public static function send($subject, $content) { // 十分钟一次 $redis = Yaf\Registry::get('redis'); $hash = $subject . '|' . intval(time() / 600); if ($redis->get(self::$redis_latest_mail_key) == $hash) { return false; } else { // send mail $mail = new PHPMailer(); $mail->isSMTP(); $mail->Host = ""; $mail->Port = 25; $mail->SMTPAuth = true; $mail->Username = "******"; $mail->Password = "******"; $mail->setFrom('*****@*****.**', 'AutoTrade'); // TODO $mail->addAddress('', ''); $mail->Subject = $subject; $mail->Body = $content; if ($mail->send()) { $redis->set(self::$redis_latest_mail_key, $hash); return true; } else { Logger::Log('Send mail failed' . $mail->ErrorInfo, Logger::ERROR_LOG); return false; } } }
/** * @desc 执行交易 */ public function run() { Logger::Log('Start place Order: ' . $this->__toString()); $action = $this->action; usleep(400000); $result = $this->account->market->{$action}($this->price, $this->amount); Logger::Log("order result :" . var_export($result)); //false 代表下单不成功,直接再次尝试 //TODO 如果非常长的时间整个报警 while ($result === false) { Logger::Log("Place " . get_class($this->account->market) . " order failed, try again."); $this->status = self::ORDER_PLACE_FAILED; return $this->run(); } if ($result === true) { Logger::Log("Place " . get_class($this->account->market) . " order successful and deal!"); //下单成功并且交易成功 $this->status = self::ORDER_DEAL_SUCCESS; } else { $this->order_id = $result; Logger::Log("Place " . get_class($this->account->market) . " order successful order_id[{$this->order_id}]"); $this->status = self::ORDER_PLACE_SUCCESS; } return null; }
public static function GeocodeLocation($locationName) { if (static::$geocoder == null) { static::$geocoder = new OpenCage\Geocoder(self::Key, self::Options); } Logger::Log("Resolving : " . $locationName); $result = static::$geocoder->geocode($locationName); $ret = new GeocodingResult(); if (!isset($result)) { Logger::Log("Address: " . $locationName . " was not resolved: No result recieved"); } else { if (isset($result) && $result['status']['message'] == "OK" && count($result['results']) > 0) { $ret->valid = true; $res = $result['results'][0]['geometry']; $ret->lat = $res['lat']; $ret->lon = $res['lng']; Logger::Log("Address: " . $locationName . " was resolved as: " . $res['lat'] . " , " . $res['lng']); } else { $ret->valid = false; $message = "«" . $result['status']['code'] . " " . $result['status']['message'] . "»"; Logger::Log("Address: " . $locationName . " was not resolved: " . $message . "."); } } // Logger::Log( print_r ( $result, true ) ); return $ret; }
public function logout() { $datetime = new DateTime(); $this->logoutTime = $datetime->format('Y/m/d H:i:s a'); Logger::Log(get_class($this), 'OK', $this->user->username . ' logs out at ' . $this->logoutTime . ' from terminal XXX'); //$this::__destroy(); }
public static function Log($class, $category, $message) { $datetime = new DateTime(); $stamp = $datetime->format('YmdHis'); try { $sql = 'INSERT INTO logs (class, category, message, stamp) VALUES ("' . $class . '", "' . $category . '", "' . $message . '", ' . $stamp . ')'; DatabaseHandler::Execute($sql); } catch (Exception $e) { Logger::Log(get_class($this), 'Exception', $e->getMessage()); } }
/** * Logs messages depending on the ids trace level. * * @param TraceLevel $idsTraceLevel IDS Trace Level * @param string messageToWrite The message to write. */ public function Log($idsTraceLevel, $messageToWrite) { if ((int) $this->traceSwitchLevel < (int) $idsTraceLevel) { return; } $backTrace = debug_backtrace(); $callerFileName = $backTrace[0]['file']; $callerFileLineNumber = $backTrace[0]['line']; $callerFunctionName = $backTrace[0]['function']; $logMessage = implode(" - ", array(date('Y-m-d H:i:s'), $callerFileName, $callerFileLineNumber, $callerFunctionName, $messageToWrite)); parent::Log($idsTraceLevel, $logMessage); }
/** * The function checks whether an input list of arguments, has the correct data type * If not, the slim instance terminates with a 412 error code * * @param Slim $app a running slim instance */ public static function checkInput() { $args = func_get_args(); // the first argument ist the slim instance, remove from the test list $app =& $args[0]; $args = array_slice($args, 1, count($args)); foreach ($args as $a) { // search a argument, which is not true if (!$a) { // one of the arguments isn't true, abort progress Logger::Log('access denied', LogLevel::ERROR); $app->response->setBody('[]'); $app->response->setStatus(412); $app->stop(); break; } } }
private function exchange($account_group_id, $to_usd_rate, $to_cny_rate) { $account_group = new AccountGroupModel($account_group_id); $trades = $account_group->availableTrades(); if (count($trades) > 0) { foreach ($trades as $trade) { Logger::Log("Judge Trade: " . $trade->__toString()); if ($trade->tacticsTransport($to_usd_rate, $to_cny_rate)) { $trade->run(TradeModel::MODE_LOOSE); Logger::Log('finished 1 time, next trade.'); return $this->runAction(); } else { Logger::Log('no chance, next trade.'); } } return $this->exchange($account_group_id, $to_usd_rate, $to_cny_rate); } else { throw new Exception('no possible trade, fix it!'); } }
private function restart() { //暂时做个定时重启策略 $time = time(); $pid = getmypid(); $hedge = json_decode(Yaf\Registry::get('redis')->get('hedge'), true); if (empty($hedge)) { Yaf\Registry::get('redis')->set('hedge', json_encode(array('time' => $time, 'pid' => $pid))); } else { if ($time - $hedge['time'] > 500) { Logger::Log("restart Hedge"); $path = APPLICATION_PATH . "/scripts/Hedge"; Yaf\Registry::get('redis')->del('hedge'); system("{$path}"); system("kill -9 {$hedge['pid']}"); system("kill -9 {$pid}"); } else { if ($hedge['pid'] != $pid) { system("kill -9 {$hedge['pid']}"); Yaf\Registry::get('redis')->set('hedge', json_encode(array('time' => $time, 'pid' => $pid))); } } } }
