  * Expunge currently loaded pigeonhole
  * @return bool TRUE on success, FALSE if store could not occur.
  * @access public
 function expunge($pStructureId = NULL)
     $ret = FALSE;
     // if we have a custom structure id we want to remove, load it
     if (@BitBase::verifyId($pStructureId)) {
         $this->mStructureId = $pStructureId;
     if ($this->isValid()) {
         // get all items that are part of the sub tree
         require_once LIBERTY_PKG_PATH . 'LibertyStructure.php';
         $struct = new LibertyStructure();
         // include the current structure id as well
         $structureIds[] = $this->mStructureId;
         $tree = $struct->getSubTree($this->mStructureId);
         foreach ($tree as $node) {
             $structureIds[] = $node['structure_id'];
         $structureIds = array_unique($structureIds);
         $where = '';
         foreach ($structureIds as $structureId) {
             $where .= (empty($where) ? " WHERE " : " OR ") . "`structure_id`=?";
         $result = $this->mDb->query("SELECT `content_id` FROM `" . BIT_DB_PREFIX . "liberty_structures` {$where}", $structureIds);
         $contentIds = $result->getRows();
         foreach ($contentIds as $id) {
             // now we have the content ids - let the nuking begin
             $query = "DELETE FROM `" . BIT_DB_PREFIX . "pigeonholes` WHERE `content_id` = ?";
             $result = $this->mDb->query($query, array($id['content_id']));
             $query = "DELETE FROM `" . BIT_DB_PREFIX . "pigeonhole_members` WHERE `parent_id` = ?";
             $result = $this->mDb->query($query, array($id['content_id']));
             // remove all entries from content tables
             $this->mContentId = $id['content_id'];
             if (LibertyMime::expunge()) {
                 $ret = TRUE;
             } else {
         // finally nuke the structure in liberty_structures
         $struct->removeStructureNode($this->mStructureId, FALSE);
     return $ret;
  * This function removes a map entry
 function expunge()
     $ret = FALSE;
     if ($this->isValid()) {
         $query = "DELETE FROM `" . BIT_DB_PREFIX . "gmaps` WHERE `content_id` = ?";
         $result = $this->mDb->query($query, array($this->mContentId));
         if (LibertyMime::expunge()) {
             $ret = TRUE;
         } else {
     return $ret;
  * This function removes an overlay
 function expunge()
     $ret = FALSE;
     if ($this->isValid()) {
         $overlayKey = $this->mOverlayType . '_id';
         // delete all references to the overlay from the overlay keychain
         $query = "DELETE FROM `" . BIT_DB_PREFIX . $this->mOverlayKeychainTable . "` WHERE `" . $overlayKey . "` =?";
         $result = $this->mDb->query($query, array($this->mOverlayId));
         // delete the overlay record
         $query = "DELETE FROM `" . BIT_DB_PREFIX . $this->mOverlayTable . "` WHERE `content_id` = ?";
         $result = $this->mDb->query($query, array($this->mContentId));
         // delete the overlay liberty content object
         if ($ret = LibertyMime::expunge()) {
         } else {
     return $ret;
  * Remove complete blog post set and any comments
 function expunge()
     $ret = FALSE;
     // let's force a full load to make sure everything is loaded.
