public function logout() { $session = Doo::session('Lua'); $auth = $session->get('auth'); $auth = empty($auth) ? array(0, '') : Lua::clean(explode("\t", Lua::authcode($auth, 'DECODE')), 1); $user = Lua::get_one("select * from lua_admin where uid='" . intval($auth[0]) . "' and password='******' and gid='1'"); if ($user) { Lua::write_log($user, '退出系统', '---', $user['channel']); } $session->auth = ''; Lua::admin_msg('操作提示', '成功退出系统', '/' . ADMIN_ROOT); }
private function save() { $name = Lua::post('name'); if (empty($name)) { Lua::ajaxmessage('error', '栏目名称'); } $model_id = Lua::post('model_id'); if (empty($model_id)) { Lua::ajaxmessage('error', '请选择模型'); } $filename = Lua::post('filename'); if (empty($filename)) { Lua::ajaxmessage('error', '静态名称'); } $sqlarr = array('add_perm' => Lua::post('add_perm'), 'name' => $name, 'seoinfo' => Lua::post('seoinfo'), 'seokey' => Lua::post('seokey'), 'title' => Lua::post('title'), 'vieworder' => Lua::post('vieworder'), 'filename' => $filename, 'model_id' => $model_id, 'systemname' => SYSNAME, 'upid' => Lua::post('upid')); $lastid = Lua::insert('lua_category', $sqlarr); $this->_cache(); Lua::write_log($this->user, '添加栏目', "catid={$lastid}<br />title=" . $name, SYSNAME); Lua::ajaxmessage('success', '操作成功', './category.htm'); }
private function save_add() { $cid = Lua::post('cid'); if (empty($cid)) { Lua::ajaxmessage('error', '请选择所属频道'); } $modelname = Lua::post('modelname'); if (empty($modelname)) { Lua::ajaxmessage('error', '模型名称'); } $developer = Lua::post('developer'); if (empty($developer)) { Lua::ajaxmessage('error', '开发者'); } $contact = Lua::post('contact'); if (empty($contact)) { Lua::ajaxmessage('error', '联系方式'); } $intro = Lua::post('intro'); if (empty($intro)) { Lua::ajaxmessage('error', '模型描述'); } $prefix = Lua::post('prefix'); if (empty($prefix)) { Lua::ajaxmessage('error', '模型前缀'); } $sqlarr = array('contact' => $contact, 'createtime' => time(), 'developer' => $developer, 'intro' => $intro, 'modelname' => $modelname, 'status' => 1, 'prefix' => $prefix, 'mtype' => Lua::post('mtype'), 'cid' => $cid); $id = Lua::insert('lua_model', $sqlarr); Lua::write_log($this->user, '增加模型', "model_id={$id}<br />modelname={$modelname}", SYSNAME); Lua::ajaxmessage('success', '操作成功', './model.htm'); }
private function save() { $catid = Lua::get('catid'); $this->_condition($catid, 1); // 数据模型处理 $tableid = Lua::get('tableid'); $tid = Lua::get('tid'); $table_db = $this->_table_db($tableid); $suffix = ""; if ($table_db) { $this->mode_db = $table_db; $suffix = "&tableid={$tableid}&tid={$tid}"; } // end $query = $this->_query($this->mode_db); if (!is_array($query)) { Lua::ajaxmessage('error', $query); } $hash = Lua::post('hash'); $query['catid'] = $catid; $query['dateline'] = time(); $query['ip'] = $this->clientIP(); $query['isdel'] = 0; $query['uid'] = $this->user['uid']; $query['username'] = $this->user['username']; $query['hash'] = $hash; $query['color'] = Lua::post('color'); $id = Lua::insert($this->mode_db['tablename'], $query); Doo::db()->query("update lua_files set used='1' where hash='{$hash}'"); Lua::write_log($this->user, '增加信息', "catid={$catid}<br />id={$id}<br />title=" . $query['subject'], SYSNAME); Lua::ajaxmessage('success', '操作成功', "./content.htm?catid={$catid}" . $suffix . $this->lua_url); }
private function del() { $id = Lua::get('id'); $db = Lua::get_one("select * from lua_channel where id='{$id}'"); Lua::delete('lua_channel', array('id' => $id)); Lua::delete('lua_category', array('systemname' => $db['path'])); Lua::delete('lua_piece', array('systemname' => $db['path'])); $list = Lua::get_more("select * from lua_model where cid='{$id}'"); if ($list) { foreach ($list as $v) { $table = Lua::get_more("select * from lua_model_table where model_id='" . $v['id'] . "'"); if ($table) { foreach ($table as $t) { Doo::db()->query("drop table `" . $t['tablename'] . "`"); } } Lua::delete('lua_model_table', array('model_id' => $v['id'])); Lua::delete('lua_model_field', array('model_id' => $v['id'])); } } Lua::delete('lua_model', array('cid' => $id)); Lua::write_log($this->user, '删除频道', "id={$id}<br />title=" . $db['name'], SYSNAME); Lua::admin_msg('提示信息', '操作成功', './channel.htm'); }
private function save_add() { $username = Lua::post('username'); if (empty($username)) { Lua::ajaxmessage('error', '用户名'); } $password = Lua::post('password'); if (empty($password)) { Lua::ajaxmessage('error', '登录密码'); } if ($password != Lua::post('confirm_password')) { Lua::ajaxmessage('error', '二次密码不相同'); } $count = Doo::db()->count("select count(*) from lua_member where username='******'"); if ($count > 0) { Lua::ajaxmessage('error', '此用户名已被使用'); } $sqlarr = array('email' => Lua::post('email'), 'lastip' => $this->clientIP(), 'lasttime' => time(), 'password' => md5($password), 'regip' => $this->clientIP(), 'regtime' => time(), 'status' => 1, 'username' => $username); $uid = Lua::insert('lua_member', $sqlarr); Lua::write_log($this->user, '增加注册会员', "uid={$uid}<br />username={$username}", SYSNAME); Lua::ajaxmessage('success', '操作成功', './member.htm'); }
private function del_any() { $tableid = Lua::get('tableid'); $db = $this->_table($tableid); $fields = $this->_fields($db['tablename']); $pri = $this->_pri($fields); $var = Lua::get($pri); $sdb = Lua::get_one("select subject from " . $db['tablename'] . " where {$pri}='{$var}'"); Doo::db()->query("delete from " . $db['tablename'] . " where {$pri}='{$var}'"); Lua::write_log($this->user, '删除任意数据', "table=" . $db['tablename'] . "<br />{$pri}={$var}<br />title=" . $sdb['subject'], SYSNAME); Lua::admin_msg('提示信息', '成功删除', "./piece.htm?action=any&tableid={$tableid}"); }
private function del() { $uid = Lua::get('uid'); $mdb = Lua::get_one("select * from lua_admin where uid='{$uid}'"); Doo::db()->query("delete from lua_admin where uid='{$uid}'"); $list = Lua::get_more("select * from lua_admin"); $perms = array(); foreach ($list as $v) { $perms[] = $v['perm']; } $perms = array_unique($perms); $aclfile = PROJECT_ROOT . 'config/acl.php'; include $aclfile; foreach ($acl as $k => $v) { if (!in_array($k, $perms)) { unset($acl[$k]); } } $data = $this->_acl($acl); file_put_contents($aclfile, $data); Lua::write_log($this->user, '删除管理员', "uid={$uid}<br />title=" . $mdb['username'], SYSNAME); Lua::admin_msg('提示信息', '成功删除', './admin.htm'); }