  * Add two arbitrary precision numbers
  * @param string $a The left operand, as a string.
  * @param string $b The right operand, as a string.
  * @access public
  * @return string The sum of the two operands, as a string
 public function add($a, $b)
     $a = new Math_BigInteger($a);
     $b = new Math_BigInteger($b);
     $c = $a->add($b);
     return $c->toString();
 public function add1($pos, $value, $sid)
     if ($pos < $this->size()) {
         $tmp1 = new Math_BigInteger($this->get($pos)->getInt());
         $tmp = $tmp1->add($value);
         $this->mPosition[$pos] = new LogootId($tmp->toString(), $sid);
     } else {
         $this->mPosition[] = new LogootId($tmp->toString(), $sid);
  * Generate a random number
  * @param optional Integer $min
  * @param optional Integer $max
  * @return Math_BigInteger
  * @access public
 function random($min = false, $max = false)
     if ($min === false) {
         $min = new Math_BigInteger(0);
     if ($max === false) {
         $max = new Math_BigInteger(0x7fffffff);
     $compare = $max->compare($min);
     if (!$compare) {
         return $this->_normalize($min);
     } else {
         if ($compare < 0) {
             // if $min is bigger then $max, swap $min and $max
             $temp = $max;
             $max = $min;
             $min = $temp;
     $generator = $this->generator;
     $max = $max->subtract($min);
     $max = ltrim($max->toBytes(), chr(0));
     $size = strlen($max) - 1;
     $random = '';
     $bytes = $size & 1;
     for ($i = 0; $i < $bytes; ++$i) {
         $random .= chr($generator(0, 255));
     $blocks = $size >> 1;
     for ($i = 0; $i < $blocks; ++$i) {
         // mt_rand(-2147483648, 0x7FFFFFFF) always produces -2147483648 on some systems
         $random .= pack('n', $generator(0, 0xffff));
     $temp = new Math_BigInteger($random, 256);
     if ($temp->compare(new Math_BigInteger(substr($max, 1), 256)) > 0) {
         $random = chr($generator(0, ord($max[0]) - 1)) . $random;
     } else {
         $random = chr($generator(0, ord($max[0]))) . $random;
     $random = new Math_BigInteger($random, 256);
     return $this->_normalize($random->add($min));
  * generation of a position, logoot algorithm
  * @param <LogootPosition> $p is the previous logootPosition
  * @param <LogootPosition> $q is the next logootPosition
  * @param $N number of positions generated (should be 1 in our case)
  * @param <Integer> $rep_sid session id
  * @param <Integer> $rep_clock session clock
  * @param $boundary Cf. method
  * @return <LogootPosition List> $N logootPosition(s) between $start and $end
 public static function getLogootPosition(LogootPosition $p, LogootPosition $q, $nb, $rep_sid, $rep_clock = 0, $boundary = NULL)
     wfDebugLog('p2p', $rep_clock . " - function LogootPosition::getLogootPosition " . $p . " / " . $q . " pour " . $nb . " position(s)");
     $one = new Math_BigInteger("1");
     // Recherche de l'interval optimal
     $index = 0;
     $interval = INT_MIN;
     $size = max($p->size(), $q->size()) + 1;
     $prefix_p = array(0 => array('cum_val' => "", 'id_str_val' => ""));
     $prefix_q = array(0 => array('cum_val' => "", 'id_str_val' => ""));
     while ($interval < $nb) {
         $index += 1;
         // recherche de prefix($p, index);
         if ($index <= $p->size()) {
             $str_val_p = str_pad($p->get($index - 1)->getInt(), DIGIT, "0", STR_PAD_LEFT);
         } else {
             $str_val_p = LPINTMINDIGIT;
         $prefix_p[$index] = array('id_str_val' => $str_val_p, 'cum_val' => $prefix_p[$index - 1]['cum_val'] . $str_val_p);
         // recherche de prefix($p, index);
         if ($index <= $q->size()) {
             $str_val_q = str_pad($q->get($index - 1)->getInt(), DIGIT, "0", STR_PAD_LEFT);
         } else {
             $str_val_q = LPINTMINDIGIT;
