function staticInsertDbVars($pvars)
     MAIN_CLASS::insertDbVars("MOEUVREPROTO", $pvars, MOEUVREPROTO::getInitInputs());
//print "</font>";
require_once "../inc/db_funcs.php";
$tmpDb = openDb();
$dirName = queryOneDb($tmpDb, "SELECT ATAB_REP_VCH FROM ATAB WHERE ATAB_NOMTBL_CKEY_VCH='" . $this->getVar("ATAB_NOMTBL_CKEY_VCH") . "'");
//Redirection Explications -------------------------------------
if (isset($vars['Explications'])) {
    require_once "HTML/Page.php";
    require_once "MOEUVREPROTO_def.php";
    require_once "../inc/html_settings.php";
    $page = new HTML_Page(array('lineend' => 'unix', 'doctype' => 'XHTML 1.0 Strict', 'language' => 'fr', 'cache' => 'false'));
    //	$page->addStyleSheet($css_style);
    $page->setTitle('Phpaie -(EXplications)-');
    // A modifier absolument 2 requêtes	suivantes à fusionner.
    $buffer = MOEUVREPROTO::fetchOne("MOEUVREPROTO_EXPLIC_TE", "where ATAB_NOMTBL_CKEY_VCH ='" . $this->getVar("ATAB_NOMTBL_CKEY_VCH") . "'", "");
    $ind = MOEUVREPROTO::fetchOne("ID_MOEUVREPROTO", "where ATAB_NOMTBL_CKEY_VCH ='" . $this->getVar("ATAB_NOMTBL_CKEY_VCH") . "'", "");
    $page->addBodyContent("<p align=\"center\"><font face=\"Arial\"><b><a href=\"Javascript:history.go(-1)\">retour</a></b></font></p>\n");
    $page->addBodyContent("<table border=\"0\" bgcolor=\"#CCCCFF\" width=\"100%\"><caption>Pr&eacute;sentation</caption><tbody><tr><td>[" . $this->getVar("ATAB_NOMTBL_CKEY_VCH") . "] (Package :" . $dirName . ")</td></tr></tbody></table>");
    $page->addBodyContent("<p align=\"center\"><font face=\"Arial\"><b><a href=\"Javascript:history.go(-1)\">retour</a></b></font></p>\n");
    $page->addBodyContent("<p align=\"center\"><a href=\"../Gestab/moeuvreproto.php?" . $GLOBALS[QUERY_STRING] . "&ID_MOEUVREPROTO=" . $ind . "\">[Modification]</a></p>\n");
    // Sortie
    $status = -1;
} else {
    if (isset($vars['Commentaires'])) {
    } else {
        if (isset($vars['B1']) && $vars['B1'] == "Envoyer" && isset($vars['CPML'])) {
            //$to = "*****@*****.**";
            //$to = "*****@*****.**";
            $to = "*****@*****.**";

// phpaie
// Version: 0.1
// Copyright (c) 2002 by Jean-Charles Gibier (~Le Mulot Fou~)
// (
// (
// Support éventuel sur
// This program is free software. You can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
// published by the Free Software Foundation.
//Initialisation de la session [INIT_PAGE]
require_once "MOEUVREPROTO_def.php";
require_once "../inc/session_libre.php";
//Récupération des variables des méthodes POST et GET
$pg_MOEUVREPROTO = new MOEUVREPROTO(isset($_POST) && array_count_values($_POST) ? $_POST : $_GET);
//Récupération des variables pour le formulaire
$vars = $pg_MOEUVREPROTO->getValidVars();
//INIT_PAGE enregistrement
//Lead enregistrement code ($ld_enrg_code)
//Trail code ($tr_code)
// Affichage de la présentation
// paramètre: action à effectuer si validation