/** * Handle & log exceptions * * @param Throwable $e * @return void * @see */ public static function handleException($e) { Logger::Log(get_class($e), $e->getMessage(), $e->getFile(), $e->getLine()); self::render($e)->send(); }
/** * performs a custom request * * @param string $method the request type (POST, DELETE, PUT, GET, ...) * @param string $target the taget URL * @param string $header an array with header informations * @param string $content the request content/body * * @return an array with the request result (status, header, content) * - ['headers'] = an array of header informations e.g. ['headers']['Content-Type'] * - ['content'] = the response content * - ['status'] = the status code e.g. 200,201,404,409,... */ public static function custom($method, $target, $header, $content, $authbool = true, $sessiondelete = false) { $begin = microtime(true); $done = false; if (!CConfig::$onload && strpos($target, 'http://localhost/') === 0 && file_exists(dirname(__FILE__) . '/request_cconfig.json')) { if (self::$components === null) { self::$components = CConfig::loadStaticConfig('', '', dirname(__FILE__), 'request_cconfig.json'); } $coms = self::$components->getLinks(); if ($coms != null) { if (!is_array($coms)) { $coms = array($coms); } $e = strlen(rtrim($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'], '/')); $f = substr(str_replace("\\", "/", dirname(__FILE__)), $e); $g = substr(str_replace("\\", "/", $_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME']), $e); $a = 0; for (; $a < strlen($g) && $a < strlen($f) && $f[$a] == $g[$a]; $a++) { } $h = substr(str_replace("\\", "/", $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']), 0, $a - 1); foreach ($coms as $com) { if ($com->getPrefix() === null || $com->getLocalPath() == null || $com->getClassFile() == null || $com->getClassName() == null) { Logger::Log('nodata: ' . $method . ' ' . $target, LogLevel::DEBUG, false, dirname(__FILE__) . '/../calls.log'); continue; } $url = 'http://localhost' . $h . '/' . $com->getLocalPath(); if (strpos($target, $url . '/') === 0) { $result = array(); $tar = dirname(__FILE__) . '/../' . $com->getLocalPath() . '/' . $com->getClassFile(); $tar = str_replace("\\", "/", $tar); if (!file_exists($tar)) { continue; } $add = substr($target, strlen($url)); $sid = CacheManager::getNextSid(); CacheManager::getTree($sid, $target, $method); $cachedData = CacheManager::getCachedDataByURL($sid, $target, $method); if ($cachedData !== null) { $result['content'] = $cachedData->content; $result['status'] = $cachedData->status; ///Logger::Log('out>> '.$method.' '.$target, LogLevel::DEBUG, false, dirname(__FILE__) . '/../calls.log'); CacheManager::cacheData($sid, $com->getTargetName(), $target, $result['content'], $result['status'], $method); } else { $args = array('REQUEST_METHOD' => $method, 'PATH_INFO' => $add, 'slim.input' => $content); if (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_SESSION'])) { $args['HTTP_SESSION'] = $_SERVER['HTTP_SESSION']; } if (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_USER'])) { $args['HTTP_USER'] = $_SERVER['HTTP_USER']; } if ($authbool) { if (isset($_SESSION['UID'])) { $args['HTTP_USER'] = $_SESSION['UID']; $_SERVER['HTTP_USER'] = $_SESSION['UID']; } if (isset($_SESSION['SESSION'])) { $args['HTTP_SESSION'] = $_SESSION['SESSION']; $_SERVER['HTTP_SESSION'] = $_SESSION['SESSION']; } if ($sessiondelete) { if (isset($_SERVER['REQUEST_TIME'])) { $args['HTTP_DATE'] = $_SERVER['REQUEST_TIME']; $_SERVER['HTTP_DATE'] = $_SERVER['REQUEST_TIME']; } } else { if (isset($_SESSION['LASTACTIVE'])) { $args['HTTP_DATE'] = $_SESSION['LASTACTIVE']; $_SERVER['HTTP_DATE'] = $_SESSION['LASTACTIVE']; } } } if (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_DATE'])) { $args['HTTP_DATE'] = $_SERVER['HTTP_DATE']; } $oldArgs = array('REQUEST_METHOD' => \Slim\Environment::getInstance()->offsetGet('REQUEST_METHOD'), 'PATH_INFO' => \Slim\Environment::getInstance()->offsetGet('PATH_INFO'), 'slim.input' => \Slim\Environment::getInstance()->offsetGet('slim.input'), 'HTTP_DATE' => \Slim\Environment::getInstance()->offsetGet('HTTP_DATE'), 'HTTP_USER' => \Slim\Environment::getInstance()->offsetGet('HTTP_USER'), 'HTTP_SESSION' => \Slim\Environment::getInstance()->offsetGet('HTTP_SESSION'), 'REQUEST_TIME' => \Slim\Environment::getInstance()->offsetGet('REQUEST_TIME')); $oldRequestURI = $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']; $oldScriptName = $_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']; ///$oldRedirectURL = $_SERVER['REDIRECT_URL']; ///echo "old: ".$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']."\n"; $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] = substr($target, strlen('http://localhost/') - 1); //$tar.$add; ///$_SERVER['REDIRECT_URL']= substr($target,strlen('http://localhost/')-1); ///echo "mein: ".substr($target,strlen('http://localhost/')-1)."