/** * Display the specified resource. * * @param int $id * @return Response */ public function show($id) { $student = Student::find($id); if ($student == NULL) { throw new Exception('Invalid Student ID'); } $student->year = (int) substr($student->year, 2, 4); $student_category = StudentCategories::find($student->category); $student->category = $student_category->category; $student_branch = Branch::find($student->branch); $student->branch = $student_branch->branch; if ($student->rejected == 1) { unset($student->approved); unset($student->books_issued); $student->rejected = (bool) $student->rejected; return $student; } if ($student->approved == 0) { unset($student->rejected); unset($student->books_issued); $student->approved = (bool) $student->approved; return $student; } unset($student->rejected); unset($student->approved); $student_issued_books = Logs::select('book_issue_id', 'issued_at')->where('student_id', '=', $id)->orderBy('time_stamp', 'desc')->take($student->books_issued)->get(); foreach ($student_issued_books as $issued_book) { $issue = Issue::find($issued_book->book_issue_id); $book = Books::find($issue->book_id); $issued_book->name = $book->title; $issued_book->issued_at = date('d-M', $issued_book->issued_at); } $student->issued_books = $student_issued_books; return $student; }
function logAction() { $t = new Logs(); $this->metas(array('DC.Title' => 'Journal système')); $this->branche->append(); $s = $t->select()->from('log')->order('date DESC'); $this->view->events = new Strass_Pages_Model_Rowset($s, 30, $this->_getParam('page')); }
public function index() { $logs = Logs::select('id', 'book_issue_id', 'student_id', 'issued_at')->where('return_time', '=', 0)->orderBy('issued_at', 'DESC'); $logs = $logs->get(); for ($i = 0; $i < count($logs); $i++) { $issue_id = $logs[$i]['book_issue_id']; $student_id = $logs[$i]['student_id']; // to get the name of the book from book issue id $issue = Issue::find($issue_id); $book_id = $issue->book_id; $book = Books::find($book_id); $logs[$i]['book_name'] = $book->title; // to get the name of the student from student id $student = Student::find($student_id); $logs[$i]['student_name'] = $student->first_name . ' ' . $student->last_name; // change issue date and return date in human readable format $logs[$i]['issued_at'] = date('d-M', $logs[$i]['issued_at']); $logs[$i]['return_at'] = date('d-M', $logs[$i]['issued_at'] + 1209600); } return $logs; }
public function getDataStat() { $rs = Logs::select(DB::raw("count (*) "), "data_id", "data_name")->join("data", "data.id", '=', "logs.data_id")->groupBy("data_id", "data_name")->orderBy("data_id")->get(); return $rs; }