public function executeAction($parameters) { $now = $this->_websoccer->getNowAsTimestamp(); $user = $this->_websoccer->getUser(); $teamId = $user->getClubId($this->_websoccer, $this->_db); if ($teamId < 1) { throw new Exception($this->_i18n->getMessage("feature_requires_team")); } $team = TeamsDataService::getTeamSummaryById($this->_websoccer, $this->_db, $teamId); // check if duration is in range $min = $this->_websoccer->getConfig("trainingcamp_min_days"); $max = $this->_websoccer->getConfig("trainingcamp_max_days"); if ($parameters["days"] < $min || $parameters["days"] > $max) { throw new Exception(sprintf($this->_i18n->getMessage("trainingcamp_booking_err_invaliddays"), $min, $max)); } // check if date is in future $startDateObj = DateTime::createFromFormat($this->_websoccer->getConfig("date_format") . " H:i", $parameters["start_date"] . " 00:00"); $startDateTimestamp = $startDateObj->getTimestamp(); $endDateTimestamp = $startDateTimestamp + 3600 * 24 * $parameters["days"]; if ($startDateTimestamp <= $now) { throw new Exception($this->_i18n->getMessage("trainingcamp_booking_err_dateinpast")); } // check if too far in future $maxDate = $now + $this->_websoccer->getConfig("trainingcamp_booking_max_days_in_future") * 3600 * 24; if ($startDateTimestamp > $maxDate) { throw new Exception($this->_i18n->getMessage("trainingcamp_booking_err_datetoofar", $this->_websoccer->getConfig("trainingcamp_booking_max_days_in_future"))); } // get camp details $camp = TrainingcampsDataService::getCampById($this->_websoccer, $this->_db, $parameters["id"]); if (!$camp) { throw new Exception("Illegal ID"); } // check if user still has an open training camp $existingBookings = TrainingcampsDataService::getCampBookingsByTeam($this->_websoccer, $this->_db, $teamId); if (count($existingBookings)) { throw new Exception($this->_i18n->getMessage("trainingcamp_booking_err_existingbookings")); } // check if team can afford it. $playersOfTeam = PlayersDataService::getPlayersOfTeamById($this->_websoccer, $this->_db, $teamId); $totalCosts = $camp["costs"] * $parameters["days"] * count($playersOfTeam); if ($totalCosts >= $team["team_budget"]) { throw new Exception($this->_i18n->getMessage("trainingcamp_booking_err_tooexpensive")); } // check if there are matches within the time frame $matches = MatchesDataService::getMatchesByTeamAndTimeframe($this->_websoccer, $this->_db, $teamId, $startDateTimestamp, $endDateTimestamp); if (count($matches)) { throw new Exception($this->_i18n->getMessage("trainingcamp_booking_err_matcheswithintimeframe")); } // debit amount BankAccountDataService::debitAmount($this->_websoccer, $this->_db, $teamId, $totalCosts, "trainingcamp_booking_costs_subject", $camp["name"]); // create camp booking $columns["verein_id"] = $teamId; $columns["lager_id"] = $camp["id"]; $columns["datum_start"] = $startDateTimestamp; $columns["datum_ende"] = $endDateTimestamp; $this->_db->queryInsert($columns, $this->_websoccer->getConfig("db_prefix") . "_trainingslager_belegung"); // success message $this->_websoccer->addFrontMessage(new FrontMessage(MESSAGE_TYPE_SUCCESS, $this->_i18n->getMessage("trainingcamp_booking_success"), "")); return "trainingcamp"; }
/** * (non-PHPdoc) * @see IModel::getTemplateParameters() */ public function getTemplateParameters() { $matchId = (int) $this->_websoccer->getRequestParameter('id'); if ($matchId < 1) { throw new Exception($this->_i18n->getMessage(MSG_KEY_ERROR_PAGENOTFOUND)); } $match = MatchesDataService::getMatchById($this->_websoccer, $this->_db, $matchId); if (!isset($match['match_id'])) { throw new Exception($this->_i18n->getMessage(MSG_KEY_ERROR_PAGENOTFOUND)); } $allowTacticChanges = FALSE; $reportmessages = array(); if ($match['match_minutes'] > 0) { $reportmessages = MatchesDataService::getMatchReportMessages($this->_websoccer, $this->_db, $this->_i18n, $matchId); $userTeamId = $this->_websoccer->getUser()->getClubId($this->_websoccer, $this->_db); $userNationalTeamId = NationalteamsDataService::getNationalTeamManagedByCurrentUser($this->_websoccer, $this->_db); if (!$match['match_simulated'] && $this->_websoccer->getConfig('sim_allow_livechanges') && ($match['match_home_id'] == $userTeamId || $match['match_guest_id'] == $userTeamId || $match['match_home_id'] == $userNationalTeamId || $match['match_guest_id'] == $userNationalTeamId)) { $allowTacticChanges = TRUE; } } // collect strikers $homeStrikerMessages = array(); $guestStrikerMessages = array(); foreach ($reportmessages as $reportMessage) { $type = $reportMessage['type']; if ($type == 'Tor' || $type == 'Tor_mit_vorlage' || $type == 'Elfmeter_erfolg' || $type == 'Freistoss_treffer') { if ($reportMessage['active_home']) { array_unshift($homeStrikerMessages, $reportMessage); } else { array_unshift($guestStrikerMessages, $reportMessage); } } } return array('match' => $match, 'reportmessages' => $reportmessages, 'allowTacticChanges' => $allowTacticChanges, 'homeStrikerMessages' => $homeStrikerMessages, 'guestStrikerMessages' => $guestStrikerMessages); }
