         * Content for 'Tools' tab
         * @since 1.4
        public function tools_page($saved_settings)

        <div class='menu_settings'>

            <h3 class='first'><?php 
            _e("Tools", "megamenu");

                    <td class='mega-name'>
            _e("Cache", "megamenu");
                        <div class='mega-description'><?php 
            _e("Use this tool to clear the CSS cache.", "megamenu");
                    <td class='mega-value'>
                        <form action="<?php 
            echo admin_url('admin-post.php');
" method="post">
                            <input type="hidden" name="action" value="megamenu_clear_css_cache" />

                            <input type='submit' class='button button-secondary' value='<?php 
            _e("Clear CSS Cache", "megamenu");
' />
                    <td class='mega-name'>
            _e("Plugin Data", "megamenu");
                        <div class='mega-description'><?php 
            _e("Delete all saved Max Mega Menu plugin data from the database. Use with caution!", "megamenu");
                    <td class='mega-value'>
                        <form action="<?php 
            echo admin_url('admin-post.php');
" method="post">
                            <input type="hidden" name="action" value="megamenu_delete_data" />

                            <input type='submit' class='button button-secondary confirm' value='<?php 
            _e("Delete Data", "megamenu");
' />
                    <td class='mega-name'>
            _e("Export Theme", "megamenu");
                        <div class='mega-description'><?php 
            _e("Export a menu theme", "megamenu");
                    <td class='mega-value'>
                        <form method="post" action="<?php 

            if (isset($_POST['theme_export'])) {
                $style_manager = new Mega_Menu_Style_Manager();
                $default_theme = $style_manager->get_default_theme();
                $theme_to_export = $_POST['theme_export'];
                if (isset($this->themes[$theme_to_export])) {
                    $theme_to_export = $this->themes[$theme_to_export];
                    $diff = array();
                    foreach ($default_theme as $key => $value) {
                        if (isset($theme_to_export[$key]) && $theme_to_export[$key] != $value || $key == 'title') {
                            $diff[$key] = $theme_to_export[$key];
                    if (isset($_POST['format']) && $_POST['format'] == 'json') {
                        echo "<p>" . __("Log into the site you wish to import the theme to. Go to Mega Menu > Tools and paste this into the 'Import Theme' text area:") . "</p>";
                        echo "<textarea>" . htmlentities(json_encode($diff)) . "</textarea>";
                    } else {
                        $key = strtolower(str_replace(" ", "_", $theme_to_export['title']));
                        $key .= "_" . time();
                        echo "<p>" . __("Paste this code into your themes functions.php file:") . "</p>";
                        echo '<textarea>';
                        echo 'function megamenu_add_theme_' . $key . '($themes) {';
                        echo "\n" . '    $themes["' . $key . '"] = array(';
                        foreach ($diff as $theme_key => $value) {
                            echo "\n        '" . $theme_key . "' => '" . $value . "',";
                        echo "\n" . '    );';
                        echo "\n" . '    return $themes;';
                        echo "\n" . '}';
                        echo "\n" . 'add_filter("megamenu_themes", "megamenu_add_theme_' . $key . '");';
                        echo '</textarea>';
            } else {
                echo "<select name='theme_export'>";
                foreach ($this->themes as $id => $theme) {
                    echo "<option value='{$id}'>{$theme['title']}</option>";
                echo "</select>";
                echo "<h4>" . __("Export Format", "megamenu") . "</h4>";
                echo "<input value='json' type='radio' name='format'>" . __("JSON - I want to import this theme into another site I'm developing") . "<br />";
                echo "<input value='php' type='radio' name='format'>" . __("PHP - I want to distribute this Menu Theme in a WordPress Theme I'm developing") . "<br />";
                echo "<input type='submit' name='export' class='button button-secondary' value='" . __("Export Theme", "megamenu") . "' />";
                    <td class='mega-name'>
            _e("Import Theme", "megamenu");
                        <div class='mega-description'><?php 
            _e("Import a menu theme", "megamenu");
                    <td class='mega-value'>
                       <form action="<?php 
            echo admin_url('admin-post.php');
" method="post">
                            <input type="hidden" name="action" value="megamenu_import_theme" />
                            <textarea name='data'></textarea>
                            <input type='submit' class='button button-secondary' value='<?php 
            _e("Import Theme", "megamenu");
' />
