 public function wizard_checkKey()
     $fileError = false;
     if (!isset($_SESSION['CATS']) || empty($_SESSION['CATS'])) {
         echo 'CATS has lost your session!';
     /* Bail out if the user doesn't have SA permissions. */
     if ($this->_realAccessLevel < ACCESS_LEVEL_SA) {
         echo 'You do not have access to set the key.';
     if (isset($_GET[$id = 'key']) && $_GET[$id] != '') {
         $license = new License();
         $key = strtoupper(trim($_GET[$id]));
         $configWritten = false;
         if ($license->setKey($key) !== false) {
             if ($license->isProfessional()) {
                 if (!CATSUtility::isSOAPEnabled()) {
                     echo "CATS Professional requires the PHP SOAP library which isn't currently installed.\n\n" . "Installation Instructions:\n\n" . "WAMP/Windows Users:\n" . "1) Left click on the wamp icon.\n" . "2) Select \"PHP Settings\" from the drop-down list.\n" . "3) Select \"PHP Extensions\" from the drop-down list.\n" . "4) Check the \"php_soap\" option.\n" . "5) Restart WAMP.\n\n" . "Linux Users:\n" . "Re-install PHP with the --enable-soap configuration option.\n\n" . "Please visit http://www.catsone.com for more support options.";
                 } else {
                     if (!LicenseUtility::validateProfessionalKey($key)) {
                         echo "That is not a valid CATS Professional license key. Please visit " . "http://www.catsone.com/professional for more information about CATS Professional.\n\n" . "For a free open-source key, please visit http://www.catsone.com/ and " . "click on \"Downloads\".";
             if (CATSUtility::changeConfigSetting('LICENSE_KEY', "'" . $key . "'")) {
                 $configWritten = true;
         if ($configWritten) {
             echo 'Ok';
     // The key hasn't been written. But they may have manually inserted the key into their config.php, check
     if (LicenseUtility::isLicenseValid()) {
         echo 'Ok';
     if ($fileError) {
         echo 'You entered a valid key, but this wizard is unable to write to your config.php file! You have ' . 'two choices: ' . "\n\n" . '1) Change the file permissions of your config.php file.' . "\n" . 'If you\'re using unix, try:' . "\n" . 'chmod 777 config.php' . "\n\n" . '2) Edit your config.php file manually and enter your valid key near this line: ' . "\n" . 'define(\'LICENSE_KEY\', \'ENTER YOUR KEY HERE\');' . "\n" . 'Once you\'ve done this, refresh your browser.' . "\n\n" . 'For more help, visit our website at http://www.catsone.com for support options.';
     echo 'That is not a valid key. You can register for a free open source license key on our website ' . 'at http://www.catsone.com or a professional key to unlock all of the available features at ' . 'http://www.catsone.com/professional';
  * AJAX:
  *   This function is called by the javascript progress bar page (step 2) of the
  *   mass resume importer. It parses the resume set in $_POST and saves the
  *   results to a temporary session.
 public function massImportDocument()
     // Find the files the user has uploaded and put them in an array
     if (isset($_SESSION['CATS']) && !empty($_SESSION['CATS'])) {
         $siteID = $_SESSION['CATS']->getSiteID();
     } else {
         echo 'Fail';
     if (isset($_GET['name'])) {
         $name = $_GET['name'];
     } else {
         echo 'Fail';
     if (isset($_GET['realName'])) {
         $realName = $_GET['realName'];
     } else {
         echo 'Fail';
     if (isset($_GET['ext'])) {
         $ext = $_GET['ext'];
     } else {
         echo 'Fail';
     if (isset($_GET['cTime'])) {
         $cTime = intval($_GET['cTime']);
     } else {
         echo 'Fail';
     if (isset($_GET['type'])) {
         $type = intval($_GET['type']);
     } else {
         echo 'Fail';
     if (!isset($_SESSION['CATS_PARSE_TEMP'])) {
         $_SESSION['CATS_PARSE_TEMP'] = array();
     $mp = array('name' => $name, 'realName' => $realName, 'ext' => $ext, 'type' => $type, 'cTime' => $cTime);
     $doc2text = new DocumentToText();
     $pu = new ParseUtility();
     if (LicenseUtility::isParsingEnabled()) {
         $parsingEnabled = true;
     } else {
         $parsingEnabled = false;
     if ($doc2text->convert($name, $type) === false) {
         $mp['success'] = false;
         $_SESSION['CATS_PARSE_TEMP'][] = $mp;
         echo 'Fail';
     $contents = $doc2text->getString();
     // Decode things like _rATr to @ so the parser can accurately find things
     $contents = DatabaseSearch::fulltextDecode($contents);
     if ($parsingEnabled) {
         switch ($type) {
             case DOCUMENT_TYPE_DOC:
                 $contents = str_replace('|', "\n", $contents);
                 $contents = str_replace(' ? ', "\n", $contents);
         while (strpos($contents, '  ') !== false) {
             $contents = str_replace('  ', ' ', $contents);
     $mp['contents'] = $contents;
     if ($parsingEnabled) {
         $parseData = $pu->documentParse($realName, strlen($contents), 'application/text', $contents);
         $mp['parse'] = $parseData;
     $mp['success'] = true;
     $_SESSION['CATS_PARSE_TEMP'][] = $mp;
     echo 'Ok';
  * Prints footer HTML for non-report pages.
  * @return void
 public static function printFooter()
     $build = $_SESSION['CATS']->getCachedBuild();
     $loadTime = $_SESSION['CATS']->getExecutionTime();
     if ($build > 0) {
         $buildString = ' build ' . $build;
     } else {
         $buildString = '';
                  II) The following copyright notice must be retained and clearly legible
                  at the bottom of every rendered HTML document: Copyright (C) 2005 - 2007
                  Cognizo Technologies, Inc. All rights reserved.
                  III) The "Powered by CATS" text or logo must be retained and clearly
                  legible on every rendered HTML document. The logo, or the text
                  "CATS", must be a hyperlink to the CATS Project website, currently
     echo '<div class="footerBlock">', "\n";
     echo '<p id="footerText">CATS Version ', CATS_VERSION, $buildString, '. <span id="toolbarVersion"></span>Powered by <a href="http://www.catsone.com/"><strong>CATS</strong></a>.</p>', "\n";
     echo '<span id="footerResponse">Server Response Time: ', $loadTime, ' seconds.</span><br />';
     echo '<span id="footerCopyright">', COPYRIGHT_HTML, '</span>', "\n";
     if (!eval(Hooks::get('TEMPLATEUTILITY_SHOWPRIVACYPOLICY'))) {
     echo '</div>', "\n";
     echo '</body>', "\n";
     echo '</html>', "\n";
     if ((!file_exists('modules/asp') || defined('CATS_TEST_MODE') && CATS_TEST_MODE) && LicenseUtility::isProfessional() && !rand(0, 10)) {
         if (!LicenseUtility::validateProfessionalKey(LICENSE_KEY)) {
             CATSUtility::changeConfigSetting('LICENSE_KEY', "''");
 private function _authenticate()
     /* Get username / password, and apply ASP username if applicable. */
     $siteID = 1;
     $siteName = '';
     $username = $this->getTrimmedInput('CATSUser', $_GET);
     $password = $this->getTrimmedInput('CATSPassword', $_GET);
     if (!eval(Hooks::get('TOOLBAR_AUTHENTICATE_PRE'))) {
     if (!$_SESSION['CATS']->isLoggedIn()) {
         $_SESSION['CATS']->processLogin($username, $password);
     if (!eval(Hooks::get('TOOLBAR_AUTHENTICATE_POST'))) {
     if (!$_SESSION['CATS']->isLoggedIn()) {
         //echo 'cats_authenticationFailed(); Message:You do not have permision to use the toolbar.';
         echo 'cats_authenticationFailed(); Message:' . $_SESSION['CATS']->getLoginError();
     if (!ModuleUtility::moduleExists('asp')) {
         if (!LicenseUtility::isProfessional()) {
             echo 'cats_authenticationFailed(); Message:The FireFox toolbar extension ' . 'is only available to CATS Professional users. See catsone.com/Professional for ' . 'more information.';
     return true;
    private function attemptLogin()
        //FIXME: getTrimmedInput()!
        if (isset($_POST['siteName'])) {
            $siteName = $_POST['siteName'];
        } else {
            $siteName = '';
        if (!isset($_POST['username']) || !isset($_POST['password'])) {
            $message = 'Invalid username or password.';
            if (isset($_GET['reloginVars'])) {
                $this->_template->assign('reloginVars', urlencode($_GET['reloginVars']));
            } else {
                $this->_template->assign('reloginVars', '');
            $site = new Site(-1);
            $rs = $site->getSiteByUnixName($siteName);
            if (isset($rs['name'])) {
                $siteNameFull = $rs['name'];
            } else {
                $siteNameFull = $siteName;
            $this->_template->assign('aspMode', false);
            if (!eval(Hooks::get('LOGIN_NO_CREDENTIALS'))) {
            $this->_template->assign('message', $message);
            $this->_template->assign('messageSuccess', false);
            $this->_template->assign('siteName', $siteName);
            $this->_template->assign('siteNameFull', $siteNameFull);
            $this->_template->assign('dateString', date('l, F jS, Y'));
            if (ModuleUtility::moduleExists("asp")) {
            } else {
        $username = $this->getTrimmedInput('username', $_POST);
        $password = $this->getTrimmedInput('password', $_POST);
        if (strpos($username, '@') !== false) {
            $siteName = '';
        if ($siteName != '') {
            $site = new Site(-1);
            $rs = $site->getSiteByUnixName($siteName);
            if (isset($rs['siteID'])) {
                $username .= '@' . $rs['siteID'];
        /* Make a blind attempt at logging the user in. */
        $_SESSION['CATS']->processLogin($username, $password);
        /* If unsuccessful, take the user back to the login page. */
        if (!$_SESSION['CATS']->isLoggedIn()) {
            $message = $_SESSION['CATS']->getLoginError();
            if (isset($_GET['reloginVars'])) {
                $this->_template->assign('reloginVars', urlencode($_GET['reloginVars']));
            } else {
                $this->_template->assign('reloginVars', '');
            $site = new Site(-1);
            $rs = $site->getSiteByUnixName($siteName);
            if (isset($rs['name'])) {
                $siteNameFull = $rs['name'];
            } else {
                $siteNameFull = $siteName;
            $this->_template->assign('aspMode', false);
            if (!eval(Hooks::get('LOGIN_UNSUCCESSFUL'))) {
            $this->_template->assign('message', $message);
            $this->_template->assign('messageSuccess', false);
            $this->_template->assign('siteName', $siteName);
            $this->_template->assign('siteNameFull', $siteNameFull);
            $this->_template->assign('dateString', date('l, F jS, Y'));
            if (ModuleUtility::moduleExists("asp")) {
            } else {
        $systemInfoDb = new SystemInfo();
        $accessLevel = $_SESSION['CATS']->getAccessLevel();
        $mailerSettings = new MailerSettings($_SESSION['CATS']->getSiteID());
        $mailerSettingsRS = $mailerSettings->getAll();
        /***************************** BEGIN NEW WIZARD *****************************************/
         * Improved setup wizard using the Wizard library. If the user succeeds,
         * all old-style wizards will no longer be shown.
        $wizard = new Wizard(CATSUtility::getIndexName() . '?m=home', './js/wizardIntro.js');
        if ($_SESSION['CATS']->isFirstTimeSetup()) {
            $wizard->addPage('Welcome!', './modules/login/wizard/Intro.tpl', '', false, true);
        if (!$_SESSION['CATS']->isAgreedToLicense()) {
            $phpeval = '';
            if (!eval(Hooks::get('LICENSE_TERMS'))) {
            $wizard->addPage('License', './modules/login/wizard/License.tpl', $phpeval, true, true);
        if (!file_exists('modules/asp') || defined('CATS_TEST_MODE') && CATS_TEST_MODE) {
            // On-site wizard pages
            if (!LicenseUtility::isLicenseValid()) {
                if (defined('LICENSE_KEY') && LICENSE_KEY == '') {
                    $template = 'Register.tpl';
                    $templateName = 'Register';
                } else {
                    $template = 'Reregister.tpl';
                    $templateName = 'License Expired';
                $wizard->addPage($templateName, './modules/login/wizard/' . $template, '', false, true);
        // if logged in for the first time, change password
        if (strtolower($username) == 'admin' && $password === DEFAULT_ADMIN_PASSWORD) {
            $wizard->addPage('Password', './modules/login/wizard/Password.tpl', '', false, true);
        // make user set an e-mail address
        if (trim($_SESSION['CATS']->getEmail()) == '') {
            $wizard->addPage('E-mail', './modules/login/wizard/Email.tpl', '', false, true);
        // if no site name set, make user set site name
        if ($accessLevel >= ACCESS_LEVEL_SA && $_SESSION['CATS']->getSiteName() === 'default_site') {
            $wizard->addPage('Site', './modules/login/wizard/SiteName.tpl', '', false, true);
        // CATS Hosted Wizard Pages
        if (!eval(Hooks::get('ASP_WIZARD_PAGES'))) {
        if ($_SESSION['CATS']->isFirstTimeSetup()) {
            $wizard->addPage('Setup Users', './modules/login/wizard/Users.tpl', '
                $users = new Users($siteID);
                $mp = $users->getAll();
                $data = $users->getLicenseData();

