/** * Run the database seeds. * * @return void */ public function run() { BaseModel::unguard(); $listImages = [['id' => 1, 'model_id' => 0, 'model' => '', 'filename' => 'test1.jpg', 'name' => 'Фотография 1', 'description' => 'Описание фотографии 1'], ['id' => 2, 'model_id' => 0, 'model' => '', 'filename' => 'test2.jpg', 'name' => 'Фотография 2', 'description' => 'Описание фотографии 2'], ['id' => 3, 'model_id' => 0, 'model' => '', 'filename' => 'test3.jpg', 'name' => 'Фотография 3', 'description' => 'Описание фотографии 3'], ['id' => 4, 'model_id' => 0, 'model' => '', 'filename' => 'test4.jpg', 'name' => 'Фотография 4', 'description' => 'Описание фотографии 4'], ['id' => 5, 'model_id' => 0, 'model' => '', 'filename' => 'test5.jpg', 'name' => 'Фотография 5', 'description' => 'Описание фотографии 5']]; $dataBase = ['act' => true, 'part' => '', 'user_id' => 0, 'sort' => 0]; DB::table('images')->truncate(); foreach ($listImages as $row) { Model\Image::create(array_merge($dataBase, $row)); } }
/** * Instantiate an Image from an image table id * @param int $imageId id of image to create an Image instance from * @return \Image */ public static function constructById($imageId) { $row = Model\Image::getImageById($imageId); if (isset($row['id'])) { $image = self::constructByRow($row); $image->setId($row['id']); return $image; } return null; }
/** * Create an array of Images associated with this Pet instance * @throws Exception */ public function loadImages() { $petId = 'pet:' . $this->id; $res = Model\Image::getImagesByPetId($petId); if ($res === false) { // log errors $msg = Core\Db::getErrorMessage(); error_log("\n" . date('Y-m-d H:i:s', time()) . ": " . $msg, 3, LOG_PATH . '/mysql_error_log'); throw new Exception($msg); } $this->images = array(); foreach ($res as $imageRow) { $this->images[] = Image::constructByRow($imageRow); } }