    public function wrapPhpFunction($callable)
        if (is_callable(array($this->sandbox, 'wrapPhpFunction'))) {
            return $this->sandbox->wrapPhpFunction($callable);
        // We have to hack around the lack of the wrapper function by loading a
        // dummy library with $callable, then extracting the function, and then
        // for good measure nilling out the library table.
        list($name) = $this->sandbox->loadString('
			for i = 0, math.huge do
				if not _G["*LuaSandbox* temp" .. i] then return "*LuaSandbox* temp" .. i end
        $this->sandbox->registerLibrary($name, array('func' => $callable));
        list($func) = $this->sandbox->loadString("local ret = _G['{$name}'].func _G['{$name}'] = nil return ret")->call();
        return $func;