     // lets not -wjames5
     if ($this->isValid()) {
         // remove all references in blogs_posts_map where post_content_id = content_id
         $query_map = "DELETE FROM `" . BIT_DB_PREFIX . "blogs_posts_map` WHERE `post_content_id` = ?";
         $result = $this->mDb->query($query_map, array($this->mContentId));
         $query = "DELETE FROM `" . BIT_DB_PREFIX . "blog_posts` WHERE `content_id` = ?";
         $result = $this->mDb->query($query, array($this->mContentId));
         // Do this last so foreign keys won't complain (not the we have them... yet ;-)
         if (LibertyMime::expunge()) {
             $ret = TRUE;
         } else {
     return $ret;
 function expunge()
     $ret = FALSE;
     if ($this->isValid()) {
         // remove all references in blogs_posts_map where post_content_id = content_id
         $query_map = "DELETE FROM `" . BIT_DB_PREFIX . "blogs_posts_map` WHERE `blog_content_id` = ?";
         $result = $this->mDb->query($query_map, array($this->mContentId));
         $query = "DELETE from `" . BIT_DB_PREFIX . "blogs` where `content_id`=?";
         $result = $this->mDb->query($query, array((int) $this->mContentId));
         if (parent::expunge()) {
             $ret = TRUE;
         } else {
     return $ret;
 function expunge()
     global $gBitSystem;
     $ret = FALSE;
     if ($this->isValid()) {
         $sql = "SELECT `comment_id` FROM `" . BIT_DB_PREFIX . "liberty_comments` WHERE `parent_id` = ?";
         $rows = $this->mDb->getAll($sql, array($this->mContentId));
         foreach ($rows as $row) {
             $comment = new LibertyComment($row['comment_id']);
         if ($gBitSystem->isPackageActive('boards')) {
             // due to foreign key constraints, this has to go in the base class of BitBoardPost
             $sql = "DELETE FROM `" . BIT_DB_PREFIX . "boards_posts` WHERE `comment_id` = ?";
             $rs = $this->mDb->query($sql, array($this->mCommentId));
             $query = "DELETE FROM `" . BIT_DB_PREFIX . "boards_topics` WHERE `parent_id` = ?";
             $result = $this->mDb->query($query, array($this->getField('content_id')));
         $sql = "DELETE FROM `" . BIT_DB_PREFIX . "liberty_comments` WHERE `comment_id` = ?";
         $rs = $this->mDb->query($sql, array($this->mCommentId));
          * TODO: figureout why this is even here. Mime should handle this and it needs to pass in mandatory attachmentId
          * Slated to delete for now  - wjames5
         if (method_exists($this,'expungeMetaData')) {
         if (LibertyMime::expunge()) {
             $ret = TRUE;
         } else {
     return $ret;
  * expunge 
  * @access public
  * @return boolean TRUE on success, FALSE on failure
 function expunge()
     $ret = FALSE;
     if ($this->isValid()) {
         $attrQuery = "DELETE FROM `" . BIT_DB_PREFIX . "ticket_attributes` WHERE `ticket_id` = ?";
         $query = "DELETE FROM `" . BIT_DB_PREFIX . "tickets` WHERE `content_id` = ?";
         // first delete attributes not to violate constraints
         $attrResult = $this->mDb->query($attrQuery, array($this->mTicketId));
         $result = $this->mDb->query($query, array($this->mContentId));
         if (LibertyMime::expunge()) {
             $ret = TRUE;
         } else {
     return $ret;
 function expunge()
     global $gBitSystem;
     if ($this->isValid()) {
         Skip deleting of images for now
         			if( !empty( $this->mInfo['products_image'] ) ) {
         				$duplicate_image = $this->mDb->GetOne("SELECT count(*) as `total`
         								 FROM " . TABLE_PRODUCTS . "
         								 WHERE `products_image` = ?", array( $this->mInfo['products_image'] ) );
         				if ($duplicate_image < 2 ) {
         					$products_image = $product_image->fields['products_image'];
         					$products_image_extention = substr($products_image, strrpos($products_image, '.'));
         					$products_image_base = str_replace($products_image_extention, '', $products_image);
