User: jorgem Date: 1/15/2015 Time: 11:30 AM
Inheritance: extends CI_Controller
 function detail()
     global $viewhelper;
     using("tag", "meta");
     $tag = new Tags();
     $meta = new Metas();
     $conditions = array();
     $viewhelper->setTitle(L("info", "tpl"));
     $viewhelper->setPosition(L("info", "tpl"), "index.php?do=news");
     if (isset($_GET['title'])) {
         $title = trim($_GET['title']);
         $res = $this->news->findByTitle($title);
         $id = $res['id'];
     if (isset($_GET['id'])) {
         $id = intval($_GET['id']);
     if (!empty($id)) {
         $_PB_CACHE['newstype'] = cache_read("type", "newstype");
         $info = $this->news->read("*", $id);
         if (empty($info) or !$info) {
             flash("data_not_exists", '', 0);
         if (!empty($info['tag_ids'])) {
             $the_tags = $tag->getTagsByIds($info['tag_ids'], true);
             $tmp = null;
             $info['tag'] = $tag->tag;
             foreach ($the_tags as $key => $val) {
                 $tmp .= "<a href='" . $this->url(array("module" => "search", "do" => "news", "q" => urlencode($val))) . "'>" . $val . "</a> ";
             $info['tag_link'] = $tmp;
         if (!empty($info['picture'])) {
             $info['image'] = pb_get_attachmenturl($info['picture'], '', 'small');
         $info['pubdate'] = df($info['created']);
         $info['typename'] = $_PB_CACHE['newstype'][$info['type_id']];
         $viewhelper->setPosition($info['typename'], $this->url(array("module" => "search", "do" => "news", "typeid" => $info['type_id'])));
         //seo info
         $meta_info = $meta->getSEOById($id, 'news', false);
         empty($meta_info['title']) ? $viewhelper->setTitle($info['title']) : $viewhelper->setTitle($meta_info['title']);
         empty($meta_info['description']) ? $viewhelper->setMetaDescription($info['content']) : $viewhelper->setMetaDescription($meta_info['description']);
         if (isset($meta_info['keyword'])) {
         if (!empty($info['require_membertype'])) {
             $require_ids = explode(",", $info['require_membertype']);
             if (!empty($pb_userinfo['pb_userid'])) {
                 $membertype_id = $this->news->dbstuff->GetOne("SELECT membertype_id FROM {$tb_prefix}members WHERE id='" . $pb_user['pb_userid'] . "'");
                 if (!in_array($membertype_id, $require_ids)) {
                     $info['content'] = L("news_membertype_not_allowed", "tpl");
             } else {
                 $info['content'] = L("news_membertype_not_allowed", "tpl");
         if ($info['type'] == 1) {
             $info['source'] = L("company_news", "tpl");
             $info['content'] = "<a href='" . $info['content'] . "'>" . $info['content'] . "</a>";
         if (!empty($info['picture'])) {
             $info['image_url'] = pb_get_attachmenturl($info['picture']);
         $neighbour_info = $this->news->getNeighbour($id, "id,title");
         if (!empty($neighbour_info['prev'])) {
             $title = pb_lang_split($neighbour_info['prev']['title']);
             $info['prev_link'] = "<a href='" . $this->url(array("module" => "news", "id" => $neighbour_info['prev']['id'])) . "'>" . $title . "</a>";
             $info['prev_title'] = $title;
         } else {
             $info['prev_link'] = L("nothing", "tpl");
         if (!empty($neighbour_info['next'])) {
             $title = pb_lang_split($neighbour_info['next']['title']);
             $info['next_link'] = "<a href='" . $this->url(array("module" => "news", "id" => $neighbour_info['next']['id'])) . "'>" . $title . "</a>";
             $info['next_title'] = $title;
         } else {
             $info['next_link'] = L("nothing", "tpl");
         setvar("item", pb_lang_split_recursive($info));
     } else {
     setvar("Newstypes", $_PB_CACHE['newstype']);
function ViewList($page, $cate, $auth, $date, $tags, $isrewrite = false)
    global $zbp;
    foreach ($GLOBALS['Filter_Plugin_ViewList_Begin'] as $fpname => &$fpsignal) {
        $fpreturn = $fpname($page, $cate, $auth, $date, $tags);
        if ($fpsignal == PLUGIN_EXITSIGNAL_RETURN) {
            return $fpreturn;
    //	$cate=$auth=$date=$tags=null;
