 * Zikula_View modifier to apply transform hooks
 * This modifier will run the transform hooks that are enabled for the
 * corresponding module (like Autolinks, bbclick and others).
 * Available parameters:
 *   - modname:  The well-known name of the calling module; passed to the hook function
 *               in the extrainfo array
 * Example
 *   {$MyVar|modcallhooks}
 * @param mixed  $string  The contents to transform.
 * @param string $modname Module name.
 * @return string The modified output.
function smarty_modifier_modcallhooks($string, $modname = '')
    LogUtil::log(__f('Warning! Template modifier {$var|%1$s} is deprecated.', array('modcallhooks')), E_USER_DEPRECATED);
    $extrainfo = array($string);
    if (!empty($modname)) {
        $extrainfo['module'] = $modname;
    list($string) = ModUtil::callHooks('item', 'transform', '', $extrainfo);
    return $string;
 * Zikula_View function call hooks
 * This function calls a specific module function.  It returns whatever the return
 * value of the resultant function is if it succeeds.
 * Note that in contrast to the API function modcallhooks you need not to load the
 * module with ModUtil::load.
 * Available parameters:
 * - 'hookobject' the object the hook is called for - either 'item' or 'category'
 * - 'hookaction' the action the hook is called for - one of 'create', 'delete', 'transform', or 'display'
 * - 'hookid'     the id of the object the hook is called for (module-specific)
 * - 'implode'    Implode collapses all display hooks into a single string.
 * - 'assign'     If set, the results are assigned to the corresponding variable instead of printed out
 * - all remaining parameters are passed to the ModUtil::callHooks API via the extrainfo array
 * Example
 * {modcallhooks hookobject='item' hookaction='modify' hookid=$tid $modname='ThisModule' $objectid=$tid}
 * @param array       $params All attributes passed to this function from the template.
 * @param Zikula_View $view   Reference to the Zikula_View object.
 * @see    function.modcallhooks.php::smarty_function_modcallhooks()
 * @return string The results of the module function.
function smarty_function_modcallhooks($params, $view)
    LogUtil::log(__f('Warning! Template plugin {%1$s} is deprecated, please use {%2$s} instead.', array('modcallhooks', 'notifydisplayhooks')), E_USER_DEPRECATED);

    $assign     = isset($params['assign'])     ? $params['assign']        : null;
    $hookid     = isset($params['hookid'])     ? $params['hookid']        : '';
    $hookaction = isset($params['hookaction']) ? $params['hookaction']    : null;
    $hookobject = isset($params['hookobject']) ? $params['hookobject']    : null;
    $implode    = isset($params['implode'])    ? (bool)$params['implode'] : true;

    // avoid sending these to ModUtil::callHooks

    if (!$hookobject) {
        $view->trigger_error(__f('Error! in %1$s: the %2$s parameter must be specified.', array('modcallhooks', 'hookobject')));
        return false;
    if (!$hookaction) {
        $view->trigger_error(__f('Error! in %1$s: the %2$s parameter must be specified.', array('modcallhooks', 'hookaction')));
        return false;
    if (!$hookid) {
        $hookid = '';
    // create returnurl if not supplied (= this page)
    if (!isset($params['returnurl']) || empty($params['returnurl'])) {
        $params['returnurl'] = str_replace('&', '&', 'http://' . System::getHost() . System::getCurrentUri());

    // if the implode flag is true then we must always assign the result to a template variable
    // outputing the erray is no use....
    if (!$implode) {
        $assign = 'hooks';

