文件: TestStaff.php 项目: ptphp/ptphp
 function test_action_remove()
     $mobile = "18601628932";
     $stf_id = \Model_Admin_Staff::get_staff_id_by_mobile($mobile);
     if ($stf_id) {
         $res = $this->obj->action_remove($stf_id, "1");
     } else {
         throw new Exception("stf_id is null");
文件: revisit.php 项目: ptphp/ptphp
 static function list_rows($condition = array(), $pager = array(), $order = array())
     $sort_field = !in_array($order['sort_field'], array("id")) ? "id" : $order['sort_field'];
     $table = self::TABLE_REVISIT;
     $where = 'where 1= 1';
     $args = array();
     if (!empty($condition['client_id'])) {
         $where .= " and client_id = ?";
         $args[] = $condition['client_id'];
     //        if(!empty($condition['name'])){
     //            $where .= " and name like ?";
     //            $args[] = "%".$condition['name']."%";
     //        }
     $sort_type_tpl = array("ascend" => "asc", "descend" => "desc");
     $sort_type = !in_array($order['sort_type'], array_keys($sort_type_tpl)) ? "desc" : $sort_type_tpl[$order['sort_type']];
     $count_res = self::_db()->select_row("SELECT COUNT(id) AS total FROM {$table} {$where}", $args);
     $records = $count_res['total'];
     $page = $pager['page'];
     $limit = $pager['limit'];
     if ($records > 0) {
         $total_pages = ceil($records / $limit);
     } else {
         $total_pages = 1;
     $skip = ($page - 1) * $limit;
     $sql = "SELECT *,id as `key`  FROM {$table} {$where} ORDER BY {$sort_field} {$sort_type} LIMIT {$skip},{$limit} ";
     $rows = self::_db()->select_rows($sql, $args);
     foreach ($rows as &$row) {
         $op_uid = $row['op_uid'];
         $staff_info = Model_Admin_Staff::get_staff_info_by_uid_from_cache($op_uid);
         if ($staff_info) {
             $row['op_name'] = $staff_info['name'];
             $row['op_avatar'] = $staff_info['avatar'];
         } else {
             $row['op_name'] = "";
             $row['op_avatar'] = "";
     return array("total_pages" => $total_pages, "total" => $records, "rows" => $rows);
文件: order.php 项目: ptphp/ptphp
 static function list_rows($condition = array(), $pager = array(), $order = array())
     $sort_field = !in_array($order['sort_field'], array("id")) ? "id" : $order['sort_field'];
     $table = self::TABLE_ORDER;
     $where = 'where 1= 1';
     $args = array();
     if (!empty($condition['client_id'])) {
         $where .= " and client_id = ?";
         $args[] = $condition['client_id'];
     $sort_type_tpl = array("ascend" => "asc", "descend" => "desc");
     $sort_type = !in_array($order['sort_type'], array_keys($sort_type_tpl)) ? "desc" : $sort_type_tpl[$order['sort_type']];
     $count_res = self::_db()->select_row("SELECT COUNT(id) AS total FROM {$table} {$where}", $args);
     $records = $count_res['total'];
     $page = $pager['page'];
     $limit = $pager['limit'];
     if ($records > 0) {
         $total_pages = ceil($records / $limit);
     } else {
         $total_pages = 1;
     $skip = ($page - 1) * $limit;
     $sql = "SELECT *,id as `key`  FROM {$table} {$where} ORDER BY {$sort_field} {$sort_type} LIMIT {$skip},{$limit} ";
     $rows = self::_db()->select_rows($sql, $args);
     foreach ($rows as &$row) {
         $op_uid = $row['op_uid'];
         $staff_info = Model_Admin_Staff::get_staff_info_by_uid_from_cache($op_uid);
         if ($staff_info) {
             $row['op_name'] = $staff_info['name'];
             $row['op_avatar'] = $staff_info['avatar'];
         } else {
             $row['op_name'] = "";
             $row['op_avatar'] = "";
         $row['items'] = self::_db()->select_rows("select i.id as `key`,p.*,i.item_num as num,i.doct_uid,i.doct_name,i.appoint_time\n                  from crm_client_order_item as i\n                  left join crm_product as p on p.id = i.item_id\n                  where i.order_id = ?", $row['id']);
     return array("total_pages" => $total_pages, "total" => $records, "rows" => $rows);
文件: client.php 项目: ptphp/ptphp
 static function list_rows($condition = array(), $pager = array(), $order = array())
     $sort_field = !in_array($order['sort_field'], array("id", "name")) ? "id" : $order['sort_field'];
     $table = self::TABLE;
     $table_alias = "c";
     $sort_field = $table_alias . "." . $sort_field;
     $where = "where {$table_alias}.is_del = 0";
     $args = array();
     if (!empty($condition['name'])) {
         $where .= " and {$table_alias}.name like ?";
         $args[] = "%" . $condition['name'] . "%";
     if (!empty($condition['tel'])) {
         $where .= " and {$table_alias}.tel like ?";
         $args[] = "%" . $condition['tel'] . "%";
     if (!empty($condition['zxs_uid'])) {
         $where .= " and {$table_alias}.zxs_uid like ?";
         $args[] = "%" . $condition['zxs_uid'] . "%";
     if (!empty($condition['sjs_uid'])) {
         $where .= " and {$table_alias}.sjs_uid like ?";
         $args[] = "%" . $condition['sjs_uid'] . "%";
     if (!empty($condition['ys_uid'])) {
         $where .= " and {$table_alias}.ys_uid like ?";
         $args[] = "%" . $condition['ys_uid'] . "%";
     if (!empty($condition['area_id'])) {
         $where .= " and {$table_alias}.area_id = ?";
         $args[] = $condition['area_id'];
     if (!empty($condition['province_id'])) {
         $where .= " and {$table_alias}.province_id = ?";
         $args[] = $condition['province_id'];