    $type = 'index';
    if ($cate !== null) {
        $type = 'category';
    if ($auth !== null) {
        $type = 'author';
    if ($date !== null) {
        $type = 'date';
    if ($tags !== null) {
        $type = 'tag';
    $category = null;
    $author = null;
    $datetime = null;
    $tag = null;
    $w = array();
    $w[] = array('=', 'log_Istop', 0);
    $w[] = array('=', 'log_Status', 0);
    $page = (int) $page == 0 ? 1 : (int) $page;
    $articles_top = array();
    $articles = array();
    if ($type == 'index' && $page == 1) {
        $articles_top = $zbp->GetArticleList(array('*'), array(array('=', 'log_Istop', 1), array('=', 'log_Status', 0)), array('log_PostTime' => 'DESC'), null, null);
    switch ($type) {
        case 'index':
            $pagebar = new Pagebar($zbp->option['ZC_INDEX_REGEX']);
            $pagebar->Count = $zbp->cache->normal_article_nums;
            $category = new Metas();
            $author = new Metas();
            $datetime = new Metas();
            $tag = new Metas();
            $template = $zbp->option['ZC_INDEX_DEFAULT_TEMPLATE'];
            if ($page == 1) {
                $zbp->title = $zbp->subname;
            } else {
                $zbp->title = str_replace('%num%', $page, $zbp->lang['msg']['number_page']);
        case 'category':
            $pagebar = new Pagebar($zbp->option['ZC_CATEGORY_REGEX']);
            $author = new Metas();
            $datetime = new Metas();
            $tag = new Metas();
            $category = new Category();
            if (strpos($zbp->option['ZC_CATEGORY_REGEX'], '{%id%}') !== false) {
                $category = $zbp->GetCategoryByID($cate);
            if (strpos($zbp->option['ZC_CATEGORY_REGEX'], '{%alias%}') !== false) {
                $category = $zbp->GetCategoryByAliasOrName($cate);
            if ($category->ID == 0) {
                if ($isrewrite == true) {
                    return ZC_REWRITE_GO_ON;
            if ($page == 1) {
                $zbp->title = $category->Name;
            } else {
                $zbp->title = $category->Name . ' ' . str_replace('%num%', $page, $zbp->lang['msg']['number_page']);
            $template = $category->Template;
            if (!$zbp->option['ZC_DISPLAY_SUBCATEGORYS']) {
                $w[] = array('=', 'log_CateID', $category->ID);
                $pagebar->Count = $category->Count;
            } else {
                $arysubcate = array();
                $arysubcate[] = array('log_CateID', $category->ID);
                foreach ($zbp->categorys[$category->ID]->SubCategorys as $subcate) {
                    $arysubcate[] = array('log_CateID', $subcate->ID);
                $w[] = array('array', $arysubcate);
            $pagebar->UrlRule->Rules['{%id%}'] = $category->ID;
            $pagebar->UrlRule->Rules['{%alias%}'] = $category->Alias == '' ? urlencode($category->Name) : $category->Alias;
        case 'author':
            $pagebar = new Pagebar($zbp->option['ZC_AUTHOR_REGEX']);
            $category = new Metas();
            $datetime = new Metas();
            $tag = new Metas();
            $author = new Member();
            if (strpos($zbp->option['ZC_AUTHOR_REGEX'], '{%id%}') !== false) {
                $author = $zbp->GetMemberByID($auth);
            if (strpos($zbp->option['ZC_AUTHOR_REGEX'], '{%alias%}') !== false) {
                $author = $zbp->GetMemberByAliasOrName($auth);
            if ($author->ID == 0) {
                if ($isrewrite == true) {
                    return ZC_REWRITE_GO_ON;
            if ($page == 1) {
                $zbp->title = $author->Name;
            } else {
                $zbp->title = $author->Name . ' ' . str_replace('%num%', $page, $zbp->lang['msg']['number_page']);
            $template = $author->Template;
            $w[] = array('=', 'log_AuthorID', $author->ID);
            $pagebar->Count = $author->Articles;
            $pagebar->UrlRule->Rules['{%id%}'] = $author->ID;
            $pagebar->UrlRule->Rules['{%alias%}'] = $author->Alias == '' ? urlencode($author->Name) : $author->Alias;
        case 'date':
            $pagebar = new Pagebar($zbp->option['ZC_DATE_REGEX']);