    $result = ModUtil::callHooks($hookobject, $hookaction, $hookid, $params, $implode);

    if ($assign) {
        $view->assign($assign, $result);
    } else {
        return $result;
  * Create a new event.
  * @param TimeIt_Model_Event $event                   Event to save.
  * @param boolean            $noRecurrenceCalculation Set to true to omit the recurrence calculation.
  * @return boolean true if the event create was successfull.
  * @throws InvalidArgumentException If $event is null.
 public function create(TimeIt_Model_Event $event, $noRecurrenceCalculation = false)
     if ($event == null) {
         throw new InvalidArgumentException('$event not set');
     if ($event->isValid()) {
     } else {
         return false;
     //TODO Workflows
     if (!isset($obj['__META__']['TimeIt']['recurrenceOnly']) || !$obj['__META__']['TimeIt']['recurrenceOnly']) {
         if (!$noRecurrenceCalculation) {
             $prozi = new TimeIt_Recurrence_Processor(new TimeIt_Recurrence_Output_DB(), $obj);
         // Let any hooks know that we have created a new item
         ModUtil::callHooks('item', 'create', $obj['id'], array('module' => 'TimeIt'));
     return true;
     * Create a new forum in database
     * @author	Albert Pï¿œrez Monfort (aperezm@xtec.cat)
     * @param:	args   Array with the forum properties
     * @return	true if success
    public function create($args) {
        $item = FormUtil::getPassedValue('item', isset($args['item']) ? $args['item'] : null, 'POST');
        // Security check
        if (!SecurityUtil::checkPermission('IWforums::', "::", ACCESS_ADMIN)) {
            throw new Zikula_Exception_Forbidden();

        //Needed arguments
        if ((!isset($item['nom_forum']))) {
            return LogUtil::registerError($this->__('Error! Could not do what you wanted. Please check your input.'));

        if (!DBUtil::insertObject($item, 'IWforums_definition', 'fid')) {
            return LogUtil::registerError($this->__('Error! Creation attempt failed.'));

        // Let any hooks know that we have created a new item
        ModUtil::callHooks('item', 'create', $item['fid'],
                        array('module' => 'IWforums'));

        return $item['fid'];
文件: zrc.php 项目: Silwereth/core
 public function deleteBlock($bid)
     // Ensure that $bid is 1 or higher.
     if (!is_numeric($bid) || $bid < 1) {
         $this->setError(__('Block ID Invalid'));
         return false;
     // Ensure block exists.
     if (!BlockUtil::getBlockInfo($bid)) {
         $this->setError(__('No Such Block Exists'));
         return false;
     // Delete block placements for this block.
     if (!DBUtil::deleteObjectByID('block_placements', $bid, 'bid')) {
         $this->setError(__('Block Placements Not Removed'));
         return false;
     // Delete the block itself.
     if (!DBUtil::deleteObjectByID('blocks', $bid, 'bid')) {
         $this->setError(__('Block Not Deleted'));
         return false;
     // Let other modules know we have deleted an item.
     ModUtil::callHooks('item', 'delete', $bid, array('module' => 'Blocks'));
     // Success.
     return true;
  * Call system hooks.
  * Implements 'core.postinit' event.
  * This is just here for legacy systeminit hooks.
  * @param Zikula_Event $event The event handler.
  * @return void
 public function systemHooks(Zikula_Event $event)
     if (!System::isInstalling() && System::isLegacyMode()) {
         // call system init hooks
         $systeminithooks = FormUtil::getPassedValue('systeminithooks', 'yes', 'GETPOST');
         if (SecurityUtil::checkPermission('::', '::', ACCESS_ADMIN) && (isset($systeminithooks) && $systeminithooks == 'no')) {
             // omit system hooks if requested by an administrator
         } else {
             ModUtil::callHooks('zikula', 'systeminit', 0, array('module' => 'zikula'));
     * Update a menu item
     * @author:     Albert Pérez Monfort (aperezm@xtec.cat)
     * @param:  args   id of the item to update
     * @return: True if success
    public function updateIcon($args) {
        // Security check
        if (!SecurityUtil::checkPermission('IWmenu::', '::', ACCESS_ADMIN)) {
            return LogUtil::registerPermissionError();

        // Needed arguments.
        if (!isset($args['mid'])) {
            return LogUtil::registerError($this->__('Error! Could not do what you wanted. Please check your input.'));