     if (!empty($condition['store_id'])) {
         $where .= " and {$table_alias}.store_id = ?";
         $args[] = $condition['store_id'];
     if (!empty($condition['start_time'])) {
         $where .= " and {$table_alias}.add_time >= ?";
         $args[] = $condition['start_time'] . " 00:01";
     if (!empty($condition['end_time'])) {
         $where .= " and {$table_alias}.add_time <= ?";
         $args[] = $condition['end_time'] . " 23:59";
     $user_id = Model_Admin_Auth::get_user_id();
     if ($user_id > 0) {
         $uids = Model_Admin_Staff::get_sub_position_uids($user_id);
         $uids[] = $user_id;
         $where .= " and ({$table_alias}.op_uid in (" . implode(",", $uids) . ") or\n                             {$table_alias}.zxs_uid = ? or\n                             {$table_alias}.zxz_uid = ? or\n                             {$table_alias}.sjs_uid = ? or\n                             {$table_alias}.yl_uid = ? or\n                             {$table_alias}.sj_uid = ? or\n                             {$table_alias}.kef_uid = ? or\n                             {$table_alias}.ys_uid = ? or\n                                {$table_alias}.copyer like ?\n                             )";
         $args[] = $user_id;
         $args[] = $user_id;
         $args[] = $user_id;
         $args[] = $user_id;
         $args[] = $user_id;
         $args[] = $user_id;
         $args[] = $user_id;
         $args[] = "%|" . $user_id . "|%";
     $sort_type_tpl = array("ascend" => "asc", "descend" => "desc");
     $sort_type = !in_array($order['sort_type'], array_keys($sort_type_tpl)) ? "desc" : $sort_type_tpl[$order['sort_type']];
     $count_res = self::_db()->select_row("SELECT COUNT({$table_alias}.id) AS total FROM {$table} as {$table_alias} {$where}", $args);
     $records = $count_res['total'];
     $page = $pager['page'];
     $limit = $pager['limit'];
     if ($records > 0) {
         $total_pages = ceil($records / $limit);
     } else {
         $total_pages = 1;
     $skip = ($page - 1) * $limit;
     $sql = "SELECT {$table_alias}.*,{$table_alias}.id as `key`  FROM {$table} as {$table_alias} {$where} ORDER BY {$sort_field} {$sort_type} LIMIT {$skip},{$limit} ";
     $rows = self::_db()->select_rows($sql, $args);
     foreach ($rows as &$row) {
         $row['key'] = $row['id'];
         if ($row['store_id']) {
             $store_info = Model_Crm_Store::detail($row['store_id']);
             if ($store_info && $store_info['is_del'] == 0) {
                 $row['store_name'] = $store_info['name'];
                 $row['area_id'] = $store_info['area_id'];
                 $row['province_id'] = $store_info['province_id'];
             } else {
                 $row['store_name'] = "";
                 $row['area_id'] = "";
                 $row['province_id'] = "";
         } else {
             $row['area_id'] = "";
             $row['province_id'] = "";
             $row['store_name'] = "";
         $row['area_name'] = Model_Crm_Area::detail($row['area_id']);
         $row['province_name'] = Model_Province::detail($row['province_id']);
     return array("total_pages" => $total_pages, "total" => $records, "rows" => $rows);
文件: Staff.php 项目: ptphp/ptphp
 function action_update($id, $row)
     $table = self::table();
     $res = self::getSaveRow($row, false);
     $password = null;
     if (!empty($res['row']['mobile'])) {
         $mobile = $res['row']['mobile'];
         $staff = self::_db()->row("select mobile from {$table} where stf_id <> ? and mobile = ?", $id, $mobile);
         if ($staff) {
     if (!empty($res['row']['password'])) {
         $password = $res['row']['password'];
     self::_db()->update($table, $res['row'], array("stf_id" => $id));
     $auth_user = \Model_Admin_Staff::get_auth_user_by_stf_id($id);
     if ($password) {
         if ($auth_user) {
             $salt = $auth_user['salt'];
         } else {
             $salt = \Model_Admin_Auth::gen_salt();
         $password = \Model_Admin_Auth::gen_password($password, $salt);
         if ($auth_user) {
             $user_row = array("password" => $password);
             self::_db()->update(self::_table("user"), $user_row, array("user_id" => $auth_user['user_id']));
         } else {
             $table_user = self::_table("user");
             $user_mobile = self::_db()->row("select user_id from {$table_user} where mobile = ?", $res['row']['mobile']);
             if (!$user_mobile) {
                 $user_row = array("password" => $password, "salt" => $salt, "mobile" => $res['row']['mobile'], "add_time" => Utils::date_time_now());
                 $user_id = self::_db()->insert($table_user, $user_row);
             } else {
                 $user_id = $table_user['user_id'];
             self::_db()->insert(self::_table("staff_user"), array("stf_id" => $id, "user_id" => $user_id));
     if ($auth_user && !empty($res['row']['mobile'])) {
         $mobile = $res['row']['mobile'];
         self::_db()->update(self::_table("user"), array("mobile" => $mobile), array("user_id" => $auth_user['user_id']));
     return array("stf_id" => $id, "row" => self::get_detail($id));
文件: auth.php 项目: ptphp/ptphp
 static function get_role_id()
     $user_id = self::get_user_id();
     $staff_info = Model_Admin_Staff::detail_by_uid($user_id);
     return $staff_info && $staff_info['role_id'] ? $staff_info['role_id'] : 0;