         					$filename_medium = 'medium/' . $products_image_base . IMAGE_SUFFIX_MEDIUM . $products_image_extention;
         							$filename_large = 'large/' . $products_image_base . IMAGE_SUFFIX_LARGE . $products_image_extention;
         					if (file_exists(DIR_FS_CATALOG_IMAGES . $product_image->fields['products_image'])) {
         						@unlink(DIR_FS_CATALOG_IMAGES . $product_image->fields['products_image']);
         					if (file_exists(DIR_FS_CATALOG_IMAGES . $filename_medium)) {
         						@unlink(DIR_FS_CATALOG_IMAGES . $filename_medium);
         					if (file_exists(DIR_FS_CATALOG_IMAGES . $filename_large)) {
         						@unlink(DIR_FS_CATALOG_IMAGES . $filename_large);
         $this->mDb->query("DELETE FROM " . TABLE_PRODUCTS_NOTIFICATIONS . " WHERE `products_id` = ?", array($this->mProductsId));
         $this->mDb->query("DELETE FROM " . TABLE_PRODUCTS_TO_CATEGORIES . " WHERE `products_id` = ?", array($this->mProductsId));
         $this->mDb->query("DELETE FROM " . TABLE_META_TAGS_PRODUCTS_DESCRIPTION . " WHERE `products_id` = ?", array($this->mProductsId));
         // remove downloads if they exist
         $this->mDb->query("DELETE FROM " . TABLE_PRODUCTS_ATTRIBUTES_DOWNLOAD . " WHERE `products_attributes_id` IN (SELECT pa.`products_attributes_id` FROM " . TABLE_PRODUCTS_ATTRIBUTES . " pa INNER JOIN " . TABLE_PRODUCTS_OPTIONS_MAP . " pom ON( pa.`products_options_values_id`=pom.`products_options_values_id` )\tWHERE pom.`products_id` = ?)", array($this->mProductsId));
         $this->mDb->query("DELETE FROM " . TABLE_PRODUCTS_OPTIONS_MAP . " WHERE `products_id` = ?", array($this->mProductsId));
         $this->mDb->query("DELETE FROM " . TABLE_CUSTOMERS_BASKET_ATTRIBUTES . " WHERE `customers_basket_id` IN (SELECT `customers_basket_id` FROM " . TABLE_CUSTOMERS_BASKET . " WHERE `products_id` = ?)", array($this->mProductsId));
         $this->mDb->query("DELETE FROM " . TABLE_CUSTOMERS_BASKET . " WHERE `products_id` = ?", array($this->mProductsId));
         if ($productReviews = $this->mDb->getCol("SELECT `reviews_id` FROM " . TABLE_REVIEWS . " WHERE `products_id` = ?", array($this->mProductsId))) {
             foreach ($productReviews as $reviewId) {
                 $this->mDb->query("DELETE FROM " . TABLE_REVIEWS_DESCRIPTION . " WHERE `reviews_id` = ?", array($reviewId));
         $this->mDb->query("DELETE FROM " . TABLE_REVIEWS . " WHERE `products_id` = ?", array($this->mProductsId));
         $this->mDb->query("DELETE FROM " . TABLE_FEATURED . " WHERE `products_id` = ?", array($this->mProductsId));
         $this->mDb->query("DELETE FROM " . TABLE_SPECIALS . " WHERE `products_id` = ?", array($this->mProductsId));
         $this->mDb->query("DELETE FROM " . TABLE_PRODUCTS_DISCOUNT_QUANTITY . " WHERE `products_id` = ?", array($this->mProductsId));
         if (!$this->isPurchased()) {
             $this->mDb->query("DELETE FROM " . TABLE_PRODUCTS_DESCRIPTION . " WHERE `products_id` = ?", array($this->mProductsId));
             $this->mDb->query("DELETE FROM " . TABLE_PRODUCTS . " WHERE `products_id` = ?", array($this->mProductsId));
         } else {
             $this->update(array('related_content_id' => NULL));
             $this->storeStatus($gBitSystem->getConfig('liberty_status_deleted', -999));
         $this->mInfo = array();
         $this->mProductsId = NULL;
     return count($this->mErrors) == 0;
  * This function removes a bitboard entry
 function expunge()
     $ret = FALSE;
     if ($this->isValid()) {
         $mailingList = $this->getPreference('boards_mailing_list');
         $query = "DELETE FROM `" . BIT_DB_PREFIX . "boards_map` WHERE `board_content_id` = ?";
         $result = $this->mDb->query($query, array($this->mContentId));
         $query = "DELETE FROM `" . BIT_DB_PREFIX . "boards` WHERE `content_id` = ?";
         $result = $this->mDb->query($query, array($this->mContentId));
         if (LibertyMime::expunge()) {
             if ($mailingList) {
