public function execute() { // Prevent the script from timing out set_time_limit(0); ini_set("max_execution_time", 0); ini_set('memory_limit', -1); global $wgExtensionMessagesFiles, $IP; global $wgLocalisationUpdateRepositories; global $wgLocalisationUpdateRepository; $dir = LocalisationUpdate::getDirectory(); if (!$dir) { $this->error("No cache directory configured", true); return; } $lc = Language::getLocalisationCache(); if (is_callable(array($lc, 'getMessagesDirs'))) { // Introduced in 1.25 $messagesDirs = $lc->getMessagesDirs(); } else { global $wgMessagesDirs; $messagesDirs = $wgMessagesDirs; } $finder = new LU_Finder($wgExtensionMessagesFiles, $messagesDirs, $IP); $readerFactory = new LU_ReaderFactory(); $fetcherFactory = new LU_FetcherFactory(); $repoid = $this->getOption('repoid', $wgLocalisationUpdateRepository); if (!isset($wgLocalisationUpdateRepositories[$repoid])) { $known = implode(', ', array_keys($wgLocalisationUpdateRepositories)); $this->error("Unknown repoid {$repoid}; known: {$known}", true); return; } $repos = $wgLocalisationUpdateRepositories[$repoid]; // Do it ;) $updater = new LU_Updater(); $updatedMessages = $updater->execute($finder, $readerFactory, $fetcherFactory, $repos); // Store it ;) $count = array_sum(array_map('count', $updatedMessages)); if (!$count) { $this->output("Found no new translations\n"); return; } foreach ($updatedMessages as $language => $messages) { $filename = "{$dir}/" . LocalisationUpdate::getFilename($language); file_put_contents($filename, FormatJson::encode($messages, true)); } $this->output("Saved {$count} new translations\n"); }
/** * Hook: LocalisationCacheRecache */ public static function onRecache(LocalisationCache $lc, $code, array &$cache) { $dir = LocalisationUpdate::getDirectory(); if (!$dir) { return true; } $codeSequence = array_merge(array($code), $cache['fallbackSequence']); foreach ($codeSequence as $csCode) { $fileName = "{$dir}/" . self::getFilename($csCode); if (is_readable($fileName)) { $data = FormatJson::decode(file_get_contents($fileName), true); $cache['messages'] = array_merge($cache['messages'], $data); } $cache['deps'][] = new FileDependency($fileName); } return true; }
/** * Hook: LocalisationCacheRecache */ public static function onRecache(LocalisationCache $lc, $code, array &$cache) { $dir = LocalisationUpdate::getDirectory(); if (!$dir) { return true; } $codeSequence = array_merge(array($code), $cache['fallbackSequence']); foreach ($codeSequence as $csCode) { $fileName = "{$dir}/" . self::getFilename($csCode); if (!self::$onRecacheFallbackCalled && is_readable($fileName)) { // We're on an old version of MW that doesn't have the hook // needed to do things correctly. L10n will be broken here in // certain reasonably-common situations (see bug 68781), but // there's nothing we can do about it. $data = FormatJson::decode(file_get_contents($fileName), true); $cache['messages'] = array_merge($cache['messages'], $data); } $cache['deps'][] = new FileDependency($fileName); } return true; }
/** * @param $file * @param $hash */ public static function saveHash($file, $hash) { if (is_null(self::$newHashes)) { self::$newHashes = self::readFile('hashes'); } self::$newHashes[$file] = $hash; }
return $reader->getVar($varname); } if (count($args)) { $sources = $args; } else { $sources = array_merge(glob("{$IP}/extensions/*/*.i18n.php"), glob("{$IP}/languages/messages/Messages*.php")); } foreach ($sources as $sourceFile) { $rel = basename($sourceFile); $out = str_replace('/', '-', $rel); $sourceData = file_get_contents($sourceFile); if (preg_match('!extensions/!', $sourceFile)) { $sourceData = LocalisationUpdate::cleanupExtensionFile($sourceData); $items = 'langs'; } else { $sourceData = LocalisationUpdate::cleanupFile($sourceData); $items = 'messages'; } file_put_contents("{$out}.txt", $sourceData); $start = microtime(true); $eval = evalExtractArray($sourceData, 'messages'); $deltaEval = microtime(true) - $start; $start = microtime(true); $quick = quickTokenExtractArray($sourceData, 'messages'); $deltaQuick = microtime(true) - $start; $start = microtime(true); $token = confExtractArray($sourceData, 'messages'); $deltaToken = microtime(true) - $start; $hashEval = md5(serialize($eval)); $hashToken = md5(serialize($token)); $hashQuick = md5(serialize($quick));
<?php $IP = strval(getenv('MW_INSTALL_PATH')) !== '' ? getenv('MW_INSTALL_PATH') : realpath(dirname(__FILE__) . "/../../"); // TODO: migrate to maintenance class require_once "{$IP}/maintenance/"; if (isset($options['help'])) { print "Fetches updated localisation files from MediaWiki development SVN\n"; print "and saves into local database to merge with release defaults.\n"; print "\n"; print "Usage: php extensions/LocalisationUpdate/update.php\n"; print "Options:\n"; print " --quiet Suppress progress output\n"; print " --skip-core Don't fetch MediaWiki core files\n"; print " --skip-extensions Don't fetch any extension files\n"; print " --all Fetch all present extensions, not just those enabled\n"; print " --outdir=<dir> Override output directory for serialized update files\n"; print " --svnurl=<url> URL to SVN repository, or path to local SVN checkout. Default: {$wgLocalisationUpdateSVNURL}\n"; print "\n"; exit(0); } $starttime = microtime(true); // Prevent the script from timing out set_time_limit(0); ini_set("max_execution_time", 0); ini_set('memory_limit', -1); LocalisationUpdate::updateMessages($options); $endtime = microtime(true); $totaltime = $endtime - $starttime; print "All done in " . $totaltime . " seconds\n";