function createResServ($MID, $authenticated = false) { chdir("/var/www/vhosts/"); global $user; if (($user->accessPage(63) || $user->accessPage(64)) && !$authenticated || $authenticated) { $query = $this->mySQL['r']->prepare("SELECT `MID`,`meet`,`series`, from `comp_res` WHERE `MID`=? AND `enable`='1'"); $query->bind_param('s', $MID); $query->execute(); $query->store_result(); if ($query->num_rows == 1) { $comp = new Meet($this->mySQL); $comp->setID($MID); $comp->createMeet(); $query->bind_result($MID, $meet, $series); $query->fetch(); if (!file_exists($meet)) { mkdir($meet); } elseif (file_exists($meet) && !is_dir($meet)) { unlink($meet); mkdir($meet); } chdir($meet); if (!file_exists($series)) { mkdir($series); } elseif (file_exists($series) && !is_dir($series)) { unlink($series); mkdir($series); } chdir($series); if ($comp_meet->res['indivSession']) { foreach ($comp->meet['S'] as $i => $session) { if (!file_exists('session' . $i)) { mkdir('session' . $i); } elseif (file_exists('session' . $i) && !is_dir('session' . $i)) { unlink('session' . $i); mkdir('session' . $i); } } } $meetFile = fopen('meet.php', 'w'); $file = "<?php\n"; $file .= "/*\n*\n* Meet Definition PHP File\n* Author: BWSC Website (Huw Jones)\n* (C) Biggleswade Swimming Club\n* File Created: " . date("H:i:s d/m/Y") . "\n*/\n"; $file .= "\n/*\n* Version\n*/\n"; $file .= "// 3 = Event titles are hardcoded into the meet.php file. These files have been created automatically\n"; $file .= '$meet["version"]' . "\t\t\t\t" . '= 3;' . PHP_EOL; $file .= "\n/*\n* Core\n*/\n"; $file .= "// Meet title \n"; $file .= '$meet["core"]["title"]' . "\t\t\t" . '= "' . $comp->getTitle() . '";' . PHP_EOL; $file .= "// Meet title \n"; $file .= '$meet["core"]["licence"]' . "\t\t" . '= "' . $comp->licence . '";' . PHP_EOL; $file .= "// Number of Sessions (For Continuity Checking)\n"; $file .= '$meet["core"]["sessions"]' . "\t\t" . '= ' . $comp->getNumberSessions() . ';' . PHP_EOL; $file .= "// Number of Events (For Continuity Checking)\n"; $file .= '$meet["core"]["events"]' . "\t\t\t" . '= ' . $comp->getNumberEvents() . ';' . PHP_EOL; $file .= "\n// Date\n"; $file .= "// Set the date prefix for the event files. dd/mm/yyYY should be set as YYmmdd\n"; $file .= '$meet["core"]["date"]["prefix"]' . "\t" . '= "' . date("ymd", strtotime($comp->getDates('s'))) . '";' . PHP_EOL; $file .= "// Start Date\n"; $file .= '$meet["core"]["date"]["start"]' . "\t" . '= "' . $comp->getDates('s') . '";' . PHP_EOL; $file .= "// Finish Date\n"; $file .= '$meet["core"]["date"]["finish"]' . "\t" . '= "' . $comp->getDates('f') . '";' . PHP_EOL; $file .= "// Individual Sessions\n"; $file .= '$meet["core"]["indivSess"]' . "\t\t" . '= "' . $comp->resServ['indivSess'] . '";' . PHP_EOL; $file .= "// Next Session\n"; $file .= '$meet["core"]["nextSession"]' . "\t" . '= "' . $comp->resServ['nextSession'] . '";' . PHP_EOL; $file .= "\n// Download Results\n"; $file .= "// If you wish user to be able to download the results as PDFs, set to true.\n"; $file .= "// If you are going to upload PDFs set to 'PDF', otherwise set to 'compile' and the service will compile the results files into PDFs on the fly.\n"; $file .= '$meet["core"]["download"]' . "\t\t" . '= "' . strtoupper($comp->resServ['download']) . '";' . PHP_EOL; $file .