            $category = new Metas();
            $author = new Metas();
            $tag = new Metas();
            $datetime = strtotime($date);
            $datetitle = str_replace(array('%y%', '%m%'), array(date('Y', $datetime), date('n', $datetime)), $zbp->lang['msg']['year_month']);
            if ($page == 1) {
                $zbp->title = $datetitle;
            } else {
                $zbp->title = $datetitle . ' ' . str_replace('%num%', $page, $zbp->lang['msg']['number_page']);
            $zbp->modulesbyfilename['calendar']->Content = BuildModule_calendar(date('Y', $datetime) . '-' . date('n', $datetime));
            $template = $zbp->option['ZC_INDEX_DEFAULT_TEMPLATE'];
            $w[] = array('BETWEEN', 'log_PostTime', $datetime, strtotime('+1 month', $datetime));
            $pagebar->UrlRule->Rules['{%date%}'] = $date;
            $datetime = Metas::ConvertArray(getdate($datetime));
        case 'tag':
            $pagebar = new Pagebar($zbp->option['ZC_TAGS_REGEX']);
            $category = new Metas();
            $author = new Metas();
            $datetime = new Metas();
            $tag = new Tag();
            if (strpos($zbp->option['ZC_TAGS_REGEX'], '{%id%}') !== false) {
                $tag = $zbp->GetTagByID($tags);
            if (strpos($zbp->option['ZC_TAGS_REGEX'], '{%alias%}') !== false) {
                $tag = $zbp->GetTagByAliasOrName($tags);
            if ($tag->ID == 0) {
                if ($isrewrite == true) {
                    return ZC_REWRITE_GO_ON;
            if ($page == 1) {
                $zbp->title = $tag->Name;
            } else {
                $zbp->title = $tag->Name . ' ' . str_replace('%num%', $page, $zbp->lang['msg']['number_page']);
            $template = $tag->Template;
            $w[] = array('LIKE', 'log_Tag', '%{' . $tag->ID . '}%');
            $pagebar->UrlRule->Rules['{%id%}'] = $tag->ID;
            $pagebar->UrlRule->Rules['{%alias%}'] = $tag->Alias == '' ? urlencode($tag->Name) : $tag->Alias;
    $pagebar->PageCount = $zbp->displaycount;
    $pagebar->PageNow = $page;
    $pagebar->PageBarCount = $zbp->pagebarcount;
    $pagebar->UrlRule->Rules['{%page%}'] = $page;
    $articles = $zbp->GetArticleList(array('*'), $w, array('log_PostTime' => 'DESC'), array(($pagebar->PageNow - 1) * $pagebar->PageCount, $pagebar->PageCount), array('pagebar' => $pagebar));
    $zbp->template->SetTags('title', $zbp->title);
    $zbp->template->SetTags('articles', array_merge($articles_top, $articles));
    if ($pagebar->PageAll == 0) {
        $pagebar = null;
    $zbp->template->SetTags('pagebar', $pagebar);
    $zbp->template->SetTags('type', $type);
    $zbp->template->SetTags('page', $page);
    $zbp->template->SetTags('date', $datetime);
    $zbp->template->SetTags('tag', $tag);
    $zbp->template->SetTags('author', $author);
    $zbp->template->SetTags('category', $category);
    if (isset($zbp->templates[$template])) {
    } else {
    foreach ($GLOBALS['Filter_Plugin_ViewList_Template'] as $fpname => &$fpsignal) {
        $fpreturn = $fpname($zbp->template);
 public function LoadConfigs()
     $sql = $this->db->sql->Select($this->table['Config'], array('*'), '', '', '', '');
     $array = $this->db->Query($sql);
     foreach ($array as $c) {
         $m = new Metas();
         $this->configs[$c['conf_Name']] = $m;
 function detail()
     global $viewhelper, $G, $pb_user;
     $positions = $titles = array();
     uses("trade", "member", "company", "tradefield", "form", "industry", "area", "meta");
     $offer = new Tradefields();
     $area = new Areas();
     $meta = new Metas();
     $industry = new Industries();
     $company = new Companies();
     $trade = new Trade();
     $trade_model = new Trades();
     $member = new Members();
     //$typeoption = new Typeoption();
     $form = new Forms();
     setvar("Genders", cache_read("typeoption", 'gender'));
     setvar("PhoneTypes", cache_read("typeoption", 'phone_type'));
     $viewhelper->setTitle(L("offer", "tpl"));
     $viewhelper->setPosition(L("offer", "tpl"), "index.php?do=offer");
     if (isset($_GET['title'])) {
         $title = trim($_GET['title']);
