public function updateBackupTask($id, $userid, $name, $schedule, $type, $exclude, $sites, $groups, $subfolder, $filename, $excludebackup, $excludecache, $excludenonwp, $excludezip, $archiveFormat, $maximumFileDescriptorsOverride, $maximumFileDescriptorsAuto, $maximumFileDescriptors, $loadFilesBeforeZip) { if (MainWP_Utility::ctype_digit($userid) && MainWP_Utility::ctype_digit($id)) { return $this->wpdb->update($this->tableName('wp_backup'), array('userid' => $userid, 'name' => $name, 'schedule' => $schedule, 'type' => $type, 'exclude' => $exclude, 'sites' => $sites, 'groups' => $groups, 'subfolder' => MainWP_Utility::removePreSlashSpaces($subfolder), 'filename' => $filename, 'excludebackup' => $excludebackup, 'excludecache' => $excludecache, 'excludenonwp' => $excludenonwp, 'excludezip' => $excludezip, 'archiveFormat' => $archiveFormat, 'loadFilesBeforeZip' => $loadFilesBeforeZip, 'maximumFileDescriptorsOverride' => $maximumFileDescriptorsOverride, 'maximumFileDescriptorsAuto' => $maximumFileDescriptorsAuto, 'maximumFileDescriptors' => $maximumFileDescriptors), array('id' => $id)); } return false; }
public static function backup($pSiteId, $pType, $pSubfolder, $pExclude, $excludebackup, $excludecache, $excludenonwp, $excludezip, $pFilename = null, $pFileNameUID = '', $pArchiveFormat = false, $pMaximumFileDescriptorsOverride = false, $pMaximumFileDescriptorsAuto = false, $pMaximumFileDescriptors = false, $pLoadFilesBeforeZip = false, $pid = false, $append = false) { if (trim($pFilename) == '') { $pFilename = null; } $backup_result = array(); //Creating a backup $website = MainWP_DB::Instance()->getWebsiteById($pSiteId); $subfolder = str_replace('%sitename%', MainWP_Utility::sanitize($website->name), $pSubfolder); $subfolder = str_replace('%url%', MainWP_Utility::sanitize(MainWP_Utility::getNiceURL($website->url)), $subfolder); $subfolder = str_replace('%type%', $pType, $subfolder); $subfolder = str_replace('%date%', MainWP_Utility::date('Ymd'), $subfolder); $subfolder = str_replace('%task%', '', $subfolder); $subfolder = str_replace('%', '', $subfolder); $subfolder = MainWP_Utility::removePreSlashSpaces($subfolder); $subfolder = MainWP_Utility::normalize_filename($subfolder); if (!MainWP_Utility::can_edit_website($website)) { throw new MainWP_Exception('You are not allowed to backup this site'); } $websiteCleanUrl = $website->url; if (substr($websiteCleanUrl, -1) == '/') { $websiteCleanUrl = substr($websiteCleanUrl, 0, -1); } $websiteCleanUrl = str_replace(array('http://', 'https://', '/'), array('', '', '-'), $websiteCleanUrl); //Normal flow: use website & fallback to global if ($pMaximumFileDescriptorsOverride == false) { if ($website->maximumFileDescriptorsOverride == 1) { $maximumFileDescriptorsAuto = $website->maximumFileDescriptorsAuto == 1; $maximumFileDescriptors = $website->maximumFileDescriptors; } else { $maximumFileDescriptorsAuto = get_option('mainwp_maximumFileDescriptorsAuto'); $maximumFileDescriptors = get_option('mainwp_maximumFileDescriptors'); $maximumFileDescriptors = $maximumFileDescriptors === false ? 150 : $maximumFileDescriptors; } } else { if ($pArchiveFormat != 'global' && $pMaximumFileDescriptorsOverride == 1) { $maximumFileDescriptorsAuto = $pMaximumFileDescriptorsAuto == 1; $maximumFileDescriptors = $pMaximumFileDescriptors; } else { $maximumFileDescriptorsAuto = get_option('mainwp_maximumFileDescriptorsAuto'); $maximumFileDescriptors = get_option('mainwp_maximumFileDescriptors'); $maximumFileDescriptors = $maximumFileDescriptors === false ? 