\n"; $_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'] = $h . '/' . $com->getLocalPath() . '/' . $com->getClassFile(); //$tar; $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'] = ''; $_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] = $method; \Slim\Environment::mock($args); include_once $tar; $oldStatus = http_response_code(); $oldHeader = array_merge(array(), headers_list()); header_remove(); http_response_code(0); $name = $com->getClassName(); try { ob_start(); $obj = new $name(); if (isset($obj)) { unset($obj); } $result['content'] = ob_get_contents(); CacheManager::setETag($result['content']); $result['headers'] = array_merge(array(), self::http_parse_headers_short(headers_list())); header_remove(); if (!isset($result['headers']['Cachesid'])) { $newSid = CacheManager::getNextSid(); $result['headers']['Cachesid'] = $newSid; } ob_end_clean(); //header_remove(); $result['status'] = http_response_code(); } catch (Exception $e) { error_log($e->getMessage()); header_remove(); $result['status'] = '500'; $result['content'] = ''; $result['headers'] = array(); } $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] = $oldRequestURI; $_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'] = $oldScriptName; //$_SERVER['REDIRECT_URL'] = $oldRedirectURL; \Slim\Environment::mock($oldArgs); $_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] = $oldArgs['REQUEST_METHOD']; http_response_code($oldStatus); header('Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8'); foreach ($oldHeader as $head) { header($head); } CacheManager::setCacheSid($sid); $targetSid = isset($result['headers']['Cachesid']) ? $result['headers']['Cachesid'] : null; CacheManager::addPath($sid, $targetSid, $com->getTargetName(), $target, $method, $result['status']); CacheManager::finishRequest($targetSid, $h . '/' . $com->getLocalPath(), $com->getTargetName(), $target, $result['content'], $result['status'], $method, $content); CacheManager::cacheData($sid, $com->getTargetName(), $target, $result['content'], $result['status'], $method); ///Logger::Log('in<< '.$method.' '.$com->getClassName().$add, LogLevel::DEBUG, false, dirname(__FILE__) . '/../calls.log'); } $done = true; break; } } } } if (!$done) { // creates a custom request Logger::Log("--" . $method . ' ' . $target, LogLevel::DEBUG, false, dirname(__FILE__) . '/../calls.log'); $ch = Request_CreateRequest::createCustom($method, $target, $header, $content, $authbool, $sessiondelete)->get(); $content = curl_exec($ch); // get the request result $result = curl_getinfo($ch); $header_size = curl_getinfo($ch, CURLINFO_HEADER_SIZE); // splits the received header info, to create an entry // in the $result['headers'] for each part of the header $result['headers'] = self::http_parse_headers(substr($content, 0, $header_size)); // seperates the content part $result['content'] = substr($content, $header_size); // sets the received status code $result['status'] = curl_getinfo($ch, CURLINFO_HTTP_CODE); curl_close($ch); } Logger::Log($target . ' ' . round(microtime(true) - $begin, 2) . 's', LogLevel::DEBUG, false, dirname(__FILE__) . '/../executionTime.log'); return $result; }
/** * Return the the template as a string. * * Content is inserted into the template in this function */ public function __toString() { // make the content available as if variables with the names of its // attributes had been declared $extractedCount = extract($this->content); if ($extractedCount != count($this->content)) { Logger::Log("Unable to extract all content.", LogLevel::WARNING); } // buffer the output ob_start(); // evaluate the template as a php script // a closing php tag is needed before the template, so HTML can be // used in the template. $success = true; /*$success = eval("?>" . $this->template);*/ include $this->templateFile; // stop buffering and return the buffer's content $s = ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); if ($success === FALSE) { Logger::Log("Parse error in template: " . $this->template, LogLevel::WARNING); } return $s; }
/** * *Este metodo creara una caja asociada a una sucursal. Debe haber una caja por CPU. * * @param token string el token que pos_client otorga por equipo * @param codigo_caja string El codigo de uso interno de la caja * @param impresoras json Un objeto con las impresoras asociadas a esta sucursal. * @param basculas json Un objeto con las basculas conectadas a esta caja. * @param descripcion string Descripcion de esta caja * @return id_caja int Id de la caja generada por la isnercion **/ public static function NuevaCaja($token, $basculas = null, $control_billetes = 0, $descripcion = null, $id_sucursal = null, $impresoras = null) { Logger::log("Creando nueva caja"); //Se validan los parametros de caja, si no se recibe sucursal, se intenta //tomar de la sesion $validar = self::validarParametrosCaja(null, $id_sucursal, $token, $descripcion); if (is_string($validar)) { Logger::error($validar); throw new Exception($validar); } if (is_null($id_sucursal)) { $id_sucursal = self::getSucursal(); if (is_null($id_sucursal)) { Logger::error("No se pudo obtener la sucursal actual y no se obtuvo ninguna sucursal"); throw new Exception("No se pudo obtener la sucursal actual y no se obtuvo ninguna sucursal"); } } //si no recibimos control de billetes, lo ponemos en cero. if (is_null($control_billetes)) { $control_billetes = 0; } $caja = ContabilidadController::BuscarCuenta(1, $afectable = "", $clasificacion = "Activo Circulante", $clave = "", $consecutivo_en_nivel = "", $es_cuenta_mayor = "", $es_cuenta_orden = "", $id_cuenta_contable = "", $id_cuenta_padre = "", $naturaleza = "Deudora", $nivel = "", $nombre_cuenta = "Caja", $tipo_cuenta = "Balance"); if (count($caja["resultados"]) < 1) { Logger::Log("Debe de existir la cuenta contable 'Caja' para dar de alta una caja"); throw new BusinessLogicException("Debe de existir la cuenta contable 'Caja' para dar de alta una caja"); } //se inserta