$before->title = 'test'; $serialized = serialize($before); $conn->clear(); $conn->evictTables(); $after = unserialize($serialized); $t->is($after->title, 'test', '->unserialize() maintains field values on I18n records upon reset'); $article = new Article(); try { $article->setAuthor(new stdClass()); } catch (Exception $e) { $t->is($e->getMessage(), 'Couldn\'t call Doctrine_Core::set(), second argument should be an instance of Doctrine_Record or Doctrine_Null when setting one-to-one references.', 'Making sure proper exception message is thrown'); } $article = new Article(); $article->title = 'testing this out'; $serialized = serialize($article); $article = unserialize($serialized); $t->is($article->getTitle(), 'testing this out', 'Making sure getTitle() is still accessible after unserializing'); try { $test = new ModelWithNumberInColumn(); $test->getColumn_1(); $test->getColumn_2(); $test->getColumn__3(); $t->pass('Make sure __call() handles fields with *_(n) in the field name'); } catch (Exception $e) { $t->fail('__call() failed in sfDoctrineRecord'); }