文件: index.php 项目: eacquah/lolgh
$param = isset($_GET['param']) ? strip_tags($_GET['param']) : 0;
$template = null;
$vars = array();
$baseUrl = 'http://' . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'];
// Default meta data
$metadata = array('ogTitle' => 'Lolgh', 'ogType' => 'website', 'ogImage' => $baseUrl . '/img/icon.png', 'ogUrl' => $baseUrl, 'ogDescription' => 'The LolGH strips are typically random and unordered strips depicting some isolated, stupid and funny events in Ghana, Africa and the world. Just jokes really!!! :)', 'twitterCard' => 'summary', 'twitterUrl' => $baseUrl, 'twitterTitle' => 'LolGH', 'twitterDescription' => 'The LolGH strips are typically random and unordered strips depicting some isolated, stupid and funny events in Ghana, Africa and the world. Just jokes really!!! :)', 'twitterImage' => $baseUrl . '/img/icon.png');
// Frontend Controller
switch ($page) {
    case '':
        // Custom meta data
        $pageUrl = $baseUrl;
        $recentToon = $dao->fetchRecentToon();
        $recentComic = $dao->fetchRecentComic();
        $template = '@frontend/index.html';
        $vars['pageTitle'] = 'A laugh a day...';
        $vars['tweets'] = $twitter->getTimeLine();
        $vars['recentToon'] = $recentToon;
        $vars['recentComic'] = $recentComic;
    case 'contact':
        if ($_POST) {
            $subject = 'Lolgh Contact';
            array_walk_recursive($_POST, 'mysql_real_escape_string');
            $from = strip_tags($_POST["email"]);
            // sender
            $name = strip_tags($_POST["name"]);
            $message = strip_tags($_POST["msg"]);
            $message = wordwrap($message, 70);
            // send mail to us
            mail("*****@*****.**", $subject, $message, "From: {$from}\n");
            $emailVars = array('name' => $name, 'msg' => 'Thanks for getting in touch. We will be in touch shortly');