         $res = $trade_model->findByTitle($title);
         $id = $res['id'];
     if (isset($_GET['id'])) {
         $id = intval($_GET['id']);
     if (!empty($id)) {
         $info = $trade->info;
         if (empty($info['id'])) {
             flash("data_not_exists", '', 0);
         $info['title_clear'] = $info['title'];
         $info['title'] .= ($G['setting']['offer_expire_method'] == 1 || $G['setting']['offer_expire_method'] == 3) && $info['expdate'] < $offer->timestamp ? "[" . L("has_expired", "tpl") . "]" : '';
         $info['title'] .= !empty($info['if_urgent']) ? "[" . L("urgent_buy", "tpl") . "]" : '';
         if ($info['expdate'] < $offer->timestamp && $G['setting']['offer_expire_method'] == 2) {
             flash("has_been_expired", URL, 0, $info['title_clear'] . " ");
     } else {
         flash("data_not_exists", '', 0);
     if ($info['status'] != 1) {
         flash("under_checking", null, 0, $info['title_clear'] . " ");
     $trade_types = $trade->getTradeTypes();
     $viewhelper->setPosition($trade_types[$info['type_id']], "index.php?do=offer&action=lists&typeid=" . $info['type_id']);
     if ($info['require_point'] > 0) {
         //check member points
         if (empty($pb_user)) {
             flash("please_login_first", URL . "logging.php");
         $point = $member->field("points", "id='" . $pb_user['pb_userid'] . "'");
         if ($point < $info['require_point']) {
             flash("not_enough_points", URL, 0, $info['require_point']);
     $form_vars = array();
     if (isset($info['formattribute_ids'])) {
         $form_vars = $form->getAttributes(explode(",", $info['formattribute_ids']));
     setvar("ObjectParams", $form_vars);
     $info['pubdate'] = df($info['pubdate']);
     $info['expdate'] = df($info['expdate']);
     $info['image'] = pb_get_attachmenturl($info['picture']);
     $login_check = 1;
     if ($info['type_id'] == 1) {
         $login_check = $G['setting']['buy_logincheck'];
     } elseif ($info['type_id'] == 2) {
         $login_check = $G['setting']['sell_logincheck'];
     if (!empty($info['member_id'])) {
         $member_info = $member->getInfoById($info['member_id']);
         $info['link_people'] = $member_info['last_name'];
         $info['space_name'] = $member_info['space_name'];
         $info['tel'] = $member_info['tel'];
         $info['address'] = $member_info['address'];
         $info['zipcode'] = $member_info['zipcode'];
         $info['fax'] = $member_info['fax'];
         $info['site_url'] = $member_info['site_url'];
         setvar("MEMBER", $member_info);
     if (!empty($info['company_id'])) {
         $company_info = $company->getInfoById($info['company_id']);
         if (!empty($company_info)) {
             $info['companyname'] = $company_info['name'];
             $info['link_people'] = $company_info['link_man'];
             $info['address'] = $company_info['address'];
             $info['zipcode'] = $company_info['zipcode'];
             $info['site_url'] = pb_hidestr($company_info['site_url']);
             $info['tel'] = pb_hidestr($company_info['tel']);
             $info['fax'] = pb_hidestr($company_info['fax']);
         setvar("COMPANY", $company_info);
     setvar("LoginCheck", $login_check);
     $info['title'] = strip_tags($info['title']);
     $info['industry_names'] = $industry->disSubNames($info['industry_id'], null, true, "offer");
     $info['area_names'] = $area->disSubNames($info['area_id'], null, true, "offer");
     //delete the pre num.2011.9.1
     //		$info['tel'] = preg_replace('/\((.+?)\)/i', '', pb_hidestr($info['tel']));
     //		$info['fax'] = preg_replace('/\((.+?)\)/i', '', pb_hidestr($info['fax']));
     $info = pb_lang_split_recursive($info);
     setvar("item", $info);
     $meta_info = $meta->getSEOById($id, 'trade', false);
     empty($meta_info['title']) ? $viewhelper->setTitle($info['title'], $info['picture']) : $viewhelper->setTitle($meta_info['title']);
     empty($meta_info['description']) ? $viewhelper->setMetaDescription($info['content']) : $viewhelper->setMetaDescription($meta_info['description']);
     if (isset($meta_info['keyword'])) {