= "\n/*\n*\n* Services\n*\n*/\n"; $file .= '// Use the $meet["services"] array with the value as the title (as it will appear to the user)' . PHP_EOL; $file .= "// and the key as the suffix of the file. I.e: yymmdd[SUFFIX].htm\n"; $file .= '// Eg: $meet["services"]["lastheat"] = "Last Heat";' . PHP_EOL; foreach ($comp->resServ['services'] as $k => $service) { if ($service == 1) { if (strlen($k) < 7) { $tab = "\t\t"; } else { $tab = "\t"; } $file .= '$meet["services"]["' . $k . '"]' . $tab . '= "' . $comp->options['res-services'][$k]['title'] . '";' . PHP_EOL; } } $file .= "\n/*\n*\n* Meet Sessions and Events\n*\n*/\n"; $file .= '// For each of the sessions, add events to the $meet["session"]["X"]["events"] array, where X is the session number,' . PHP_EOL; $file .= "// the key is the initial for the event code and the value is the event title.\n"; $file .= '// Eg: $meet["session"]["1"]["events"]["F001"]["title" = "Girls 9/O 50m Freestyle";' . PHP_EOL; foreach ($comp->meet['S'] as $s => $session) { $file .= "\n// Session " . $s . PHP_EOL; $file .= "// Date\n"; $file .= '$meet["session"][' . $s . ']["date"]' . "\t\t\t\t\t\t" . '= ' . strtotime(str_replace('/', '-', $session['date'])) . ';' . PHP_EOL; $file .= "// Start Time\n"; $file .= '$meet["session"][' . $s . ']["times"]["start"]' . "\t\t\t" . '= ' . strtotime($session['t']['start']) . ';' . PHP_EOL; $file .= "// Events\n"; foreach ($session['E'] as $e => $event) { if ($comp->getEvent($s, $e) !== false) { $event = $comp->getEvent($s, $e); $title = $comp->eventTitle($event, false); if ($event['r'] == 't') { $event['round'] = 'f'; $event['r'] = 'h'; } else { $event['round'] = $event['r']; } $file .= '$meet["session"][' . $s . ']["events"]["' . strtoupper($event['round']) . str_pad($event['num'], 3, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT) . '"]["title"]' . "\t" . '= "' . $title . '";' . PHP_EOL; $file .= '$meet["session"][' . $s . ']["events"]["' . strtoupper($event['round']) . str_pad($event['num'], 3, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT) . '"]["round"]' . "\t" . '= "' . $comp->options['rounds'][$event['r']] . '";' . PHP_EOL; $file .= '$meet["session"][' . $s . ']["events"]["' . strtoupper($event['round']) . str_pad($event['num'], 3, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT) . '"]["r"]' . "\t\t" . '= "' . $event['r'] . '";' . PHP_EOL; $file .= '$meet["session"][' . $s . ']["events"]["' . strtoupper($event['round']) . str_pad($event['num'], 3, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT) . '"]["s"]' . "\t\t" . '= "' . $event['s'] . '";' . PHP_EOL; $file .= '$meet["session"][' . $s . ']["events"]["' . strtoupper($event['round']) . str_pad($event['num'], 3, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT) . '"]["d"]' . "\t\t" . '= "' . $event['d'] . '";' . PHP_EOL; $file .= '$meet["session"][' . $s . ']["events"]["' . strtoupper($event['round']) . str_pad($event['num'], 3, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT) . '"]["g"]' . "\t\t" . '= "' . $event['g'] . '";' . PHP_EOL; } } } $file .= "?>\n"; fwrite($meetFile, $file); fclose($meetFile); return true; } else { return false; } } else { return false; } }