public function execute() { $params = $this->extractRequestParams(); if (!is_null($params['prop'])) { $this->prop = array_flip($params['prop']); } else { $this->prop = []; } $users = (array) $params['users']; $goodNames = $done = []; $result = $this->getResult(); // Canonicalize user names foreach ($users as $u) { $n = User::getCanonicalName($u); if ($n === false || $n === '') { $vals = ['name' => $u, 'invalid' => true]; $fit = $result->addValue(['query', $this->getModuleName()], null, $vals); if (!$fit) { $this->setContinueEnumParameter('users', implode('|', array_diff($users, $done))); $goodNames = []; break; } $done[] = $u; } else { $goodNames[] = $n; } } $result = $this->getResult(); if (count($goodNames)) { $this->addTables('user'); $this->addFields(User::selectFields()); $this->addWhereFld('user_name', $goodNames); $this->showHiddenUsersAddBlockInfo(isset($this->prop['blockinfo'])); $data = []; $res = $this->select(__METHOD__); $this->resetQueryParams(); // get user groups if needed if (isset($this->prop['groups']) || isset($this->prop['rights'])) { $userGroups = []; $this->addTables('user'); $this->addWhereFld('user_name', $goodNames); $this->addTables('user_groups'); $this->addJoinConds(['user_groups' => ['INNER JOIN', 'ug_user=user_id']]); $this->addFields(['user_name', 'ug_group']); $userGroupsRes = $this->select(__METHOD__); foreach ($userGroupsRes as $row) { $userGroups[$row->user_name][] = $row->ug_group; } } foreach ($res as $row) { // create user object and pass along $userGroups if set // that reduces the number of database queries needed in User dramatically if (!isset($userGroups)) { $user = User::newFromRow($row); } else { if (!isset($userGroups[$row->user_name]) || !is_array($userGroups[$row->user_name])) { $userGroups[$row->user_name] = []; } $user = User::newFromRow($row, ['user_groups' => $userGroups[$row->user_name]]); } $name = $user->getName(); $data[$name]['userid'] = $user->getId(); $data[$name]['name'] = $name; if (isset($this->prop['editcount'])) { $data[$name]['editcount'] = $user->getEditCount(); } if (isset($this->prop['registration'])) { $data[$name]['registration'] = wfTimestampOrNull(TS_ISO_8601, $user->getRegistration()); } if (isset($this->prop['groups'])) { $data[$name]['groups'] = $user->getEffectiveGroups(); } if (isset($this->prop['implicitgroups'])) { $data[$name]['implicitgroups'] = $user->getAutomaticGroups(); } if (isset($this->prop['rights'])) { $data[$name]['rights'] = $user->getRights(); } if ($row->ipb_deleted) { $data[$name]['hidden'] = true; } if (isset($this->prop['blockinfo']) && !is_null($row->ipb_by_text)) { $data[$name]['blockid'] = (int) $row->ipb_id; $data[$name]['blockedby'] = $row->ipb_by_text; $data[$name]['blockedbyid'] = (int) $row->ipb_by; $data[$name]['blockedtimestamp'] = wfTimestamp(TS_ISO_8601, $row->ipb_timestamp); $data[$name]['blockreason'] = $row->ipb_reason; $data[$name]['blockexpiry'] = $row->ipb_expiry; } if (isset($this->prop['emailable'])) { $data[$name]['emailable'] = $user->canReceiveEmail(); } if (isset($this->prop['gender'])) { $gender = $user->getOption('gender'); if (strval($gender) === '') { $gender = 'unknown'; } $data[$name]['gender'] = $gender; } if (isset($this->prop['centralids'])) { $data[$name] += ApiQueryUserInfo::getCentralUserInfo($this->getConfig(), $user, $params['attachedwiki']); } if (!is_null($params['token'])) { $tokenFunctions = $this->getTokenFunctions(); foreach ($params['token'] as $t) { $val = call_user_func($tokenFunctions[$t], $user); if ($val === false) { $this->setWarning("Action '{$t}' is not allowed for the current user"); } else { $data[$name][$t . 