     setvar("forward", $this->url(array("module" => "offer", "id" => $id)));
  * 导出用户列表模块数据
  * @param int $level 要导出的用户最低等级,默认为4(即协作者)
  * @return string 模块内容
 public static function Authors($level = 4)
     global $zbp;
     $template = $zbp->template;
     $tags = array();
     $authors = array();
     $w = array();
     $w[] = array('<=', 'mem_Level', $level);
     $array = $zbp->GetMemberList('*', $w, array('mem_ID' => 'ASC'), null, null);
     foreach ($array as $member) {
         $m = Metas::ConvertArray($member->GetData());
         $authors[] = $m;
     $tags['authors'] = $authors;
     $ret = $template->Output('module-authors');
     return $ret;
 * 显示列表页面
 * @api Filter_Plugin_ViewList_Begin
 * @api Filter_Plugin_ViewList_Template
 * @param int $page
 * @param int|string $cate
 * @param int|string $auth
 * @param string   $date
 * @param string $tags tags列表
 * @param bool $isrewrite 是否启用urlrewrite
 * @return string
function ViewList($page, $cate, $auth, $date, $tags, $isrewrite = false)
    global $zbp;
    foreach ($GLOBALS['hooks']['Filter_Plugin_ViewList_Begin'] as $fpname => &$fpsignal) {
        $fpreturn = $fpname($page, $cate, $auth, $date, $tags);
        if ($fpsignal == PLUGIN_EXITSIGNAL_RETURN) {
            $fpsignal = PLUGIN_EXITSIGNAL_NONE;
            return $fpreturn;
    $type = 'index';
    if ($cate !== null) {
        $type = 'category';
    if ($auth !== null) {
        $type = 'author';
    if ($date !== null) {
        $type = 'date';
    if ($tags !== null) {
        $type = 'tag';
    $category = null;
    $author = null;
    $datetime = null;
    $tag = null;
    $w = array();
    $w[] = array('=', 'log_IsTop', 0);
    $w[] = array('=', 'log_Status', 0);
    $page = (int) $page == 0 ? 1 : (int) $page;
    $articles = array();
    $articles_top = array();
    switch ($type) {
        case 'index':
            $pagebar = new Pagebar($zbp->option['ZC_INDEX_REGEX']);
            $pagebar->Count = $zbp->cache->normal_article_nums;
            $template = $zbp->option['ZC_INDEX_DEFAULT_TEMPLATE'];
            if ($page == 1) {
                $zbp->title = $zbp->subname;
            } else {
                $zbp->title = str_replace('%num%', $page, $zbp->lang['msg']['number_page']);
        case 'category':
            $pagebar = new Pagebar($zbp->option['ZC_CATEGORY_REGEX']);
            $category = new Category();
            if (!is_array($cate)) {
                $cateId = $cate;
                $cate = array();
                if (strpos($zbp->option['ZC_CATEGORY_REGEX'], '{%id%}') !== false) {
                    $cate['id'] = $cateId;
                if (strpos($zbp->option['ZC_CATEGORY_REGEX'], '{%alias%}') !== false) {
                    $cate['alias'] = $cateId;
            if (isset($cate['id'])) {
                $category = $zbp->GetCategoryByID($cate['id']);
            } else {
                $category = $zbp->GetCategoryByAlias($cate['alias']);
            if ($category->ID == 0) {
                if ($isrewrite == true) {
                    return false;
                $zbp->ShowError(2, __FILE__, __LINE__);
            if ($page == 1) {
                $zbp->title = $category->Name;
            } else {
                $zbp->title = $category->Name . ' ' . str_replace('%num%', $page, $zbp->lang['msg']['number_page']);
            $template = $category->Template;
            if (!$zbp->option['ZC_DISPLAY_SUBCATEGORYS']) {
                $w[] = array('=', 'log_CateID', $category->ID);
                $pagebar->Count = $category->Count;
            } else {
                $arysubcate = array();
                $arysubcate[] = array('log_CateID', $category->ID);
                foreach ($zbp->categories[$category->ID]->ChildrenCategories as $subcate) {
                    $arysubcate[] = array('log_CateID', $subcate->ID);
                $w[] = array('array', $arysubcate);
            $pagebar->UrlRule->Rules['{%id%}'] = $category->ID;
            $pagebar->UrlRule->Rules['{%alias%}'] = $category->Alias == '' ? rawurlencode($category->Name) : $category->Alias;
        case 'author':
            $pagebar = new Pagebar($zbp->option['ZC_AUTHOR_REGEX']);
            $author = new Member();