         $prefix_q[$index] = array('id_str_val' => $str_val_q, 'cum_val' => $prefix_q[$index - 1]['cum_val'] . $str_val_q);
         // Calcul de l'interval sur les nouveaux prefixes
         $BI_p = new Math_BigInteger($prefix_p[$index]['cum_val']);
         $BI_q = new Math_BigInteger($prefix_q[$index]['cum_val']);
         $BIinterval = $BI_q->subtract($BI_p)->subtract($one);
         $interval = (int) $BIinterval->__toString();
         /*wfDebugLog('p2p', $index
           . " : Prefix_p " . (string) $prefix_p[$index]['cum_val'] . '/'
           . $prefix_p[$index]['id_str_val']
           . " Prefix_q " . (string) $prefix_q[$index]['cum_val'] . '/'
           . $prefix_q[$index]['id_str_val']
           . " Interval " . $interval);*/
     // Construction des identifiants
     //wfDebugLog('p2p', "N " . $nb . " Interval " . $interval . " index " . $index);
     $step = (int) $interval / $nb;
     if (isset($boundary)) {
         $step = $boundary < $step ? $boundary : $step;
     $BI_step = new Math_BigInteger($step);
     $BI_r = new Math_BigInteger($prefix_p[$index]['cum_val']);
     $list = array();
     //wfDebugLog('p2p', "Step :" . $step . "/" . $boundary);
     for ($j = 1; $j <= $nb; $j++) {
         $BI_nr = $BI_r->add(new Math_BigInteger(rand(1, $step)));
         //wfDebugLog('p2p', "nr " . (string) $BI_nr . " r " . (string) $BI_r);
         // pour découper une chaine en paquets de N car : str_split($cdc, $N) !
         $str_nr0 = (string) $BI_nr;
         // on fait en sorte que le découpage soit un multiple de DIGIT pour ne pas créer de décallage
         if (strlen($str_nr0) % ($index * DIGIT) != 0) {
             $str_nr = str_pad($str_nr0, strlen($str_nr0) + ($index * DIGIT - strlen($str_nr0) % ($index * DIGIT)), "0", STR_PAD_LEFT);
         } else {
             $str_nr = $str_nr0;
         //wfDebugLog('p2p', "str_nr0 " . $str_nr0 . " str_nr " . $str_nr);
         $tab_nr = str_split($str_nr, DIGIT);
         $pos = new LogootPosition();
         for ($i = 1; $i <= count($tab_nr); $i++) {
             $d = $tab_nr[$i - 1];
             //wfDebugLog('p2p', "$i#" . $prefix_p[$i]['id_str_val'] . "#" . $prefix_q[$i]['id_str_val'] . "#" . $d);
             if ($i <= $p->size() && $prefix_p[$i]['id_str_val'] == $d) {
                 $id = new LogootId($d, $p->get($i - 1)->getSessionId(), $p->get($i - 1)->getClock());
             } elseif ($i <= $q->size() && $prefix_q[$i]['id_str_val'] == $d) {
                 $id = new LogootId($d, $q->get($i - 1)->getSessionId(), $q->get($i - 1)->getClock());
             } else {
                 $id = new LogootId($d, $rep_sid, $rep_clock);
         wfDebugLog('p2p', "===========>" . $pos->__toString());
         $list[] = $pos;
         $BI_r = $BI_r->add($BI_step);
     return $list;
  * Generate a random number
  * @param optional Integer $min
  * @param optional Integer $max
  * @return Math_BigInteger
  * @access public
 function random($min = false, $max = false)
     if ($min === false) {
         $min = new Math_BigInteger(0);
     if ($max === false) {
         $max = new Math_BigInteger(0x7fffffff);
     $compare = $max->compare($min);
     if (!$compare) {
         return $this->_normalize($min);
     } else {
         if ($compare < 0) {
             // if $min is bigger then $max, swap $min and $max
             $temp = $max;
             $max = $min;
             $min = $temp;
     $generator = $this->generator;
     $max = $max->subtract($min);
     $max = ltrim($max->toBytes(), chr(0));
     $size = strlen($max) - 1;
     $crypt_random = function_exists('crypt_random_string') || !class_exists('Crypt_Random') && function_exists('crypt_random_string');
     if ($crypt_random) {
         $random = crypt_random_string($size);
     } else {
         $random = '';
         if ($size & 1) {
             $random .= chr(mt_rand(0, 255));
         $blocks = $size >> 1;