                $this->_template->assign(\'users\', $mp);
                $this->_template->assign(\'totalUsers\', $data[\'totalUsers\']);
                $this->_template->assign(\'userLicenses\', $data[\'userLicenses\']);
                $this->_template->assign(\'accessLevels\', $users->getAccessLevels());
            if (!eval(Hooks::get('ASP_WIZARD_IMPORT'))) {
        // The wizard will not display if no pages have been added.
        /******************************* END NEW WIZARD *******************************************/
        /* Session is logged in, do we need to send the user to the wizard?
         * This should be done only on the first use, indicated by the
         * admin user's password still being set to the default.
        /* If we have a specific page to go to, go there. */
        /* These hooks are for important things, like disabling the site based on criteria. */
        if (!eval(Hooks::get('LOGGED_IN'))) {
        if (isset($_GET['reloginVars'])) {
        /* LOGGED_IN_MESSAGES hooks are only for messages which show up on initial login (warnings, etc) */
        if (!eval(Hooks::get('LOGGED_IN_MESSAGES'))) {
        } else {
            if ($accessLevel >= ACCESS_LEVEL_SA && $mailerSettingsRS['configured'] == '0') {
                $this->_template->assign('inputType', 'conclusion');
                $this->_template->assign('title', 'E-Mail Disabled');
                $this->_template->assign('prompt', 'E-mail features are disabled. In order to enable e-mail features (such as e-mail notifications), please configure your e-mail settings by clicking on the Settings tab and then clicking on Administration.');
                $this->_template->assign('action', $this->getAction());
                $this->_template->assign('home', 'home');
            } else {
                if (!eval(Hooks::get('LOGGED_IN_HOME_PAGE'))) {
    public function careersPage()
        global $careerPage;

        /* Get information on what site we are in, our environment, etc. */

        $site = new Site(-1);

        $siteID = $site->getFirstSiteID();

        if (!eval(Hooks::get('CAREERS_SITEID'))) return;

        if (!eval(Hooks::get('CAREERS_IS_ENABLED'))) return;
        if (!file_exists('modules/asp') && !LicenseUtility::isProfessional())
            CommonErrors::fatal(COMMONERROR_INVALIDMODULE, $this, 'Career Portal');

        $siteRS = $site->getSiteBySiteID($siteID);

        if (!isset($siteRS['name']))
            die('An error has occurred:  No site exists with this site name.');

        $siteName = $siteRS['name'];

        /* Get information on the current template. */

        $careerPortalSettings = new CareerPortalSettings($siteID);
        $careerPortalSettingsRS = $careerPortalSettings->getAll();

        $templateName = $careerPortalSettingsRS['activeBoard'];
        $enabled = $careerPortalSettingsRS['enabled'];

        if ($enabled == 0)
            // FIXME: Generate valid XHTML error pages. Create an error/fatal method!
            die('<html><body>Job Board Not Active</body></html>');

        if (isset($_GET['templateName']))
            $templateName = $_GET['templateName'];

        $template = $careerPortalSettings->getTemplate($templateName);

        /* At this point the entire template is loaded, we just need to add data to the
           template for the specific page. */

        /* Get all public job orders for this site. */
        $jobOrders = new JobOrders($siteID);
        $rs = $jobOrders->getAll(JOBORDERS_STATUS_ACTIVE, -1, -1, -1, false, true);

        $useCookie = true;

        // Get the get or post page request
        $p = isset($_GET['p']) ? $_GET['p'] : '';
        $p = isset($_POST['p']) ? $_POST['p'] : $p;

        // Get the get or post sub-page request
        $pa = isset($_GET['pa']) ? $_GET['pa'] : '';
        $pa = isset($_POST['pa']) ? $_POST['pa'] : $pa;

        $isRegistrationEnabled = $careerPortalSettingsRS['candidateRegistration'];

        switch ($pa)
            case 'logout':
                if ($isRegistrationEnabled)
                    // Remove the saved information cookie
                    setcookie($this->getCareerPortalCookieName($siteID), '');
                    $useCookie = false;

            case 'updateProfile':
                if ($isRegistrationEnabled)
                    $p = 'registeredCandidateProfile';

        if ($p == 'showAll')
            $template['Content'] = $template['Content - Search Results'];

            $template['Content'] = str_replace('<numberOfSearchResults>', count($rs), $template['Content']);
            $template['Content'] = str_replace('<registeredCandidate>', $useCookie && $isRegistrationEnabled ? $this->getRegisteredCandidateBlock($siteID, $template['Content - Candidate Registration']) : '', $template['Content']);

            if ($careerPortalSettingsRS['allowBrowse'] == 1)
                /* Legacy. */
                $template['Content'] = str_replace('<searchResultsTableUnformatted>', $this->getResultsTable($rs, $careerPortalSettingsRS, true), $template['Content']);

                while (strpos($template['Content'], '<searchResultsTable') !== false)
                    $searchResultsTablePosition = strpos($template['Content'], '<searchResultsTable');

                    $temp = substr($template['Content'], $searchResultsTablePosition + strlen('<searchResultsTable'));
                    $searchResultsTableParameters = trim(substr($temp, 0, strpos($temp, '>') - 1));