            if (!is_array($auth)) {
                $authId = $auth;
                $auth = array();
                if (strpos($zbp->option['ZC_AUTHOR_REGEX'], '{%id%}') !== false) {
                    $auth['id'] = $authId;
                if (strpos($zbp->option['ZC_AUTHOR_REGEX'], '{%alias%}') !== false) {
                    $auth['alias'] = $authId;
            if (isset($auth['id'])) {
                $author = $zbp->GetMemberByID($auth['id']);
            } else {
                $author = $zbp->GetMemberByAliasOrName($auth['alias']);
            if ($author->ID == 0) {
                if ($isrewrite == true) {
                    return false;
                $zbp->ShowError(2, __FILE__, __LINE__);
            if ($page == 1) {
                $zbp->title = $author->StaticName;
            } else {
                $zbp->title = $author->StaticName . ' ' . str_replace('%num%', $page, $zbp->lang['msg']['number_page']);
            $template = $author->Template;
            $w[] = array('=', 'log_AuthorID', $author->ID);
            $pagebar->Count = $author->Articles;
            $pagebar->UrlRule->Rules['{%id%}'] = $author->ID;
            $pagebar->UrlRule->Rules['{%alias%}'] = $author->Alias == '' ? rawurlencode($author->Name) : $author->Alias;
        case 'date':
            $pagebar = new Pagebar($zbp->option['ZC_DATE_REGEX']);
            if (!is_array($date)) {
                $datetime = $date;
            } else {
                $datetime = $date['date'];
            $dateregex_ymd = '/[0-9]{1,4}-[0-9]{1,2}-[0-9]{1,2}/i';
            $dateregex_ym = '/[0-9]{1,4}-[0-9]{1,2}/i';
            if (preg_match($dateregex_ymd, $datetime) == 0 && preg_match($dateregex_ym, $datetime) == 0) {
                return false;
            $datetime_txt = $datetime;
            $datetime = strtotime($datetime);
            if ($datetime == false) {
                return false;
            if (preg_match($dateregex_ymd, $datetime_txt) != 0 && isset($zbp->lang['msg']['year_month_day'])) {
                $datetitle = str_replace(array('%y%', '%m%', '%d%'), array(date('Y', $datetime), date('n', $datetime), date('j', $datetime)), $zbp->lang['msg']['year_month_day']);
            } else {
                $datetitle = str_replace(array('%y%', '%m%'), array(date('Y', $datetime), date('n', $datetime)), $zbp->lang['msg']['year_month']);
            if ($page == 1) {
                $zbp->title = $datetitle;
            } else {
                $zbp->title = $datetitle . ' ' . str_replace('%num%', $page, $zbp->lang['msg']['number_page']);
            $zbp->modulesbyfilename['calendar']->Content = ModuleBuilder::Calendar(date('Y', $datetime) . '-' . date('n', $datetime));
            $template = $zbp->option['ZC_INDEX_DEFAULT_TEMPLATE'];
            if (preg_match($dateregex_ymd, $datetime_txt) != 0) {
                $w[] = array('BETWEEN', 'log_PostTime', $datetime, strtotime('+1 day', $datetime));
                $pagebar->UrlRule->Rules['{%date%}'] = date('Y-n-j', $datetime);
            } else {
                $w[] = array('BETWEEN', 'log_PostTime', $datetime, strtotime('+1 month', $datetime));
                $pagebar->UrlRule->Rules['{%date%}'] = date('Y-n', $datetime);
            $datetime = Metas::ConvertArray(getdate($datetime));
        case 'tag':
            $pagebar = new Pagebar($zbp->option['ZC_TAGS_REGEX']);
            $tag = new Tag();
            if (!is_array($tags)) {
                $tagId = $tags;
                $tags = array();
                if (strpos($zbp->option['ZC_TAGS_REGEX'], '{%id%}') !== false) {
                    $tags['id'] = $tagId;
                if (strpos($zbp->option['ZC_TAGS_REGEX'], '{%alias%}') !== false) {
                    $tags['alias'] = $tagId;
            if (isset($tags['id'])) {
                $tag = $zbp->GetTagByID($tags['id']);
            } else {
                $tag = $zbp->GetTagByAliasOrName($tags['alias']);
            if ($tag->ID == 0) {
                if ($isrewrite == true) {
                    return false;
                $zbp->ShowError(2, __FILE__, __LINE__);
            if ($page == 1) {
                $zbp->title = $tag->Name;
