 function up()
     Migrator::message('inform', 'This migration enables support for uploading files as short URLs.');
     $prefix = DB_PREFIX;
     $t = $this->createTable(DB_PREFIX . 'files');
     $t->column('id', 'serial', array('primary_key' => true, 'null' => false));
     $t->column('title', 'string', array('null' => false));
     $t->column('filepath', 'string', array('null' => false));
     $t->column('type', 'string', array('null' => false, 'default' => 'other'));
     $this->createIndex(DB_PREFIX . 'files', 'type', 'index_' . DB_PREFIX . 'files_type');
     $this->addColumn(DB_PREFIX . 'urls', 'file_id', 'integer', array('default' => null));
     $this->createIndex(DB_PREFIX . 'urls', 'file_id', 'index_' . DB_PREFIX . 'urls_file_id');
    function up()
        Migrator::message('inform', 'This migration enables an efficient method of generating automatic slugs.');
        $prefix = DB_PREFIX;
        $t = $this->createTable(DB_PREFIX . 'autoslug');
        $t->column('id', 'serial', array('primary_key' => true, 'null' => false));
        $t->column('method', 'string', array('null' => false, 'size' => '31'));
        $t->column('base10', 'string', array('null' => false, 'size' => '100'));
        $this->createIndex(DB_PREFIX . 'autoslug', 'method', 'method_index', 'unique');
        // Populate
        // SQLite/PostgreSQL don't support compound(?) inserts.
        // migration could possibly provide an insert function
        $add_methods_sql = array();
        $add_methods_sql[] = <<<EOSQL
INSERT INTO  {$prefix}autoslug (method ,base10)
VALUES ('base36',  '1');
        $add_methods_sql[] = <<<EOSQL
INSERT INTO  {$prefix}autoslug (method ,base10)
VALUES ('base62',  '1');
        $add_methods_sql[] = <<<EOSQL
INSERT INTO  {$prefix}autoslug (method ,base10)
VALUES ('mixed-smart',  '1');
        $add_methods_sql[] = <<<EOSQL
INSERT INTO  {$prefix}autoslug (method ,base10)
VALUES ('smart',  '1');
        foreach ($add_methods_sql as $sql) {
            $ins = $this->db->prepare($sql);
            if (!$ins->execute()) {
                throw new Exception('Failed to add rows for autoslug methods.');
    function up()
        Migrator::message('inform', 'This migration will attempt to assign each non-custom/legacy redirection an ' . 'explicit slug (short URL path) equal ' . 'to its id in base 36 (as in the original Lessn).');
        //Set up / mini config
        $batch = 25;
        $prefix = DB_PREFIX;
        $mark_custom = TRUE;
        $db =& $this->db;
        // Queries
        $update_sql = "UPDATE {$prefix}urls SET redir_type = 'custom' WHERE custom_url IS NOT NULL";
        $select_sql = "SELECT * FROM {$prefix}urls " . 'WHERE custom_url IS NULL ' . 'AND id > :min_id ' . 'ORDER BY id ' . 'LIMIT ' . $batch;
        $check_sql = 'SELECT * FROM ' . DB_PREFIX . 'urls WHERE ' . (DB_DRIVER === 'sqlite' ? '' : 'BINARY') . ' custom_url = ' . (DB_DRIVER === 'sqlite' ? '' : 'BINARY') . ' :custom_url';
        $explicit_sql = 'UPDATE ' . DB_PREFIX . 'urls SET custom_url = :custom_url WHERE id=:id LIMIT 1';
        // --- STEP ONE ---
        // Add column to keep track of what kind of migration it is
        try {
            $this->addColumn(DB_PREFIX . 'urls', 'redir_type', 'string', array('default' => 'auto', 'size' => 6, 'null' => false, 'index' => true));
            $this->createIndex(DB_PREFIX . 'urls', 'redir_type', 'redir_type_index');
            Migrator::message('success', 'Added "redir_type" column');
        } catch (Exception $e) {
            Migrator::message('failure', '"redir_type" column already exists… continuing…');
            $mark_custom = FALSE;
        // --- STEP TWO ---
        // SET type to 'custom' when it was really custom
        if ($mark_custom) {
            $updt = $db->prepare($update_sql);
            if (!$updt->execute()) {
                throw new Exception('Update failed!');
            $affected = $updt->rowCount();
            Migrator::message($affected ? 'success' : 'inform', $affected . ' redirection(s) with custom slugs were explicitly marked as \'custom\'.');
        // --- STEP THREE ---
        // Give each id-based redirection an explicit slug
        // Avoid doing failed migration rows over and over
        $min_id = -1;
        while (TRUE) {
            $slct = $db->prepare($select_sql);
            $slct->execute(array('min_id' => $min_id));
            $rows = $slct->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
            $returned = count($rows);
            $errors = 0;
            // Migrate each of these
            foreach ($rows as $row) {
                $id = $row['id'];
                // For next batch
                if ($id > $min_id) {
                    $min_id = $id;
                // Explicit redirection
                $slug = base_convert($id, 10, 36);
                $chk = $db->prepare($check_sql);
                $chk->execute(array('custom_url' => $slug));
                // Check to make sure one doesn't aready exist
                $conflict = $chk->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
                if ($conflict === FALSE) {
                    $expl = $db->prepare($explicit_sql);
                    $expl->execute(array('custom_url' => $slug, 'id' => $id));
                } elseif (is_array($conflict) && isset($conflict['id'])) {
                    Migrator::message('failure', 'Could not give redirect an explicit slug (already in use!). ' . "\nID: " . $id . ". \nAlready-in-use slug: " . $slug . ". \nID of (custom) redirection already using slug: " . $conflict['id']);
                } else {
                    throw new Exception('Unexpected database result when 
						checking for pre-existing rows');
            if ($returned - $errors > 0) {
                Migrator::message('success', 'Gave ' . ($returned - $errors) . ' redirections explicit slugs.');
            if ($returned < $batch) {
                // Complete!
 function up()
     Migrator::message('inform', 'This migration allows you to set a custom short URL. ' . 'Make sure to get the <strong>NEW</strong> bookmarklets that support this feature!', false);
     $this->addColumn(DB_PREFIX . 'urls', 'custom_url', 'string', array('default' => null, 'size' => 255));
 function migrate($start = null)
     if ($start === null) {
         $start = $this->current_version + 1;
     $files = glob($this->migrations_dir . "/*.php");
     $highest_version_seen = 0;
     echo '<dl>';
     foreach ($files as $file) {
         include $file;
         $file = basename($file, '.php');
         $class = substr($file, strpos($file, '_') + 1);
         $v = intval(substr($file, 0, strpos($file, '_')));
         if ($highest_version_seen < $v) {
             $highest_version_seen = $v;
         if (!class_exists($class)) {
             echo '</dl>';
             Migrator::message('failure', 'Could not find class: \'' . $class . '\' in migration \'' . $file . "'");
             //no need to escape for html
         if ($v < $start || $v <= $this->currentVersion()) {
         $m = new $class($this->db);
         try {
             echo '<dt>Running migration ' . htmlspecialchars($class) . '::up to version ' . $v . '</dt><dd>';
             Migrator::message('success', 'Migration complete. Current schema version: ' . $v);
             echo '</dd>';
         } catch (Exception $e) {
             Migrator::message('failure', 'Failed to migrate, rolling back.' . "\n" . (string) $e);
             echo '</dd></dl>';
         //$last_version = $v;
     echo '</dl>';
     if ($this->currentVersion() == $highest_version_seen) {
         Migrator::message('inform', 'Your schema is up-to-date! Schema version: ' . $this->currentVersion());