                    $tableHTML = $this->getResultsTable($rs, $careerPortalSettingsRS, false, $searchResultsTableParameters);

                    $template['Content'] = substr($template['Content'], 0, $searchResultsTablePosition - 1) . $tableHTML . substr($temp, strpos($temp, '>') + 1);
                $template['Content'] = str_replace('<searchResultsTable>', 'Sorry, Job Listings have been disabled by the '.$siteName.' administrator.', $template['Content']);
        else if ($p == 'search')
        else if ($p == 'registeredCandidateProfile' && $isRegistrationEnabled)
            $content = $template['Content - Candidate Profile'];

            // Get information about the candidate from the cookie
            $fields = $this->getCookieFields($siteID);
            $candidate = $this->ProcessCandidateRegistration($siteID, $template['Content - Candidate Registration'], $fields);
            if ($candidate === false)
                echo '<html><body>You have not registered yet.  Please wait while we direct you to the job list...<script>setTimeout("document.location.href=\'?m=careers&&p=showAll\';", 1500);</script></body></html>';

            // Get the candidate's latest resume attachment (if exists)
            $attachmentsLib = new Attachments($siteID);
            $attachments = $attachmentsLib->getAll(DATA_ITEM_CANDIDATE, $candidate['candidateID']);

            $latestDate = 0;
            $latestAttachment = false;
            foreach ($attachments as $attachment)
                if (preg_match('/^([0-9]{2})-([0-9]{2})-([0-9]{2}) \(([0-9]{2}):([0-9]{2}):([0-9]{2}) [A-Z]{2}\)$/',
                    $attachment['dateCreated'], $matches))
                    $epoch = strtotime( strval($matches[1]) . '/' . strval($matches[2]) . '/' . strval($matches[3]) );

                    if ($epoch > $latestDate)
                        $latestDate = $epoch;
                        $latestAttachment = $attachment['attachmentID'];

            // Get their latest resume
            if ($latestAttachment !== false)
                $candidatesLib = new Candidates($siteID);
                $myResume = $candidatesLib->getResume($latestAttachment);

            /* Replace input fields. */
            $content = str_replace('<input-firstName>', '<input name="firstName" id="firstName" class="inputBoxName" value="' . $candidate['firstName'] . '" />', $content);
            $content = str_replace('<input-lastName>', '<input name="lastName" id="lastName" class="inputBoxName" value="' . $candidate['lastName'] . '" />', $content);
            $content = str_replace('<input-address>', '<textarea name="address" class="inputBoxArea">'. $candidate['address'] .'</textarea>', $content);
            $content = str_replace('<input-city>', '<input name="city" id="city" class="inputBoxNormal" value="' . $candidate['city'] . '" />', $content);
            $content = str_replace('<input-state>', '<input name="state" id="state" class="inputBoxNormal" value="' . $candidate['state'] . '" />', $content);
            $content = str_replace('<input-zip>', '<input name="zip" id="zip" class="inputBoxNormal" value="' . $candidate['zip'] . '" />', $content);
            $content = str_replace('<input-phoneWork>', '<input name="phoneWork" id="phoneWork" class="inputBoxNormal" value="' . $candidate['phoneWork'] . '" />', $content);
            $content = str_replace('<input-email1>', '<input name="email1" id="email1" class="inputBoxNormal" value="' . $candidate['email1'] . '" />', $content);
            $content = str_replace('<input-phoneHome>', '<input name="phoneHome" id="phoneHome" class="inputBoxNormal" value="' . $candidate['phoneHome'] . '" />', $content);
            $content = str_replace('<input-phoneCell>', '<input name="phoneCell" id="phoneCell" class="inputBoxNormal" value="' . $candidate['phoneCell'] . '" />', $content);
            $content = str_replace('<input-bestTimeToCall>', '<input name="bestTimeToCall" id="bestTimeToCall" class="inputBoxNormal" value="' . $candidate['bestTimeToCall'] . '" />', $content);
            $content = str_replace('<input-keySkills>', '<input name="keySkills" id="keySkills" class="inputBoxNormal" value="' . $candidate['keySkills'] . '" />', $content);
            $content = str_replace('<input-source>', '<input name="source" id="source" class="inputBoxNormal" value="' . $candidate['source'] . '" />', $content);
            $content = str_replace('<input-currentEmployer>', '<input name="currentEmployer" id="currentEmployer" class="inputBoxNormal" value="' . $candidate['currentEmployer'] . '" />', $content);
            $content = str_replace('<input-resume>',
                '<strong>My Resume</strong><br />'
                . '<textarea name="resumeContents" class="inputBoxArea" style="width: 400px; height: 200px;" readonly>'
                . ($latestAttachment !== false ? DatabaseSearch::fulltextDecode($myResume['text']) : '') .'</textarea>'
                . '<br /><br /><strong>Upload new resume:</strong><br /> '
                . '<input type="file" name="file" id="file" type="file" class="inputBoxFile" size="45" />',
            $content = str_replace('<input-submit>', '<input type="submit" name="submitButton" id="submitButton" class="submitButton" onclick="document.getElementById(\'submitButton\').disabled=true;" value="Save Profile" style="width: 150px;" />', $content);

            $content = sprintf(
                '<form name="updateForm" id="updateForm" enctype="multipart/form-data" method="post" '
                . 'action="%s?m=careers&p=onRegisteredCandidateProfile&attachmentID=%d">',
                $latestAttachment ? $latestAttachment : -1
            ) . $content . '</form>'
            . (isset($_GET[$id='isPostBack']) && !strcmp($_GET[$id], 'yes') ? '<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">setTimeout(\'alert("Your changes have been saved!")\',25);</script>' : '');

            $template['Content'] = $content;
        else if ($p == 'onRegisteredCandidateProfile' && $isRegistrationEnabled)
            // Get information about the candidate from the cookie
            $fields = $this->getCookieFields($siteID);
            $candidate = $this->ProcessCandidateRegistration($siteID, $template['Content - Candidate Registration'], $fields, true);
            if ($candidate === false)
                echo '<html><body>You have not registered yet.  Please wait while we direct you to the job list...<script>setTimeout("document.location.href=\'?m=careers&&p=showAll\';", 1500);</script></body></html>';

            // Get the fields (if included in the template) to update
            $fields = array('firstName', 'lastName', 'email1', 'phoneHome', 'phoneCell', 'phoneWork', 'address',
                'city', 'state', 'zip', 'keySkills', 'currentEmployer', 'bestTimeToCall'
            $fieldValues = array();

            foreach ($fields as $field)
                if (isset($_POST[$field]) && $_POST[$field] != '')
                    eval('$'.$field.' = trim($_POST[\''.$field.'\']);');
                    $fieldValues[$field] = $_POST[$field];
                    eval('$'.$field.' = $candidate[\''.$field.'\'];');
                    $fieldValues[$field] = $candidate[$field];

            // Get the attachment to replace (if exists)
            $attachmentID = isset($_GET[$id='attachmentID']) ? $_GET[$id] : -1;
            $attachmentID = $attachmentID != -1 ? $attachmentID : false;

            $attachmentsLib = new Attachments($siteID);
            $candidatesLib = new Candidates($siteID);

            // Update the candidate's information
                $candidate['isActive'] ? true : false,
                $candidate['isHot'] ? true : false,

            $uploadResume = FileUtility::getUploadFileFromPost($siteID, 'careerportaladd', 'file');
            if ($uploadResume !== false)
                $uploadPath = FileUtility::getUploadFilePath($siteID, 'careerportaladd', $uploadResume);
                if ($uploadPath !== false)
                    // Replace most current resume with new uploaded resume
                    $attachmentsLib->delete($attachmentID, true);
                    $attachmentCreator = new AttachmentCreator($siteID);
                    $attachmentCreator->createFromFile(DATA_ITEM_CANDIDATE, $candidate['candidateID'],
                        $uploadPath, false, '', true, true

            // Set the cookie again, since some information used to verify may be changed
            $storedVal = '';
            foreach ($fieldValues as $tag => $tagData)
                $storedVal .= sprintf('"%s"="%s"', urlencode($tag), urlencode($tagData));
            @setcookie($this->getCareerPortalCookieName($siteID), $storedVal, time()+60*60*24*7*2);

            $template['Content'] = '<div id="careerContent"><br /><br /><h1>Please wait while you are redirected to your updated profile...</h1></div>';
        else if ($p == 'candidateRegistration' && $isRegistrationEnabled)
            /*$content = $template['Content - Candidate Registration'];

            $jobID = intval($_GET['ID']);
            $jobOrderData = $jobOrders->get($jobID);
            $js = '';

            $content = str_replace(array('<applyContent>','</applyContent>'), '', $content);

            $content = str_replace('<input-submit>', '<input type="submit" id="submitButton" name="submitButton" value="Continue to Application" />', $content);
            $content = str_replace('<input-new>', '<input type="radio" id="isNewYes" name="isNew" value="yes" onchange="isCandidateRegisteredChange();" checked />', $content);
            $content = str_replace('<input-registered>', '<input type="radio" id="isNewNo" name="isNew" value="no" onchange="isCandidateRegisteredChange();" />', $content);
            $content = str_replace('<input-rememberMe>', '<input type="checkbox" id="rememberMe" name="rememberMe" value="yes" checked />', $content);
            $content = str_replace('<title>', $jobOrderData['title'], $content);

