  * This controller method (function) is defined as calledback in the config.php and is called by MCB when the System Settings Panel is displayed.
  * MCB provides, so, a specific "settings tab" for the module Contact. This function is called only once, when the System Settings is loaded.
  * After that, during the accordion operations etc, this function is no more called. 
  * The aim of the function is to get, populate and return the html of several tpl files. The html returned will populate the "setting tab" 
  * @access		public
  * @param		array | null	An array containing the data to send to the tpl files or nothing
  * @return		string | false
  * @example
  * @see
  * @author 		Damiano Venturin
  * @copyright 	2V S.r.l.
  * @license		GPL
  * @link		http://www.squadrainformatica.com/en/development#mcbsb  MCB-SB official page
  * @since		Feb 6, 2012
 public function display_settings()
     $data = array();
     $obj = new Mdl_Person();
     $data['settings_person'] = $this->display_object_settings($obj);
     $obj = new Mdl_Organization();
     $data['settings_organization'] = $this->display_object_settings($obj);
     $obj = new Mdl_Location();
     $data['settings_location'] = $this->display_object_settings($obj);
     $this->plenty_parser->parse('settings.tpl', $data, false, 'smarty', 'contact');