la cuenta contable $res = ContabilidadController::NuevaCuenta($caja["resultados"][0]->getAbonosAumentan(), $caja["resultados"][0]->getCargosAumentan(), $caja["resultados"][0]->getClasificacion(), $caja["resultados"][0]->getEsCuentaMayor(), $caja["resultados"][0]->getEsCuentaOrden(), $caja["resultados"][0]->getIdCatalogoCuentas(), $caja["resultados"][0]->getNaturaleza(), $descripcion, $caja["resultados"][0]->getTipoCuenta(), $caja["resultados"][0]->getIdCuentaContable()); //Se inicializa el registro de caja $caja = new Caja(); $caja->setIdSucursal($id_sucursal); $caja->setAbierta(0); $caja->setActiva(1); $caja->setControlBilletes($control_billetes); $caja->setDescripcion($descripcion); $caja->setIdSucursal($id_sucursal); $caja->setSaldo(0); $caja->setToken($token); $caja->setIdCuentaContable($res["id_cuenta_contable"]); DAO::transBegin(); try { //Se guarda el registro de caja y si se recibieron impresoras se registran con la caja //en la tabla impresora_caja. CajaDAO::save($caja); if (!is_null($impresoras)) { $impresoras = object_to_array($impresoras); if (!is_array($impresoras)) { throw new Exception("Las impresoras son invalidas", 901); } $impresora_caja = new ImpresoraCaja(array("id_caja" => $caja->getIdCaja())); foreach ($impresoras as $id_impresora) { if (is_null(ImpresoraDAO::getByPK($id_impresora))) { throw new Exception("La impresora con id: " . $id_impresora . " no existe", 901); } $impresora_caja->setIdImpresora($id_impresora); ImpresoraCajaDAO::save($impresora_caja); } } } catch (Exception $e) { DAO::transRollback(); Logger::error("No se pudo crear la caja: " . $e); if ($e->getCode() == 901) { throw new Exception("No se pudo crear la caja: " . $e->getMessage(), 901); } throw new Exception("No se pudo crear la caja", 901); } DAO::transEnd(); Logger::log("caja creada exitosamente"); return array("id_caja" => $caja->getIdCaja()); }
public static function can_see($persona_id, $owner_uid, $viewer_uid) { Logger::log("Enter: function PersonaHelper::can_see() persona_id: {$persona_id}, owner_uid; {$owner_uid}, viewer_uid: {$viewer_uid}"); // load the persona to see it's privacy data try { $persona = new Persona(); $persona->load($persona_id); } catch (PAException $e) { Logger::Log($e->getMessage()); Logger::log("Exit: function PersonaHelper::can_see() with NULL"); return null; // no persona! } $data = $persona->get_configuration_data(); $perm = intval($data->perm); if ($viewer_uid == 0) { // anon users don't have relations $relation = 0; // and are definetly not family $in_family = 0; } else { if ($owner_uid == $viewer_uid) { $relation = 2; $in_family = 1; } else { // $relation = Relation::get_relation($owner_uid, $viewer_uid); $relations = Relation::get_relations($owner_uid); $relation = in_array($viewer_uid, $relations); $in_family = Relation::is_relation_in_family($owner_uid, $viewer_uid); } } Logger::log("PersonaHelper::can_see() perm: {$perm}, relation: {$relation}, in_family: {$in_family}"); if (!$perm) { // permissions weren't set or are 0 == nobody Logger::log("Exit: function PersonaHelper::can_see() with NULL"); return null; } else { if ($perm == 1) { // show to world (everybody) Logger::log("Exit: function PersonaHelper::can_see() with Persona"); return $persona; } else { if ($perm == 2) { // show to relations if ($relation) { Logger::log("Exit: function PersonaHelper::can_see() with Persona"); return $persona; } } else { if ($perm == 3) { // show to family if ($in_family) { Logger::log("Exit: function PersonaHelper::can_see() with Persona"); return $persona; } } else { Logger::log("Exit: function PersonaHelper::can_see() with NULL"); return null; } } } } }
<?php /** * @file index.php executes the DBUser component on calling via rest api * * @author Till Uhlig * @date 2014 */ require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/DBUser.php'; Logger::Log('begin DBUser', LogLevel::DEBUG); new DBUser(); Logger::Log('end DBUser', LogLevel::DEBUG);
<?php /** * @file index.php executes the CHelp component on calling via rest api * * @author Till Uhlig * @date 2015 */ require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/CHelp.php'; Logger::Log('begin CHelp', LogLevel::DEBUG); new CHelp(); Logger::Log('end CHelp', LogLevel::DEBUG);
/** * Deletes a submission. * * Called when this component revceives an HTTP DELETE request to * /submissions/$submissionid(/). * * @param int $submissionid The submission that is beeing deleted. * * @note Files are completely removed from the system. This is not intended * behaviour as this prevents lecturers and admins from seeing them in the * user's submission history. * * @author Till Uhlig * @date 2014 */ public function deleteSubmission($submissionid) { $result = Request::routeRequest('DELETE', '/submission/' . $submissionid, array(), '', $this->_submission, 'submission'); if ($result['status'] >= 200 && $result['status'] <= 299) { // submission is deleted $this->app->response->setStatus(201); $this->app->response->setBody(''); if (isset($result['headers']['Content-Type'])) { $this->app->response->headers->set('Content-Type', $result['headers']['Content-Type']); } } else { Logger::Log('DELETE DeleteSubmission failed', LogLevel::ERROR); $this->app->response->setStatus(isset($result['status']) ? $result['status'] : 409); $this->app->response->setBody(''); $this->app->stop(); } }