public function getTemplateParameters() { $matchId = (int) $this->_websoccer->getRequestParameter("id"); if ($matchId < 1) { throw new Exception($this->_i18n->getMessage(MSG_KEY_ERROR_PAGENOTFOUND)); } $match = MatchesDataService::getMatchById($this->_websoccer, $this->_db, $matchId); // get statistics $columns["SUM(shoots)"] = "shoots"; $columns["SUM(ballcontacts)"] = "ballcontacts"; $columns["SUM(wontackles)"] = "wontackles"; $columns["SUM(passes_successed)"] = "passes_successed"; $columns["SUM(passes_failed)"] = "passes_failed"; $fromTable = $this->_websoccer->getConfig("db_prefix") . "_spiel_berechnung"; $whereCondition = "spiel_id = %d AND team_id = %d"; // home team $parameters = array($matchId, $match["match_home_id"]); $result = $this->_db->querySelect($columns, $fromTable, $whereCondition, $parameters); $homeStatistics = $result->fetch_array(); $result->free(); // guest team $parameters = array($matchId, $match["match_guest_id"]); $result = $this->_db->querySelect($columns, $fromTable, $whereCondition, $parameters); $guestStatistics = $result->fetch_array(); $result->free(); return array("match" => $match, "homeStatistics" => $homeStatistics, "guestStatistics" => $guestStatistics); }
/** * (non-PHPdoc) * @see IActionController::executeAction() */ public function executeAction($parameters) { $user = $this->_websoccer->getUser(); if ($this->_isNationalTeam) { $teamId = NationalteamsDataService::getNationalTeamManagedByCurrentUser($this->_websoccer, $this->_db); } else { $teamId = $user->getClubId($this->_websoccer, $this->_db); } // check and get next match // next x matches $nextMatches = MatchesDataService::getNextMatches($this->_websoccer, $this->_db, $teamId, $this->_websoccer->getConfig('formation_max_next_matches')); if (!count($nextMatches)) { throw new Exception($this->_i18n->getMessage('formation_err_nonextmatch')); } // currently selected match $matchId = $parameters['id']; foreach ($nextMatches as $nextMatch) { if ($nextMatch['match_id'] == $matchId) { $matchinfo = $nextMatch; break; } } if (!isset($matchinfo)) { throw new Exception('illegal match id'); } // get team players and check whether provided IDs are valid players (in team and not blocked) $players = PlayersDataService::getPlayersOfTeamById($this->_websoccer, $this->_db, $teamId, $this->_isNationalTeam, $matchinfo['match_type'] == 'cup', $matchinfo['match_type'] != 'friendly'); $this->validatePlayer($parameters['player1'], $players); $this->validatePlayer($parameters['player2'], $players); $this->validatePlayer($parameters['player3'], $players); $this->validatePlayer($parameters['player4'], $players); $this->validatePlayer($parameters['player5'], $players); $this->validatePlayer($parameters['player6'], $players); $this->validatePlayer($parameters['player7'], $players); $this->validatePlayer($parameters['player8'], $players); $this->validatePlayer($parameters['player9'], $players); $this->validatePlayer($parameters['player10'], $players); $this->validatePlayer($parameters['player11'], $players); $this->validatePlayer($parameters['bench1'], $players, TRUE); $this->validatePlayer($parameters['bench2'], $players, TRUE); $this->validatePlayer($parameters['bench3'], $players, TRUE); $this->validatePlayer($parameters['bench4'], $players, TRUE); $this->validatePlayer($parameters['bench5'], $players, TRUE); // validate substitutions $validSubstitutions = array(); for ($subNo = 1; $subNo <= 3; $subNo++) { $playerIn = $parameters['sub' . $subNo . '_in']; $playerOut = $parameters['sub' . $subNo . '_out']; $playerMinute = $parameters['sub' . $subNo . '_minute']; if ($playerIn != null && $playerIn > 0 && $playerOut != null && $playerOut > 0 && $playerMinute != null && $playerMinute > 0) { $this->validateSubstitution($playerIn, $playerOut, $playerMinute, $players); $validSubstitutions[] = $subNo; } } // save formation $this->saveFormation($teamId, $matchinfo['match_id'], $parameters, $validSubstitutions); // create success message $this->_websoccer->addFrontMessage(new FrontMessage(MESSAGE_TYPE_SUCCESS, $this->_i18n->getMessage('saved_message_title'), '')); return null; }
/** * (non-PHPdoc) * @see IModel::getTemplateParameters() */ public function getTemplateParameters() { $matchId = (int) $this->_websoccer->getRequestParameter("id"); if ($matchId < 1) { throw new Exception($this->_i18n->getMessage(MSG_KEY_ERROR_PAGENOTFOUND)); } $match = MatchesDataService::getMatchById($this->_websoccer, $this->_db, $matchId, FALSE, TRUE); $home_players = MatchesDataService::getMatchReportPlayerRecords($this->_websoccer, $this->_db, $matchId, $match["match_home_id"]); $guest_players = MatchesDataService::getMatchReportPlayerRecords($this->_websoccer, $this->_db, $matchId, $match["match_guest_id"]); // check if any player is member of team of the day if ($match["match_simulated"]) { $result = $this->_db->querySelect("player_id", $this->_websoccer->getConfig("db_prefix") . "_teamoftheday", "season_id = %d AND matchday = %d", array($match["match_season_id"], $match["match_matchday"])); $topPlayerIds = array(); while ($topmember = $result->fetch_array()) { $topPlayerIds[] = $topmember["player_id"]; } $result->free(); if (count($topPlayerIds)) { for ($playerIndex = 0; $playerIndex < count($home_players); $playerIndex++) { if (in_array($home_players[$playerIndex]["id"], $topPlayerIds)) { $home_players[$playerIndex]["is_best_player_of_day"] = TRUE; } } for ($playerIndex = 0; $playerIndex < count($guest_players); $playerIndex++) { if (in_array($guest_players[$playerIndex]["id"], $topPlayerIds)) { $guest_players[$playerIndex]["is_best_player_of_day"] = TRUE; } } } } return array("match" => $match, "home_players" => $home_players, "guest_players" => $guest_players); }