        //Cridem la funció get que retorna les dades
        $item = ModUtil::apiFunc('IWmenu', 'admin', 'get',
                        array('mid' => $args['mid']));
        if (!$item) {
            return LogUtil::registerError($this->__('No such item found.'));

        $items = array('icon' => $args['icon']);

        $pntable = & DBUtil::getTables();

        $c = $pntable['IWmenu_column'];
        $where = "$c[mid]=" . $args['mid'];

        if (!DBUtil::updateObject($items, 'IWmenu', $where, 'mid')) {
            return LogUtil::registerError($this->__('Error! Update attempt failed.'));

        // Let any hooks know that we have updated an item.
        ModUtil::callHooks('item', 'update', $items['mid'],
                        array('module' => 'IWmenu'));

        // Let the calling process know that we have finished successfully
        return true;
  * Formats an event.
  * @param array $args Event.
  * @return array
  * @throws InvalidArgumentException In case of invalid parameters.
 function getEventPreformat($args)
     if (!isset($args['obj']) || empty($args['obj'])) {
         throw new InvalidArgumentException('$obj arg not set');
     $obj =& $args['obj'];
     //process text format
     if (substr($obj['text'], 0, 11) == "#plaintext#") {
         $obj['text'] = substr_replace($obj['text'], "", 0, 11);
         $obj['text'] = nl2br($obj['text']);
     // hooks
     if (!isset($args['noHooks']) || $args['noHooks'] == false) {
         $obj['text'] = ModUtil::callHooks('item', 'transform', '', array($obj['text']));
         $obj['text'] = $obj['text'][0];
     // repeats
     if ($obj['repeatType'] == 2) {
         $temp = explode(' ', $obj['repeatSpec']);
         $obj['repeat21'] = $temp[0];
         $obj['repeat22'] = $temp[1];
     // split duration
     $obj['allDayDur'] = explode(',', $obj['allDayDur']);
     // set username
     $obj['cr_name'] = UserUtil::getVar('uname', (int) $obj['cr_uid']);
     $obj['cr_datetime'] = DateUtil::getDatetime(strtotime($obj['cr_date']), "datetimebrief");
     // set group name
     if ($obj['group'] == 'all') {
         $obj['group_name'] = 'all';
     } else {
         $groupNames = array();
         foreach (explode(',', $obj['group']) as $grpId) {
             $groupObj = UserUtil::getPNGroup((int) $grpId);
             $groupNames[] = $groupObj['name'];
         $obj['group_name'] = $groupNames;
     return $obj;
     * Create a new topic in database
     * @author:	Albert Pérez Monfort (aperezm@xtec.cat)
     * @param:	Topic information
     * @return:	identity of the topic created if success and false otherwise
    public function crear_tema($args) {
        $fid = FormUtil::getPassedValue('fid', isset($args['fid']) ? $args['fid'] : null, 'POST');
        $descriu = FormUtil::getPassedValue('descriu', isset($args['descriu']) ? $args['descriu'] : '', 'POST');
        $titol = FormUtil::getPassedValue('titol', isset($args['titol']) ? $args['titol'] : null, 'POST');

        // Security check
        if (!SecurityUtil::checkPermission('IWforums::', '::', ACCESS_READ)) {
            return LogUtil::registerPermissionError();

        // Needed argument
        if (!isset($fid) || !is_numeric($fid) || !isset($titol)) {
            return LogUtil::registerError($this->__('Error! Could not do what you wanted. Please check your input.'));

        //check if user can access the forum
        $access = ModUtil::func('IWforums', 'user', 'access', array('fid' => $fid));
        if ($access < 3) {
            return LogUtil::registerError($this->__('You can\'t access the forum'));

        $item = array('fid' => $fid,
            'titol' => $titol,
            'usuari' => UserUtil::getVar('uid'),
            'descriu' => $descriu,
            'data' => time());

        if (!DBUtil::insertObject($item, 'IWforums_temes', 'ftid')) {
            return LogUtil::registerError($this->__('Error! Creation attempt failed.'));

