Tag();
             $orm_tag->tag = $tag['tag_name'];
             $orm_tag->tag_type = $tag['tag_type'];
             return $orm_tag->save();
         } catch (Database_Exception $e) {
             Kohana::$log->add(Log::ERROR, $e->getMessage());
             return FALSE;
     } else {
         return FALSE;
 public function action_index()
     require $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . "/application/vendor/vimeo/autoload.php";
     $client_id = '';
     $client_secret = '';
     $token = '';
     $token_secret = '';
     $vimeo = new \Vimeo\Vimeo($client_id, $client_secret, $token);
     $categories = $vimeo->request("/categories");
     foreach ($categories['body']['data'] as $category) {
         // $categoryArray = array('Animation', 'Arts & Design', 'Cameras & Techniques', 'Comedy', 'Documentary', 'Experimental', 'Fashion', 'Food', 'Instructionals', 'Music', 'Narrative', 'Personal', 'Reporting & Journalism', 'Sports', 'Talks'));
         // if (in_array($category['name'], $categoryArray)) {
         // 	continue;
         // }
         $categoryShortName = str_replace('/categories/', '', $category['uri']);
         for ($i = 1; $i <= 20; $i++) {
             echo 'page ' . $i . ' of ' . $category['uri'];
             $videos = $vimeo->request($category['uri'] . '/videos', array('sort' => 'plays', 'per_page' => 50, 'page' => $i));
             // echo '<pre>'; print_r($videos); echo '</pre>'; exit;
             foreach ($videos['body']['data'] as $video) {
                 // Prepares video data array
                 $videoSpecs['uri'] = $video['uri'];
                 $videoSpecs['name'] = $video['name'];
                 $videoSpecs['description'] = $video['description'];
                 $videoSpecs['link'] = $video['link'];
                 $videoSpecs['duration'] = $video['duration'];
                 $videoSpecs['width'] = $video['width'];
                 $videoSpecs['height'] = $video['height'];
                 $videoSpecs['create_time'] = $video['created_time'];
                 $videoSpecs['plays'] = $video['stats']['plays'];
                 $videoSpecs['likes'] = $video['metadata']['connections']['likes']['total'];
                 $videoSpecs['comments'] = $video['metadata']['connections']['comments']['total'];
                 if ($video['privacy']['embed'] === 'public') {
                     $videoSpecs['embeddable'] = true;
                 } else {
                     $videoSpecs['embeddable'] = false;
                 // Look for existing record
                 $videoOrm = ORM::factory('Video')->where('uri', '=', $video['uri'])->find_all()->as_array();
                 if (sizeOf($videoOrm) === 0) {
                     // Add record to DB if it doesn't exist
                     $videoRecord = new Model_Video();
                     $videoId = $videoRecord->id;
                     $videoOrm = ORM::factory('Video')->where('uri', '=', $video['uri'])->find();
                     // Populate tags table with video data
                     foreach ($video['tags'] as $tag) {
                         $tagRecord = new Model_Tag();
                         $tagRecord->values(array('video_id' => $videoId, 'name' => $tag['name']));
                 } else {
                     // Update record if it exists
                     $videoId = $videoOrm[0]->id;
                 // Populate categories table category data if that video and category association is not already stored
                 $categoryOrm = ORM::factory('Category')->where('video_id', '=', $videoId)->and_where('short_name', '=', $categoryShortName)->find_all();
                 if ($categoryOrm->count() === 0) {
                     $categoryRecord = new Model_Category();
                     $categoryRecord->values(array('video_id' => $videoId, 'name' => $category['name'], 'short_name' => $categoryShortName));