/** * (non-PHPdoc) * @see IModel::getTemplateParameters() */ public function getTemplateParameters() { $userId = (int) $this->_websoccer->getRequestParameter('id'); $matches = MatchesDataService::getLatestMatchesByUser($this->_websoccer, $this->_db, $userId); $items = array(); foreach ($matches as $match) { $items[] = array('url' => $this->_websoccer->getInternalUrl('match', 'id=' . $match['id'], TRUE), 'title' => $match['home_team'] . ' - ' . $match['guest_team'] . ' (' . $match['home_goals'] . ':' . $match['guest_goals'] . ')', 'date' => gmdate(DATE_RSS, $match['date'])); } return array('items' => $items); }
public function getTemplateParameters() { $matches = array(); $paginator = null; $count = MatchesDataService::countTodaysMatches($this->_websoccer, $this->_db); if ($count) { $eps = $this->_websoccer->getConfig("entries_per_page"); $paginator = new Paginator($count, $eps, $this->_websoccer); $matches = MatchesDataService::getTodaysMatches($this->_websoccer, $this->_db, $paginator->getFirstIndex(), $eps); } return array("matches" => $matches, "paginator" => $paginator); }
public function getTemplateParameters() { $cupRoundId = $this->_websoccer->getRequestParameter("roundid"); $cupGroup = $this->_websoccer->getRequestParameter("group"); $columns = " AS cup_name, AS round_name"; $fromTable = $this->_websoccer->getConfig("db_prefix") . "_cup_round AS R"; $fromTable .= " INNER JOIN " . $this->_websoccer->getConfig("db_prefix") . "_cup AS C ON = R.cup_id"; $result = $this->_db->querySelect($columns, $fromTable, " = %d", $cupRoundId); $round = $result->fetch_array(); $result->free(); $matches = MatchesDataService::getMatchesByCupRoundAndGroup($this->_websoccer, $this->_db, $round["cup_name"], $round["round_name"], $cupGroup); return array("matches" => $matches, "groupteams" => CupsDataService::getTeamsOfCupGroupInRankingOrder($this->_websoccer, $this->_db, $cupRoundId, $cupGroup)); }
/** * (non-PHPdoc) * @see IActionController::executeAction() */ public function executeAction($parameters) { $user = $this->_websoccer->getUser(); $teamId = $user->getClubId($this->_websoccer, $this->_db); if ($teamId < 1) { return null; } // get unit info $unit = TrainingDataService::getTrainingUnitById($this->_websoccer, $this->_db, $teamId, $parameters["id"]); if (!isset($unit["id"])) { throw new Exception("invalid ID"); } if ($unit["date_executed"]) { throw new Exception($this->_i18n->getMessage("training_execute_err_already_executed")); } // check if minimum time break between two units is matched $previousExecution = TrainingDataService::getLatestTrainingExecutionTime($this->_websoccer, $this->_db, $teamId); $earliestValidExecution = $previousExecution + 3600 * $this->_websoccer->getConfig("training_min_hours_between_execution"); $now = $this->_websoccer->getNowAsTimestamp(); if ($now < $earliestValidExecution) { throw new Exception($this->_i18n->getMessage("training_execute_err_too_early", $this->_websoccer->getFormattedDatetime($earliestValidExecution))); } // check if team is in training camp. $campBookings = TrainingcampsDataService::getCampBookingsByTeam($this->_websoccer, $this->_db, $teamId); foreach ($campBookings as $booking) { if ($booking["date_start"] <= $now && $booking["date_end"] >= $now) { throw new Exception($this->_i18n->getMessage("training_execute_err_team_in_training_camp")); } } // check if there is currently a match simulating $liveMatch = MatchesDataService::getLiveMatchByTeam($this->_websoccer, $this->_db, $teamId); if (isset($liveMatch["match_id"])) { throw new Exception($this->_i18n->getMessage("training_execute_err_match_simulating")); } // trainer info $trainer = TrainingDataService::getTrainerById($this->_websoccer, $this->_db, $unit["trainer_id"]); $columns["focus"] = $parameters["focus"]; $unit["focus"] = $parameters["focus"]; $columns["intensity"] = $parameters["intensity"]; $unit["intensity"] = $parameters["intensity"]; // train players $this->trainPlayers($teamId, $trainer, $unit); // update execution time of unit $columns["date_executed"] = $now; $fromTable = $this->_websoccer->getConfig("db_prefix") . "_training_unit"; $whereCondition = "id = %d"; $this->_db->queryUpdate($columns, $fromTable, $whereCondition, $unit["id"]); // success message $this->_websoccer->addFrontMessage(new FrontMessage(MESSAGE_TYPE_SUCCESS, $this->_i18n->getMessage("training_execute_success"), "")); return null; }
