public function action_index()
     if (core::config('general.auto_locate')) {
         Theme::$scripts['footer'][] = '//';
         Theme::$scripts['footer'][] = '//';
     //template header
     $this->template->title = '';
     // $this->template->meta_keywords    = 'keywords';
     if (core::config('general.site_description') != '') {
         $this->template->meta_description = core::config('general.site_description');
     } else {
         $this->template->meta_description = core::config('general.site_name') . ' ' . __('official homepage, get your post listed now.');
     //setting main view/template and render pages
     // swith to decide on ads_in_home
     $ads = new Model_Ad();
     $ads->where('status', '=', Model_Ad::STATUS_PUBLISHED);
     $ads_in_home = core::config('advertisement.ads_in_home');
     //in case we do not count visits we cant show popular
     if (core::config('advertisement.count_visits') == 0 and $ads_in_home == 2) {
         $ads_in_home = 0;
     switch ($ads_in_home) {
         case 2:
             $id_ads = array_keys(Model_Visit::popular_ads());
             if (count($id_ads) > 0) {
                 $ads->where('id_ad', 'IN', $id_ads);
         case 1:
             $ads->where('featured', 'IS NOT', NULL)->where('featured', '>=', Date::unix2mysql())->order_by('featured', 'desc');
         case 4:
             $ads->where('featured', 'IS NOT', NULL)->where('featured', '>=', Date::unix2mysql())->order_by(DB::expr('RAND()'));
         case 0:
             $ads->order_by('published', 'desc');
     //if ad have passed expiration time dont show
     if (core::config('advertisement.expire_date') > 0) {
         $ads->where(DB::expr('DATE_ADD( published, INTERVAL ' . core::config('advertisement.expire_date') . ' DAY)'), '>', Date::unix2mysql());
     $ads = $ads->limit(Theme::get('num_home_latest_ads', 4))->cached()->find_all();
     $categs = Model_Category::get_category_count();
     $locats = Model_Location::get_location_count();
     $auto_locats = NULL;
     if (core::config('general.auto_locate') and Model_User::get_userlatlng()) {
         $auto_locats = new Model_Location();
         $auto_locats = $auto_locats->select(array(DB::expr('degrees(acos(sin(radians(' . $_COOKIE['mylat'] . ')) * sin(radians(`latitude`)) + cos(radians(' . $_COOKIE['mylat'] . ')) * cos(radians(`latitude`)) * cos(radians(abs(' . $_COOKIE['mylng'] . ' - `longitude`))))) * 111.321'), 'distance'))->where('latitude', 'IS NOT', NULL)->where('longitude', 'IS NOT', NULL)->having('distance', '<=', '100')->order_by('distance', 'desc')->find_all()->as_array();
     $this->template->bind('content', $content);
     $this->template->content = View::factory('pages/home', array('ads' => $ads, 'categs' => $categs, 'locats' => $locats, 'auto_locats' => $auto_locats));