            } else {
                $zbp->title = $tag->Name . ' ' . str_replace('%num%', $page, $zbp->lang['msg']['number_page']);
            $template = $tag->Template;
            $w[] = array('LIKE', 'log_Tag', '%{' . $tag->ID . '}%');
            $pagebar->UrlRule->Rules['{%id%}'] = $tag->ID;
            $pagebar->UrlRule->Rules['{%alias%}'] = $tag->Alias == '' ? rawurlencode($tag->Name) : $tag->Alias;
    $pagebar->PageCount = $zbp->displaycount;
    $pagebar->PageNow = $page;
    $pagebar->PageBarCount = $zbp->pagebarcount;
    $pagebar->UrlRule->Rules['{%page%}'] = $page;
    foreach ($GLOBALS['hooks']['Filter_Plugin_ViewList_Core'] as $fpname => &$fpsignal) {
        $fpname($type, $page, $category, $author, $datetime, $tag, $w, $pagebar);
    if ($zbp->option['ZC_LISTONTOP_TURNOFF'] == false) {
        $articles_top_notorder = $zbp->GetTopArticle();
        foreach ($articles_top_notorder as $articles_top_notorder_post) {
            if ($articles_top_notorder_post->TopType == 'global') {
                $articles_top[] = $articles_top_notorder_post;
        if ($type == 'index' && $page == 1) {
            foreach ($articles_top_notorder as $articles_top_notorder_post) {
                if ($articles_top_notorder_post->TopType == 'index') {
                    $articles_top[] = $articles_top_notorder_post;
        if ($type == 'category') {
            foreach ($articles_top_notorder as $articles_top_notorder_post) {
                if ($articles_top_notorder_post->TopType == 'category' && $articles_top_notorder_post->CateID == $category->ID) {
                    $articles_top[] = $articles_top_notorder_post;
    $select = '*';
    $order = array('log_PostTime' => 'DESC');
    $limit = array(($pagebar->PageNow - 1) * $pagebar->PageCount, $pagebar->PageCount);
    $option = array('pagebar' => $pagebar);
    foreach ($GLOBALS['hooks']['Filter_Plugin_LargeData_Article'] as $fpname => &$fpsignal) {
        $fpreturn = $fpname($select, $w, $order, $limit, $option);
    $articles = $zbp->GetArticleList($select, $w, $order, $limit, $option, true);
    $zbp->template->SetTags('title', $zbp->title);
    $zbp->template->SetTags('articles', array_merge($articles_top, $articles));
    if ($pagebar->PageAll == 0) {
        $pagebar = null;
    $zbp->template->SetTags('pagebar', $pagebar);
    $zbp->template->SetTags('type', $type);
    $zbp->template->SetTags('page', $page);
    $zbp->template->SetTags('date', $datetime);
    $zbp->template->SetTags('tag', $tag);
    $zbp->template->SetTags('author', $author);
    $zbp->template->SetTags('category', $category);
    if ($zbp->template->hasTemplate($template)) {
    } else {
    foreach ($GLOBALS['hooks']['Filter_Plugin_ViewList_Template'] as $fpname => &$fpsignal) {
        $fpreturn = $fpname($zbp->template);
    return true;
 *      [PHPB2B] Copyright (C) 2007-2099, Ualink Inc. All Rights Reserved.
 *      The contents of this file are subject to the License; you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. 
 *      @version $Revision: 2258 $
require "../libraries/";
require PHPB2B_ROOT . './libraries/page.class.php';
require "";
require LIB_PATH . 'time.class.php';
require CACHE_COMMON_PATH . "cache_type.php";
uses("product", "attachment", "tag", "typeoption", "area", "industry", "meta");
$typeoption = new Typeoption();
$area = new Areas();
$meta = new Metas();
$industry = new Industries();
$attachment = new Attachment('pic');
$tag = new Tags();
$product = new Products();
$page = new Pages();
$conditions = array();
$tpl_file = "product";
setvar("CheckStatus", $typeoption->get_cache_type("common_status"));
setvar("BooleanVars", $typeoption->get_cache_type("common_option"));
setvar("ProductSorts", $_PB_CACHE['productsort']);
if (isset($_POST['save']) && !empty($_POST['data']['product']['name'])) {
    $result = false;
    $vals = array();
    $vals = $_POST['data']['product'];
    if (isset($_POST['data']['company_name'])) {

 *      [PHPB2B] Copyright (C) 2007-2099, Ualink Inc. All Rights Reserved.
 *      The contents of this file are subject to the License; you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. 