public function getTemplateParameters() { if ($this->_websoccer->getRequestParameter("nationalteam")) { $clubId = NationalteamsDataService::getNationalTeamManagedByCurrentUser($this->_websoccer, $this->_db); } else { $clubId = $this->_websoccer->getUser()->getClubId($this->_websoccer, $this->_db); } $matchinfo = MatchesDataService::getNextMatch($this->_websoccer, $this->_db, $clubId); // get previous matches against this team if (count($matchinfo)) { $matchinfo["previous_matches"] = MatchesDataService::getPreviousMatches($matchinfo, $this->_websoccer, $this->_db); } return $matchinfo; }
private function _getLatestMatchesByTeam($teamId) { $whereCondition = "M.berechnet = 1 AND ( = %d OR = %d)"; $parameters = array($teamId, $teamId); if ($this->_match['match_season_id']) { $whereCondition .= ' AND M.saison_id = %d'; $parameters[] = $this->_match['match_season_id']; } elseif (strlen($this->_match['match_cup_name'])) { $whereCondition .= ' AND M.pokalname = \'%s\''; $parameters[] = $this->_match['match_cup_name']; } else { $whereCondition .= ' AND M.spieltyp = \'Freundschaft\''; } $whereCondition .= " ORDER BY M.datum DESC"; return MatchesDataService::getMatchesByCondition($this->_websoccer, $this->_db, $whereCondition, $parameters, 5); }
public function getTemplateParameters() { $teamId = $this->_websoccer->getUser()->getClubId($this->_websoccer, $this->_db); if ($teamId < 1) { throw new Exception($this->_i18n->getMessage("feature_requires_team")); } $sponsor = SponsorsDataService::getSponsorinfoByTeamId($this->_websoccer, $this->_db, $teamId); $sponsors = array(); $teamMatchday = 0; if (!$sponsor) { $teamMatchday = MatchesDataService::getMatchdayNumberOfTeam($this->_websoccer, $this->_db, $teamId); if ($teamMatchday >= $this->_websoccer->getConfig("sponsor_earliest_matchday")) { $sponsors = SponsorsDataService::getSponsorOffers($this->_websoccer, $this->_db, $teamId); } } return array("sponsor" => $sponsor, "sponsors" => $sponsors, "teamMatchday" => $teamMatchday); }
/** * (non-PHPdoc) * @see IModel::getTemplateParameters() */ public function getTemplateParameters() { $cupName = $this->_websoccer->getRequestParameter('cup'); $cupRound = $this->_websoccer->getRequestParameter('round'); // get cup round info $columns['C.logo'] = 'cup_logo'; $columns[''] = 'round_id'; $columns['R.firstround_date'] = 'firstround_date'; $columns['R.secondround_date'] = 'secondround_date'; $columns['R.finalround'] = 'is_finalround'; $columns['R.groupmatches'] = 'is_groupround'; $columns[''] = 'prev_round_winners'; $columns[''] = 'prev_round_loosers'; $fromTable = $this->_websoccer->getConfig('db_prefix') . '_cup_round AS R'; $fromTable .= ' INNER JOIN ' . $this->_websoccer->getConfig('db_prefix') . '_cup AS C ON = R.cup_id'; $fromTable .= ' LEFT JOIN ' . $this->_websoccer->getConfig('db_prefix') . '_cup_round AS PREVWINNERS ON = R.from_winners_round_id'; $fromTable .= ' LEFT JOIN ' . $this->_websoccer->getConfig('db_prefix') . '_cup_round AS PREVLOOSERS ON = R.from_loosers_round_id'; $result = $this->_db->querySelect($columns, $fromTable, ' = \'%s\' AND = \'%s\'', array($cupName, $cupRound), 1); $round = $result->fetch_array(); $result->free(); $groups = array(); $preSelectedGroup = ''; if ($round['is_groupround']) { $userTeamId = $this->_websoccer->getUser()->getClubId($this->_websoccer, $this->_db); $result = $this->_db->querySelect('name,team_id', $this->_websoccer->getConfig('db_prefix') . '_cup_round_group', 'cup_round_id = %d ORDER BY name ASC', array($round['round_id'])); while ($group = $result->fetch_array()) { if (!isset($groups[$group['name']])) { $groups[$group['name']] = $group['name']; } if ($group['team_id'] == $userTeamId) { $preSelectedGroup = $group['name']; } } $result->free(); $matches = array(); } else { $matches = MatchesDataService::getMatchesByCupRound($this->_websoccer, $this->_db, $cupName, $cupRound); } return array('matches' => $matches, 'round' => $round, 'groups' => $groups, 'preSelectedGroup' => $preSelectedGroup); }
public function executeAction($parameters) { $user = $this->_websoccer->getUser(); $teamId = $user->getClubId($this->_websoccer, $this->_db); if ($teamId < 1) { return null; } $sponsor = SponsorsDataService::getSponsorinfoByTeamId($this->_websoccer, $this->_db, $teamId); if ($sponsor) { throw new Exception($this->_i18n->getMessage("sponsor_choose_stillcontract")); } // check min matchday $teamMatchday = MatchesDataService::getMatchdayNumberOfTeam($this->_websoccer, $this->_db, $teamId); if ($teamMatchday < $this->_websoccer->getConfig("sponsor_earliest_matchday")) { throw new Exception($this->_i18n->getMessage("sponsor_choose_tooearly", $this->_websoccer->getConfig("sponsor_earliest_matchday"))); } // check if selected sponsor is in list of available sponsors // (sponsor might be selected by other teams in meanwhile) $sponsors = SponsorsDataService::getSponsorOffers($this->_websoccer, $this->_db, $teamId); $found = FALSE; foreach ($sponsors as $availableSponsor) { if ($availableSponsor["sponsor_id"] == $parameters["id"]) { $found = TRUE; break; } } if (!$found) { throw new Exception($this->_i18n->getMessage("sponsor_choose_novalidsponsor")); } // update team $columns["sponsor_id"] = $parameters["id"]; $columns["sponsor_spiele"] = $this->_websoccer->getConfig("sponsor_matches"); $fromTable = $this->_websoccer->getConfig("db_prefix") . "_verein"; $whereCondition = "id = %d"; $this->_db->queryUpdate($columns, $fromTable, $whereCondition, $teamId); // success message $this->_websoccer->addFrontMessage(new FrontMessage(MESSAGE_TYPE_SUCCESS, $this->_i18n->getMessage("sponsor_choose_success"), "")); return null; }