            // Process html-ish fields like <input-firstName> into the proper form
            $content = preg_replace(
                '<input type="text" class="inputBoxNormal" style="width: 270px;" name="$1" id="$1" onfocus="onFocusFormField(this)" />',

            if (count($fields = $this->getCookieFields($siteID)))
                $js = '<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">' . "\n"
                    . 'function populateSavedFields() { var obj; obj = document.getElementById(\'isNewNo\'); '
                    . 'if (obj) { obj.checked = true; enableFormFields(true); } ' . "\n";
                foreach ($fields as $tagName => $tagValue)
                    $js .= sprintf(
                        'if (obj = document.getElementById(\'%s\')) obj.value = \'%s\';%s',
                        str_replace("'", "\\'", urldecode($tagValue)),
                $js .= "}\n</script>\n";

            // Insert the form block
            $content = sprintf(
                '%s<form name="register" id="register" method="post" onsubmit="return validateCandidateRegistration()" '
                . 'action="%s?m=careers&p=applyToJob&ID=%d">'
                . '<input type="hidden" name="applyToJobSubAction" value="processLogin" />',
            ) . $content . '<script>enableFormFields(false); ' . ($js != '' ? 'populateSavedFields();' : '')
            . '</script></form>';

            $template['Content'] = $content;*/
        else if ($p == 'applyToJob' || isset($_POST[$id='applyToJobSubAction']) && $_POST[$id] != '')
            // Pre-populations
            $firstName = isset($_POST[$id='firstName']) ? $_POST[$id] : '';
            $lastName = isset($_POST[$id='lastName']) ? $_POST[$id] : '';
            $address = isset($_POST[$id='address']) ? $_POST[$id] : '';
            $city = isset($_POST[$id='city']) ? $_POST[$id] : '';
            $state = isset($_POST[$id='state']) ? $_POST[$id] : '';
            $zip = isset($_POST[$id='zip']) ? $_POST[$id] : '';
            $phone = isset($_POST[$id='phone']) ? $_POST[$id] : '';
            $email = isset($_POST[$id='email']) ? $_POST[$id] : '';
            $phoneHome = isset($_POST[$id='phoneHome']) ? $_POST[$id] : '';
            $phoneCell = isset($_POST[$id='phoneCell']) ? $_POST[$id] : '';
            $bestTimeToCall = isset($_POST[$id='bestTimeToCall']) ? $_POST[$id] : '';
            $email2 = isset($_POST[$id='email2']) ? $_POST[$id] : '';
            $emailconfirm = isset($_POST[$id='emailconfirm']) ? $_POST[$id] : '';
            $keySkills = isset($_POST[$id='keySkills']) ? $_POST[$id] : '';
            $source = isset($_POST[$id='source']) ? $_POST[$id] : '';
            $employer = isset($_POST[$id='employer']) ? $_POST[$id] : '';
            // for <input-resumeUploadPreview>
            $resumeContents = isset($_POST[$id='resumeContents']) ? $_POST[$id] : '';
            $resumeFileLocation = isset($_POST[$id='file']) ? $_POST[$id] : '';
            // for returning candidates
            $candidateID = -1;

            if ($isRegistrationEnabled)
                // Check if the user is registered and logged in
                $cookieFields = $this->getCookieFields($siteID);
                $candidate = $this->ProcessCandidateRegistration($siteID, $template['Content - Candidate Registration'], $cookieFields, true);
                if ($candidate !== false)
                    // The candidate is registered
                    $firstName = $candidate['firstName']; $lastName = $candidate['lastName'];
                    $address = $candidate['address'];
                    $city = $candidate['city'];
                    $state = $candidate['state'];
                    $zip = $candidate['zip'];
                    $phone = $candidate['phoneWork'];
                    $phoneHome = $candidate['phoneHome'];
                    $phoneCell = $candidate['phoneCell'];
                    $email = $candidate['email1'];
                    $email2 = $candidate['email2'];
                    $emailconfirm = $email;
                    $keySkills = $candidate['keySkills'];
                    $source = $candidate['source'];
                    $employer = $candidate['currentEmployer'];
                    $candidateID = $candidate['candidateID'];

             * SUB-ACTIONS
             * These actions are called as postbacks, such as loading a resume file into the
             * "contents" textarea on the application page. All post data remains intact and
             * re-populates the fields giving the illusion of AJAX.
            if (isset($_POST[$id='applyToJobSubAction']) && strlen($subAction = $_POST[$id]))
                // Check if a candidate has registered and has indicated it
                if (!strcmp($subAction, 'processLogin') &&
                    isset($_POST['isNew']) && !strcmp($_POST['isNew'], 'no') && $isRegistrationEnabled)
                    $candidate = $this->ProcessCandidateRegistration($siteID, $template['Content - Candidate Registration']);
                    if ($candidate !== false)
                        // Rewrite here, I'll fix it later
                        $firstName = $candidate['firstName']; $lastName = $candidate['lastName'];
                        $address = $candidate['address'];
                        $city = $candidate['city'];
                        $state = $candidate['state'];
                        $zip = $candidate['zip'];
                        $phone = $candidate['phoneWork'];
                        $phoneHome = $candidate['phoneHome'];
                        $phoneCell = $candidate['phoneCell'];
                        $email = $candidate['email1'];
                        $email2 = $candidate['email2'];
                        $emailconfirm = $email;
                        $keySkills = $candidate['keySkills'];
                        $source = $candidate['source'];
                        $employer = $candidate['currentEmployer'];
                        $candidateID = $candidate['candidateID'];

                // Check if a file has been uploaded, if so populate the contents textarea
                if (($uploadFile = FileUtility::getUploadFileFromPost($siteID, 'careerportaladd', 'resumeFile')) !== false)
                    $uploadFilePath = FileUtility::getUploadFilePath($siteID, 'careerportaladd', $uploadFile);

                    if ($uploadFilePath !== false)
                        $d2t = new DocumentToText();
                        $docType = $d2t->getDocumentType($uploadFilePath);
                        if ($d2t->convert($uploadFilePath, $docType) !== false)
                            $resumeContents = $d2t->getString();
                            // Remove nasty things like _rATr in favor of @
                            $resumeContents = DatabaseSearch::fulltextDecode($resumeContents);
                            $resumeContents = 'Unable to load your resume contents. Your resume will '
                                . 'still be uploaded and attached to your application.';
                        $resumeFileLocation = $uploadFile;

                if (!strcmp($subAction, 'resumeParse'))
                    // Check if the resume contents need to be parsed (user clicked parse contents button)
                    /*if (LicenseUtility::isParsingEnabled())
                        $pu = new ParseUtility();
                        $fileName = isset($uploadFile) ? $uploadFile : '';
                        $res = $pu->documentParse($fileName, strlen($resumeContents), '', $resumeContents);
                        if (is_array($res) && !empty($res))
                            if (isset($res[$id='first_name']) && $res[$id] != '' && $firstName == '') $firstName = $res[$id];
                            if (isset($res[$id='last_name']) && $res[$id] != '' && $lastName == '') $lastName = $res[$id];
                            if (isset($res[$id='us_address']) && $res[$id] != '' && $address == '') $address = $res[$id];
                            if (isset($res[$id='city']) && $res[$id] != '' && $city == '') $city = $res[$id];
                            if (isset($res[$id='state']) && $res[$id] != '' && $state == '') $state = $res[$id];
                            if (isset($res[$id='zip_code']) && $res[$id] != '' && $zip == '') $zip = $res[$id];
                            if (isset($res[$id='email_address']) && $res[$id] != '' && $email == '') { $email = $res[$id]; $email2 = $res[$id]; $emailconfirm = $res[$id]; }
                            if (isset($res[$id='phone_number']) && $res[$id] != '' && $phone == '') $phone = $res[$id];
                            if (isset($res[$id='skills']) && $res[$id] != '' && $keySkills == '') $keySkills = $res[$id];

            $template['Content'] = $template['Content - Apply for Position'];

            // Force integer
            // FIXME: Input validation, and use isRequiredIDValid() to check for / force integer.
            $jobID = intval(isset($_GET['ID']) ? $_GET['ID'] : $_POST['ID']);

            $jobOrderData = $jobOrders->get($jobID);
            if (!isset($jobOrderData['public']) || $jobOrderData['public'] == 0)
                // FIXME: Generate valid XHTML error pages. Create an error/fatal method!
                echo '<html><body>This position is no longer available.  Please wait while we direct you to the job list...<script>setTimeout("document.location.href=\'?m=careers&&p=showAll\';", 1500);</script></body></html>';

            /* Make JavaScript validation rules. */
            $validator = $this->_makeApplyValidator($template);

            /* Translate required fields into normal fields for replacement. */
            $template['Content'] = str_replace(' req>', '>', $template['Content']);

            /* Get the attachment (friendly) file name is there is an attachment uploaded */
            if ($resumeFileLocation != '')
                $attachmentHTML = '<div style="height: 20px; background-color: #e0e0e0; margin: 5px 0 0px 0; '
                    . 'padding: 0 3px 0 5px; font-size: 11px;"> '
                    . '<img src="images/parser/attachment.gif" border="0" style="padding-top: 3px;" /> '
                    . 'Attachment: <span style="font-weight: bold;">'.$resumeFileLocation.'</span> '
                    . '</div> ';
                $attachmentHTML = '';