'token'] = $val; } } } } } $context = $this->getContext(); // Second pass: add result data to $retval foreach ($goodNames as $u) { if (!isset($data[$u])) { $data[$u] = ['name' => $u]; $urPage = new UserrightsPage(); $urPage->setContext($context); $iwUser = $urPage->fetchUser($u); if ($iwUser instanceof UserRightsProxy) { $data[$u]['interwiki'] = true; if (!is_null($params['token'])) { $tokenFunctions = $this->getTokenFunctions(); foreach ($params['token'] as $t) { $val = call_user_func($tokenFunctions[$t], $iwUser); if ($val === false) { $this->setWarning("Action '{$t}' is not allowed for the current user"); } else { $data[$u][$t . 'token'] = $val; } } } } else { $data[$u]['missing'] = true; if (isset($this->prop['cancreate'])) { $status = MediaWiki\Auth\AuthManager::singleton()->canCreateAccount($u); $data[$u]['cancreate'] = $status->isGood(); if (!$status->isGood()) { $data[$u]['cancreateerror'] = $this->getErrorFormatter()->arrayFromStatus($status); } } } } else { if (isset($this->prop['groups']) && isset($data[$u]['groups'])) { ApiResult::setArrayType($data[$u]['groups'], 'array'); ApiResult::setIndexedTagName($data[$u]['groups'], 'g'); } if (isset($this->prop['implicitgroups']) && isset($data[$u]['implicitgroups'])) { ApiResult::setArrayType($data[$u]['implicitgroups'], 'array'); ApiResult::setIndexedTagName($data[$u]['implicitgroups'], 'g'); } if (isset($this->prop['rights']) && isset($data[$u]['rights'])) { ApiResult::setArrayType($data[$u]['rights'], 'array'); ApiResult::setIndexedTagName($data[$u]['rights'], 'r'); } } $fit = $result->addValue(['query', $this->getModuleName()], null, $data[$u]); if (!$fit) { $this->setContinueEnumParameter('users', implode('|', array_diff($users, $done))); break; } $done[] = $u; } $result->addIndexedTagName(['query', $this->getModuleName()], 'user'); }
$profName = $fname . '-extensions-' . get_class($func[0]) . '::' . $func[1]; } else { $profName = $fname . '-extensions-' . implode('::', $func); } } else { $profName = $fname . '-extensions-' . strval($func); } $ps_ext_func = Profiler::instance()->scopedProfileIn($profName); call_user_func($func); Profiler::instance()->scopedProfileOut($ps_ext_func); } // If the session user has a 0 id but a valid name, that means we need to // autocreate it. if (!defined('MW_NO_SESSION') && !$wgCommandLineMode) { $sessionUser = MediaWiki\Session\SessionManager::getGlobalSession()->getUser(); if ($sessionUser->getId() === 0 && User::isValidUserName($sessionUser->getName())) { $ps_autocreate = Profiler::instance()->scopedProfileIn($fname . '-autocreate'); $res = MediaWiki\Auth\AuthManager::singleton()->autoCreateUser($sessionUser, MediaWiki\Auth\AuthManager::AUTOCREATE_SOURCE_SESSION, true); Profiler::instance()->scopedProfileOut($ps_autocreate); \MediaWiki\Logger\LoggerFactory::getInstance('authevents')->info('Autocreation attempt', ['event' => 'autocreate', 'status' => $res]); unset($res); } unset($sessionUser); } if (!$wgCommandLineMode) { Pingback::schedulePingback(); } wfDebug("Fully initialised\n"); $wgFullyInitialised = true; Profiler::instance()->scopedProfileOut($ps_extensions); Profiler::instance()->scopedProfileOut($ps_setup);