function Index() { if (empty(session('used_shop')) && empty(cookie("used_shop"))) { $this->error("商家未登录,请重试!"); exit; } if (!empty(session('used_shop'))) { $used_shop = session('used_shop'); } if (!empty(cookie('used_shop'))) { $used_shop = cookie('used_shop'); } if (empty($used_shop)) { $this->error("商家未登录"); die; } $total = M('coupons')->where(array('is_used' => 1, 'used_shop' => $used_shop))->order("used_at", "desc")->count(); $page = \LfPageData::Page($total, U('Coupon/Index')); $coupons = M('coupons')->where(array('is_used' => 1, 'used_shop' => $used_shop))->limit($page['offset'], $page['perpagenum'])->order("used_at", "desc")->select(); foreach ($coupons as $i => $v) { $coupons[$i]['salon'] = M('e_salon')->where(array('id' => $v['salon_id']))->getField('title'); $coupons[$i]['user'] = M('e_user')->where(array('id' => $v['user_id']))->getField('student_name'); } $this->assign("coupons", $coupons); $this->assign("page", $page); $this->display(); }
function Square() { e_auth(); $sign_maps = 'end_date > ' . strtotime(date("Y-m-d")); $end_maps = 'end_date < ' . strtotime(date("Y-m-d")); $and = ' AND '; $maps = ''; $data['type'] = \LfRequest::inStr('type'); $data['date'] = \LfRequest::inStr('date'); $data['number'] = \LfRequest::inStr('number'); $maps = ''; if (!empty($data['type'])) { $maps .= 'type = ' . "'" . $data['type'] . "'" . $and; } if (!empty($data['date'])) { switch ($data['date']) { //今天 case 1: $maps .= 'start_date = ' . strtotime(date("Y-m-d")) . $and; break; //明天 //明天 case 2: $maps .= 'start_date = ' . strtotime(date("Y-m-d", time() + 1 * 24 * 3600)) . $and; break; //三天后 //三天后 case 3: $maps .= 'start_date >= ' . strtotime(date("Y-m-d", time() + 3 * 24 * 3600)) . $and; break; //昨天 //昨天 case -1: $maps .= 'start_date = ' . strtotime(date("Y-m-d", time() - 1 * 24 * 3600)) . $and; break; //过去三天 //过去三天 case -3: $maps .= "start_date >= " . strtotime(date("Y-m-d", time() - 3 * 24 * 3600)) . $and . "start_date <=" . strtotime(date("Y-m-d")) . $and; break; //过去七天 //过去七天 case -7: $maps .= "start_date >= " . strtotime(date("Y-m-d", time() - 7 * 24 * 3600)) . $and . "start_date <=" . strtotime(date("Y-m-d")) . $and; break; } } if (!empty($data['number'])) { $maps .= 'participate_number = ' . $data['number'] . $and; } $sign_maps = $maps . $sign_maps; $end_maps = $maps . $end_maps; $SignIteamsCount = M('e_iteam')->where($sign_maps)->count(); $EndIteamCount = M('e_iteam')->where($end_maps)->count(); $param = array('type' => I('type', ''), 'date' => I('date', ''), 'number' => I('number', '')); $SignPage = \LfPageData::Page($SignIteamsCount, addons_url('Academic://Academic/Square/status/sign', $param)); $EndPage = \LfPageData::Page($EndIteamCount, addons_url('Academic://Academic/Square/status/end', $param)); $sign_iteams = M('e_iteam')->where($sign_maps)->limit($SignPage['offset'], $SignPage['perpagenum'])->order('id DESC')->select(); $end_iteams = M('e_iteam')->where($end_maps)->limit($EndPage['offset'], $EndPage['perpagenum'])->order('id DESC')->select(); $status = I('status', 'sign'); $IteamType = M('e_iteam_type'); $types = $IteamType->select(); $this->assign('types', $types); $this->assign('status', $status); $this->type = I('type', ''); $this->date = I('date', ''); $this->number = I('number', ''); $this->assign('sign_iteams', $sign_iteams); $this->assign('end_iteams', $end_iteams); $this->assign('url', 'Academic://Academic/IteamDetail'); $this->assign('SignPage', $SignPage); $this->assign('EndPage', $EndPage); $this->title = "Iteam广场"; $this->display(); }
function GetSalonWith() { $status = \LfRequest::inStr('status'); $type = \LfRequest::inStr('type'); $day = \LfRequest::inStr('day'); $space = \LfRequest::inStr('space'); $param = array('type' => I('type', ''), 'day' => I('day', ''), 'space' => I('space', '')); $data = ''; if (empty($type) && empty($day) && empty($space)) { redirect(addons_url('Salon://Salon/SalonSquare', array('status' => $status))); } if ($type != null) { if (!empty($space) || !empty($day)) { $data .= 'type = ' . "'" . $type . "'" . ' AND '; } else { $data .= 'type = ' . "'" . $type . "'"; } } if ($space != null) { if (!empty($day)) { $data .= 'space = ' . "'" . $space . "'" . ' AND '; } else { $data .= 'space = ' . "'" . $space . "'"; } } $today = date('Y-m-d', time()); if ($day == 1) { $data .= 'start_date >= ' . strtotime($today) . ' AND start_date <= ' . (strtotime($today) + 24 * 3600); } if (!empty($day) && $day != 1) { if ($day >= 0) { $data .= 'start_date >= ' . strtotime($today) . ' AND start_date <= ' . (strtotime($today) + 24 * 3600 * $day) . ' AND end_date >= ' . time(); } else { $data .= 'start_date >= ' . (strtotime($today) + 24 * 3600 * $day) . ' AND start_date <= ' . strtotime($today) . ' AND end_date <' . time(); } } $map2 = $data . ' AND end_date < ' . time(); $end_salons = M('e_salon')->where($map2)->select(); $EndPage = \LfPageData::Page($end_salons, addons_url('Salon://Salon/GetSalonWith/status/end', $param)); $this->end_salons = M('e_salon')->where($map2)->order('id desc')->limit($EndPage['offset'], $EndPage['perpagenum'])->select(); $map1 = $data . ' AND end_date >= ' . time(); $salons = M('e_salon')->where($map1)->select(); $SignPage = \LfPageData::Page($salons, addons_url('Salon://Salon/GetSalonWith/status/sign', $param)); $this->salons = M('e_salon')->where($map1)->order('id desc')->limit($SignPage['offset'], $SignPage['perpagenum'])->select(); $this->assign('status', $status); $this->assign('EndPage', $EndPage); $this->assign('SignPage', $SignPage); $this->assign('url', 'Salon://Salon/CheckSalon'); $this->assign('type', I('type', '')); $this->assign('day', I('day', '')); $this->assign('space', I('space', '')); $this->assign('title', '查询结果'); $this->display('Salon/SalonSquare'); }