/** * Adds a form. * * Called when this component receives an HTTP POST request to * /form(/). */ public function addForm() { Logger::Log('starts POST AddForm', LogLevel::DEBUG); $header = $this->app->request->headers->all(); $body = $this->app->request->getBody(); $this->app->response->setStatus(201); $forms = Form::decodeForm($body); // always been an array $arr = true; if (!is_array($forms)) { $forms = array($forms); $arr = false; } // this array contains the indices of the inserted objects $res = array(); $choices = array(); foreach ($forms as $key => $form) { $choices[] = $form->getChoices(); $forms[$key]->setChoices(null); } $resForms = array(); foreach ($forms as $form) { $method = 'POST'; $URL = '/form'; if ($form->getFormId() !== null) { $method = 'PUT'; $URL = '/form/' . $form->getFormId(); } $result = Request::routeRequest($method, $URL, array(), Form::encodeForm($form), $this->_form, 'form'); // checks the correctness of the query if ($result['status'] >= 200 && $result['status'] <= 299 && isset($result['content'])) { $newform = Form::decodeForm($result['content']); if ($form->getFormId() === null) { $form->setFormId($newform->getFormId()); } $resForms[] = $form; } else { $f = new Form(); $f->setStatus(409); $resForms[] = $f; } } $forms = $resForms; $i = 0; foreach ($choices as &$choicelist) { foreach ($choicelist as $key2 => $choice) { if ($forms[$i]->getFormId() !== null) { $formId = $forms[$i]->getFormId(); $choicelist[$key2]->setFormId($formId); $method = 'POST'; $URL = '/choice'; if ($choicelist[$key2]->getChoiceId() !== null) { $method = 'PUT'; $URL = '/choice/' . $choice->getChoiceId(); } $result = Request::routeRequest($method, $URL, array(), Choice::encodeChoice($choicelist[$key2]), $this->_choice, 'choice'); if ($result['status'] >= 200 && $result['status'] <= 299) { $newchoice = Choice::decodeChoice($result['content']); if ($choicelist[$key2]->getChoiceId() === null) { $choicelist[$key2]->setChoiceId($newchoice->getChoiceId()); } $choicelist[$key2]->setStatus(201); } else { $choicelist[$key2]->setStatus(409); } } } $forms[$i]->setChoices($choicelist); $i++; } // checks the correctness of the query /*if ( $result['status'] >= 200 && $result['status'] <= 299 && isset($result['content'])){ $newforms = Form::decodeForm($result['content']); if ( !is_array( $newforms ) ) $newforms = array($newforms); $i=0; foreach ($forms as &$form){ if ($form->getFormId() === null) $form->setFormId($newforms[$i]->getFormId()); $i++; } $sendChoices = array(); $i=0; foreach ( $choices as $choicelist ){ foreach ( $choicelist as $choice ){ $choice->setFormId($forms[$i]->getFormId()); $sendChoices[] = $choice; } $i++; } $choices = $sendChoices; $result = Request::routeRequest( 'POST', '/choice', $this->app->request->headers->all( ), Choice::encodeChoice($choices), $this->_choice, 'choice' ); // checks the correctness of the query if ( $result['status'] >= 200 && $result['status'] <= 299 ){ $newchoices = Choice::decodeChoice($result['content']); $choicelist = array(); $i=0; foreach ( $choices as &$choice ){ $choice->setChoiceId($newchoices[$i]->getChoiceId()); if (!isset($choicelist[$choice->getFormId()])) $choicelist[$choice->getFormId()] = array(); $choicelist[$choice->getFormId()][] = $choice; $i++; } foreach ( $forms as &$form ){ $form->setChoices($choicelist[$form->getFormId()]); } $res[] = $forms; } else{ // remove forms on failure foreach ($forms as $form){ $result = Request::routeRequest( 'DELETE', '/form/'.$form->getFormId(), $this->app->request->headers->all( ), '', $this->_form, 'form' ); } $res[] = null; $this->app->response->setStatus( 409 ); } } else { $res[] = null; $this->app->response->setStatus( 409 ); }*/ if ($this->app->response->getStatus() != 201) { Logger::Log('POST AddForms failed', LogLevel::ERROR); } if (!$arr && count($res) == 1) { $this->app->response->setBody(Form::encodeForm($res[0])); } else { $this->app->response->setBody(Form::encodeForm($res)); } }
/** * Deletes a marking. * * Called when this component receives an HTTP DELETE request to * /marking/marking/$markingid(/). * * @param int $markingid The id of the marking that is being deleted. * * @author Till Uhlig * @date 2014 */ public function deleteMarking($markingid) { $result = Request::routeRequest('DELETE', '/marking/' . $markingid, $this->app->request->headers->all(), '', $this->_marking, 'marking'); if ($result['status'] >= 200 && $result['status'] <= 299) { // marking is deleted $this->app->response->setStatus(201); $this->app->response->setBody(''); if (isset($result['headers']['Content-Type'])) { $this->app->response->headers->set('Content-Type', $result['headers']['Content-Type']); } } else { Logger::Log('DELETE DeleteMarking failed', LogLevel::ERROR); $this->app->response->setStatus(isset($result['status']) ? $result['status'] : 409); $this->app->response->setBody(''); $this->app->stop(); } }
function ProcessingErrorCsv($processingId) { $status = self::ReadStatus($processingId); if ($status->Status != self::StatusProcessedErrorCsv) { Logger::Log("ProcessingErrorCsv: wrong state :" . $status->Status); return $status; } if ($status->ReevCsvNextLineToProcess >= $status->ReevCsvLinesCount) { $status->Status = self::StatusFinishedGeoCsv; self::WriteStatus($status); return $status; } $status->Status = self::StatusProcessingErrorCsv; self::WriteStatus($status); $id = $processingId; $maxRows = 2; $startRow = $status->ReevCsvNextLineToProcess; $toRead = $status->ReevCsvLinesCount - $startRow; if ($maxRows < $toRead) { $toRead = $maxRows; } Logger::Log("ProcessingErrorCsv started, from line " . $startRow . " to line " . ($startRow + $toRead)); // Find indexes in the files. This is important as it will show us which items are already processed // and should not be added again (because this can