            /* Replace input fields. */
            $template['Content'] = str_replace('<jobid>', $jobID, $template['Content']);
            $template['Content'] = str_replace('<title>', $jobOrderData['title'], $template['Content']);
            $template['Content'] = str_replace('<input-firstName>', '<input name="firstName" id="firstName" class="inputBoxName" value="' . $firstName . '" />', $template['Content']);
            $template['Content'] = str_replace('<input-lastName>', '<input name="lastName" id="lastName" class="inputBoxName" value="' . $lastName . '" />', $template['Content']);
            $template['Content'] = str_replace('<input-address>', '<textarea name="address" class="inputBoxArea">'. $address .'</textarea>', $template['Content']);
            $template['Content'] = str_replace('<input-city>', '<input name="city" id="city" class="inputBoxNormal" value="' . $city . '" />', $template['Content']);
            $template['Content'] = str_replace('<input-state>', '<input name="state" id="state" class="inputBoxNormal" value="' . $state . '" />', $template['Content']);
            $template['Content'] = str_replace('<input-zip>', '<input name="zip" id="zip" class="inputBoxNormal" value="' . $zip . '" />', $template['Content']);
            $template['Content'] = str_replace('<input-phone>', '<input name="phone" id="phone" class="inputBoxNormal" value="' . $phone . '" />', $template['Content']);
            $template['Content'] = str_replace('<input-email>', '<input name="email" id="email" class="inputBoxNormal" value="' . $email . '" />', $template['Content']);
            $template['Content'] = str_replace('<input-phone-home>', '<input name="phoneHome" id="phoneHome" class="inputBoxNormal" value="' . $phoneHome . '" />', $template['Content']);
            $template['Content'] = str_replace('<input-phone-cell>', '<input name="phoneCell" id="phoneCell" class="inputBoxNormal" value="' . $phoneCell . '" />', $template['Content']);
            $template['Content'] = str_replace('<input-best-time-to-call>', '<input name="bestTimeToCall" id="bestTimeToCall" class="inputBoxNormal" value="' . $bestTimeToCall . '" />', $template['Content']);
            $template['Content'] = str_replace('<input-email2>', '<input name="email2" id="email2" class="inputBoxNormal" value="' . $email2 . '" />', $template['Content']);
            $template['Content'] = str_replace('<input-emailconfirm>', '<input name="emailconfirm" id="emailconfirm" class="inputBoxNormal" value="' . $emailconfirm . '" />', $template['Content']);
            $template['Content'] = str_replace('<input-keySkills>', '<input name="keySkills" id="keySkills" class="inputBoxNormal" value="' . $keySkills . '" />', $template['Content']);
            $template['Content'] = str_replace('<input-source>', '<input name="source" id="source" class="inputBoxNormal" value="' . $source . '" />', $template['Content']);
            $template['Content'] = str_replace('<input-employer>', '<input name="employer" id="employer" class="inputBoxNormal" value="' . $employer . '" />', $template['Content']);
            $template['Content'] = str_replace('<input-resumeUpload>', '<input type="file" id="resume" name="file" class="inputBoxFile" />', $template['Content']);
            $template['Content'] = str_replace('<input-resumeUploadPreview>',
                '<input type="hidden" id="applyToJobSubAction" name="applyToJobSubAction" value="" /> '
                . '<input type="hidden" id="file" name="file" value="' . $resumeFileLocation . '" /> '
                . '<input type="file" id="resumeFile" name="resumeFile" class="inputBoxFile" size="30" onchange="resumeLoadCheck();" /> '
                . '<input type="button" id="resumeLoad" name="resumeLoad" value="Upload" onclick="resumeLoadFile();" disabled /><br /> '
                . $attachmentHTML
                . '<textarea id="resumeContents" name="resumeContents" class="inputBoxArea" onmousemove="resumeContentsChange(this);" '
                . 'onchange="resumeContentsChange(this);" onmousedown="resumeContentsChange(this);" '
                . 'style="width: 410px; height: 150px;">' . $resumeContents . '</textarea><br /> '
                . (
                // If parsing is enabled, add the image link for it
                LicenseUtility::isParsingEnabled() ?
                    '<br /><div style="text-align: right;">'
                    . '<input type="button" value="Populate Fields ->" id="resumePopulate" onclick="resumeParse();" '.(strlen($resumeContents)?'':'disabled').' />'
            $template['Content'] = str_replace('<input-extraNotes>', '<textarea name="extraNotes" id="extraNotes" class="inputBoxArea" maxlength="450" onkeyup="mlength=this.getAttribute ? parseInt(this.getAttribute(\'maxlength\')) : \'\'; if (this.getAttribute && this.value.length>(mlength+7)) { alert(\'Sorry, you may only enter \'+mlength+\' characters into the extra notes.\');} if (this.getAttribute && this.value.length>mlength) {this.value=this.value.substring(0,mlength); this.scrollTop = this.scrollHeight;}">'.(isset($_POST[$id='extraNotes'])?$_POST[$id]:'').'</textarea>', $template['Content']);
            $template['Content'] = str_replace('<submit', '<input type="submit" class="submitButton"', $template['Content']);

            /* EEO inputs. */
            $template['Content'] = str_replace('<input-eeo-race>', '<select name="eeorace" id="eeorace" class="inputBoxNormal" />
                                                                        <option value="">----</option>
                                                                        <option value="1">American Indian</option>
                                                                        <option value="2">Asian or Pacific Islander</option>
                                                                        <option value="3">Hispanic or Latino</option>
                                                                        <option value="4">Non-Hispanic Black</option>
                                                                        <option value="5">Non-Hispanic White</option>
                                                                    </select>', $template['Content']);

            $template['Content'] = str_replace('<input-eeo-gender>', '<select name="eeogender" id="eeogender" class="inputBoxNormal" />
                                                                        <option value="">----</option>
                                                                        <option value="m">Male</option>
                                                                        <option value="f">Female</option>
                                                                    </select>', $template['Content']);

            $template['Content'] = str_replace('<input-eeo-veteran>', '<select name="eeoveteran" id="eeoveteran" class="inputBoxNormal" />
                                                                        <option value="">----</option>
                                                                        <option value="1">Male</option>
                                                                        <option value="2">Eligible Veteran</option>
                                                                        <option value="3">Disabled Veteran</option>
                                                                        <option value="4">Eligible and Disabled</option>
                                                                    </select>', $template['Content']);

            $template['Content'] = str_replace('<input-eeo-disability>', '<select name="eeodisability" id="eeodisability" class="inputBoxNormal" />
                                                                        <option value="">----</option>
                                                                        <option value="No">No</option>
                                                                        <option value="Yes">Yes</option>
                                                                    </select>', $template['Content']);

            /* Extra field inputs. */
            $candidates = new Candidates($siteID);
            $extraFieldsForCandidates = $candidates->extraFields->getValuesForAdd();

            foreach($extraFieldsForCandidates as $ef)
                if (isset($ef['careersAddHTML']))
                    $template['Content'] = str_replace('<input-extraField-' .urlencode($ef['fieldName']) . '>', $ef['careersAddHTML'], $template['Content']);
                    $template['Content'] = str_replace('<input-extraField-' .urlencode($ef['fieldName']) . '>', $ef['addHTML'], $template['Content']);

            /* This is kindof a hack, but basically, we have to put the
             * validation code / form below inside the <td>, which is contained
             * in the template, as they aren't allowed in <tr>s.
             * NOTE: Continue to use ungreedy matching or this will break!
            if (preg_match('/^.*?(<td.*?>)/i', $template['Content'], $matches))
                $startTD = $matches[1];
                $template['Content'] = preg_replace('/^.*?(?:<td.*?>)/i', '', $template['Content']);
                $startTD = '';

            if (preg_match('/(<\/td>).*?$/i', $template['Content'], $matches))
                $endTD = $matches[1];
                $template['Content'] = preg_replace('/(?:<\/td>).*?$/i', '', $template['Content']);
                $endTD = '';

            if (strpos($template['Content'], '<catsform>') === false)
                $template['Content'] = $startTD . "\n" . $validator . "\n"
                    . '<form name="applyToJobForm" id="applyToJobForm" action="'
                    . CATSUtility::getIndexName()
                    . '?m=careers&amp;p=onApplyToJobOrder" '
                    . 'enctype="multipart/form-data" method="post" onsubmit="return applyValidate();">'
                    . '<input type="hidden" name="ID" value="' . $jobID . '">'
                    . '<input type="hidden" name="candidateID" value="' . $candidateID . '">'
                    . $template['Content'] . '</form>' . "\n" . $endTD;
                $template['Content'] = $startTD . "\n" . $validator . "\n" .
                    str_replace('<catsform>', '<form name="applyToJobForm" id="applyToJobForm" action="'
                        . CATSUtility::getIndexName()
                        . '?m=careers&amp;p=onApplyToJobOrder" '
                        . 'enctype="multipart/form-data" method="post" onsubmit="return applyValidate();">'
                        . '<input type="hidden" name="ID" value="' . $jobID . '">'
                        . '<input type="hidden" name="candidateID" value="' . $candidateID . '">',
                    . "\n" . $endTD;
        else if ($p == 'onApplyToJobOrder')
            if (!$this->isRequiredIDValid('ID', $_POST))
                // FIXME: Generate valid XHTML error pages. Create an error/fatal method!
                echo '<html><body>This position is invalid or no longer available. Please wait while we direct you to the job list...<script>setTimeout("document.location.href=\'?m=careers&&p=showAll\';", 1500);</script></body></html>';