        // Let any hooks know that we have created a new item
        ModUtil::callHooks('item', 'create', $item['ftid'], array('module' => 'IWforums'));

        return $item['ftid'];
 * update a Admin_Messages item
 * @author Mark West
 * @param int $args['mid'] the ID of the item
 * @param sting $args['title'] title of the admin message
 * @param string $args['content'] text of the admin message
 * @param string $args['language'] the language of the message
 * @param int $args['active'] activation status of the message
 * @param int $args['expire'] expiry date of the message
 * @param int $args['view'] who can view the message
 * @return bool true if successful, false otherwise
function Admin_Messages_adminapi_update($args)
    $dom = ZLanguage::getModuleDomain('Admin_Messages');
    // Argument check
    if (!isset($args['mid']) || !isset($args['title']) || !isset($args['content']) || !isset($args['language']) || !isset($args['active']) || !isset($args['expire']) || !isset($args['oldtime']) || !isset($args['changestartday']) || !isset($args['view'])) {
        return LogUtil::registerArgsError();
    // Get the existing admin message
    $item = ModUtil::apiFunc('Admin_Messages', 'user', 'get', array('mid' => $args['mid']));
    if ($item == false) {
        return LogUtil::registerError(__('Sorry! No such item found.', $dom));
    // Security check
    if (!SecurityUtil::checkPermission('Admin_Messages::', "{$item['title']}::{$args['mid']}", ACCESS_EDIT)) {
        return LogUtil::registerPermissionError();
    // check value of change start day to today and set time
    if ($args['changestartday'] == 1) {
        $time = time();
    } else {
        $time = $args['oldtime'];
    // check for an invalid expiry
    if ($args['expire'] < 0) {
        $expire = 0;
    // create the item array
    $item = array('mid' => $args['mid'], 'title' => $args['title'], 'content' => $args['content'], 'language' => $args['language'], 'active' => $args['active'], 'view' => $args['view']);
    // add some additional modified values
    $args['expire'] = $args['expire'] * 86400;
    // turns days into seconds
    $args['date'] = $time;
    if (!DBUtil::updateObject($args, 'message', '', 'mid')) {
        return LogUtil::registerError(__('Error! Could not save your changes.'));
    // New hook functions
    ModUtil::callHooks('item', 'update', $args['mid'], array('module' => 'Admin_Messages'));
    // The item has been modified, so we clear all cached pages of this item.
    $view = Zikula_View::getInstance('Admin_Messages');
    $view->clear_cache(null, UserUtil::getVar('uid'));
    // Let the calling process know that we have finished successfully
    return true;
 * Carry out hook operations for module.
 * @deprecated
 * @see ModUtil::callHooks()
 * @param string  $hookobject The object the hook is called for - one of 'item', 'category' or 'module'.
 * @param string  $hookaction The action the hook is called for - one of 'new', 'create', 'modify', 'update', 'delete', 'transform', 'display', 'modifyconfig', 'updateconfig'.
 * @param integer $hookid     The id of the object the hook is called for (module-specific).
 * @param array   $extrainfo  Extra information for the hook, dependent on hookaction.
 * @param boolean $implode    Implode collapses all display hooks into a single string - default to true for compatability with .7x.
 * @return string|array String output from GUI hooks, extrainfo array for API hooks.
function pnModCallHooks($hookobject, $hookaction, $hookid, $extrainfo = array(), $implode = true)
    LogUtil::log(__f('Warning! Function %1$s is deprecated. Please use %2$s instead.', array(__FUNCTION__, 'ModUtil::callHooks()')), E_USER_DEPRECATED);
    return ModUtil::callHooks($hookobject, $hookaction, $hookid, $extrainfo, $implode);
  * Remove a module.
  * @param array $args All parameters sent to this function.