happen, human can make mistake :) $finished = file(self::ProcessedDataFileName($id)); $finishedIndexes = self::GetIndexesFromCsvLines($finished); fclose($finished); $toReevaluate = file(self::ReevaluatingErrorsDataFileName($id)); $toReevaluateIndexes = self::GetIndexesFromCsvLines($toReevaluate); $errorCsv = fopen(self::ErrorsDataFileName($id), 'a+'); $processedCsv = fopen(self::ProcessedDataFileName($id), 'a+'); $endRow = $startRow + $toRead; for ($rowNumber = $startRow; $rowNumber < $endRow; ++$rowNumber) { $status->ReevCsvNextLineToProcess = $rowNumber + 1; $toReevaluateIndex = $toReevaluateIndexes[$rowNumber]; if (in_array($toReevaluateIndex, $finishedIndexes)) { // skip this item, it is already processed, instead process another. Logger::Log("Skipping line " . $rowNumber . ", because index " . $toReevaluateIndex . " is already in output."); continue; } $csvLineItems = str_getcsv($toReevaluate[$rowNumber]); $geocoded = GeoCoding::GeocodeLocation($csvLineItems[4]); Logger::Log("Parsing line " . $rowNumber . ", result: " . ($geocoded->valid ? "OK" : "Failed")); if ($geocoded->valid) { // add coordinates to end $csvLineItems[] = $geocoded->lat; $csvLineItems[] = $geocoded->lon; // store items to 'good' csv fputcsv($processedCsv, $csvLineItems); // increase number of correct count, decrease it from error count where it was already ++$status->LinesConverted; --$status->LinesConversionFailed; } else { // store items to 'bad' csv fputcsv($errorCsv, $csvLineItems); // no need to increase error count, it is already written there } } fclose($toReevaluate); fclose($errorCsv); fclose($processedCsv); $status->Status = self::StatusProcessedErrorCsv; self::WriteStatus($status); return $status; }
Authentication::checkRights(PRIVILEGE_LEVEL::STUDENT, $cid, $uid, $globalUserData); $langTemplate = 'Upload_Controller'; Language::loadLanguageFile('de', $langTemplate, 'json', dirname(__FILE__) . '/'); if (isset($_POST['action']) && $_POST['action'] == 'submit') { // handle uploading files /** * @todo don't automatically accept the submission */ $timestamp = time(); $URL = $databaseURI . '/group/user/' . $uid . '/exercisesheet/' . $sid; $group = http_get($URL, true); $group = json_decode($group, true); if (!isset($group['leader'])) { $errormsg = Language::Get('main', 'errorNoGroup', $langTemplate, array('status' => 500)); $notifications[] = MakeNotification('error', $errormsg); Logger::Log('error', "No group set for user {$uid} in course {$cid}!"); } else { $URL = $databaseURI . '/exercisesheet/exercisesheet/' . $sid; $sheet = http_get($URL, true); $sheet = json_decode($sheet, true); $isExpired = null; $hasStarted = null; if (isset($sheet['endDate']) && isset($sheet['startDate'])) { // bool if endDate of sheet is greater than the actual date $isExpired = date('U') > date('U', $sheet['endDate']); // bool if startDate of sheet is greater than the actual date $hasStarted = date('U') > date('U', $sheet['startDate']); if ($isExpired) { // empty } elseif (!$hasStarted) { set_error(Language::Get('main', 'noExercisePeriod', $langTemplate, array('startDate' => date('d.m.Y - H:i', $sheet['startDate']))));
/** * (non-PHPdoc) * @see classes/connectionengine/Connect_STH#procedure($procedureName, $params) */ public function &procedure($procedureName = 0, $params = array()) { $objReturned = null; $result = null; if ($procedureName != 0) { throw new ConnectionengineException('$procedureName is null.', __FILE__, __LINE__, sqlsrv_errors()); } $callString = sprintf('EXEC %s ', $procedureName); if (count($params) > 0) { //$callString .= ' ('; for ($index = 0, $indexMax = count($params); $index < $indexMax; $index++) { if ($index != $indexMax - 1) { $callString .= $params[$index][0] . ','; } else { $callString .= $params[$index][0]; } } // foreach //$callString .= ' )'; } // if //$callString .= ' }'; /* Create the statement. */ $stmt = sqlsrv_prepare($this->connection, $callString, null); if (!$stmt) { throw new ConnectionengineException('Error in preparing statement.', __FILE__, __LINE__, sqlsrv_errors()); } $result = sqlsrv_execute($stmt); if ($this->debug == true) { echo Logger::Log($callString); } // Traitement erreurs if ($result === false && $procedureName != 'sp_start_job') { print_r(sqlsrv_errors()); //echo "Error in query preparation/execution.\n"; throw new ConnectionengineException('Error on query (KO):' . $callString, __FILE__, __LINE__, sqlsrv_errors()); } else { $objReturned = true; } // $objReturned = new Sqlsrv_result_STH ( & $result , $this->defaultAssocType, $query ); // $objReturned->debug = $this->debug; return $objReturned; }
public static function request2($sqlStatement, $checkSession, $config = null, $useDbOperator = false) { if ($config === null) { // loads the mysql server config from file $config = parse_ini_file('config.ini', TRUE); } //ini_set('mysql.connect_timeout','60'); // creates a new connection to database if (!isset($config['ZV']['zv_type']) || isset($config['ZV']['zv_type']) && $config['ZV']['zv_type'] == 'local') { $path = strpos($config['PL']['urlExtern'], $config['DB']['db_path']) === false ? $config['DB']['db_path'] : 'localhost'; } else { $path = $config['DB']['db_path']; } if (!$useDbOperator) { $dbconn = @mysqli_connect($path, $config['DB']['db_user'], $config['DB']['db_passwd'], $config['DB']['db_name']); } else { $dbconn = @mysqli_connect($path, $config['DB']['db_user_operator'], $config['DB']['db_passwd_operator'], $config['DB']['db_name']); } if (!