                 require_once UTIL_PKG_PATH . 'mailman_lib.php';
                 if ($error = mailman_rmlist($mailingList)) {
                     $this->mErrors['mailing_list'] = $error;
             $ret = TRUE;
         } else {
     return $ret;
  * @return boolean TRUE on success, FALSE on failure
 public function expunge()
     global $gBitSystem;
     $ret = FALSE;
     if ($this->isValid()) {
         $query = "DELETE FROM `" . $this->mFormTbl . "` WHERE (`content_id` = ?) ";
         $result = $this->mDb->query($query, array($this->mContentId));
         if (parent::expunge()) {
             $ret = TRUE;
     return $ret;
  * Remove action 
 function expunge()
     $ret = FALSE;
     if ($this->isValid()) {
         // remove all references in diasalsa_track
         $query_track = "DELETE FROM `" . BIT_DB_PREFIX . "diasalsa_track` WHERE `action_id` = ?";
         $result = $this->mDb->query($query_track, array($this->mActionId));
         // remove the action content detial record
         $query_detail = "DELETE FROM `" . BIT_DB_PREFIX . "diasalsa_action_content_map` WHERE `content_id` = ?";
         $result = $this->mDb->query($query_detail, array($this->mContentId));
         // remove the action content links
         $query_link = "DELETE FROM `" . BIT_DB_PREFIX . "diasalsa_action_cnxn_map` WHERE `action_content_id` = ?";
         $result = $this->mDb->query($query_link, array($this->mContentId));
         // remove the action record
         $query = "DELETE FROM `" . BIT_DB_PREFIX . "diasalsa_actions` WHERE `content_id` = ?";
         $result = $this->mDb->query($query, array($this->mContentId));
         if (LibertyMime::expunge()) {
             if ($this->expungeSalsaAction()) {
                 $ret = TRUE;
         } else {
     return $ret;
  * expunge removes user and associated private data
  * @access public
  * @return TRUE on success, FALSE on failure - mErrors will contain reason for failure
 function expunge($pExpungeContent = NULL)
     global $gBitSystem;
     if (!empty($pExpungeContent)) {
         if ($pExpungeContent == 'all') {
             if ($userContent = $this->mDb->getAssoc("SELECT content_id, content_type_guid FROM `" . BIT_DB_PREFIX . "liberty_content` WHERE `user_id`=? AND `content_type_guid` != 'bituser'", array($this->mUserId))) {
                 foreach ($userContent as $contentId => $contentTypeGuid) {
                     if ($delContent = LibertyBase::getLibertyObject($contentId, $contentTypeGuid)) {
     if ($this->mUserId != ANONYMOUS_USER_ID) {
         $userTables = array('users_cnxn', 'users_watches', 'users_favorites_map', 'users_users');
         foreach ($userTables as $table) {
             $query = "DELETE FROM `" . BIT_DB_PREFIX . $table . "` WHERE `user_id` = ?";
             $result = $this->mDb->query($query, array($this->mUserId));
         $logHash['action_log']['title'] = $this->mInfo['login'];
         $this->mLogs['user_del'] = 'User deleted';
         return TRUE;
     } else {
         $gBitSystem->fatalError(tra('The anonymous user cannot be deleted'));
 function expunge($pExpungeAttachment = TRUE)
     if ($this->isValid()) {
         $query = "DELETE FROM `" . BIT_DB_PREFIX . "fisheye_gallery_image_map` WHERE `item_content_id` = ?";
         $rs = $this->mDb->query($query, array($this->mContentId));
         $query = "UPDATE `" . BIT_DB_PREFIX . "fisheye_gallery` SET `preview_content_id`=NULL WHERE `preview_content_id` = ?";
         $rs = $this->mDb->query($query, array($this->mContentId));
         $query = "DELETE FROM `" . BIT_DB_PREFIX . "fisheye_image` WHERE `content_id` = ?";
         $rs = $this->mDb->query($query, array($this->mContentId));
         if (LibertyMime::expunge($pExpungeAttachment)) {
             $this->mImageId = NULL;
             $this->mContentId = NULL;
         } else {
     return count($this->mErrors) == 0;
  * Expunge data associated with an uploaded file
  * @access public
  * @param should the attachment be expunged. Defaults to true.