  *                      numeric $args['id']                 The id of the module.
  *                      boolean $args['removedependents']   Remove any modules dependent on this module (default: false).
  *                      boolean $args['interactive_remove'] Whether to operat in interactive mode or not.
  * @return boolean True on success, false on failure.
 public function remove($args)
     // Argument check
     if (!isset($args['id']) || !is_numeric($args['id'])) {
         return LogUtil::registerArgsError();
     if (!isset($args['removedependents']) || !is_bool($args['removedependents'])) {
         $removedependents = false;
     } else {
         $removedependents = true;
     // Security check
     if (!SecurityUtil::checkPermission('Extensions::', '::', ACCESS_ADMIN)) {
         return LogUtil::registerPermissionError();
     // Get module information
     $modinfo = ModUtil::getInfo($args['id']);
     if (empty($modinfo)) {
         return LogUtil::registerError($this->__('Error! No such module ID exists.'));
     switch ($modinfo['state']) {
         case ModUtil::STATE_NOTALLOWED:
             return LogUtil::registerError($this->__f('Error! No permission to upgrade %s.', $modinfo['name']));
     $osdir = DataUtil::formatForOS($modinfo['directory']);
     $modpath = $modinfo['type'] == ModUtil::TYPE_SYSTEM ? 'system' : 'modules';
     $oomod = ModUtil::isOO($modinfo['name']);
     if ($oomod) {
         ZLoader::addAutoloader($osdir, "{$modpath}/{$osdir}/lib");
     $version = Extensions_Util::getVersionMeta($osdir, $modpath);
     $bootstrap = "{$modpath}/{$osdir}/bootstrap.php";
     if (file_exists($bootstrap)) {
         include_once $bootstrap;
     if ($modinfo['type'] == ModUtil::TYPE_MODULE) {
         if (is_dir("modules/{$osdir}/locale")) {
     // call any module delete hooks
     if (System::isLegacyMode() && !$oomod) {
         ModUtil::callHooks('module', 'remove', $modinfo['name'], array('module' => $modinfo['name']));
     // Get module database info
     ModUtil::dbInfoLoad($modinfo['name'], $osdir);
     // Module deletion function. Only execute if the module is initialised.
     if ($modinfo['state'] != ModUtil::STATE_UNINITIALISED) {
         if (!$oomod && file_exists($file = "{$modpath}/{$osdir}/pninit.php")) {
             if (!(include_once $file)) {
                 LogUtil::registerError($this->__f("Error! Could not load a required file: '%s'.", $file));
         if ($oomod) {
             $className = ucwords($modinfo['name']) . '_Installer';
             $reflectionInstaller = new ReflectionClass($className);
             if (!$reflectionInstaller->isSubclassOf('Zikula_AbstractInstaller')) {
                 LogUtil::registerError($this->__f("%s must be an instance of Zikula_AbstractInstaller", $className));
             $installer = $reflectionInstaller->newInstanceArgs(array($this->serviceManager));
             $interactiveClass = ucwords($modinfo['name']) . '_Controller_Interactiveinstaller';
             $interactiveController = null;
             if (class_exists($interactiveClass)) {
                 $reflectionInteractive = new ReflectionClass($interactiveClass);
                 if (!$reflectionInteractive->isSubclassOf('Zikula_Controller_AbstractInteractiveInstaller')) {
                     LogUtil::registerError($this->__f("%s must be an instance of Zikula_Controller_AbstractInteractiveInstaller", $className));
                 $interactiveController = $reflectionInteractive->newInstance($this->serviceManager);
         // perform the actual deletion of the module
         $func = $oomod ? array($installer, 'uninstall') : $modinfo['name'] . '_delete';
         $interactive_func = $oomod ? array($interactiveController, 'uninstall') : $modinfo['name'] . '_init_interactivedelete';
         // allow bypass of interactive removal during a new installation only.
