  * Single drop restful api
 public function action_index()
     $this->template = "";
     if (!$this->admin) {
         throw new HTTP_Exception_403();
     switch ($this->request->method()) {
         case "POST":
             // Get the POST data
             $drops = json_decode($this->request->body(), TRUE);
             Kohana::$log->add(Log::DEBUG, ":count Drops received", array(':count' => count($drops)));
  * @covers Model_Droplet::get_unprocessed_droplets
 public function test_get_unprocessed_droplets()
     // Get the unprocessed items
     $unprocessed = Model_Droplet::get_unprocessed_droplets();
     // Verify that $unprocessed is an array
     // Verify that the items are ordered in ascending order
     if (count($unprocessed) > 1) {
         $_first = $unprocessed[0]->droplet_pub_date;
         $_last = end($unprocessed)->droplet_pub_date;
         // Compare the first and last items
         // The pub date of the first item should be earlier than that of the last item
         $this->assertLessThan(strtotime($_last), strtotime($_first), 'The droplets are not in descending order');
     // Garbage collection
  * Create a single new drop and publish new ones for meta extraction.
  * @return array
 public static function create_drop($drop)
     list($drops, $new_drops) = Model_Droplet::create_from_array(array($drop));
     if (!empty($new_drops)) {
         Swiftriver_Event::run('swiftriver.droplet.extract_metadata', $new_drops[0]);
     return $drops[0];
  * Gets droplets whose database id is above the specified minimum
  * @param int $user_id Logged in user id	
  * @param int $river_id Database ID of the river
  * @param int $since_id Lower limit of the droplet id
  * @return array
 public static function get_droplets_since_id($user_id, $river_id, $since_id, $filters = array(), $photos = FALSE)
     // Check the cache
     $request_hash = hash('sha256', $user_id . $river_id . $since_id . var_export($filters, TRUE) . ($photos ? 1 : 0));
     $cache_key = 'river_drops_since_' . $request_hash;
     // If the cache key is available (with default value set to FALSE)
     if ($droplets = Cache::instance()->get($cache_key, FALSE)) {
         return $droplets;
     $droplets = array('total' => 0, 'droplets' => array());
     $river_orm = ORM::factory('river', $river_id);
     if ($river_orm->loaded()) {
         $query = DB::select(array('droplets.id', 'id'), array('rivers_droplets.id', 'sort_id'), 'droplet_title', 'droplet_content', 'droplets.channel', 'identity_name', 'identity_avatar', array(DB::expr('DATE_FORMAT(droplets.droplet_date_pub, "%b %e, %Y %H:%i UTC")'), 'droplet_date_pub'), array('user_scores.score', 'user_score'), array('links.url', 'original_url'), 'comment_count')->from('droplets')->join('rivers_droplets', 'INNER')->on('rivers_droplets.droplet_id', '=', 'droplets.id')->join('identities', 'INNER')->on('droplets.identity_id', '=', 'identities.id')->where('droplets.processing_status', '=', Model_Droplet::PROCESSING_STATUS_COMPLETE)->where('rivers_droplets.river_id', '=', $river_id)->where('rivers_droplets.id', '>', $since_id);
         if ($photos) {
             $query->where('droplets.droplet_image', '>', 0);
         // Apply the river filters
         Model_Droplet::apply_droplets_filter($query, $filters, $user_id, $river_orm);
         // Left join for user scores
         $query->join(array('droplet_scores', 'user_scores'), 'LEFT')->on('user_scores.droplet_id', '=', DB::expr('droplets.id AND user_scores.user_id = ' . $user_id))->join('links', 'LEFT')->on('links.id', '=', 'droplets.original_url');
         // Group, order and limit
         $query->order_by('rivers_droplets.id', 'ASC')->limit(self::DROPLETS_PER_PAGE)->offset(0);
         $droplets['droplets'] = $query->execute()->as_array();
         // Encode content and title as utf8 in case they arent
         foreach ($droplets['droplets'] as &$droplet) {
         // Populate the metadata
         Model_Droplet::populate_metadata($droplets['droplets'], $river_orm->account_id);
     // Cache the drops
     if (!empty($droplets['droplets'])) {
         Cache::instance()->set($cache_key, $droplets);
     return $droplets;
  * Retrieves the list of droplets that matche the specified filters
  * @param array $filters Set of filters to apply to the droplets list
  * @param int $user_id ID of the user initiating the search
  * @param int $page Page number - for calculating the offset of the resultset
  * @param bool $photos - When TRUE, filter out only those droplets with photos
 public static function search($filters, $user_id, $page = 1, $photos = FALSE)
     $user_orm = ORM::factory('user', $user_id);
     $droplets = array();
     if ($user_orm->loaded()) {
         // Sanity check for the page number
         $page = empty($page) ? 1 : $page;
         // Build Buckets Query