/** * (non-PHPdoc) * @see IModel::getTemplateParameters() */ public function getTemplateParameters() { $matches = array(); $paginator = null; $clubId = $this->_websoccer->getUser()->getClubId($this->_websoccer, $this->_db); $whereCondition = '(home_verein = %d OR gast_verein = %d) AND berechnet != \'1\''; $parameters = array($clubId, $clubId); $result = $this->_db->querySelect('COUNT(*) AS hits', $this->_websoccer->getConfig('db_prefix') . '_spiel', $whereCondition, $parameters); $matchesCnt = $result->fetch_array(); $result->free(); if ($matchesCnt) { $count = $matchesCnt['hits']; } else { $count = 0; } if ($count) { $whereCondition .= ' ORDER BY M.datum ASC'; $eps = $this->_websoccer->getConfig("entries_per_page"); $paginator = new Paginator($count, $eps, $this->_websoccer); $matches = MatchesDataService::getMatchesByCondition($this->_websoccer, $this->_db, $whereCondition, $parameters, $paginator->getFirstIndex() . ',' . $eps); } return array("matches" => $matches, "paginator" => $paginator); }
/** * (non-PHPdoc) * @see IModel::getTemplateParameters() */ public function getTemplateParameters() { // get team players if ($this->_nationalteam) { $clubId = NationalteamsDataService::getNationalTeamManagedByCurrentUser($this->_websoccer, $this->_db); } else { $clubId = $this->_websoccer->getUser()->getClubId($this->_websoccer, $this->_db); } // next x matches $nextMatches = MatchesDataService::getNextMatches($this->_websoccer, $this->_db, $clubId, $this->_websoccer->getConfig('formation_max_next_matches')); if (!count($nextMatches)) { throw new Exception($this->_i18n->getMessage('next_match_block_no_nextmatch')); } // currently selected match $matchId = $this->_websoccer->getRequestParameter('id'); if (!$matchId) { $matchinfo = $nextMatches[0]; } else { foreach ($nextMatches as $nextMatch) { if ($nextMatch['match_id'] == $matchId) { $matchinfo = $nextMatch; break; } } } if (!isset($matchinfo)) { throw new Exception('illegal match id'); } $players = null; if ($clubId > 0) { if ($this->_nationalteam) { $players = NationalteamsDataService::getNationalPlayersOfTeamByPosition($this->_websoccer, $this->_db, $clubId); } else { $players = PlayersDataService::getPlayersOfTeamByPosition($this->_websoccer, $this->_db, $clubId, 'DESC', count($matchinfo) && $matchinfo['match_type'] == 'cup', isset($matchinfo['match_type']) && $matchinfo['match_type'] != 'friendly'); } } // load template if ($this->_websoccer->getRequestParameter('templateid')) { $formation = FormationDataService::getFormationByTemplateId($this->_websoccer, $this->_db, $clubId, $this->_websoccer->getRequestParameter('templateid')); } else { // get previously saved formation and tactic $formation = FormationDataService::getFormationByTeamId($this->_websoccer, $this->_db, $clubId, $matchinfo['match_id']); } for ($benchNo = 1; $benchNo <= 5; $benchNo++) { if ($this->_websoccer->getRequestParameter('bench' . $benchNo)) { $formation['bench' . $benchNo] = $this->_websoccer->getRequestParameter('bench' . $benchNo); } else { if (!isset($formation['bench' . $benchNo])) { $formation['bench' . $benchNo] = ''; } } } for ($subNo = 1; $subNo <= 3; $subNo++) { if ($this->_websoccer->getRequestParameter('sub' . $subNo . '_out')) { $formation['sub' . $subNo . '_out'] = $this->_websoccer->getRequestParameter('sub' . $subNo . '_out'); $formation['sub' . $subNo . '_in'] = $this->_websoccer->getRequestParameter('sub' . $subNo . '_in'); $formation['sub' . $subNo . '_minute'] = $this->_websoccer->getRequestParameter('sub' . $subNo . '_minute'); $formation['sub' . $subNo . '_condition'] = $this->_websoccer->getRequestParameter('sub' . $subNo . '_condition'); $formation['sub' . $subNo . '_position'] = $this->_websoccer->getRequestParameter('sub' . $subNo . '_position'); } else { if (!isset($formation['sub' . $subNo . '_out'])) { $formation['sub' . $subNo . '_out'] = ''; $formation['sub' . $subNo . '_in'] = ''; $formation['sub' . $subNo . '_minute'] = ''; $formation['sub' . $subNo . '_condition'] = ''; $formation['sub' . $subNo . '_position'] = ''; } } } $setup = $this->getFormationSetup($formation); // select players from team by criteria $criteria = $this->_websoccer->getRequestParameter('preselect'); if ($criteria !