public static function Init() { $setup = \SystemSetting::getByKey("ARC_ISINIT"); if ($setup->value == "1") { return; } \Log::createLog("warning", "Arc", "Initilised default Arc settings"); // Default system settings Helper::arcCheckSettingExists("ARC_ISINIT", "1"); Helper::arcCheckSettingExists("ARC_KEEP_LOGS", "31"); Helper::arcCheckSettingExists("ARC_MAIL", "{\"smtp\":\"false\", \"server\":\"localhost\"" . ", \"username\":\"\", \"password\":\"\", \"port\":\"25\", \"sender\":\"Admin <*****@*****.**>\"}"); Helper::arcCheckSettingExists("ARC_LOGIN_URL", "welcome"); Helper::arcCheckSettingExists("ARC_FILE_UPLOAD_SIZE_BYTES", "2000000"); Helper::arcCheckSettingExists("ARC_THUMB_WIDTH", "80"); Helper::arcCheckSettingExists("ARC_THEME", "default"); Helper::arcCheckSettingExists("ARC_DEFAULT_PAGE", "welcome"); Helper::arcCheckSettingExists("ARC_LDAP", "{\"ldap\":\"false\", \"server\":\"localhost\"," . " \"domain\":\"mydomain\", \"base\":\"dc=mydomain,dc=local\"}"); Helper::arcCheckSettingExists("ARC_PASSWORD_RESET_MESSAGE", htmlentities("You or someone else has requested a password reset.<br />" . "Your new password is '{password}'.")); Helper::arcCheckSettingExists("ARC_ALLOWREG", "true"); Helper::arcCheckSettingExists("ARC_LOGO_PATH", "assets/logo-200x48-dark.png"); Helper::arcCheckSettingExists("ARC_DATEFORMAT", "d-m-Y"); Helper::arcCheckSettingExists("ARC_TIMEFORMAT", "H:i:s"); Helper::arcCheckSettingExists("ARC_REQUIRECOMPANY", false); Helper::arcCheckSettingExists("ARC_SITETITLE", "Arc Project"); Helper::arcCheckSettingExists("ARC_MEDIAMANAGERURL", "administration/media-manager"); }
<?php if (system\Helper::arcIsAjaxRequest()) { $user = User::getByEmail($_POST["emailf"]); // valid user if ($user->id > 0) { $password = md5(uniqid($user->email, true)); $user->setPassword($password); $user->update(); $messageS = SystemSetting::getByKey("ARC_PASSWORD_RESET_MESSAGE"); $message = html_entity_decode($messageS->value); $message = str_replace("{password}", $password, $message); $mail = new Mail(); $mail->Send($user->email, "Password Reset Request", $message, true); system\Helper::arcAddMessage("success", "Password reset, please check your email."); Log::createLog("warning", "user", "Password reset request '" . $_POST["emailf"] . "'."); } else { system\Helper::arcAddMessage("danger", "Email address is not registered"); Log::createLog("danger", "user", "Request to reset unknown email address '" . $_POST["emailf"] . "'."); } }
} $name = $_FILES["file"]["name"]; $ext = end(explode(".", $name)); # extra () to prevent notice $filename = uniqid() . "." . $ext; $path = system\Helper::arcGetPath(true) . "assets/profile"; $destination = $path . "/" . $filename; if (!file_exists($path)) { mkdir($path); } Log::createLog("info", "user", "Destination: '" . $destination . "'"); $location = $_FILES["file"]["tmp_name"]; $size = filesize($location); if ($size == 0) { system\Helper::arcAddMessage("danger", "Invalid file uploaded"); Log::createLog("danger", "user", "Invalid file size."); return; } move_uploaded_file($location, $destination); $profileImage = SystemSetting::getByKey("ARC_USER_IMAGE", system\Helper::arcGetUser()->id); $profileImage->userid = system\Helper::arcGetUser()->id; $profileImage->value = $filename; $profileImage->update(); system\Helper::arcAddMessage("success", "File uploaded"); Log::createLog("success", "user", "Upload complete."); } else { Log::createLog("danger", "user", "Upload error " . $_FILES['file']['error']); system\Helper::arcAddMessage("danger", "Error occured while uploading file"); } } }