  * @return TRUE on success, FALSE on failure - mErrors will contain reason for failure
  * TODO: make it possible to remove only items when they are not part of other galleries
 function expunge()
     if ($this->isValid()) {
         // Remove map entries
         // now we can deal with the entry in liberty_content
         if (LibertyMime::expunge()) {
         } else {
             $this->mErrors['expunge'] = tra('The item could not be completely removed.');
     if (count($this->mErrors) != 0) {
         error_log("Error deleting treasury item: " . vc($this->mErrors));
     return count($this->mErrors) == 0;
  * This function removes a group entry
 function expunge()
     global $gBitSystem, $gBitUser;
     if ($this->isValid()) {
         // before we clear out the group we need to know its board so we can clear it out too
         $board =& $this->getBoard();
         // before we clear out a a group we may need to nuke all its related content as well
         /* Note: this is probably not perfect - we're assuming there are custom content perms if one of these is active
          * which is the source of the issue. A more robust solution might allow content to be freed from its group
          * something someone more ambitous and with that need can explore
         if ($gBitSystem->isFeatureActive('group_admin_content') || $gBitSystem->isFeatureActive('group_map_required')) {
             // get all mapped content ids
             $query = "SELECT `to_content_id` as `content_id` FROM `" . BIT_DB_PREFIX . "groups_content_cnxn_map` WHERE `group_content_id` = ?";
             $result = $this->mDb->query($query, array($this->mContentId), 9999999);
             while ($res = $result->fetchRow()) {
                 $groupContent[] = $res;
         // delete the group and its related group pkg settings - order matters to respect constraints
         $query = "DELETE FROM `" . BIT_DB_PREFIX . "groups_invitations` WHERE `group_id` = ?";
         $result = $this->mDb->query($query, array($this->mGroupId));
         $query = "DELETE FROM `" . BIT_DB_PREFIX . "groups_roles_perms_map` WHERE `group_content_id` = ?";
         $result = $this->mDb->query($query, array($this->mContentId));
         $query = "DELETE FROM `" . BIT_DB_PREFIX . "groups_roles_users_map` WHERE `group_content_id` = ?";
         $result = $this->mDb->query($query, array($this->mContentId));
         $query = "DELETE FROM `" . BIT_DB_PREFIX . "groups_content_cnxn_map` WHERE `group_content_id` = ?";
         $result = $this->mDb->query($query, array($this->mContentId));
         $query = "DELETE FROM `" . BIT_DB_PREFIX . "groups_content_types` WHERE `group_content_id` = ?";
         $result = $this->mDb->query($query, array($this->mContentId));
         $query = "DELETE FROM `" . BIT_DB_PREFIX . "groups` WHERE `content_id` = ?";
         $result = $this->mDb->query($query, array($this->mContentId));
         // now we can expunge related content
         if (!empty($board)) {
             // delete the associated board
         // delete related content
         if (!empty($groupContent)) {
             foreach ($groupContent as $item) {
                 $obj = LibertyBase::getLibertyObject($item['content_id']);
                 // make sure the object loaded
                 if (is_object($obj)) {
         // expunge the parent objects
         if (LibertyMime::expunge()) {
             if ($gBitUser->expungeGroup($this->mGroupId)) {
             } else {
                 $this->mErrors['group_expunge'] = 'Users group expunge failed';
         } else {
             $this->mErrors['group_expunge'] = 'Parent Liberty class expunge failed';
     return count($this->mErrors) == 0;
  * expunge 
  * @access public
  * @return boolean TRUE on success, FALSE on failure
 function expunge()
     global $gBitSystem;
     $ret = FALSE;
     if ($this->isValid()) {
         $query = "DELETE FROM `" . BIT_DB_PREFIX . "sample_data` WHERE `content_id` = ?";
         $result = $this->mDb->query($query, array($this->mContentId));
         if (LibertyMime::expunge()) {
             $ret = TRUE;
         // If deleting the default/home sample record then unset this.
         if ($ret && $gBitSystem->getConfig('sample_home_id') == $this->mSampleId) {
             $gBitSystem->storeConfig('sample_home_id', 0, SAMPLE_PKG_NAME);
     return $ret;
  * This function deletes a set
 function expunge()
     $ret = FALSE;
     if ($this->isValid()) {
         // delete all references to the set from the map sets keychain
         $query = "DELETE FROM `" . BIT_DB_PREFIX . "gmaps_sets_keychain` WHERE `set_id` =? AND `set_type` = ?";
         $result = $this->mDb->query($query, array($this->mOverlaySetId, $this->mOverlaySetType));
         // delete all references to the set from the set keychain
         $query = "DELETE FROM `" . BIT_DB_PREFIX . $this->mOverlaySetKeychainTable . "` WHERE `set_id` =?";
         $result = $this->mDb->query($query, array($this->mOverlaySetId));
         // delete the overlay set
         $query = "DELETE FROM `" . BIT_DB_PREFIX . $this->mOverlaySetTable . "` WHERE `content_id` = ?";
         $result = $this->mDb->query($query, array($this->mContentId));
         if ($ret = LibertyMime::expunge()) {
         } else {
     return $ret;