== NULL) { if ($criteria == 'strongest') { $sortColumn = 'w_staerke'; } elseif ($criteria == 'freshest') { $sortColumn = 'w_frische'; } else { $sortColumn = 'w_zufriedenheit'; } $proposedPlayers = FormationDataService::getFormationProposalForTeamId($this->_websoccer, $this->_db, $clubId, $setup['defense'], $setup['dm'], $setup['midfield'], $setup['om'], $setup['striker'], $setup['outsideforward'], $sortColumn, 'DESC', $this->_nationalteam, isset($matchinfo['match_type']) && $matchinfo['match_type'] == 'cup'); for ($playerNo = 1; $playerNo <= 11; $playerNo++) { $playerIndex = $playerNo - 1; if (isset($proposedPlayers[$playerIndex])) { $formation['player' . $playerNo] = $proposedPlayers[$playerIndex]['id']; $formation['player' . $playerNo . '_pos'] = $proposedPlayers[$playerIndex]['position']; } } // clear bench (prevents duplicate players) for ($benchNo = 1; $benchNo <= 5; $benchNo++) { $formation['bench' . $benchNo] = ''; } for ($subNo = 1; $subNo <= 3; $subNo++) { $formation['sub' . $subNo . '_out'] = ''; $formation['sub' . $subNo . '_in'] = ''; $formation['sub' . $subNo . '_minute'] = ''; $formation['sub' . $subNo . '_condition'] = ''; $formation['sub' . $subNo . '_position'] = ''; } } // free kick taker if ($this->_websoccer->getRequestParameter('freekickplayer')) { $formation['freekickplayer'] = $this->_websoccer->getRequestParameter('freekickplayer'); } else { if (!isset($formation['freekickplayer'])) { $formation['freekickplayer'] = ''; } } // tactical options if ($this->_websoccer->getRequestParameter('offensive')) { $formation['offensive'] = $this->_websoccer->getRequestParameter('offensive'); } else { if (!isset($formation['offensive'])) { $formation['offensive'] = 40; } } if ($this->_websoccer->getRequestParameter('longpasses')) { $formation['longpasses'] = $this->_websoccer->getRequestParameter('longpasses'); } if ($this->_websoccer->getRequestParameter('counterattacks')) { $formation['counterattacks'] = $this->_websoccer->getRequestParameter('counterattacks'); } for ($playerNo = 1; $playerNo <= 11; $playerNo++) { // set player from request if ($this->_websoccer->getRequestParameter('player' . $playerNo)) { $formation['player' . $playerNo] = $this->_websoccer->getRequestParameter('player' . $playerNo); $formation['player' . $playerNo . '_pos'] = $this->_websoccer->getRequestParameter('player' . $playerNo . '_pos'); // set to 0 if no previous formation is available } else { if (!isset($formation['player' . $playerNo])) { $formation['player' . $playerNo] = ''; $formation['player' . $playerNo . '_pos'] = ''; } } } return array('nextMatches' => $nextMatches, 'next_match' => $matchinfo, 'previous_matches' => MatchesDataService::getPreviousMatches($matchinfo, $this->_websoccer, $this->_db), 'players' => $players, 'formation' => $formation, 'setup' => $setup, 'captain_id' => TeamsDataService::getTeamCaptainIdOfTeam($this->_websoccer, $this->_db, $clubId)); }
public function getTemplateParameters() { $matches = MatchesDataService::getMatchesByMatchday($this->_websoccer, $this->_db, $this->_seasonId, $this->_matchday); return array("matches" => $matches); }
echo "<select name=\"team_id\" id=\"team_id\">"; echo "<option value=\"" . $match["match_home_id"] . "\">" . escapeOutput($match["match_home_name"]) . "</option>"; echo "<option value=\"" . $match["match_guest_id"] . "\">" . escapeOutput($match["match_guest_name"]) . "</option>"; echo "</select>"; echo "</div>"; echo "</div>"; echo FormBuilder::createFormGroup($i18n, "message_id", array("type" => "foreign_key", "jointable" => "spiel_text", "entity" => "matchtext", "labelcolumns" => "aktion,nachricht"), "", "match_manage_reportmsg_"); echo FormBuilder::createFormGroup($i18n, "playernames", array("type" => "text"), "", "match_manage_reportmsg_"); echo FormBuilder::createFormGroup($i18n, "minute", array("type" => "number"), "", "match_manage_reportmsg_"); echo FormBuilder::createFormGroup($i18n, "intermediateresult", array("type" => "text"), "", "match_manage_reportmsg_"); echo "</fieldset>"; echo "<div class=\"form-actions\">"; echo "<button type=\"submit\" class=\"btn btn-primary\">" . $i18n->getMessage("button_save") . "</button>"; echo "</div></form>"; // ******** list items $reportItems = MatchesDataService::getMatchReportMessages($website, $db, $i18n, $matchId); // no items if (!count($reportItems)) { echo createInfoMessage("", $i18n->getMessage("match_manage_reportitems_noitems")); // list items } else { echo "<table class=\"table table-bordered table-striped table-hover\">"; echo "<thead>"; echo "<tr>"; echo "<th>" . $i18n->getMessage("match_manage_reportmsg_minute") . "</th>"; echo "<th>" . $i18n->getMessage("entity_matchtext_aktion") . "</th>"; echo "<th>" . $i18n->getMessage("entity_matchtext_nachricht") . "</th>"; echo "<th>" . $i18n->getMessage("match_manage_reportmsg_playernames") . "</th>"; echo "<th>" . $i18n->getMessage("match_manage_reportmsg_intermediateresult") . "</th>"; echo "</tr>"; echo "</thead>";
/** * (non-PHPdoc) * @see IModel::getTemplateParameters() */ public function getTemplateParameters() { return array('cups' => MatchesDataService::getCupRoundsByCupname($this->_websoccer, $this->_db)); }
/** * (non-PHPdoc) * @see IModel::getTemplateParameters() */ public function getTemplateParameters() { $matches = MatchesDataService::getLatestMatches($this->_websoccer, $this->_db, 5, TRUE); return array('matches' => $matches); }
public function getTemplateParameters() { $matches = MatchesDataService::getLatestMatchesByUser($this->_websoccer, $this->_db, $this->_userId); return array("matches" => $matches); }
public function renderView() { $this->_match = MatchesDataService::getLiveMatch($this->_websoccer, $this->_db); return count($this->_match); }