/** * Used to get Arc to build the content of the page or preform API request. */ public static function getContent() { // Break URL apart and check for API request $uri_parts = explode('?', $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], 2); $uri = $uri_parts[0]; if (strpos($uri, "/api/v1") === false) { // No API, Get regular content self::arcGetView(); } else { // Handle API request if (!isset($_GET["key"])) { self::arcReturnJSON(["error" => "API key required to process request"]); \Log::createLog("danger", "API", "API key required to process request"); } else { $key = null; $users = \User::getAllUsers(); foreach ($users as $user) { $apikey = \SystemSetting::getByKey("APIKEY", $user->id); if ($apikey->id != 0 && $apikey->value == $_GET["key"]) { $key = $apikey->value; } } if (empty($key)) { self::arcReturnJSON(["error" => "Invalid API key"]); \Log::createLog("danger", "API", "Invalid API key"); } else { $split = explode("/", $uri); if (!isset($split[3]) || !file_exists(self::arcGetPath(true) . "app/modules/{$split[3]}/api")) { self::arcReturnJSON(["error" => "Invalid API request"]); \Log::createLog("danger", "API", "Invalid API request"); } elseif (!isset($split[4]) || !file_exists(self::arcGetPath(true) . "app/modules/{$split[3]}/api/{$split[4]}.php")) { self::arcReturnJSON(["error" => "Invalid API method request"]); \Log::createLog("danger", "API", "Invalid API method request"); } else { include self::arcGetPath(true) . "app/modules/{$split[3]}/api/{$split[4]}.php"; \Log::createLog("success", "API", "OK:: Module: {$split[3]}, Method: {$split[4]}, Key: {$key}"); } } } } }
function LDAPLogin($server = "mydomain.local", $username, $password, $domain = "mydomain", $dc = "dc=mydomain,dc=local") { // $ldap = ldap_connect("ldap://{$server}"); $ldaprdn = "{$domain}\\{$username}"; ldap_set_option($ldap, LDAP_OPT_PROTOCOL_VERSION, 3); ldap_set_option($ldap, LDAP_OPT_REFERRALS, 0); $bind = @ldap_bind($ldap, $ldaprdn, $password); if ($bind) { $filter = "(sAMAccountName={$username})"; $result = ldap_search($ldap, $dc, $filter); ldap_sort($ldap, $result, "sn"); $info = ldap_get_entries($ldap, $result); if (!isset($info[0]["mail"][0])) { Log::createLog("danger", "ldap", "Unable to query LDAP, check base settings."); return null; } $data = array(); $data["email"] = $info[0]["mail"][0]; $data["lastname"] = $info[0]["sn"][0]; $data["firstname"] = $info[0]["givenname"][0]; @ldap_close($ldap); return $data; } else { Log::createLog("danger", "ldap", "Error: " . ldap_error($ldap)); } return null; }
/** * * @param string $from Sender, left null to use system setting. * @param string/array $to To, format as 'Firstname Lastname' <*****@*****.**> or email address only. * @param string/array $cc CC, format as 'Firstname Lastname' <*****@*****.**> or email address only. * @param string $subject String message subject. * @param string $message Message body, html or plain text. * @param boolean $html True for html body, false for plain. * @return boolean True/False depending is the operation was completed. */ public function Send($to = array(), $subject, $message, $html = true, $from = null, $cc = array()) { if ($html == true) { $theme = SystemSetting::getByKey("ARC_THEME"); if (file_exists(system\Helper::arcGetPath(true) . "themes/" . $theme->value . "/email.php")) { $content = file_get_contents(system\Helper::arcGetPath(true) . "themes/" . $theme->value . "/email.php"); $message = system\Helper::arcParseEmail($content, $message); } } Log::createLog("info", "arcmail", "Send email request, mode: " . $this->mode); // Set from details if ($from == null) { $from = $this->data["sender"]; } // Build to list if (!is_array($to)) { $list = array(); $list[] = $to; $to = $list; } // Build to list if (!is_array($cc)) { $list = array(); $list[] = $cc; $cc = $list; } // Build Mail Header $headers = "MIME-Version: 1.0\r\n"; if ($html == true) { // Html content $headers .