$dbconn) { $query_result['errno'] = 10; return $query_result; } // use UTF8 mysqli_set_charset($dbconn, "utf8"); $currentTime = $_SERVER['REQUEST_TIME']; // check session ///if (error_reporting() & E_NOTICE) $checkSession = false; // remove the comment this line to disable the session examination // Storing whether or not a session condition is not satisfied $sessionFail = false; if ($checkSession === true) { Logger::Log('starts session validation', LogLevel::DEBUG); if (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_SESSION']) && isset($_SERVER['HTTP_USER']) && isset($_SERVER['HTTP_DATE']) && ctype_digit($_SERVER['HTTP_USER']) && (int) $_SERVER['REQUEST_TIME'] <= (int) $_SERVER['HTTP_DATE'] + 45 * 60) { $content = mysqli_query($dbconn, 'select SE_sessionID from Session where U_id = ' . $_SERVER['HTTP_USER']); // evaluates the session $errno = mysqli_errno($dbconn); if ($errno == 0 && gettype($content) != 'boolean') { $data = DBJson::getRows2($content); if ($data != null && $data[0]['SE_sessionID'] == $_SERVER['HTTP_SESSION']) { $sessionFail = false; } else { $sessionFail = true; } } else { $sessionFail = true; } } else { $sessionFail = true; } } // if a condition is not met, the request is invalid if ($sessionFail == true) { $query_result['content'] = ''; $query_result['errno'] = 401; $query_result['error'] = 'access denied'; $query_result['numRows'] = 0; mysqli_close($dbconn); $dbconn = null; return array($query_result); } // performs the request $answ = mysqli_multi_query($dbconn, $sqlStatement); $query_result = array(); if ($answ === false) { $result = array(); $result['affectedRows'] = mysqli_affected_rows($dbconn); $result['insertId'] = mysqli_insert_id($dbconn); $result['errno'] = mysqli_errno($dbconn); $result['error'] = mysqli_error($dbconn); $query_result[] = $result; } else { do { $result = array(); $res = null; if ($res = mysqli_use_result($dbconn)) { $hash = ''; $result['content'] = DBJson::getRows2($res, $hash); $result['hash'] = $hash; $result['numRows'] = count($result['content']); // evaluates the request $result['affectedRows'] = mysqli_affected_rows($dbconn); $result['insertId'] = mysqli_insert_id($dbconn); $result['errno'] = mysqli_errno($dbconn); $result['error'] = mysqli_error($dbconn); mysqli_free_result($res); } else { $hash = ''; $result['content'] = null; $result['hash'] = $hash; $result['affectedRows'] = mysqli_affected_rows($dbconn); $result['insertId'] = mysqli_insert_id($dbconn); $result['errno'] = mysqli_errno($dbconn); $result['error'] = mysqli_error($dbconn); } $query_result[] = $result; } while (mysqli_more_results($dbconn) && mysqli_next_result($dbconn)); } // closes the connection and returns the result mysqli_close($dbconn); $dbconn = null; return $query_result; }
/** * Removes the component from a given course * * Called when this component receives an HTTP DELETE request to * /course/$courseid(/). */ public function deleteCourse($courseid) { Logger::Log('starts DELETE DeleteCourse', LogLevel::DEBUG); $courseid = DBJson::mysql_real_escape_string($courseid); foreach ($this->_createCourse as $_link) { $result = Request::routeRequest('DELETE', '/course/' . $courseid, array(), '', $_link, 'course'); // checks the correctness of the query if ($result['status'] >= 200 && $result['status'] <= 299) { $this->app->response->setStatus(201); if (isset($result['headers']['Content-Type'])) { $this->app->response->headers->set('Content-Type', $result['headers']['Content-Type']); } } else { Logger::Log('POST DeleteCourse failed', LogLevel::ERROR); $this->app->response->setStatus(isset($result['status']) ? $result['status'] : 409); $this->app->stop(); } } }
/** * Adds the component to a course * * Called when this component receives an HTTP POST request to * /course(/). */ public function addCourse() { Logger::Log('starts POST AddCourse', LogLevel::DEBUG); $header = $this->app->request->headers->all(); $body = $this->app->request->getBody(); $courses = Course::decodeCourse($body); $processes = array(); if (!is_array($courses)) { $courses = array($courses); } foreach ($courses as $course) { $process = new Process(); $exercise = new Exercise(); $exercise->setCourseId($course->getId()); $process->setExercise($exercise); $component = new Component(); $component->setId($this->_conf->getId()); $process->setTarget($component); $processes[] = $process; } foreach ($this->_postProcess as $_link) { $result = Request::routeRequest('POST', '/process', $header, Process::encodeProcess($processes), $_link, 'process'); // checks the correctness of the query if ($result['status'] >= 200 && $result['status'] <= 299) { $this->app->response->setStatus(201); if (isset($result['headers']['Content-Type'])) { $this->app->response->headers->set('Content-Type', $result['headers']['Content-Type']); } } else { /* if ($courses->getId()!==null){ $this->deleteCourse($courses->getId()); }*/ Logger::Log('POST AddCourse failed', LogLevel::ERROR); $this->app->response->setStatus(isset($result['status']) ? $result['status'] : 409); $this->app->response->setBody(Course::encodeCourse($courses)); $this->app->stop(); } } $this->app->response->setBody(Course::encodeCourse($courses)); }
