function handler_private($page, $hruid = null, $action = null, $value = null) { global $globals; $page->changeTpl('marketing/private.tpl'); $user = User::getSilent($hruid); if (!$user) { return PL_NOT_FOUND; } // Retrieves marketed user details. if ($user->state != 'pending') { $page->kill('Cet utilisateur est déjà inscrit'); } if (!$user->hasProfile()) { $page->kill('Cet utilisateur n\'est pas concerné par le marketing'); } $matricule = $user->profile()->xorg_id; $matricule_X = Profile::getSchoolId($matricule); $page->assign('full_name', $user->fullName()); $page->assign('promo', $user->promo()); $page->assign('matricule', $matricule); $page->assign('matricule_X', $matricule_X); // Applies in-parameter action to the user. if ($action == 'del') { S::assert_xsrf_token(); Marketing::clear($user->id(), $value); } if ($action == 'rel') { $market = Marketing::get($user->id(), $value); if ($market == null) { $page->trigWarning("Aucun marketing n'a été effectué vers {$value}"); } else { $to = $market->user['to']; $title = $market->getTitle(); $text = $market->getText(); $from = $market->sender_mail; $page->assign('rel_from_user', $from); $page->assign('rel_from_staff', '"Equipe" <register@' . $globals->mail->domain . '>'); $page->assign('rel_to', $to); $page->assign('rel_title', $title); $page->assign('rel_text', $text); $page->assign('rel_email', $value); } } if ($action == 'relforce') { S::assert_xsrf_token(); $market = Marketing::get($user->id(), Post::v('to')); if (is_null($market)) { $market = new Marketing($user->id(), Post::v('to'), 'default', null, 'staff'); } $market->send(Post::v('title'), Post::v('message')); $page->trigSuccess("Email envoyé"); } if ($action == 'insrel') { S::assert_xsrf_token(); if (Marketing::relance($user->id())) { $page->trigSuccess('relance faite'); } } if ($action == 'add' && Post::has('email') && Post::has('type')) { $market = new Marketing($user->id(), Post::v('email'), 'default', null, Post::v('type'), S::v('uid')); $market->add(false); } // Retrieves and display the existing marketing attempts. $res = XDB::iterator("SELECT r.*, AS alias\n FROM register_marketing AS r\n LEFT JOIN email_source_account AS s ON (r.sender = s.uid AND s.type = 'forlife')\n WHERE r.uid = {?}\n ORDER BY date", $user->id()); $page->assign('addr', $res); $res = XDB::query("SELECT date, relance FROM register_pending\n WHERE uid = {?}", $user->id()); if (list($pending, $relance) = $res->fetchOneRow()) { $page->assign('pending', $pending); $page->assign('relance', $relance); } $page->assign('path', 'marketing/private/' . $user->login()); }
exit; } $matcol = intval($opts['m']); $logcol = intval($opts['l']); $handle = fopen($file, 'r'); while ($data = fgetcsv($handle)) { $login = $data[$logcol]; $xorgid = preg_replace('/1(\\d{2})(\\d{3})/', '20${1}0\\2', $data[$matcol]); if (!is_numeric($xorgid)) { echo "ERROR The matricule ({$xorgid}) is not a numerical value.\n"; break; } $query = XDB::query("SELECT a.uid\n FROM profiles AS p\n INNER JOIN account_profiles AS ap ON ( = AND FIND_IN_SET('owner', perms)\n INNER JOIN accounts AS a ON (a.uid = ap.uid)\n WHERE p.xorg_id = {?}", $xorgid); $uid = $query->fetchOneCell(); if (!$uid) { echo "WARNING Can't find uid for matricule {$xorgid} (login {$login})\n"; continue; } $market = Marketing::get($uid, "{$login}"); if (!is_null($market)) { echo "WARNING A marketing has already been to {$xorgid} on {$login}\n"; continue; } $market = new Marketing($uid, "{$login}", 'default', null, 'staff'); $market->add(false); $market->send(); } // vim:set et sw=4 sts=4 sws=4 foldmethod=marker fenc=utf-8: ?>