         if (System::isInstalling() && is_callable($interactive_func) && !is_callable($func)) {
             // return void here
         if (isset($args['interactive_remove']) && $args['interactive_remove'] == false && is_callable($interactive_func)) {
             if (is_array($interactive_func)) {
                 // This must be an OO controller since callable is an array.
                 // Because interactive installers extend the Zikula_AbstractController, is_callable will always return true because of the __call()
                 // so we must check if the method actually exists by reflection - drak
                 if ($reflectionInteractive->hasMethod('upgrade')) {
                     SessionUtil::setVar('interactive_remove', true);
                     return call_user_func($interactive_func);
             } else {
                 // tnis is enclosed in the else so that if both conditions fail, execution will pass onto the non-interactive execution below.
                 SessionUtil::setVar('interactive_remove', true);
                 return call_user_func($interactive_func);
         // non-interactive
         if (is_callable($func)) {
             if (call_user_func($func) != true) {
                 return false;
     // Remove variables and module
     // Delete any module variables that the module cleanup function might
     // have missed
     DBUtil::deleteObjectByID('module_vars', $modinfo['name'], 'modname');
     // clean up any hooks activated for this module
     if (System::isLegacyMode()) {
         DBUtil::deleteObjectByID('hooks', $modinfo['name'], 'tmodule');
     if ($oomod) {
     // remove the entry from the modules table
     if ($this->serviceManager['multisites.enabled'] == 1) {
         // who can access to the mainSite can delete the modules in any other site
         $canDelete = $this->serviceManager['multisites.mainsiteurl'] == FormUtil::getPassedValue('sitedns', null, 'GET') && $this->serviceManager['multisites.based_on_domains'] == 0 || $this->serviceManager['multisites.mainsiteurl'] == $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] && $this->serviceManager['multisites.based_on_domains'] == 1 ? 1 : 0;
         //delete the module infomation only if it is not allowed, missign or invalid
         if ($canDelete == 1 || $modinfo['state'] == ModUtil::STATE_NOTALLOWED || $modinfo['state'] == ModUtil::STATE_MISSING || $modinfo['state'] == ModUtil::STATE_INVALID) {
             // remove the entry from the modules table
             DBUtil::deleteObjectByID('modules', $args['id'], 'id');
         } else {
             //set state as uninnitialised
             ModUtil::apiFunc('modules', 'admin', 'setstate', array('id' => $args['id'], 'state' => ModUtil::STATE_UNINITIALISED));
     } else {
         DBUtil::deleteObjectByID('modules', $args['id'], 'id');
     $event = new Zikula_Event('installer.module.uninstalled', null, $modinfo);
     return true;
     * Modify a reference from database
     * @param    $args['pid']			Id of the reference that has to be modified
     * @param    $args['ref']			Reference of the item
     * @param    $args['url']			URL website
     * @param    $args['description']	Reference description
     * @param    $args['scrolls']		The iframe show the scrolls
      1	- Yes (auto)
      0	- No
     * @param    $args['width']			Width of the iframe
     * @param    $args['height']		Height of the iframe
     * @param    $args['widthunit']		Unit used in the width specified
      %	- percentual
      px	- pixels
     * @return   mixed                  FAQ ID on success, false on failure
    public function update($args) {
        // Argument check
        if (!isset($args['ref']) || !isset($args['url'])) {
            return LogUtil::registerError($this->__('Error! Could not do what you wanted. Please check your input.'));