/** * Adds the component to a course */ public function addCourse($pre = '') { $this->loadConfig($pre); $pre = ($pre === '' ? '' : '_') . $pre; Logger::Log('starts POST AddCourse', LogLevel::DEBUG); // decode the received course data, as an object $insert = Course::decodeCourse($this->_app->request->getBody()); // always been an array $arr = true; if (!is_array($insert)) { $insert = array($insert); $arr = false; } // this array contains the indices of the inserted objects $res = array(); foreach ($insert as $in) { // starts a query, by using a given file $result = DBRequest::getRoutedSqlFile($this->query, dirname(__FILE__) . '/Sql/AddCourse.sql', array('object' => $in, 'pre' => $pre)); // checks the correctness of the query if ($result['status'] >= 200 && $result['status'] <= 299) { $queryResult = Query::decodeQuery($result['content']); $res[] = $in; $this->_app->response->setStatus(201); if (isset($result['headers']['Content-Type'])) { $this->_app->response->headers->set('Content-Type', $result['headers']['Content-Type']); } } else { Logger::Log('POST AddCourse failed', LogLevel::ERROR); $this->_app->response->setStatus(isset($result['status']) ? $result['status'] : 409); $this->_app->response->setBody(Course::encodeCourse($res)); $this->_app->stop(); } } if (!$arr && count($res) == 1) { $this->_app->response->setBody(Course::encodeCourse($res[0])); } else { $this->_app->response->setBody(Course::encodeCourse($res)); } }
/** * Adds the component to the platform * * Called when this component receives an HTTP POST request to * /platform. */ public function addPlatform($callName, $input, $params = array()) { Logger::Log('starts POST AddPlatform', LogLevel::DEBUG); $file = dirname(__FILE__) . '/config.ini'; $text = "[DIR]\n" . "temp = \"" . str_replace(array("\\", "\""), array("\\\\", "\\\""), str_replace("\\", "/", $input->getTempDirectory())) . "\"\n" . "files = \"" . str_replace(array("\\", "\""), array("\\\\", "\\\""), str_replace("\\", "/", $input->getFilesDirectory())) . "\"\n"; if (!@file_put_contents($file, $text)) { Logger::Log('POST AddPlatform failed, config.ini no access', LogLevel::ERROR); return Model::isProblem(); } $platform = new Platform(); $platform->setStatus(201); return Model::isCreated($platform); }
/** * Adds the component to the platform * * Called when this component receives an HTTP POST request to * /platform. */ public function addPlatform($callName, $input, $params = array()) { Logger::Log('starts POST AddPlatform', LogLevel::DEBUG); //$this->loadConfig($name); // decode the received course data, as an object $insert = $input; $result = Model::isOK(); // always been an array $arr = true; if (!is_array($insert)) { $insert = array($insert); $arr = false; } // this array contains the indices of the inserted objects $res = array(); foreach ($insert as $in) { $file = dirname(__FILE__) . '/config.ini'; $text = "[DB]\n" . "db_path = \"" . str_replace(array("\\", "\""), array("\\\\", "\\\""), $in->getDatabaseUrl()) . "\"\n" . "db_user = \"" . str_replace(array("\\", "\""), array("\\\\", "\\\""), $in->getDatabaseOperatorUser()) . "\"\n" . "db_passwd = \"" . str_replace(array("\\", "\""), array("\\\\", "\\\""), $in->getDatabaseOperatorPassword()) . "\"\n" . "db_name = \"" . str_replace(array("\\", "\""), array("\\\\", "\\\""), $in->getDatabaseName()) . "\"\n" . "[PL]\n" . "urlExtern = \"" . str_replace(array("\\", "\""), array("\\\\", "\\\""), $in->getExternalUrl()) . "\"\n" . "url = \"" . str_replace(array("\\", "\""), array("\\\\", "\\\""), $in->getBaseUrl()) . "\""; if (!@file_put_contents($file, $text)) { Logger::Log('POST AddPlatform failed, config.ini no access', LogLevel::ERROR); $result = Model::isProblem(); } $platform = new Platform(); $platform->setStatus(201); $res[] = $platform; $result = Model::isCreated(); } $return['content'] = $res; return $return; }
/** * Logs the report download request. * @param string $requestHeaders the HTTP request headers * @param integer $responseCode the HTTP response code * @param array $params the parameters that were sent, if any * @param Exception $exception the exception that will be thrown, if any */ private static function LogRequest($requestHeaders, $responseCode, $params = NULL, $exception = NULL) { $level = isset($exception) ? Logger::$ERROR : Logger::$INFO; $messageParts = array(); $messageParts[] = trim($requestHeaders); $messageParts[] = ''; // Blank line for readability. $messageParts[] = "Parameters:"; foreach ($params as $name => $value) { $messageParts[] = sprintf('%s: %s', $name, $value); } $messageParts[] = ''; // Blank line for readability. $messageParts[] = sprintf('Response Code: %s', $responseCode); if (isset($exception)) { $messageParts[] = sprintf('Error Message: %s', $exception->GetMessage()); } $messageParts[] = ''; // Blank line for readability. $message = implode("\n", $messageParts); Logger::Log(self::$LOG_NAME, $message, $level); }
/** * @param int $mode */ public function run($mode = self::MODE_LOOSE) { foreach ($this->orders as $order) { $order->start(); } $place_start_time = time(); // 小睡一下,等待挂单结果 sleep(1); check_again: foreach ($this->orders as $order) { if ($order->status == OrderModel::ORDER_PLACE_FAILED) { // 如果超过市场的挂单市场限制放弃挂单,发邮件 if (time() - $place_start_time > $order->getAccount()->market->place_order_timeout) { Mail::send('Place order ' . get_class($order->getAccount()->market) . ' timeout', Logger::log('Place order timeout, give up check:' . $order->__toString(), Logger::WARNING_LOG)); continue; } Logger::Log("Wait place order result."); sleep(1); goto check_again; } if ($mode == self::MODE_STRICT) { // 所有单子必须全部交易成功 可以根据需要注释掉下面这个 while while ($order->status !== OrderModel::ORDER_DEAL_SUCCESS) { Logger::Log(get_class($order->getAccount()->market) . " order[" . $order->getId() . "] is dealing, check again."); $order->checkDealing(); } Logger::Log(get_class($order->getAccount()->market) . " order deal success."); } } $this->save(); // 交易完成之后刷新 info foreach ($this->orders as $order) { $order->getAccount()->getInfo(); } return true; }