// color is still green but prop3 is now set to val3 // track a custom "button click" event $mp->track("button click", array("label" => "Login")); // track a custom "logged in" event $mp->track("logged in", array("landing page" => "/specials")); // create/update a profile identified by id 12345 with $first_name set to John and $email set to john.doe@example.com // now we can send them Notifications! $mp->people->set($user_id, array('$first_name' => "John", '$email' => "*****@*****.**")); // update John's profile with property ad_source to be "google" but don't override ad_source if it exists already $mp->people->setOnce($user_id, array("ad_source" => "google")); // increment John's total logins by one $mp->people->increment($user_id, "login count", 1); // append a new favorite to John's favorites $mp->people->append($user_id, "favorites", "Apples"); // append a few more favorites to John's favorites $mp->people->append($user_id, "favorites", array("Baseball", "Reading")); // track a purchase or charge of $9.99 for user 12345 where the transaction happened just now $mp->people->trackCharge($user_id, "9.99"); // track a purchase or charge of $20 for user 12345 where the transaction happened on June 01, 2013 at 5pm EST $mp->people->trackCharge($user_id, "20.00", strtotime("01 Jun 2013 5:00:00 PM EST")); // clear all purchases for user 12345 $mp->people->clearCharges($user_id); // delete the profile for user 12345 $mp->people->deleteUser($user_id); // create an alias for user 12345 (note that this is done synchronously) $mp->createAlias($user_id, "johndoe1"); // track an even using the alias $mp->track("logout", array("distinct_id" => "johndoe1")); // manually put messages on the queue (useful for batch processing) $mp->enqueueAll(array(array("event" => "test"), array("event" => "test2")));