 *      @version $Revision: 2258 $
require "../libraries/";
require LIB_PATH . 'time.class.php';
uses("trade", "tag", "tradefield", "attachment", "keyword", "membertype", "setting", "typeoption", "area", "industry", "meta");
require PHPB2B_ROOT . 'libraries/page.class.php';
require "";
$attachment = new Attachment('pic');
$area = new Areas();
$meta = new Metas();
$industry = new Industries();
$setting = new Settings();
$membertype = new Membertypes();
$offer = new Tradefields();
$tag = new Tags();
$keyword = new Keywords();
$typeoption = new Typeoption();
$trade = new Trades();
$trade_controller = new Trade();
$tpl_file = "offer";
$conditions = array();
$page = new Pages();
$trade_names = $trade_controller->getTradeTypes();
setvar("TradeTypes", $trade_names);
setvar("CheckStatus", $check_status = explode(",", L('product_status', 'tpl')));
 function detail()
     global $viewhelper;
     using("company", "member", "form", "tag", "area", "meta");
     $company = new Companies();
     $area = new Areas();
     $meta = new Metas();
     $tag = new Tags();
     $member = new Members();
     $form = new Forms();
     $tmp_status = explode(",", L('product_status', 'tpl'));
     $viewhelper->setPosition(L("product_center", 'tpl'), 'index.php?do=product');
     $viewhelper->setTitle(L("product_center", 'tpl'));
     if (isset($_GET['title'])) {
         $title = trim($_GET['title']);
         $res = $this->product->findByName($title);
         $id = $res['id'];
     if (isset($_GET['id'])) {
         $id = intval($_GET['id']);
     $info = $this->product->getProductById($id);
     if (empty($info) || !$info) {
         flash("data_not_exists", '', 0);
     $form_vars = array();
     if (isset($info['formattribute_ids'])) {
         $form_vars = $form->getAttributes(explode(",", $info['formattribute_ids']), 2);
     setvar("ObjectParams", $form_vars);
     $info['tag'] = '';
     //Initialize tag value
     if (!empty($info['tag_ids'])) {
         $tag_res = $tag->getTagsByIds($info['tag_ids']);
         if (!empty($tag_res)) {
             $tags = null;
             foreach ($tag_res as $key => $val) {
                 $tags .= '<a href="' . $this->url(array("module" => "tag", "do" => "product", "q" => $val)) . '" target="_blank">' . $val . '</a>&nbsp;';
             $info['tag'] = $tags;
             unset($tags, $tag_res, $tag);
     if ($info['state'] != 1) {
         flash("unvalid_product", '', 0);
     if ($info['status'] != 1) {
         $tmp_key = intval($info['status']);
         flash("wait_apply", '', 0);
     if (!empty($info['member_id'])) {
         $member_info = $member->getInfoById($info['member_id']);
         $info['space_name'] = $member_info['space_name'];
         setvar("MEMBER", $member_info);
     if (!empty($info['company_id'])) {
         $company_info = $company->getInfoById($info['company_id']);
         if (!empty($company_info)) {
             $info['companyname'] = $company_info['name'];
             $info['link_people'] = $company_info['link_man'];
             $info['address'] = $company_info['address'];
             $info['zipcode'] = $company_info['zipcode'];
             $info['site_url'] = $company_info['site_url'];
             $info['tel'] = pb_hidestr($company_info['tel']);
             $info['fax'] = pb_hidestr($company_info['fax']);
             $company_info = pb_lang_split_recursive($company_info);
             setvar("COMPANY", $company_info);
     $meta_info = $meta->getSEOById($id, 'product', false);
     empty($meta_info['title']) ? $viewhelper->setTitle($info['name'], $info['picture']) : $viewhelper->setTitle($meta_info['title']);
     empty($meta_info['description']) ? $viewhelper->setMetaDescription($info['content']) : $viewhelper->setMetaDescription($meta_info['description']);
     if (isset($meta_info['keyword'])) {
     $info['industry_names'] = $this->industry->disSubNames($info['industry_id'], null, true, "product");
     $info['area_names'] = $area->disSubNames($info['area_id'], null, true, "product");
     $info['title'] = strip_tags($info['name']);
     //delete the pre num.2011.9.1
     $info['tel'] = preg_replace('/\\((.+?)\\)/i', '', $info['tel']);
     $info['fax'] = preg_replace('/\\((.+?)\\)/i', '', $info['fax']);
     $info = pb_lang_split_recursive($info);
     setvar("item", $info);
文件: news.php 项目: reboxhost/phpb2b

 *      [PHPB2B] Copyright (C) 2007-2099, Ualink Inc. All Rights Reserved.
 *      The contents of this file are subject to the License; you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. 
 *      @version $Revision: 2258 $
require "../libraries/";
uses("news", "newstype", "membertype", "attachment", "tag", "typeoption", "meta");
require LIB_PATH . 'time.class.php';
require PHPB2B_ROOT . 'libraries/page.class.php';
require "";
$tag = new Tags();
$page = new Pages();
$meta = new Metas();
$attachment = new Attachment('pic');
$typeoption = new Typeoption();
$membertype = new Membertypes();
$news = new Newses();
$newstype = new Newstypes();
$conditions = array();
$fields = null;
$tpl_file = "news";
setvar("AskAction", $typeoption->get_cache_type("common_option"));
if (isset($_GET['do'])) {
    $do = trim($_GET['do']);
    if (isset($_GET['action'])) {
        $action = trim($_GET['action']);
    if (!empty($_GET['id'])) {