function launch() { global $configArray; global $interface; global $user; $showOpen = true; if (isset($_REQUEST['requestsToShow']) && $_REQUEST['requestsToShow'] == 'allRequests') { $showOpen = false; } $interface->assign('showOpen', $showOpen); $defaultStatus = new MaterialsRequestStatus(); $defaultStatus->isDefault = 1; $defaultStatus->libraryId = Library::getPatronHomeLibrary()->libraryId; $defaultStatus->find(true); $interface->assign('defaultStatus', $defaultStatus->id); //Get a list of all materials requests for the user $allRequests = array(); if ($user) { $materialsRequests = new MaterialsRequest(); $materialsRequests->createdBy = $user->id; $materialsRequests->orderBy('title, dateCreated'); $statusQuery = new MaterialsRequestStatus(); if ($showOpen) { $homeLibrary = Library::getPatronHomeLibrary(); $statusQuery->libraryId = $homeLibrary->libraryId; $statusQuery->isOpen = 1; } $materialsRequests->joinAdd($statusQuery); $materialsRequests->selectAdd(); $materialsRequests->selectAdd('materials_request.*, description as statusLabel'); $materialsRequests->find(); while ($materialsRequests->fetch()) { $allRequests[] = clone $materialsRequests; } } else { header('Location: ' . $configArray['Site']['path'] . '/MyResearch/Home?followupModule=MaterialsRequest&followupAction=MyRequests'); //$interface->assign('error', "You must be logged in to view your requests."); } $interface->assign('allRequests', $allRequests); $interface->assign('sidebar', 'MyAccount/account-sidebar.tpl'); $interface->setTemplate('myMaterialRequests.tpl'); $interface->setPageTitle('My Materials Requests'); $interface->display('layout.tpl'); }
function launch() { global $interface; global $user; $period = isset($_REQUEST['period']) ? $_REQUEST['period'] : 'week'; if ($period == 'week') { $periodLength = new DateInterval("P1W"); } elseif ($period == 'day') { $periodLength = new DateInterval("P1D"); } elseif ($period == 'month') { $periodLength = new DateInterval("P1M"); } else { //year $periodLength = new DateInterval("P1Y"); } $interface->assign('period', $period); $endDate = isset($_REQUEST['endDate']) && strlen($_REQUEST['endDate']) > 0 ? DateTime::createFromFormat('m/d/Y', $_REQUEST['endDate']) : new DateTime(); $interface->assign('endDate', $endDate->format('m/d/Y')); if (isset($_REQUEST['startDate']) && strlen($_REQUEST['startDate']) > 0) { $startDate = DateTime::createFromFormat('m/d/Y', $_REQUEST['startDate']); } else { if ($period == 'day') { $startDate = new DateTime($endDate->format('m/d/Y') . " - 7 days"); } elseif ($period == 'week') { //Get the sunday after this $endDate->setISODate($endDate->format('Y'), $endDate->format("W"), 0); $endDate->modify("+7 days"); $startDate = new DateTime($endDate->format('m/d/Y') . " - 28 days"); } elseif ($period == 'month') { $endDate->modify("+1 month"); $numDays = $endDate->format("d"); $endDate->modify(" -{$numDays} days"); $startDate = new DateTime($endDate->format('m/d/Y') . " - 6 months"); } else { //year $endDate->modify("+1 year"); $numDays = $endDate->format("m"); $endDate->modify(" -{$numDays} months"); $numDays = $endDate->format("d"); $endDate->modify(" -{$numDays} days"); $startDate = new DateTime($endDate->format('m/d/Y') . " - 2 years"); } } $interface->assign('startDate', $startDate->format('m/d/Y')); //Set the end date to the end of the day $endDate->setTime(24, 0, 0); $startDate->setTime(0, 0, 0); //Create the periods that are being represented $periods = array(); $periodEnd = clone $endDate; while ($periodEnd >= $startDate) { array_unshift($periods, clone $periodEnd); $periodEnd->sub($periodLength); } //print_r($periods); //Load data for each period //this will be a two dimensional array // Period 1, Period 2, Period 3 //Status 1 //Status 2 //Status 3 $periodData = array(); for ($i = 0; $i < count($periods) - 1; $i++) { /** @var DateTime $periodStart */ $periodStart = clone $periods[$i]; /** @var DateTime $periodEnd */ $periodEnd = clone $periods[$i + 1]; $periodData[$periodStart->getTimestamp()] = array(); //Determine how many requests were created $materialsRequest = new MaterialsRequest(); $materialsRequest->joinAdd(new User(), 'INNER', 'user'); $materialsRequest->selectAdd(); $materialsRequest->selectAdd('COUNT(id) as numRequests'); $materialsRequest->whereAdd('dateCreated >= ' . $periodStart->getTimestamp() . ' AND dateCreated < ' . $periodEnd->getTimestamp()); if ($user->hasRole('library_material_requests')) { //Need to limit to only requests submitted for the user's home location $userHomeLibrary = Library::getPatronHomeLibrary(); $locations = new Location(); $locations->libraryId = $userHomeLibrary->libraryId; $locations->find(); $locationsForLibrary = array(); while ($locations->fetch()) { $locationsForLibrary[] = $locations->locationId; } $materialsRequest->whereAdd('user.homeLocationId IN (' . implode(', ', $locationsForLibrary) . ')'); } $materialsRequest->find(); while ($materialsRequest->fetch()) { $periodData[$periodStart->getTimestamp()]['Created'] = $materialsRequest->numRequests; } //Get a list of all requests by the status of the request $materialsRequest = new MaterialsRequest(); $materialsRequest->joinAdd(new MaterialsRequestStatus()); $materialsRequest->joinAdd(new User(), 'INNER', 'user'); $materialsRequest->selectAdd(); $materialsRequest->selectAdd('COUNT( as numRequests,description'); $materialsRequest->whereAdd('dateUpdated >= ' . $periodStart->getTimestamp() . ' AND dateUpdated < ' . $periodEnd->getTimestamp()); if ($user->hasRole('library_material_requests')) { //Need to limit to only requests submitted for the user's home location $userHomeLibrary = Library::getPatronHomeLibrary(); $locations = new Location(); $locations->libraryId = $userHomeLibrary->libraryId; $locations->find(); $locationsForLibrary = array(); while ($locations->fetch()) { $locationsForLibrary[] = $locations->locationId; } $materialsRequest->whereAdd('user.homeLocationId IN (' . implode(', ', $locationsForLibrary) . ')'); } $materialsRequest->groupBy('status'); $materialsRequest->orderBy('status'); $materialsRequest->find(); while ($materialsRequest->fetch()) { $periodData[$periodStart->getTimestamp()][$materialsRequest->description] = $materialsRequest->numRequests; } } $interface->assign('periodData', $periodData, $periods); //Get a list of all of the statuses that will be shown $statuses = array(); foreach ($periodData as $periodInfo) { foreach ($periodInfo as $status => $numRequests) { $statuses[$status] = translate($status); } } $interface->assign('statuses', $statuses); //Check to see if we are exporting to Excel if (isset($_REQUEST['exportToExcel'])) { $this->exportToExcel($periodData, $statuses); } else { //Generate the graph $this->generateGraph($periodData, $statuses); } $interface->setTemplate('summaryReport.tpl'); $interface->assign('sidebar', 'MyAccount/account-sidebar.tpl'); $interface->setPageTitle('Materials Request Summary Report'); $interface->display('layout.tpl'); }