            // Check if this is a returning candidate
            $candidateID = isset($_POST['candidateID']) ? intval($_POST['candidateID']) : -1;
            if ($candidateID == -1) $candidateID = false;

             * Applicant has completed their application, check to see if a questionnaire
             * is tied to this job order. If so, present it.
            $jobID = intval($_POST['ID']);
            $jobOrderData = $jobOrders->get($jobID);
            $questionnaireLib = new Questionnaire($siteID);

            $questionnaireID = $jobOrderData['questionnaireID'];
            if ($questionnaireID)
                $questionnaire = $questionnaireLib->get($questionnaireID);
                if (!is_array($questionnaire) || empty($questionnaire))
                    $questionnaireID = false;

            // Check for postback (if the applicant has completed the questionnaire) or if no questionnaire exists
            if ((isset($_GET[$id='questionnairePostBack']) && $_GET[$id] == '1') || !$questionnaireID)
                // Continue on our merry way
                $this->onApplyToJobOrder($siteID, $candidateID);

                $jobOrderData = $jobOrders->get($jobID);
                if (!isset($jobOrderData['public']) || $jobOrderData['public'] == 0)
                    // FIXME: Generate valid XHTML error pages. Create an error/fatal method!
                    echo '<html><body>This position is no longer available.  Please wait while we direct you to the job list...<script>setTimeout("document.location.href=\'?m=careers&&p=showAll\';", 1500);</script></body></html>';

                $template['Content'] = $template['Content - Thanks for your Submission'];
                $template['Content'] = str_replace('<title>', $jobOrderData['title'], $template['Content']);
                $template['Content'] = str_replace('<a-jobDetails>', '<a href="' . CATSUtility::getIndexName() . '?m=careers'.(isset($_GET['templateName']) ? '&templateName='.urlencode($_GET['templateName']) : '').'&p=showJob&ID='.$_POST['ID'].'">', $template['Content']);

                // get questions/answers
                $questions = $questionnaireLib->getQuestions($questionnaireID);

                $this->_template->assign('isModal', true);
                $this->_template->assign('questionnaireID', $questionnaireID);
                $this->_template->assign('data', $questionnaire);
                $this->_template->assign('questions', $questions);

                $buffer = ob_get_contents();

                $formData = '<form name="postQuestionnaire" id="postQuestionnaire" '
                    . 'enctype="multipart/form-data" method="post" action="'
                    . CATSUtility::getIndexName() . '?m=careers&p=onApplyToJobOrder'
                    . '&questionnairePostBack=1">' . "\n"
                    . $this->capturePostData($siteID);

                // Collect all of the post data and resubmit it as hidden elements
                $buffer = $formData . $buffer;

                $template['Content'] = str_replace('<questionnaire>', $buffer, $template['Content - Questionnaire']);
                $template['Content'] = str_replace('<submit', '<input type="submit" class="submitButton"', $template['Content']) . '</form>';
        else if ($p == 'showJob')
            $template['Content'] = $template['Content - Job Details'];

            $jobID = $_GET['ID'];

            /* Filter out non numeric characters */
            for ($i = 0; $i < strlen($jobID); $i++)
                if (ord(substr($jobID, $i, 1)) < ord('0') || ord(substr($jobID, $i, 1)) > ord('9') )
                    $jobID = str_replace(substr($jobID, $i, 1), '*', $jobID);
            $jobID = str_replace('*', '', $jobID);

            /* Force integer */
            $jobID = $jobID * 1;

            $jobOrderData = $jobOrders->get($jobID);
            if (!isset($jobOrderData['public']) || $jobOrderData['public'] == 0)
                echo '<html><body>This position is no longer available.  Please wait while we direct you to the job list...<script>setTimeout("document.location.href=\'?m=careers&&p=showAll\';", 1500);</script></body></html>';
                die ();

            $template['Content'] = str_replace('<registeredCandidate>', $useCookie && $isRegistrationEnabled ? $this->getRegisteredCandidateBlock($siteID, $template['Content - Candidate Registration']) : '', $template['Content']);
            $template['Content'] = str_replace('<title>',        $jobOrderData['title'], $template['Content']);
            $template['Content'] = str_replace('<city>',         $jobOrderData['city'], $template['Content']);
            $template['Content'] = str_replace('<openings>',     $jobOrderData['openings'], $template['Content']);
            $template['Content'] = str_replace('<state>',        $jobOrderData['state'], $template['Content']);
            $template['Content'] = str_replace('<type>',         $jobOrders->typeCodeToString($jobOrderData['type']), $template['Content']);
            $template['Content'] = str_replace('<created>',      $jobOrderData['dateCreated'], $template['Content']);
            $template['Content'] = str_replace('<recruiter>',    $jobOrderData['recruiterFullName'], $template['Content']);
            $template['Content'] = str_replace('<companyName>',  $jobOrderData['companyName'], $template['Content']);
            $template['Content'] = str_replace('<contactName>',  $jobOrderData['contactFullName'], $template['Content']);
            $template['Content'] = str_replace('<contactPhone>', $jobOrderData['contactWorkPhone'], $template['Content']);
            $template['Content'] = str_replace('<contactEmail>', $jobOrderData['contactEmail'], $template['Content']);
            $template['Content'] = str_replace('<description>',  $jobOrderData['description'], $template['Content']);
            $template['Content'] = str_replace('<rate>',         nl2br($jobOrderData['maxRate']), $template['Content']);
            $template['Content'] = str_replace('<salary>',       nl2br($jobOrderData['salary']), $template['Content']);
            $template['Content'] = str_replace('<daysOld>',      nl2br($jobOrderData['daysOld']), $template['Content']);

            $isRegistered = $this->isCandidateRegistered($siteID, $template['Content - Candidate Registration']);

            // If candidate registration is enabled, ask them if they would like to log in first
            if ($isRegistrationEnabled && !$isRegistered)
                $template['Content'] = str_replace('<a-applyToJob', '<a href="'.CATSUtility::getIndexName().'?m=careers'.(isset($_GET['templateName']) ? '&templateName='.urlencode($_GET['templateName']) : '').'&p=candidateRegistration&ID='.$jobID.'"', $template['Content']);
                $template['Content'] = str_replace('<a-applyToJob', '<a href="'.CATSUtility::getIndexName().'?m=careers'.(isset($_GET['templateName']) ? '&templateName='.urlencode($_GET['templateName']) : '').'&p=applyToJob&ID='.$jobID.'"', $template['Content']);

            $jobOrders = new JobOrders($siteID);
            $extraFieldsForJobOrders = $jobOrders->extraFields->getValuesForShow($jobID);

            foreach($extraFieldsForJobOrders as $ef)
                $template['Content'] = str_replace('<extraField-' .urlencode($ef['fieldName']) . '>', $ef['display'], $template['Content']);
        else if ($p == 'searchResults')
            $template['Content'] = $template['Content - Main'];
            $template['Content'] = str_replace('<registeredCandidate>', $useCookie && $isRegistrationEnabled ? $this->getRegisteredCandidateBlock($siteID, $template['Content - Candidate Registration']) : '', $template['Content']);

            $isRegistered = $useCookie ? $this->isCandidateRegistered($siteID, $template['Content - Candidate Registration']) : false;

            if ($isRegistrationEnabled)
                // postback
                if (isset($_GET[$id='postback']) && !strcmp($_GET[$id], 'yes'))
                    $candidate = $this->ProcessCandidateRegistration($siteID, $template['Content - Candidate Registration']);

                    if ($candidate === false)
                        $isRegistered = false;
                        // Error Message
                        $template['Content'] = str_replace('<registeredLoginTitle>', '<h1 style="color: #800000;">No applicants were '
                            . 'found matching your criteria.</h1><h3>Once you apply to any of our positions, you will automatically '
                            . 'be registered.<br /><br />', $template['Content']
                        $isRegistered = true;

                if (!$isRegistered)
                    // If they're not logged on but registration is enabled, give them the opportunity to
                    $content = $template['Content - Candidate Registration'];
                    $js = '';

                    $content = str_replace(array('<registeredLoginTitle>', '</registeredLoginTitle>'), '', $content);
                    $content = str_replace('<applyContent>', '<div style="display: none;">', $content);
                    $content = str_replace('</applyContent>', '</div>', $content);
                    $content = str_replace('<input-submit>', '<input type="submit" id="submitButton" name="submitButton" value="Login" />', $content);
                    $content = str_replace('<input-new>', '<input type="hidden" id="isNewNo" name="isNew" value="no" />', $content);
                    $content = str_replace('<input-registered>', '', $content);
                    $content = str_replace('<input-rememberMe>', '<input type="checkbox" id="rememberMe" name="rememberMe" value="yes" checked />', $content);
                    $content = str_replace('<title>', '', $content);

                    // Process html-ish fields like <input-firstName> into the proper form
                    $content = preg_replace(
                        '<input type="text" class="inputBoxNormal" style="width: 270px;" name="$1" id="$1" onfocus="onFocusFormField(this)" />',