        $args['scrolls'] = ($args['scrolls'] == 'on') ? '1' : '0';

        // Get the current faq
        $item = ModUtil::apiFunc('IWwebbox', 'user', 'get', array('pid' => $args['pid']));

        if (!$item) {
            return LogUtil::registerError($this->__('No such item found.'));

        // Security check.
        if (!SecurityUtil::checkPermission('IWwebbox::', "$args[pid]::", ACCESS_EDIT)) {
            return LogUtil::registerPermissionError();

        if (!DBUtil::updateObject($args, 'IWwebbox', '', 'pid')) {
            return LogUtil::registerError($this->__('Error! Update attempt failed.'));

        // The item has been modified, so we clear all cached pages of this item.
        $view = Zikula_View::getInstance('IWwebbox');
        $view->clear_cache(null, $args['pid']);

        // Let any hooks know that we have updated an item
        ModUtil::callHooks('item', 'update', $args['pid'], array('module' => 'IWwebbox'));
        return true;
     * Delete an user assignment (with its sections, messages...)
     * @author Sara Arjona Téllez (sarjona@xtec.cat)
     * @param $args['qvaid'] ID of the user assignment
     * @return bool true on success, false on failure
    public function deleteuserassignment($args) {

        // Security check
        if (!SecurityUtil::checkPermission('IWqv::', '::', ACCESS_ADD)) {
            return LogUtil::registerError($this->__('Sorry! No authorization to access this module.'));

        // Argument check
        if (!isset($args['qvaid']) || !is_numeric($args['qvaid'])) {
            return LogUtil::registerError($this->__('Error! Could not do what you wanted. Please check your input.'));

        $item = ModUtil::apiFunc('IWqv', 'user', 'getassignment', array('qvaid' => $args['qvaid'],
                    'createifnotexist' => false,
                    'getallinformation' => false));
        if ($item == false) {
            return LogUtil::registerError($this->__('No such item found.'));

        // Delete the assignment with its sections and messages
        $sections = ModUtil::apiFunc('IWqv', 'user', 'getsections', array('qvaid' => $args['qvaid']));
        foreach ($sections as $section) {
            $sections = ModUtil::apiFunc('IWqv', 'user', 'deletesection', array('qvsid' => $section[qvsid]));

        if (!DBUtil::deleteObjectByID('IWqv_assignments', $args['qvaid'], 'qvaid')) {
            return LogUtil::registerError($this->__('Error! Sorry! Deletion attempt failed.'));

        // Let any hooks know that we have deleted an item
        ModUtil::callHooks('item', 'delete', $args['qvaid'], array('module' => 'IWqv'));

        // Let the calling process know that we have finished successfully
        return true;
     * Copy a note to another agenda
     * @param array $args Agenda information
     * @return True if success and false otherwise
    public function meva($args)
        // Security check
        $this->throwForbiddenUnless(SecurityUtil::checkPermission('IWagendas::', '::', ACCESS_READ));

        $aid = FormUtil::getPassedValue('aid', isset($args['aid']) ? $args['aid'] : null, 'POST');
        $adaid = FormUtil::getPassedValue('adaid', isset($args['adaid']) ? $args['adaid'] : null, 'POST');