         for ($i = 0; $i < $blocks; ++$i) {
             // mt_rand(-2147483648, 0x7FFFFFFF) always produces -2147483648 on some systems
             $random .= pack('n', mt_rand(0, 0xffff));
     $fragment = new Math_BigInteger($random, 256);
     $leading = $fragment->compare(new Math_BigInteger(substr($max, 1), 256)) > 0 ? ord($max[0]) - 1 : ord($max[0]);
     if (!$crypt_random) {
         $msb = chr(mt_rand(0, $leading));
     } else {
         $cutoff = floor(0xff / $leading) * $leading;
         while (true) {
             $msb = ord(crypt_random_string(1));
             if ($msb <= $cutoff) {
                 $msb %= $leading;
         $msb = chr($msb);
     $random = new Math_BigInteger($msb . $random, 256);
     return $this->_normalize($random->add($min));
     $newTimeRange = $min_timestamp - 60 * 8;
     $existQuery = "SELECT address,minerdiff,blockdiff,time FROM shares_history WHERE time > {$newTimeRange}";
     $existResultMinersss = mysqli_query($mysqli, $existQuery) or die("Database Error");
     $count_response = mysqli_num_rows($existResultMinersss);
     echo "\nShares_OLD_Taken:" . $count_response . '';
     $current .= "\nShares_OLD_Taken:" . $count_response . '';
     while ($row = mysqli_fetch_row($existResultMinersss)) {
         $miner_adr = $row[0];
         $miner_adr_balance = new Math_BigInteger($row[1]);
         $totalMinersDiff = $totalMinersDiff->add($miner_adr_balance);
         if (!isset($miner_payouts["'{$miner_adr}'"])) {
             $miner_payouts["'{$miner_adr}'"] = $miner_adr_balance;
         } else {
             $miner_adr_balance_fromArray = new Math_BigInteger($miner_payouts["'{$miner_adr}'"]);
             $setNewValue = $miner_adr_balance_fromArray->add($miner_adr_balance);
             $miner_payouts["'{$miner_adr}'"] = $setNewValue->toString();
     echo "\nShares_OLD_Taken__NEWADDED:" . $old_new_added . '';
     $current .= "\nShares_OLD_Taken__NEWADDED:" . $old_new_added . '';
     echo "\nShares_OLD_Taken__OLD_SUMMARY:" . $old_old_old . '';
     $current .= "\nShares_OLD_Taken__OLD_SUMMARY:" . $old_old_old . '';
 echo "\n=============================================================================";
 echo "\nTotal Miners Diff:" . $totalMinersDiff->toString() . '  =  ' . $block_coins_size->toString() . ' wei';
 $current .= "\n=============================================================================";
 $current .= "\nTotal Miners Diff:" . $totalMinersDiff->toString() . '  =  ' . $block_coins_size->toString() . ' wei';
 $totalsplit = new Math_BigInteger(0);
 $totalEther = new Math_BigInteger(0);
// $Id$
// Example of how to use of BigInteger.  The output can be compared to the output that the BCMath functions would yield.
// bcpowmod is included with Math_BigInteger.php via PHP_Compat.
require __DIR__ . '/../vendor/autoload.php';
$x = mt_rand(1, 10000000);
$y = mt_rand(1, 10000000);
$z = mt_rand(1, 10000000);
$_x = new Math_BigInteger($x);
$_y = new Math_BigInteger($y);
$_z = new Math_BigInteger($z);
echo "\$x = {$x};\r\n";
echo "\$y = {$y};\r\n";
echo "\$z = {$z};\r\n";
echo "\r\n";
$result = bcadd($x, $y);
$_result = $_x->add($_y);
echo "\$result = \$x+\$y;\r\n";
echo "{$result}\r\n";
echo $_result->toString();
echo "\r\n\r\n";
$result = bcsub($result, $y);
$_result = $_result->subtract($_y);
echo "\$result = \$result-\$y;\r\n";
echo "{$result}\r\n";
echo $_result->toString();
echo "\r\n\r\n";
$result = bcdiv($x, $y);
list($_result, ) = $_x->divide($_y);
echo "\$result = \$x/\$y;\r\n";
echo "{$result}\r\n";
echo $_result->toString();
  * Generate a random number
  * $generator should be the name of a random number generating function whose first parameter is the minimum
  * value and whose second parameter is the maximum value.  If this function needs to be seeded, it should be
  * done before this function is called.