                    // Insert the form block
                    $content = sprintf(
                        '<form name="login" id="login" method="post" onsubmit="return validateCandidateRegistration()" '
                        . 'action="%s?postback=yes">',
                    ) . $content . '<script>enableFormFields(true);</script></form>';

                    $template['Content'] = str_replace('<registeredLogin>', $content, $template['Content']);
                    $template['Content'] = str_replace('<registeredLoginTitle>', '<div style="display: none;">', $template['Content']);
                    $template['Content'] = str_replace('</registeredLoginTitle>', '</div>', $template['Content']);
                    $template['Content'] = str_replace(array('<registeredCandidate>', '<registeredLogin>'), '', $template['Content']);
                $template['Content'] = str_replace('<registeredLoginTitle>', '<div style="display: none;">', $template['Content']);
                $template['Content'] = str_replace('</registeredLoginTitle>', '</div>', $template['Content']);
                $template['Content'] = str_replace(array('<registeredCandidate>', '<registeredLogin>'), '', $template['Content']);


        $indexName = CATSUtility::getIndexName();
        foreach ($template as $index => $data)
            $template[$index] = str_replace('<a-LinkMain>',   '<a href="'.$indexName.'?m=careers'.(isset($_GET['templateName']) ? '&templateName='.urlencode($_GET['templateName']) : '').'">', $template[$index]);
            $template[$index] = str_replace('<a-LinkSearch>', '<a href="'.$indexName.'?m=careers'.(isset($_GET['templateName']) ? '&templateName='.urlencode($_GET['templateName']) : '').'&amp;p=search">', $template[$index]);
            $template[$index] = str_replace('<a-ListAll>',    '<a href="'.$indexName.'?m=careers'.(isset($_GET['templateName']) ? '&templateName='.urlencode($_GET['templateName']) : '').'&amp;p=showAll">', $template[$index]);
            $template[$index] = str_replace('<siteName>', $siteName, $template[$index]);
            $template[$index] = str_replace('<numberOfOpenPositions>', count($rs), $template[$index]);

            /* Hacks for loading from a nonstandard root directory. */
            if (isset($careerPage) && $careerPage == true)
                $template[$index] = str_replace('"images/', '"../images/', $template[$index]);
                $template[$index] = str_replace('\'images/', '\'../images/', $template[$index]);
                $template[$index] = str_replace('<rssURL>', '../rss/', $template[$index]);
                $template[$index] = str_replace('<rssURL>', 'rss/', $template[$index]);

        $this->_template->assign('template', $template);
        $this->_template->assign('siteName', $siteName);

        if (!eval(Hooks::get('CAREERS_PAGE_BOTTOM'))) return;

        if ($careerPortalSettingsRS['useCATSTemplate'] != '')
 private function addCandidateModal($contents = '', $fields = array())
     /* Bail out if we don't have a valid job order ID. */
     if (!$this->isRequiredIDValid('jobOrderID', $_GET)) {
         CommonErrors::fatalModal(COMMONERROR_BADINDEX, $this, 'Invalid job order ID.');
     $jobOrderID = $_GET['jobOrderID'];
     $candidates = new Candidates($this->_siteID);
     /* Get possible sources. */
     $sourcesRS = $candidates->getPossibleSources();
     $sourcesString = ListEditor::getStringFromList($sourcesRS, 'name');
     /* Get extra fields. */
     $extraFieldRS = $candidates->extraFields->getValuesForAdd();
     $associatedAttachment = 0;
     $associatedAttachmentRS = array();
     $EEOSettings = new EEOSettings($this->_siteID);
     $EEOSettingsRS = $EEOSettings->getAll();
     if (is_array($parsingStatus = LicenseUtility::getParsingStatus()) && isset($parsingStatus['parseLimit'])) {
         $parsingStatus['parseLimit'] = $parsingStatus['parseLimit'] - 1;
     $careerPortalSettings = new CareerPortalSettings($this->_siteID);
     $careerPortalSettingsRS = $careerPortalSettings->getAll();
     $careerPortalEnabled = intval($careerPortalSettingsRS['enabled']) ? true : false;
     /* Get questionnaires to attach (if public) */
     $questionnaire = new Questionnaire($this->_siteID);
     $questionnaires = $questionnaire->getAll(false);
     $this->_template->assign('careerPortalEnabled', $careerPortalEnabled);
     $this->_template->assign('questionnaires', $questionnaires);
     $this->_template->assign('contents', $contents);
     $this->_template->assign('isParsingEnabled', $tmp = LicenseUtility::isParsingEnabled());
     $this->_template->assign('parsingStatus', $parsingStatus);
     $this->_template->assign('extraFieldRS', $extraFieldRS);
     $this->_template->assign('sourcesRS', $sourcesRS);
     $this->_template->assign('isModal', true);
     $this->_template->assign('jobOrderID', $jobOrderID);
     $this->_template->assign('sourcesString', $sourcesString);
     $this->_template->assign('preassignedFields', $fields);
     $this->_template->assign('associatedAttachment', $associatedAttachment);
     $this->_template->assign('associatedAttachmentRS', $associatedAttachmentRS);
     $this->_template->assign('associatedTextResume', false);
     $this->_template->assign('associatedFileResume', false);
     $this->_template->assign('EEOSettingsRS', $EEOSettingsRS);
     if (!eval(Hooks::get('JO_ADD_CANDIDATE_MODAL'))) {
                            $link = 'http://www.catsone.com/professional';
                            $image = 'images/add_licenses.jpg';

                            echo '<a href="' . $link . '">';
                            echo '<img src="' . $image . '" border="0" alt="Click here to add more user licenses"/>';
                            echo '</a>';
                            echo '<div style="text-align: left; padding: 10px 25px 0px 25px;">';
                            echo 'A <i>user license</i>, or <i>seat</i>, is the limit of full-access users you can have. You may ';
                            echo 'have unlimited read only users.';
                            echo '<p>';

                            echo 'This version of CATS is licensed to:<br /><center>';
                            echo '<b>' . LicenseUtility::getName() . '</b><br />';
                            $seats = LicenseUtility::getNumberOfSeats();
                            echo ucfirst(StringUtility::cardinal($seats)) . ' ('.$seats.') user license'.($seats!=1?'s':'').'<br />';
                            echo 'Valid until ' . date('m/d/Y', LicenseUtility::getExpirationDate()) . '<br />';
                            echo '</center>';

                            echo '<p>';
                            echo 'Click <a href="<?php echo $link; ?>">here</a> to purchase additional user seats.';
                            echo '</div></td>';

                <input type="submit" class="button" name="submit" id="submit" value="Add User" />&nbsp;
                <input type="reset"  class="button" name="reset"  id="reset"  value="Reset" onclick="document.getElementById('userAccessStatus').innerHTML='Delete - All lower access, plus the ability to delete information on the system.'" />&nbsp;
                <input type="button" class="button" name="back"   id="back"   value="Cancel" onclick="javascript:goToURL('<?php echo(CATSUtility::getIndexName()); ?>?m=settings&amp;a=manageUsers');" />
     * Returns an array of license data
     * @return array
    public function getLicenseData()
        $sql = sprintf(
                COUNT(user.site_id) AS totalUsers,
                site.user_licenses AS userLicenses
            LEFT JOIN site
                ON user.site_id = site.site_id
                user.site_id = %s
                user.access_level > %s
            GROUP BY
        $license = $this->_db->getAssoc($sql);

        if (empty($license))
            $license['totalUsers'] = 0;
            $license['userLicenses'] = 0;

        $license['diff'] = $license['userLicenses'] - $license['totalUsers'];
        $license['unlimited'] = 0;
        $license['canAdd'] = 0;

        if ($license['userLicenses'] == 0)
            $license['unlimited'] = 1;
            $license['canAdd'] = 1;
        else if ($license['diff'] > 0)
            $license['canAdd'] = 1;

        if (LicenseUtility::isProfessional() && !file_exists('modules/asp'))
            $license['unlimited'] = 0;
            $license['userLicenses'] = LicenseUtility::getNumberOfSeats();
            $license['diff'] = $license['userLicenses'] - $license['totalUsers'];
            if ($license['diff'] > 0)
                $license['canAdd'] = 1;
                $license['canAdd'] = 0;