150 : $maximumFileDescriptors; } } $file = str_replace(array('%sitename%', '%url%', '%date%', '%time%', '%type%'), array(MainWP_Utility::sanitize($website->name), $websiteCleanUrl, MainWP_Utility::date('m-d-Y'), MainWP_Utility::date('G\\hi\\ms\\s'), $pType), $pFilename); $file = str_replace('%', '', $file); $file = MainWP_Utility::normalize_filename($file); //Normal flow: check site settings & fallback to global if ($pLoadFilesBeforeZip == false) { $loadFilesBeforeZip = $website->loadFilesBeforeZip; if ($loadFilesBeforeZip == 1) { $loadFilesBeforeZip = get_option('mainwp_options_loadFilesBeforeZip'); $loadFilesBeforeZip = $loadFilesBeforeZip == 1 || $loadFilesBeforeZip === false; } else { $loadFilesBeforeZip = $loadFilesBeforeZip == 2; } } else { if ($pArchiveFormat == 'global' || $pLoadFilesBeforeZip == 1) { $loadFilesBeforeZip = get_option('mainwp_options_loadFilesBeforeZip'); $loadFilesBeforeZip = $loadFilesBeforeZip == 1 || $loadFilesBeforeZip === false; } else { $loadFilesBeforeZip = $pLoadFilesBeforeZip == 2; } } //Nomral flow: check site settings & fallback to global if ($pArchiveFormat == false) { $archiveFormat = MainWP_Utility::getCurrentArchiveExtension($website); } else { if ($pArchiveFormat == 'global') { $archiveFormat = MainWP_Utility::getCurrentArchiveExtension(); } else { $archiveFormat = $pArchiveFormat; } } MainWP_Utility::endSession(); $information = MainWP_Utility::fetchUrlAuthed($website, 'backup', array('type' => $pType, 'exclude' => $pExclude, 'excludebackup' => $excludebackup, 'excludecache' => $excludecache, 'excludenonwp' => $excludenonwp, 'excludezip' => $excludezip, 'ext' => $archiveFormat, 'file_descriptors_auto' => $maximumFileDescriptorsAuto, 'file_descriptors' => $maximumFileDescriptors, 'loadFilesBeforeZip' => $loadFilesBeforeZip, MainWP_Utility::getFileParameter($website) => $file, 'fileUID' => $pFileNameUID, 'pid' => $pid, 'append' => $append ? 1 : 0), false, false, false); do_action('mainwp_managesite_backup', $website, array('type' => $pType), $information); if (isset($information['error'])) { throw new MainWP_Exception($information['error']); } else { if ($pType == 'db' && !$information['db']) { throw new MainWP_Exception('Database backup failed.'); } else { if ($pType == 'full' && !$information['full']) { throw new MainWP_Exception('Full backup failed.'); } else { if (isset($information['db'])) { if ($information['db'] != false) { $backup_result['url'] = $information['db']; $backup_result['type'] = 'db'; } else { if ($information['full'] != false) { $backup_result['url'] = $information['full']; $backup_result['type'] = 'full'; } } if (isset($information['size'])) { $backup_result['size'] = $information['size']; } $backup_result['subfolder'] = $subfolder; $dir = MainWP_Utility::getMainWPSpecificDir($pSiteId); $fm_date = MainWP_Utility::sanitize_file_name(MainWP_Utility::date(get_option('date_format'))); $fm_time = MainWP_Utility::sanitize_file_name(MainWP_Utility::date(get_option('time_format'))); if ($pType == 'db') { $localBackupFile = $dir . 'db-' . $websiteCleanUrl . '-' . $fm_date . '-' . $fm_time . MainWP_Utility::getRealExtension($information['db']); $localRegexFile = 'db-' . $websiteCleanUrl . '-(.*)-(.*).sql(\\.zip|\\.tar|\\.tar\\.gz|\\.tar\\.bz2)?'; } else { $localBackupFile = $dir . 'full-' . $websiteCleanUrl . '-' . $fm_date . '-' . $fm_time . MainWP_Utility::getRealExtension($information['full']); $localRegexFile = 'full-' . $websiteCleanUrl . '-(.*)-(.*).(zip|tar|tar.gz|tar.bz2)'; } if ($pFilename != null) { $filename = str_replace(array('%sitename%', '%url%', '%date%', '%time%', '%type%'), array(MainWP_Utility::sanitize($website->name), $websiteCleanUrl, $fm_date, $fm_time, $pType), $pFilename); $filename = str_replace('%', '', $filename); $localBackupFile = $dir . $filename; $localBackupFile = MainWP_Utility::normalize_filename($localBackupFile); if ($pType == 'db') { $localBackupFile .= MainWP_Utility::getRealExtension($information['db']); } else { $localBackupFile .= MainWP_Utility::getRealExtension($information['full']); } } $backup_result['local'] = $localBackupFile; $backup_result['regexfile'] = $localRegexFile; return $backup_result; } else { throw new MainWP_Exception('Database backup failed due to an undefined error'); } } } } }