function send()
     $emailService = new EmailService();
     $result = $emailService->sendMessage($this->_message);
     MoblogLogger::log("Response message sent!");
     return $result;
    $resNames .= $resource->getDescription();
// add the article
$articles = new Articles();
$article = new Article($request->getTopic(), $postBody, array($category->getId()), $userInfo->getId(), $blogInfo->getId(), POST_STATUS_PUBLISHED, 0);
$article->setDateObject(new Timestamp());
// enable or disable comments by default depending on the current config
$commentsEnabled = $blogSettings->getValue("comments_enabled");
$result = $articles->addArticle($article);
// add an article notification
$notifications = new ArticleNotifications();
$notifications->addNotification($result, $blogInfo->getId(), $userInfo->getId());
// reset the cache in case it is enabled
if (!$result) {
    $response = new MoblogResponse($request->getReplyTo(), "pLog Moblog: Error", "There was an error adding the post to the database.");
    MoblogLogger::log("There was an error adding the post to the database.");
} else {
    $responseBody = "Post was successfully added to the database with topic '" . $request->getTopic() . "\n\n";
    if (count($request->getAttachments()) > 0) {
        $responseBody .= "The following attachments have been added:\n\n";
        $responseBody .= $resNames;
    $response = new MoblogResponse($request->getReplyTo(), "pLog Moblog: Success", $responseBody);
    MoblogLogger::log("Post was successfully added to the database.");
// end of it...
MoblogLogger::log("-- End");
  * checks if there are any mime parts, perhaps attachments or something like
  * that...
 function parseMimeParts($parts)
     $this->_attachments = array();
     foreach ($parts as $part) {
         MoblogLogger::log("attachment type = " . $part->ctype_primary . "/" . $part->ctype_secondary);
         if (strtolower($part->ctype_primary) == "text" && strtolower($part->ctype_secondary) == "plain") {
             // if ctype_primary == text and ctype_secondary == plain, it should be text format e-mail
             MoblogLogger::log("Reparsing the body of the message!");
             MoblogLogger::log("text/plain part - contents = " . $part->body);
             $this->_inputEncoding = strtoupper($part->ctype_parameters['charset']);
         } elseif (strtolower($part->ctype_primary) == "multipart" && strtolower($part->ctype_secondary) == "alternative") {
             // if ctype_primary == multipart and ctype_secondary == alternative, it should be html format e-mail
             // We should look into it's child to get the real body
             foreach ($part->parts as $childPart) {
                 if (strtolower($childPart->ctype_primary) == "text" && strtolower($childPart->ctype_secondary) == "plain") {
                     $this->_inputEncoding = strtoupper($childPart->ctype_parameters['charset']);
         } else {
             // whatever comes as a part, we will take it and treat it as if it was
             // a normal resource as long as it's not an application/smil thingie...
             if (strtolower($part->ctype_secondary) != 'html' && strtolower($part->ctype_secondary) != 'smil' && MOBLOG_IGNORE_SMIL_ATTACHMENTS) {
                 // GalleryResources::addResource only deals with uploaded files, so we'll
                 // have to pretend that this is one of them!
                 $config =& Config::getConfig();
                 // $tmpFolder = $config->getValue( "temp_folder" );
                 // $tmpFolderName = $tmpFolder."/".md5(microtime());
                 $tmpFolderName = $config->getValue("temp_folder");
                 MoblogLogger::log("Creating temp folder = {$tmpFolderName}");
                 $fileName = stripslashes($part->ctype_parameters["name"]);
                 if ($fileName == "") {
                     $fileName = stripslashes($part->d_parameters["filename"]);
                 $fileName = str_replace("\"", "", $fileName);
                 $fileName = str_replace("'", "", $fileName);
                 $tmpName = $tmpFolderName . "/" . md5(microtime()) . "_" . $fileName;
                 $fileName = urldecode($fileName);
                 if (MOBLOG_FORCE_ENCODE_TO_UTF8) {
                     $fileName = $this->encodeToUTF8($fileName, $this->_inputEncoding);
                 $f = new File($tmpName);
                 MoblogLogger::log("fileName = " . $tmpName);
                 MoblogLogger::log("Saving attachment as = " . $tmpName);
                 //MoblogLogger::log( "base64 encoded data = ".$part->body );
                 if (!$f->write($part->body)) {
                     MoblogLogger::log("There was an error writing the temporary file");
                 MoblogLogger::log("File saved ok!");
                 MoblogLogger::log("FILENAME = {$fileName}");
                 $uploadInfo = array("name" => urldecode($fileName), "type" => $part->ctype_primary . "/" . $part->ctype_secondary, "tmp_name" => $tmpName, "size" => $f->getSize(), "error" => 0);
                 $upload = new FileUpload($uploadInfo);
                 array_push($this->_attachments, $upload);