= "Content-Type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1\r\n"; } else { // Plain test $headers .= "Content-Type: text/plain;\r\n"; } Log::createLog("info", "arcmail", "Mail headers built"); switch ($this->mode) { case "MAIL": // Add from header $headers .= "From: " . $from . "\r\n"; // Build recipients list $toList = ""; foreach ($to as $recipient) { $toList .= $recipient . ", "; } $toList = substr($toList, 0, -2); Log::createLog("success", "arcmail", "PHP mail created."); // Send mail mail($toList, $subject, $message, $headers); Log::createLog("success", "arcmail", "PHP mail sent."); break; case "SMTP": include system\Helper::arcGetPath(true) . "app/classes/PHPMailer/PHPMailerAutoload.php"; $mail = new PHPMailer(); $mail->isSMTP(); $mail->Host = $this->data["server"]; if (empty($this->data["username"]) && empty($this->data["password"])) { $mail->SMTPAuth = false; } else { $mail->SMTPAuth = true; $mail->Username = $this->data["username"]; $smtp_password = system\Helper::arcDecrypt($this->data["password"]); $mail->Password = $smtp_password; } $mail->setFrom($from); foreach ($to as $email) { $mail->addAddress($email); } foreach ($cc as $email) { $mail->addCC($email); } $mail->isHTML($html); $mail->Subject = $subject; $mail->Body = $message; if (!$mail->send()) { Log::createLog("danger", "arcmail", "SMTP: " . $mail->ErrorInfo); } else { Log::createLog("success", "arcmail", "SMTP: Message sent"); } break; } }
Log::createLog("danger", "mediamanager", "Blocked file type: {$file_type}"); return; } $filename = $_FILES['file']['name']; // force lowercase names $filename = strtolower($filename); $path = system\Helper::arcGetPath(true) . "assets" . $_POST["path"]; $destination = $path . "/" . $filename; if (!file_exists($path)) { mkdir($path); } Log::createLog("info", "mediamanager", "Destination: '" . $destination . "'"); $location = $_FILES["file"]["tmp_name"]; Log::createLog("info", "mediamanager", "Source: '" . $location . "'"); $size = filesize($location); Log::createLog("info", "mediamanager", "Size: " . $size[0]); if ($size == 0) { system\Helper::arcAddMessage("danger", "Invalid file uploaded"); Log::createLog("danger", "mediamanager", "Invalid file size."); return; } move_uploaded_file($location, $destination); Log::createLog("info", "mediamanager", "File moved to image folder."); system\Helper::arcAddMessage("success", "File uploaded"); Log::createLog("success", "mediamanager", "Upload complete."); } else { Log::createLog("danger", "mediamanager", "Upload error " . $_FILES['file']['error']); system\Helper::arcAddMessage("danger", "Error occured while uploading file"); } } }
<?php if (system\Helper::arcIsAjaxRequest()) { $user = User::getByID($_POST["id"]); if ($user->id != system\Helper::arcGetUser()->id) { system\Helper::arcImpersonateUser($user); system\Helper::arcAddMessage("success", "Impersonation mode enabled"); Log::createLog("warning", "user", "Is impersonating " . $user->getFullname()); system\Helper::arcReturnJSON(["status" => "success"]); } else { system\Helper::arcAddMessage("danger", "You cannot impersonate yourself"); system\Helper::arcReturnJSON(["status" => "failed"]); } }
public function afterDelete() { $this->clearCache(); $sectionID = implode(',', $this->getPkValues()); $section = strtolower(get_class($this)); $userID = $this->model_uset_id; if ($this->_isLog) { Log::createLog($userID, 'delete', $section, $sectionID); } }
<?php http_response_code(system\Helper::arcGetPostData("error")); $error = system\Helper::arcGetPostData("error") . ": " . system\Helper::arcGetPostData("path"); if (!empty($_SERVER["HTTP_REFERER"])) { $error .= " (ref: " . $_SERVER["HTTP_REFERER"] . ")"; } Log::createLog("danger", "error", $error);