/** * Provides simulated matches of specified team. * * @param WebSoccer $websoccer Application context. * @param DbConnection $db DB connection. * @param int $teamId ID of team. * @param int $startIndex fetch index start. * @param int $eps entries per page. * @return array list of found matches. */ public static function getSimulatedMatches(WebSoccer $websoccer, DbConnection $db, $teamId, $startIndex, $eps) { $whereCondition = "(home_verein = %d OR gast_verein = %d) AND berechnet = '1' ORDER BY datum DESC"; return MatchesDataService::getMatchesByCondition($websoccer, $db, $whereCondition, array($teamId, $teamId), $startIndex . "," . $eps); }
private function _updatePlayerPosition($parameters, $matchId, $teamId) { $players = MatchesDataService::getMatchPlayerRecordsByField($this->_websoccer, $this->_db, $matchId, $teamId); $playersOnField = $players['field']; // read submitted player positions $submittedPositions = array(); for ($playerNo = 1; $playerNo <= 11; $playerNo++) { $playerId = $parameters['player' . $playerNo]; $playerPos = $parameters['player' . $playerNo . '_pos']; if ($playerId && $playerPos) { $submittedPositions[$playerId] = $playerPos; } } $updateTable = $this->_websoccer->getConfig('db_prefix') . '_spiel_berechnung'; $whereCondition = 'id = %d'; $setupMainMapping = array('T' => 'Torwart', 'LV' => 'Abwehr', 'RV' => 'Abwehr', 'IV' => 'Abwehr', 'DM' => 'Mittelfeld', 'LM' => 'Mittelfeld', 'ZM' => 'Mittelfeld', 'RM' => 'Mittelfeld', 'OM' => 'Mittelfeld', 'LS' => 'Sturm', 'MS' => 'Sturm', 'RS' => 'Sturm'); foreach ($playersOnField as $player) { if (isset($submittedPositions[$player['id']])) { $newPos = $submittedPositions[$player['id']]; $oldPos = $player['match_position_main']; if ($newPos != $oldPos) { $position = $setupMainMapping[$newPos]; // recompute strength $strength = $player['strength']; // player becomes weaker: wrong position if ($player['position'] != $position && $player['position_main'] != $newPos && $player['position_second'] != $newPos) { $strength = round($strength * (1 - $this->_websoccer->getConfig('sim_strength_reduction_wrongposition') / 100)); // player becomes weaker: secondary position } elseif (strlen($player['position_main']) && $player['position_main'] != $newPos && ($player['position'] == $position || $player['position_second'] == $newPos)) { $strength = round($strength * (1 - $this->_websoccer->getConfig('sim_strength_reduction_secondary') / 100)); } $this->_db->queryUpdate(array('position_main' => $newPos, 'position' => $position, 'w_staerke' => $strength), $updateTable, $whereCondition, $player['match_record_id']); } } } }
/** * (non-PHPdoc) * @see IModel::getTemplateParameters() */ public function getTemplateParameters() { $matchId = (int) $this->_websoccer->getRequestParameter('id'); if ($matchId < 1) { throw new Exception($this->_i18n->getMessage(MSG_KEY_ERROR_PAGENOTFOUND)); } $match = MatchesDataService::getMatchSubstitutionsById($this->_websoccer, $this->_db, $matchId); if ($match['match_simulated']) { throw new Exception($this->_i18n->getMessage('match_details_match_completed')); } $teamId = $this->_websoccer->getUser()->getClubId($this->_websoccer, $this->_db); if ($match['match_home_id'] !== $teamId && $match['match_guest_id'] !== $teamId) { $teamId = NationalteamsDataService::getNationalTeamManagedByCurrentUser($this->_websoccer, $this->_db); } if ($teamId !== $match['match_home_id'] && $match['match_guest_id'] !== $teamId) { throw new Exception('illegal match'); } $teamPrefix = $teamId == $match['match_home_id'] ? 'home' : 'guest'; $players = MatchesDataService::getMatchPlayerRecordsByField($this->_websoccer, $this->_db, $matchId, $teamId); $playersOnField = $players['field']; $playersOnBench = isset($players['bench']) ? $players['bench'] : array(); $formation = array(); if ($this->_websoccer->getRequestParameter('freekickplayer')) { $formation['freekickplayer'] = $this->_websoccer->getRequestParameter('freekickplayer'); } else { $formation['freekickplayer'] = $match['match_' . $teamPrefix . '_freekickplayer']; } if ($this->_websoccer->getRequestParameter('offensive')) { $formation['offensive'] = $this->_websoccer->getRequestParameter('offensive'); } else { $formation['offensive'] = $match['match_' . $teamPrefix . '_offensive']; } if ($this->_websoccer->getRequestParameter('longpasses')) { $formation['longpasses'] = $this->_websoccer->getRequestParameter('longpasses'); } else { $formation['longpasses'] = $match['match_' . $teamPrefix . '_longpasses']; } if ($this->_websoccer->getRequestParameter('counterattacks')) { $formation['counterattacks'] = $this->_websoccer->getRequestParameter('counterattacks'); } else { $formation['counterattacks'] = $match['match_' . $teamPrefix . '_counterattacks']; } // get existing formation $playerNo = 0; foreach ($playersOnField as $player) { $playerNo++; $formation['player' . $playerNo] = $player['id']; $formation['player' . $playerNo . '_pos'] = $player['match_position_main']; } // set setup $setup = array('defense' => 6, 'dm' => 3, 'midfield' => 4, 'om' => 3, 'striker' => 2, 