/** * Constructor */ public function Mind() { $path = _MINDSRC_; $this->about = parse_ini_file($path . '/mind3rd/env/about.ini'); $this->defaults = parse_ini_file($path . '/mind3rd/env/defaults.ini'); $this->conf = parse_ini_file($path . '/mind3rd/env/mind.ini'); include $path . '/mind3rd/API/L10N/' . $this->defaults['defaul_human_language'] . '.php'; Mind::$l10n = new $this->defaults['defaul_human_language'](); }
private function runStep2() { if (!($db = new SQLiteDatabase(_MINDSRC_ . '/mind3rd/SQLite/mind'))) { Mind::message('Database', '[Fail]'); return false; } Mind::message('Database', '[OK]'); return true; }
public function __construct() { $this->messages['programRequired'] = Mind::message("API: You must send the program name, to execute", '[Fail]', false); $this->messages['loginRequired'] = Mind::message("Auth: Both login and password are required", '[Fail]', false); $this->messages['passwordRequired'] = "I need a password for this user, please: "; $this->messages['autenticated'] = Mind::message("\nMain: %s autenticated", "[OK]", false); //"\n[OK] %s autenticated\n"; $this->messages['not_allowed'] = Mind::message("\nMain: You have not autenticated your credentials yet", '[Fail]', false); $this->messages['not_allowed_tip'] = "Try calling the command\n auth < login >\nA password will be required.\n"; $this->messages['no_such_file'] = Mind::message("\nMain: No such command '%s'", "[Fail]", false); $this->messages['auth_fail'] = Mind::message("\nAuth: Wrong user or password", "[Fail]", false); $this->messages['bye'] = "Logging out...\n"; $this->messages['http_invalid_requisition'] = <<<MESSAGE Invalid HTTP requisition. You *must* send some POST data acoording your request, and also a variable "program" by post, with the name of the program you want to run. MESSAGE; }
private function action() { if ($db = new SQLiteDatabase(_MINDSRC_ . '/mind3rd/SQLite/mind')) { $result = $db->query("SELECT * FROM user where login='******' AND pwd='" . sha1($this->pwd) . "' AND status= 'A'"); $row = false; while ($result->valid()) { $row = $result->current(); $_SESSION['auth'] = JSON_encode($row); $_SESSION['login'] = $row['login']; break; } if (!$row) { Mind::write('auth_fail', true); return false; } } else { die('Database not found!'); } return $this; }
<?php /** * This is the server file which will receive the requisition * All the HTTP requests are goning to reach this file, so, * it will treat the POST data before routing the requisition * With this, you can send by post, the program variable, saying * the program you want to execute, and the parameters you want * to pass */ if (!isset($_REQ)) { Mind::write("http_invalid_requisition"); exit; } if (!isset($_REQ['data'])) { $_REQ['data'] = array(); } foreach ($_POST as $k => $value) { $_REQ['data'][$k] = preg_replace("/['\"\\\\.\\/]/", '', $value); } if (isset($app)) { if (!isset($_REQ['data']) || !isset($_REQ['data']['program'])) { Mind::write('programRequired'); return false; } $program = $app->findCommand($_REQ['data']['program']); $program = $program->getFileName(); $program = new $program(); $program->HTTPExecute(); }
private function action() { session_destroy(); Mind::write('bye'); return $this; }