  * @param optional Integer $min
  * @param optional Integer $max
  * @param optional String $generator
  * @return Math_BigInteger
  * @access public
 function random(Math_BigInteger $min = NULL, Math_BigInteger $max = NULL, $generator = 'mt_rand')
     if ($min === NULL) {
         $min = new Math_BigInteger(0);
      * @author muller jean-philippe
      * This condition is used to exclude the min value from the possible
      *values returned by this random
     /*else {
           $min = $min->add(new Math_BigInteger(1));
     // end of modification
     if ($max === NULL) {
         $max = new Math_BigInteger(0x7fffffff);
     $compare = $max->compare($min);
     if (!$compare) {
         return $min;
     } else {
         if ($compare < 0) {
             // if $min is bigger then $max, swap $min and $max
             $temp = $max;
             $max = $min;
             $min = $temp;
     $max = $max->subtract($min);
     $max = ltrim($max->toBytes(), chr(0));
     $size = strlen($max) - 1;
     $random = '';
     $bytes = $size & 3;
     for ($i = 0; $i < $bytes; $i++) {
         $random .= chr($generator(0, 255));
     $blocks = $size >> 2;
     for ($i = 0; $i < $blocks; $i++) {
         $random .= pack('N', $generator(-2147483648.0, 0x7fffffff));
     $temp = new Math_BigInteger($random, 256);
     if ($temp->compare(new Math_BigInteger(substr($max, 1), 256)) > 0) {
         $random = chr($generator(0, ord($max[0]) - 1)) . $random;
     } else {
         $random = chr($generator(0, ord($max[0]))) . $random;
     $random = new Math_BigInteger($random, 256);
     return $random->add($min);
  * Generate a random number
  * $generator should be the name of a random number generating function whose first parameter is the minimum
  * value and whose second parameter is the maximum value.  If this function needs to be seeded, it should be
  * done before this function is called.
  * @param optional Integer $min
  * @param optional Integer $max
  * @param optional String $generator
  * @return Math_BigInteger
  * @access public
 function random($min = false, $max = false, $generator = 'mt_rand')
     if ($min === false) {
         $min = new Math_BigInteger(0);
     if ($max === false) {
         $max = new Math_BigInteger(0x7fffffff);
     $compare = $max->compare($min);
     if (!$compare) {
         return $min;
     } else {
         if ($compare < 0) {
             // if $min is bigger then $max, swap $min and $max
             $temp = $max;
             $max = $min;
             $min = $temp;
     $max = $max->subtract($min);
     $max = ltrim($max->toBytes(), chr(0));
     $size = strlen($max) - 1;
     $random = '';
     $bytes = $size & 3;
     for ($i = 0; $i < $bytes; $i++) {
         $random .= chr($generator(0, 255));
     $blocks = $size >> 2;
     for ($i = 0; $i < $blocks; $i++) {
         $random .= pack('N', $generator(-2147483648.0, 0x7fffffff));
     $temp = new Math_BigInteger($random, 256);
     if ($temp->compare(new Math_BigInteger(substr($max, 1), 256)) > 0) {
         $random = chr($generator(0, ord($max[0]) - 1)) . $random;
     } else {
         $random = chr($generator(0, ord($max[0]))) . $random;
     $random = new Math_BigInteger($random, 256);
     return $random->add($min);
 public function random($min = false, $max = false)
     if ($min === false) {
         $min = new Math_BigInteger(0);
     if ($max === false) {
         $max = new Math_BigInteger(2147483647);
     $compare = $max->compare($min);
     if (!$compare) {
         return $this->_normalize($min);
     } else {
         if ($compare < 0) {
             $temp = $max;
             $max = $min;