'outsideforward' => 2); $setupMainMapping = array('LV' => 'defense', 'RV' => 'defense', 'IV' => 'defense', 'DM' => 'dm', 'LM' => 'midfield', 'ZM' => 'midfield', 'RM' => 'midfield', 'OM' => 'om', 'LS' => 'outsideforward', 'MS' => 'striker', 'RS' => 'outsideforward'); $setupPosMapping = array('Abwehr' => 'defense', 'Mittelfeld' => 'midfield', 'Sturm' => 'striker'); // override formation by user input and count setup for ($playerNo = 1; $playerNo <= 11; $playerNo++) { if ($this->_websoccer->getRequestParameter('player' . $playerNo) > 0) { $formation['player' . $playerNo] = $this->_websoccer->getRequestParameter('player' . $playerNo); $formation['player' . $playerNo . '_pos'] = $this->_websoccer->getRequestParameter('player' . $playerNo . '_pos'); } } // bench $benchNo = 0; foreach ($playersOnBench as $player) { $benchNo++; $formation['bench' . $benchNo] = $player['id']; } for ($benchNo = 1; $benchNo <= 5; $benchNo++) { if ($this->_websoccer->getRequestParameter('bench' . $benchNo)) { $formation['bench' . $benchNo] = $this->_websoccer->getRequestParameter('bench' . $benchNo); } else { if (!isset($formation['bench' . $benchNo])) { $formation['bench' . $benchNo] = ''; } } } // subs for ($subNo = 1; $subNo <= 3; $subNo++) { if ($this->_websoccer->getRequestParameter('sub' . $subNo . '_out')) { $formation['sub' . $subNo . '_out'] = $this->_websoccer->getRequestParameter('sub' . $subNo . '_out'); $formation['sub' . $subNo . '_in'] = $this->_websoccer->getRequestParameter('sub' . $subNo . '_in'); $formation['sub' . $subNo . '_minute'] = $this->_websoccer->getRequestParameter('sub' . $subNo . '_minute'); $formation['sub' . $subNo . '_condition'] = $this->_websoccer->getRequestParameter('sub' . $subNo . '_condition'); $formation['sub' . $subNo . '_position'] = $this->_websoccer->getRequestParameter('sub' . $subNo . '_position'); } else { if (isset($match[$teamPrefix . '_sub' . $subNo . '_out'])) { $formation['sub' . $subNo . '_out'] = $match[$teamPrefix . '_sub' . $subNo . '_out']; $formation['sub' . $subNo . '_in'] = $match[$teamPrefix . '_sub' . $subNo . '_in']; $formation['sub' . $subNo . '_minute'] = $match[$teamPrefix . '_sub' . $subNo . '_minute']; $formation['sub' . $subNo . '_condition'] = $match[$teamPrefix . '_sub' . $subNo . '_condition']; $formation['sub' . $subNo . '_position'] = $match[$teamPrefix . '_sub' . $subNo . '_position']; } else { $formation['sub' . $subNo . '_out'] = ''; $formation['sub' . $subNo . '_in'] = ''; $formation['sub' . $subNo . '_minute'] = ''; $formation['sub' . $subNo . '_condition'] = ''; $formation['sub' . $subNo . '_position'] = ''; } } } return array('setup' => $setup, 'players' => $players, 'formation' => $formation, 'minute' => $match['match_minutes']); }
public function getTemplateParameters() { $matchinfo = MatchesDataService::getLastMatch($this->_websoccer, $this->_db); return array("last_match" => $matchinfo); }
$formation["type"] = $match["match_type"]; // update tactical parameters in match table $columnsPrefix = $teamPrefix == "guest" ? "gast" : "home"; $matchColumns = array($columnsPrefix . "_offensive" => $formation["offensive"], $columnsPrefix . "_longpasses" => $formation["longpasses"], $columnsPrefix . "_counterattacks" => $formation["counterattacks"]); // update substitutions for ($subNo = 1; $subNo <= 3; $subNo++) { $matchColumns[$columnsPrefix . "_w" . $subNo . "_raus"] = $formation[$teamPrefix . "_sub" . $subNo . "_out"]; $matchColumns[$columnsPrefix . "_w" . $subNo . "_rein"] = $formation[$teamPrefix . "_sub" . $subNo . "_in"]; $matchColumns[$columnsPrefix . "_w" . $subNo . "_minute"] = $formation[$teamPrefix . "_sub" . $subNo . "_minute"]; $matchColumns[$columnsPrefix . "_w" . $subNo . "_condition"] = $formation[$teamPrefix . "_sub" . $subNo . "_condition"]; } $db->queryUpdate($matchColumns, $website->getConfig("db_prefix") . "_spiel", "id = %d", array($matchId)); // create player records MatchSimulationExecutor::addPlayers($website, $db, $team, $formation, $teamPrefix); } $match = MatchesDataService::getMatchById($website, $db, $matchId, FALSE, FALSE); if (!count($match)) { throw new Exception("illegal match id"); } $positions = array('T', 'LV', 'IV', 'RV', 'LM', 'DM', 'ZM', 'OM', 'RM', 'LS', 'MS', 'RS'); // ******** form for adding players echo "<form action=\"" . $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . "\" class=\"form-horizontal\" method=\"post\">"; echo "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"action\" value=\"create\">"; echo "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"site\" value=\"{$site}\">"; echo "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"match\" value=\"{$matchId}\">"; echo "<fieldset><legend>" . $i18n->getMessage("match_manage_createplayer_title") . "</legend>"; echo "<div class=\"control-group\">"; echo "<label class=\"control-label\" for=\"team_id\">" . $i18n->getMessage("entity_player_verein_id") . "</label>"; echo "<div class=\"controls\">"; echo "<select name=\"team_id\" id=\"team_id\">"; echo "<option value=\"" . $match["match_home_id"] . "\">" . escapeOutput($match["match_home_name"]) . "</option>";