function updateMemcache()
     // ignore_user_abort();
     //$interval=3600; //(seconds)
     require_once 'model/Feed.php';
     require_once 'lib/BitMemCache.php';
     require_once 'lib/RssReader.php';
     $feed = new Feed();
     $feeds = $feed->getFeeds();
     $logger = LogUtil::getLogger();
     include "config/site.php";
     foreach ($feeds as $feed) {
         $url = $feed['url'];
         $mem = new BitMemCache();
         $reader = new RssReader();
         $rss = $reader->fetch($url);
         if (!$rss) {
         } else {
             if ($mem->init()) {
                 $mem->set($url, json_encode($rss));
                 $logger->info("update memcache {$url}");
     //  sleep($interval);
 function __construct()
     include "config/config.php";
     //no include_once, because only first new XXX() will include config.php
     $this->db = new MySQL($mysql_host, $mysql_user, $mysql_pass, $mysql_dbname);
     $this->logger = LogUtil::getLogger();
 function fetch($url)
     $cacheDir = "cache/";
     $cacheName = base64_encode($url);
     $fullUrl = $cacheDir . $cacheName;
     $hasCache = is_file($fullUrl);
     require_once "lib/LogUtil.php";
     $logger = LogUtil::getLogger();
     if ($hasCache) {
         // 有缓存且缓存的时间不超过6小时则使用缓存
         $t1 = filemtime($fullUrl);
         $t2 = time();
         $inter = $t2 - $t1;
         if ($inter < 3600 * 6) {
             $url = $fullUrl;
             $logger->info("fullUrl = {$fullUrl} inter={$inter}  t1={$t1}");
         } else {
             $hasCache = false;
     $buff = "";
     $timeout = array('http' => array('timeout' => 20));
     $ctx = stream_context_create($timeout);
     $fp = fopen($url, "r", false, $ctx);
     if (!$fp) {
         return false;
     while (!feof($fp)) {
         $buff .= fgets($fp, 4096);
     if (strlen($buff) <= 0) {
         return false;
     //preg_match_all($pattern, $str,$out);
     $from_str = "encoding=\"gb2312\"";
     $to_str = "encoding=\"UTF-8\"";
     $char_set = mb_detect_encoding($buff);
     if ($char_set == 'UTF-8') {
     } else {
         // $buff = mb_convert_encoding($buff,'utf-8','gb2312'); --不支持生僻字,需改成GBK
         $buff = mb_convert_encoding($buff, 'utf-8', 'GBK');
         $buff = str_replace($from_str, $to_str, $buff);
     if (!$hasCache) {
         $cacheFp = fopen($fullUrl, 'w+');
         fwrite($cacheFp, $buff);
         $t3 = filemtime($fullUrl);
         $logger->info("fullUrl={$fullUrl} t3={$t3}");
     return simplexml_load_string($buff, 'SimpleXMLElement', LIBXML_NOCDATA);
 function __construct($path, $usr, $pass_wd, $db_name)
     if ($this->conn == null) {
         $this->conn = mysql_connect($path, $usr, $pass_wd, true) or die("cannot connect datebase " . $path . " :" . mysql_error());
         mysql_select_db($db_name, $this->conn) or die("cannot select datebase " . $db_name . " :" . mysql_error());
         mysql_query("SET NAMES UTF8");
     $this->logger = LogUtil::getLogger();
 public function saveTpl()
     $arr = array('tpl_name', 'tpl_root');
     $_POST['tpl_root'] = "view/template/" . $_POST['tpl_name'];
     require_once "lib/LogUtil.php";
     $logger = LogUtil::getLogger();
     return $this->db->postInsertPair("siteparas", $arr);
 function listPage()
     $postTile = "";
     $postBlockName = "";
     $sts = "1";
     if (isset($_POST['title'])) {
         $postTile = $_POST["title"];
     if (isset($_POST['sts'])) {
         $sts = $_POST["sts"];
     if (isset($_POST['block_name'])) {
         $postBlockName = $_POST["block_name"];
     $table = "(select a.*,b.block_name,c.usr_nm from content a left join block b on a.block_id=b.block_id left join users c on a.usr_id=c.usr_id where a.sts in (" . formatString($sts) . ") and a.title like '%" . $postTile . "%' and b.block_name like '%" . $postBlockName . "%' order by edit_tm desc) mytable";
     $this->logger = LogUtil::getLogger();
     $pager = parent::getPager($table, $this->content->db);
     $arrayList = $pager->getData();
     $blockList = $this->block->getBlocks();
     require 'view/admin/content_list.php';
 function flushMem()
     $mem = new BitMemCache();
     if ($mem->init()) {
         $logger->info("init 2");
         $logger = LogUtil::getLogger();
         $ret = $mem->flush();
         $logger->info("flush memcache ------------[ {$ret} ]");
     echo "flushMem 2";
 function __construct()
     $this->logger = LogUtil::getLogger();