        return $license;
  * Adds a candidate. This is factored out for code clarity.
  * @param boolean is modal window
  * @param string module directory
  * @return integer candidate ID
 private function _addCandidate($isModal, $directoryOverride = '')
     /* Module directory override for fatal() calls. */
     if ($directoryOverride != '') {
         $moduleDirectory = $directoryOverride;
     } else {
         $moduleDirectory = $this->_moduleDirectory;
     /* Modal override for fatal() calls. */
     if ($isModal) {
         $fatal = 'fatalModal';
     } else {
         $fatal = 'fatal';
     /* Bail out if we received an invalid availability date; if not, go
      * ahead and convert the date to MySQL format.
     $dateAvailable = $this->getTrimmedInput('dateAvailable', $_POST);
     if (!empty($dateAvailable)) {
         if (!DateUtility::validate('-', $dateAvailable, DATE_FORMAT_MMDDYY)) {
             $this->{$fatal}('Invalid availability date.', $moduleDirectory);
         /* Convert start_date to something MySQL can understand. */
         $dateAvailable = DateUtility::convert('-', $dateAvailable, DATE_FORMAT_MMDDYY, DATE_FORMAT_YYYYMMDD);
     $formattedPhoneHome = StringUtility::extractPhoneNumber($this->getTrimmedInput('phoneHome', $_POST));
     if (!empty($formattedPhoneHome)) {
         $phoneHome = $formattedPhoneHome;
     } else {
         $phoneHome = $this->getTrimmedInput('phoneHome', $_POST);
     $formattedPhoneCell = StringUtility::extractPhoneNumber($this->getTrimmedInput('phoneCell', $_POST));
     if (!empty($formattedPhoneCell)) {
         $phoneCell = $formattedPhoneCell;
     } else {
         $phoneCell = $this->getTrimmedInput('phoneCell', $_POST);
     $formattedPhoneWork = StringUtility::extractPhoneNumber($this->getTrimmedInput('phoneWork', $_POST));
     if (!empty($formattedPhoneWork)) {
         $phoneWork = $formattedPhoneWork;
     } else {
         $phoneWork = $this->getTrimmedInput('phoneWork', $_POST);
     /* Can Relocate */
     $canRelocate = $this->isChecked('canRelocate', $_POST);
     $lastName = $this->getTrimmedInput('lastName', $_POST);
     $middleName = $this->getTrimmedInput('middleName', $_POST);
     $firstName = $this->getTrimmedInput('firstName', $_POST);
     $email1 = $this->getTrimmedInput('email1', $_POST);
     $email2 = $this->getTrimmedInput('email2', $_POST);
     $address = $this->getTrimmedInput('address', $_POST);
     $city = $this->getTrimmedInput('city', $_POST);
     $state = $this->getTrimmedInput('state', $_POST);
     $zip = $this->getTrimmedInput('zip', $_POST);
     $source = $this->getTrimmedInput('source', $_POST);
     $keySkills = $this->getTrimmedInput('keySkills', $_POST);
     $currentEmployer = $this->getTrimmedInput('currentEmployer', $_POST);
     $currentPay = $this->getTrimmedInput('currentPay', $_POST);
     $desiredPay = $this->getTrimmedInput('desiredPay', $_POST);
     $notes = $this->getTrimmedInput('notes', $_POST);
     $webSite = $this->getTrimmedInput('webSite', $_POST);
     $bestTimeToCall = $this->getTrimmedInput('bestTimeToCall', $_POST);
     $gender = $this->getTrimmedInput('gender', $_POST);
     $race = $this->getTrimmedInput('race', $_POST);
     $veteran = $this->getTrimmedInput('veteran', $_POST);
     $disability = $this->getTrimmedInput('disability', $_POST);
     /* Candidate source list editor. */
     $sourceCSV = $this->getTrimmedInput('sourceCSV', $_POST);
     /* Text resume. */
     $textResumeBlock = $this->getTrimmedInput('textResumeBlock', $_POST);
     $textResumeFilename = $this->getTrimmedInput('textResumeFilename', $_POST);
     /* File resume. */
     $associatedFileResumeID = $this->getTrimmedInput('associatedbFileResumeID', $_POST);
     /* Bail out if any of the required fields are empty. */
     if (empty($firstName) || empty($lastName)) {
         CommonErrors::fatal(COMMONERROR_MISSINGFIELDS, $this);
     if (!eval(Hooks::get('CANDIDATE_ON_ADD_PRE'))) {
     $candidates = new Candidates($this->_siteID);
     $candidateID = $candidates->add($firstName, $middleName, $lastName, $email1, $email2, $phoneHome, $phoneCell, $phoneWork, $address, $city, $state, $zip, $source, $keySkills, $dateAvailable, $currentEmployer, $canRelocate, $currentPay, $desiredPay, $notes, $webSite, $bestTimeToCall, $this->_userID, $this->_userID, $gender, $race, $veteran, $disability);
     if ($candidateID <= 0) {
         return $candidateID;
     /* Update extra fields. */
     /* Update possible source list. */
     $sources = $candidates->getPossibleSources();
     $sourcesDifferences = ListEditor::getDifferencesFromList($sources, 'name', 'sourceID', $sourceCSV);
     /* Associate an exsisting resume if the user created a candidate with one. (Bulk) */
     if (isset($_POST['associatedAttachment'])) {
         $attachmentID = $_POST['associatedAttachment'];
         $attachments = new Attachments($this->_siteID);
         $attachments->setDataItemID($attachmentID, $candidateID, DATA_ITEM_CANDIDATE);
     } else {
         if (isset($_FILES['file']) && !empty($_FILES['file']['name'])) {
             if (!eval(Hooks::get('CANDIDATE_ON_CREATE_ATTACHMENT_PRE'))) {
             $attachmentCreator = new AttachmentCreator($this->_siteID);
             $attachmentCreator->createFromUpload(DATA_ITEM_CANDIDATE, $candidateID, 'file', false, true);
             if ($attachmentCreator->isError()) {
                 CommonErrors::fatal(COMMONERROR_FILEERROR, $this, $attachmentCreator->getError());
             if ($attachmentCreator->duplicatesOccurred()) {
                 $this->listByView('This attachment has already been added to this candidate.');
             $isTextExtractionError = $attachmentCreator->isTextExtractionError();
             $textExtractionErrorMessage = $attachmentCreator->getTextExtractionError();
             // FIXME: Show parse errors!
             if (!eval(Hooks::get('CANDIDATE_ON_CREATE_ATTACHMENT_POST'))) {
         } else {
             if (LicenseUtility::isParsingEnabled()) {
                  * Description: User clicks "browse" and selects a resume file. User doesn't click
                  * upload. The resume file is STILL uploaded.
                  * Controversial: User uploads a resume, parses, etc. User selects a new file with
                  * "Browse" but doesn't click "Upload". New file is accepted.
                  * It's technically correct either way, I'm opting for the "use whats in "file"
                  * box over what's already uploaded method to avoid losing resumes on candidate
                  * additions.
                 $newFile = FileUtility::getUploadFileFromPost($this->_siteID, 'addcandidate', 'documentFile');
                 if ($newFile !== false) {
                     $newFilePath = FileUtility::getUploadFilePath($this->_siteID, 'addcandidate', $newFile);
                     $tempFile = $newFile;
                     $tempFullPath = $newFilePath;
                 } else {
                     $attachmentCreated = false;
                     $tempFile = false;
                     $tempFullPath = false;
                     if (isset($_POST['documentTempFile']) && !empty($_POST['documentTempFile'])) {
                         $tempFile = $_POST['documentTempFile'];
                         // Get the path of the file they uploaded already to attach
                         $tempFullPath = FileUtility::getUploadFilePath($this->_siteID, 'addcandidate', $tempFile);
                 if ($tempFile !== false && $tempFullPath !== false) {
                     if (!eval(Hooks::get('CANDIDATE_ON_CREATE_ATTACHMENT_PRE'))) {
                     $attachmentCreator = new AttachmentCreator($this->_siteID);
                     $attachmentCreator->createFromFile(DATA_ITEM_CANDIDATE, $candidateID, $tempFullPath, $tempFile, '', true, true);
                     if ($attachmentCreator->isError()) {
                         CommonErrors::fatal(COMMONERROR_FILEERROR, $this, $attachmentCreator->getError());
                     if ($attachmentCreator->duplicatesOccurred()) {
                         $this->listByView('This attachment has already been added to this candidate.');
                     $isTextExtractionError = $attachmentCreator->isTextExtractionError();
                     $textExtractionErrorMessage = $attachmentCreator->getTextExtractionError();
                     if (!eval(Hooks::get('CANDIDATE_ON_CREATE_ATTACHMENT_POST'))) {
                     // Remove the cleanup cookie since the file no longer exists
                     setcookie('CATS_SP_TEMP_FILE', '');
                     $attachmentCreated = true;
                 if (!$attachmentCreated && isset($_POST['documentText']) && !empty($_POST['documentText'])) {
                     // Resume was pasted into the form and not uploaded from a file
                     if (!eval(Hooks::get('CANDIDATE_ON_CREATE_ATTACHMENT_PRE'))) {
                     $attachmentCreator = new AttachmentCreator($this->_siteID);
                     $attachmentCreator->createFromText(DATA_ITEM_CANDIDATE, $candidateID, $_POST['documentText'], 'MyResume.txt', true);
                     if ($attachmentCreator->isError()) {
                         CommonErrors::fatal(COMMONERROR_FILEERROR, $this, $attachmentCreator->getError());
                     if ($attachmentCreator->duplicatesOccurred()) {
                         $this->listByView('This attachment has already been added to this candidate.');
                     if (!eval(Hooks::get('CANDIDATE_ON_CREATE_ATTACHMENT_POST'))) {
             } else {
                 if (!empty($textResumeBlock)) {
                     $attachmentCreator = new AttachmentCreator($this->_siteID);
                     $attachmentCreator->createFromText(DATA_ITEM_CANDIDATE, $candidateID, $textResumeBlock, $textResumeFilename, true);
                     if ($attachmentCreator->isError()) {
                         CommonErrors::fatal(COMMONERROR_FILEERROR, $this, $attachmentCreator->getError());
                     $isTextExtractionError = $attachmentCreator->isTextExtractionError();
                     $textExtractionErrorMessage = $attachmentCreator->getTextExtractionError();
                     // FIXME: Show parse errors!
     if (!eval(Hooks::get('CANDIDATE_ON_ADD_POST'))) {
     return $candidateID;