public function loadHome() { if (Efiwebsetting::getData('checkOAuth') == 'yes') { IMBAuth::checkOAuth(); } $cmd = Generic::mustCheck($_GET['cmd'], "No CMD Found"); $page = addslashes($_GET['page']); if ($page == "" || $page < 1) { $page = 1; } $limit = addslashes($_GET['limit']); if ($limit == "" || $limit < 1) { $limit = 10; } $begin = ($page - 1) * $limit; $json = array(); $sem = array(); $json['status_code'] = 1; if ($cmd == "fav" || $cmd == "nearby") { global $db; $objRestaurant = new MasterRestaurantModel(); $exp = explode(",", str_replace(" ", "", $objRestaurant->crud_webservice_allowed)); $arrPicsToAddPhotoUrl = $objRestaurant->crud_add_photourl; $currentLat = isset($_GET['latitude']) ? addslashes($_GET['latitude']) : ""; if (!$currentLat) { Generic::errorMsg("No Lat"); } $currentLong = isset($_GET['longitude']) ? addslashes($_GET['longitude']) : ""; if (!$currentLong) { Generic::errorMsg("No Long"); } if ($cmd == "fav") { // $arr = $objRestaurant->getOrderBy("fav DESC LIMIT $begin,$limit", "*"); $q = "SELECT *, SQRT(POW(69.1 * (latitude - {$currentLat}), 2) + POW(69.1 * ({$currentLong} - longitude) * COS(latitude / 57.3), 2)) AS distance FROM {$objRestaurant->table_name} WHERE show_in_apps='1' HAVING distance < 1000000 ORDER by fav DESC, DISTANCE ASC LIMIT {$begin},{$limit}"; // echo $q; $arr = $db->query($q, 2); } elseif ($cmd == "nearby") { $q = "SELECT *, SQRT(POW(69.1 * (latitude - {$currentLat}), 2) + POW(69.1 * ({$currentLong} - longitude) * COS(latitude / 57.3), 2)) AS distance FROM {$objRestaurant->table_name} WHERE show_in_apps='1' HAVING distance < 1000000 ORDER by DISTANCE ASC LIMIT {$begin},{$limit}"; $arr = $db->query($q, 2); if (count($arr) == 0) { Generic::errorMsg("No Count"); die; } } } elseif ($cmd == "recommendation") { $objRecommendation = new RecommendationModel(); $exp = explode(",", str_replace(" ", "", $objRecommendation->crud_webservice_allowed)); $arrPicsToAddPhotoUrl = $objRecommendation->crud_add_photourl; $arr = $objRecommendation->getWhere("show_in_apps='1' AND DATE(end) >= DATE(NOW()) AND DATE(start)<= DATE(NOW()) LIMIT {$begin},{$limit}"); if (count($arr) == 0) { $json['status_code'] = 0; $json['status_message'] = "No ID Found"; echo json_encode($json); die; } } else { $json['status_code'] = 0; $json['status_message'] = "No ID Found"; echo json_encode($json); die; } $json["results"]['restaurant'] = array(); foreach ($arr as $o) { foreach ($exp as $attr) { if (in_array($attr, $arrPicsToAddPhotoUrl)) { $sem[$attr] = Generic::insertImageUrl($o->{$attr}); } else { $sem[$attr] = stripslashes($o->{$attr}); } $sem['disc_mr'] = MasterOrder::getDiscountMR($o->id_restaurant); } if ($cmd == "fav" || $cmd == "nearby") { $sem["distance"] = sqrt(pow(69.09999999999999 * ($o->latitude - $currentLat), 2) + pow(69.09999999999999 * ($currentLong - $o->longitude) * cos($o->latitude / 57.3), 2)); } if ($cmd == "recommendation") { $sem['restaurant'] = User::getRestaurant($o->id_restaurant); } $json["results"]['restaurant'][] = $sem; } echo json_encode($json); die; }
public static function getRestaurant($restaurant_id) { $objRestaurant = new MasterRestaurantModel(); $arr = $objRestaurant->getWhere("id_restaurant={$restaurant_id}"); $exp = explode(",", str_replace(" ", "", $objRestaurant->crud_webservice_allowed)); $arrPicsToAddPhotoUrl = $objRestaurant->crud_add_photourl; $sem = array(); foreach ($arr as $o) { foreach ($exp as $attr) { if (in_array($attr, $arrPicsToAddPhotoUrl)) { $sem[$attr] = Generic::insertImageUrl($o->{$attr}); } else { $sem[$attr] = stripslashes($o->{$attr}); } $sem['disc_mr'] = MasterOrder::getDiscountMR($restaurant_id); } } return $sem; }
public function loadHomeRecommendation() { if (Efiwebsetting::getData('checkOAuth') == 'yes') { IMBAuth::checkOAuth(); } $page = addslashes($_GET['page']); if ($page == "" || $page < 1) { Generic::errorMsg("No Page Found"); } $limit = addslashes($_GET['limit']); if ($limit == "" || $limit < 1) { Generic::errorMsg("Limit Error"); } $begin = ($page - 1) * $limit; $json = array(); $sem = array(); $objRecommendation = new RecommendationModel(); $exp = explode(",", str_replace(" ", "", $objRecommendation->crud_webservice_allowed)); $arrPicsToAddPhotoUrl = $objRecommendation->crud_add_photourl; $arr = $objRecommendation->getWhere("DATE(end) >= DATE(NOW()) AND DATE(start)<= DATE(NOW()) LIMIT {$begin},{$limit}"); if (count($arr) == 0) { $json['status_code'] = 0; $json['status_message'] = "No ID Found"; echo json_encode($json); die; } $json["results"]['restaurant'] = array(); foreach ($arr as $o) { foreach ($exp as $attr) { if (in_array($attr, $arrPicsToAddPhotoUrl)) { $sem[$attr] = Generic::insertImageUrl($o->{$attr}); } elseif ($attr == "time_open" || $attr == "time_close") { $sem[$attr] = date('H:i', strtotime(stripslashes($o->{$attr}))); } else { $sem[$attr] = stripslashes($o->{$attr}); } $sem['disc_mr'] = MasterOrder::getDiscountMR($o->id_restaurant); } $sem['restaurant'] = User::getRestaurant($o->id_restaurant); $json["results"]['restaurant'][] = $sem; } echo json_encode($json); die; }