         $query = DB::select(array('droplets.id', 'id'), array(DB::expr('UNIX_TIMESTAMP(droplets.droplet_date_add)'), 'sort_id'), 'droplet_title', 'droplet_content', 'droplets.channel', 'identity_name', 'identity_avatar', array(DB::expr('DATE_FORMAT(droplet_date_pub, "%b %e, %Y %H:%i UTC")'), 'droplet_date_pub'), array(DB::expr('SUM(all_scores.score)'), 'scores'), array('user_scores.score', 'user_score'))->from('droplets')->join('identities')->on('droplets.identity_id', '=', 'identities.id')->join(array('droplet_scores', 'all_scores'), 'LEFT')->on('all_scores.droplet_id', '=', 'droplets.id')->join(array('droplet_scores', 'user_scores'), 'LEFT')->on('user_scores.droplet_id', '=', DB::expr('droplets.id AND user_scores.user_id = ' . $user_id))->where('droplets.processing_status', '=', Model_Droplet::PROCESSING_STATUS_COMPLETE)->where('droplets.parent_id', '=', 0);
         self::apply_droplets_filter($query, $filters, $user_id);
         if ($photos) {
             $query->where('droplets.droplet_image', '>', 0);
         $query->group_by('droplets.id')->order_by('droplets.droplet_date_add', 'DESC')->limit(20)->offset(20 * ($page - 1));
         $droplets = $query->execute()->as_array();
         Model_Droplet::populate_metadata($droplets, $user_orm->account->id);
     return $droplets;
文件: base.php 项目: rukku/SwiftRiver
  * Replies restful api
 public function action_reply()
     $this->template = "";
     $this->auto_render = FALSE;
     $droplet_id = intval($this->request->param('id', 0));
     switch ($this->request->method()) {
         case "GET":
             $params = $this->request->query();
             if (isset($params['since_id'])) {
                 $since_id = intval($this->request->query('since_id'));
                 $comments = Model_Droplet::get_comments($droplet_id, $since_id, TRUE);
             } else {
                 $last_id = $this->request->query('last_id') ? intval($this->request->query('last_id')) : PHP_INT_MAX;
                 $comments = Model_Droplet::get_comments($droplet_id, $last_id);
                 if (empty($comments)) {
                     throw new HTTP_Exception_404('The requested page was not found on this server.');
             echo json_encode($comments);
         case "POST":
             // Is the logged in user an owner?
             if (!$this->owner) {
                 throw new HTTP_Exception_403();
             // Get the POST data
             $body = json_decode($this->request->body(), TRUE);
             $comment = ORM::factory('droplet_comment');
             $comment->comment_text = $body['comment_text'];
             $comment->droplet_id = intval($this->request->param('id', 0));
             $comment->user_id = $this->user->id;
             if ($comment->loaded()) {
                 echo json_encode(array('id' => $comment->id, 'droplet_id' => $comment->droplet_id, 'comment_text' => $comment->comment_text, 'identity_user_id' => $this->user->id, 'identity_name' => $this->user->name, 'identity_avatar' => Swiftriver_Users::gravatar($this->user->email, 80), 'deleted' => FALSE, 'date_added' => date_format(date_create($comment->date_added), 'M d, Y H:i') . ' UTC'));
             } else {
         case "PUT":
             $comment_id = intval($this->request->param('id2', 0));
             $comment = ORM::factory('droplet_comment', $comment_id);
             // Does the comment exist?
             if (!$comment->loaded()) {
                 throw new HTTP_Exception_404();
             // Is owner of the comment logged in?
             if ($comment->user->id != $this->user->id) {
                 throw new HTTP_Exception_403();
             $comment->deleted = TRUE;
  * Internal helper that performs the search and returns the results
  * to the invoking controller action
  * @param array $parameters An array of search parameters
  * @return array
 private function _handle_drops_search($parameters)
     // Get the page number for the request
     $page = (isset($parameters['page']) and intval($parameters['page']) > 0) ? intval($parameters['page']) : 1;
     // Array to store each of the search results items
     $results = array('droplets' => array(), 'page' => $page);
     $user_id = $this->user->id;
     // Query filters for the droplet fetch
     $query_filters = array('places' => array($this->search_term), 'tags' => array($this->search_term));
     // Check the search scope
     switch ($this->search_scope) {
         // Global search
         case 'all':
             // Get the droplets
             $results['droplets'] = Model_Droplet::search($query_filters, $user_id, $page, $this->photos);
             // River search
         // River search
         case 'river':
             // Get the river id
             $river_id = Cookie::get('search_item_id');
             $data = Model_River::get_droplets($user_id, $river_id, 0, $page, PHP_INT_MAX, 'DESC', $query_filters, $this->photos);
             $results['droplets'] = $data['droplets'];
             // Bucket search
         // Bucket search
         case 'bucket':
             // Get the bucket id
             $bucket_id = Cookie::get('search_item_id');
             // Get the droplets
             $data = Model_Bucket::get_droplets($user_id, $bucket_id, 0, $page, PHP_INT_MAX, $this->photos, $query_filters);
             $results['droplets'] = $data['droplets'];
     // Return
     return $results;