             $min = $temp;
     $max = $max->subtract($min);
     $max = ltrim($max->toBytes(), chr(0));
     $size = strlen($max) - 1;
     $random = '';
     if ($size & 1) {
         $random .= chr(mt_rand(0, 255));
     $blocks = $size >> 1;
     for ($i = 0; $i < $blocks; ++$i) {
         $random .= pack('n', mt_rand(0, 65535));
     $fragment = new Math_BigInteger($random, 256);
     $leading = 0 < $fragment->compare(new Math_BigInteger(substr($max, 1), 256)) ? ord($max[0]) - 1 : ord($max[0]);
     $msb = chr(mt_rand(0, $leading));
     $random = new Math_BigInteger($msb . $random, 256);
     return $this->_normalize($random->add($min));
  * generation of a position, logoot algorithm
  * @param <Object> $start is the previous logootPosition
  * @param <Object> $end is the next logootPosition
  * @param <Integer> $N number of positions generated (should be 1 in our case)
  * @param <Object> $sid session id
  * @return <Object> a logootPosition between $start and $end
 private function getLogootPosition($start, $end, $N, $sid)
     $result = array();
     $Id_Max = LogootId::IdMax();
     $Id_Min = LogootId::IdMin();
     $i = 0;
     $pos = array();
     $currentPosition = new LogootPosition($pos);
     // voir constructeur
     $inf = new Math_BigInteger("0");
     $sup = new Math_BigInteger("0");
     $isInf = false;
     while (true) {
         $inf = new Math_BigInteger($start->get($i)->getInt());
         if ($isInf == true) {
             $sup = new Math_BigInteger(INT_MAX);
         } else {
             $sup = new Math_BigInteger($end->get($i)->getInt());
         $tmpVal = $sup->subtract($inf);
         $tmpVal1 = $tmpVal->subtract(new Math_BigInteger("1"));
         if ($tmpVal1->compare($N) > 0) {
             //				inf = start.get(i).getInteger();
             //				sup = end.get(i).getInteger();
         if ($i == $start->size()) {
         if ($i == $end->size()) {
         if ($inf->compare($sup) < 0) {
             $isInf = true;
     $binf = $inf->add(new Math_BigInteger("1"));
     $bsup = $sup->subtract(new Math_BigInteger("1"));
     $slot = $bsup->subtract($binf);
     $stepTmp = $slot->divide($N);
     $step = $stepTmp[0];
     // quotient, [1] is the remainder
     $old = clone $currentPosition;
     if ($step->compare(new Math_BigInteger(INT_MAX)) > 0) {
         $lstep = new Math_BigInteger(INT_MAX);
         $r = clone $currentPosition;
         $tmpVal2 = $inf->random($inf, $sup);
         $r->set($i, $tmpVal2->toString(), $sid);
         $result[] = $r;
         // result est une arraylist<Position>
         return $result;
     } else {
         $lstep = $step;
     if ($lstep->compare(new Math_BigInteger("0")) == 0) {
         $lstep = new Math_BigInteger("1");
     $p = clone $currentPosition;
     $p->set($i, $inf->toString(), $sid);
     $tmpVal3 = (int) $N->toString();
     for ($j = 0; $j < $tmpVal3; $j++) {
         $r = clone $p;
         if (!($lstep->compare(new Math_BigInteger("1")) == 0)) {
             $tmpVal4 = new Math_BigInteger($p->get($i)->getInt());
             $tmpVal5 = $tmpVal4->add($lstep);
             // max
             $tmpVal6 = new Math_BigInteger($p->get($i)->getInt());
             // min
             $add = $tmpVal6->random($tmpVal6, $tmpVal5);
             $r->set($i, $add->toString(), $sid);
         } else {
             $r->add1($i, new Math_BigInteger("1"), $sid);
         $result[] = clone $r;
         // voir
         $old = clone $r;
         $tmpVal7 = new Math_BigInteger($p->get($i)->getInt());
         $tmpVal7 = $tmpVal7->add($lstep);
         $p->set($i, $tmpVal7->toString(), $sid);
     return $result;