        // Needed argument
        if (!isset($aid)) {
            return LogUtil::registerError($this->__('Error! Could not do what you wanted. Please check your input.'));
        $note = ModUtil::apiFunc('IWagendas', 'user', 'get',
                                  array('aid' => $aid));
        if ($note == false) {
            return LogUtil::registerError($this->__('Event not found'));
        if ($note['daid'] != 0) {
            //get the agenda
            $agenda = ModUtil::apiFunc('IWagendas', 'user', 'getAgenda',
                                        array('daid' => $note['daid']));
            if ($agenda == false) {
                return LogUtil::registerError($this->__('Event not found'));
            // Check whether the user can access the agenda for this action
            $te_acces = ModUtil::func('IWagendas', 'user', 'te_acces',
                                       array('daid' => $note['daid'],
                                             'grup' => $agenda['grup'],
                                             'resp' => $agenda['resp'],
                                             'activa' => $agenda['activa']));
            // If the user has no access, show an error message and stop execution
            if ($te_acces < 1) {
                return LogUtil::registerError($this->__('You are not allowed to administrate the agendas'));
        //get all users information
        $sv = ModUtil::func('IWmain', 'user', 'genSecurityValue');
        $usersInfo = ModUtil::func('IWmain', 'user', 'getAllUsersInfo',
                                    array('sv' => $sv,
                                          'info' => 'ncc'));
        //preparem el contingut de la icona amb informaciᅵ addicional
        $j = 2;
        $c2x = '';
        $ha_passat = false;
        for ($j = 2; $j < 7; $j++) {
            $c = 'c' . $j;
            $tc = 'tc' . $j;
            if ($agenda[$c] != "" && ($note[$c] != '' || $agenda[$tc] == 3 || $agenda[$tc] == 4)) {
                $c2x .= '<fieldset><legend> ';
                $c2x .= $agenda[$c];
                $c2x .= ' </legend>';
                $c2x .= ( $agenda[$tc] != 3 && $agenda[$tc] != 4 && $note[$c] == "") ? "---" : $note[$c];
                if ($agenda[$tc] == 3) {
                    $c2x .= $usersInfo[$note['usuari']];
                if ($agenda[$tc] == 4) {
                    $c2x .= $usersInfo[$note['usuari']] . $this->__(' on ') . date('d/m/Y', $note['dataanota']) . $this->__(' at ') . date('H:i', $note['dataanota']);
                $c2x .= '</fieldset>';
        foreach ($adaid as $daid) {
            //if it is a shared agenda check if user can write in it
            if ($daid > 0) {
                // Check whether the user can access the agenda for this action
                $te_acces = ModUtil::func('IWagendas', 'user', 'te_acces',
                                           array('daid' => $daid));
                if ($te_acces < 2) {
                    return LogUtil::registerError($this->__('You are not allowed to administrate the agendas'));
            $subscrits = ModUtil::apiFunc('IWagendas', 'user', 'getsubscrits',
                                           array('daid' => $daid));
            $subscritString = '$';
            foreach ($subscrits as $subscrit) {
                $subscritString .= '$' . $subscrit['uid'] . '$';
            $items = array('data' => $note['data'],
                           'totdia' => $note['totdia'],
                           'usuari' => UserUtil::getVar('uid'),
                           'tasca' => $note['tasca'],
                           'nivell' => $note['nivell'],
                           'c1' => $note['c1'],
                           'c2' => $c2x,
                           'daid' => $daid,
                           'dataanota' => time(),
                           'nova' => $subscritString,
                           'completa' => $note['oculta'],
                           'fitxer' => $note['fitxer'],
                           'protegida' => $note['protegida'],
                           'origenId' => $note['daid']);
            if (!DBUtil::insertObject($items, 'IWagendas', 'aid')) {
                return LogUtil::registerError($this->__('Error! Creation attempt failed.'));
            // Let any hooks know that we have created a new item.
            ModUtil::callHooks('item', 'create', $items['aid'],
                                array('module' => 'IWagendas'));
        // Return true if success
        return true;
 * This is a standard function to update the configuration parameters of the
 * module given the information passed back by the modification form
 * @author Mark West
 * @see Admin_Messages_admin_modifyconfig()
 * @param int $itemsperpage the number messages per page in the admin panel
 * @return bool true if successful, false otherwise
function Admin_Messages_admin_updateconfig()
    // Security check
    if (!SecurityUtil::checkPermission('Admin_Messages::', '::', ACCESS_ADMIN)) {
        return LogUtil::registerPermissionError();
    // Confirm authorisation code.
    if (!SecurityUtil::confirmAuthKey()) {
        return LogUtil::registerAuthidError(ModUtil::url('Admin_Messages', 'admin', 'view'));
    // Update module variables.
    $itemsperpage = (int) FormUtil::getPassedValue('itemsperpage', 25, 'POST');
    if ($itemsperpage < 1) {
        $itemsperpage = 25;
    ModUtil::setVar('Admin_Messages', 'itemsperpage', $itemsperpage);
    $allowsearchinactive = (bool) FormUtil::getPassedValue('allowsearchinactive', false, 'POST');
    ModUtil::setVar('Admin_Messages', 'allowsearchinactive', $allowsearchinactive);
    // Let any other modules know that the modules configuration has been updated
    ModUtil::callHooks('module', 'updateconfig', 'Admin_Messages', array('module' => 'Admin_Messages'));
    // the module configuration has been updated successfuly
    LogUtil::registerStatus(__('Done! Saved module configuration.'));
    // This function generated no output, and so now it is complete we redirect
    // the user to an appropriate page for them to carry on their work
    return System::redirect(ModUtil::url('Admin_Messages', 'admin', 'view'));