$currDir = Text::htmlAllSpaces($currentDir); require CHORA_TEMPLATES . '/directory/dir.inc'; } /* Display all of the files in this directory */ foreach ($fileList as $currFile) { if ($conf['hide_restricted'] && Chora::isRestricted($currFile->queryName())) { continue; } $dirrow = ++$dirrow % 2; $lg = $currFile->queryLastLog(); if (is_a($lg, 'PEAR_Error')) { continue; } $realname = $currFile->queryName(); $mimeType = MIME_Magic::filenameToMIME($realname); $icon = MIME_Viewer::getIcon($mimeType); $aid = $lg->queryAuthor(); $author = Chora::showAuthorName($aid); $head = $currFile->queryHead(); $date = $lg->queryDate(); $log = $lg->queryLog(); $attic = $currFile->isAtticFile(); $fileName = $where . ($attic ? DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'Attic' : '') . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $realname; $name = Text::htmlAllSpaces($realname); $url = Chora::url('cvs', $fileName); $readableDate = VC_File::readableTime($date); if ($log) { $shortLog = str_replace("\n", ' ', trim(substr($log, 0, $conf['options']['shortLogLength'] - 1))); if (strlen($log) > 80) { $shortLog .= "..."; }
/** * Pretty-print the checked out copy, using the * Horde::Mime::Viewer package. * * @param string $mime_type File extension of the checked out file * @param resource fp File pointer to the head of the checked out copy * @return object The MIME_Viewer object which can be rendered or * false on failure */ function &pretty($mime_type, $fp) { $lns = ''; while ($ln = fread($fp, 8192)) { $lns .= $ln; } $mime =& new MIME_Part($mime_type, $lns); return MIME_Viewer::factory($mime); }