/** * start session * read settings from session * set and return action */ function init() { global $SETTINGS, $_REQUEST, $LAYOUT; session_start(); // set layout engine $LAYOUT = new LayoutEngine("Fiyo CMS"); $LAYOUT->setTitle("Fiyo CMS"); $LAYOUT->setCharSet("iso-8859-1"); $LAYOUT->switchOffBuffer(); print $LAYOUT->getHeaderLayout(); /* repair NOTICES mk/2005-11-08 */ if (isset($_REQUEST[PSNG_DEBUG])) { /**/ if ($_REQUEST[PSNG_DEBUG] == 'on') { $SETTINGS[PSNG_DEBUG] = TRUE; $_SESSION[PSNG_DEBUG] = TRUE; debug('', 'Debug on'); } elseif ($_REQUEST[PSNG_DEBUG] == 'off') { debug('', 'Debug off'); $SETTINGS[PSNG_DEBUG] = FALSE; $_SESSION[PSNG_DEBUG] = FALSE; } /* repair NOTICES mk/2005-11-08 */ } else { debug('', 'Debug off'); $SETTINGS[PSNG_DEBUG] = FALSE; $_SESSION[PSNG_DEBUG] = FALSE; } /**/ if (isset($_SESSION[PSNG_SETTINGS])) { $SETTINGS = array_merge($_SESSION[PSNG_SETTINGS], $SETTINGS); } debug('version: ' . PSNG_VERSION, 'This is phpSitemapNG'); debug($SETTINGS, 'Merged settings'); debug($SETTINGS[PSNG_SETTINGS_STATE], 'last state'); $action = ''; if (isset($_REQUEST[PSNG_ACTION])) { $action = $_REQUEST[PSNG_ACTION]; } // handle some special actions, eg submit buttons without approriate hidden action tag if (isset($_REQUEST[PSNG_ACTION_SETTINGS_RESET])) { if ($_REQUEST[PSNG_ACTION_SETTINGS_RESET] != '') { $action = PSNG_ACTION_SETTINGS_RESET; } } $SETTINGS[PSNG_SETTINGS_STATE] = $action; debug($SETTINGS[PSNG_SETTINGS_STATE], "current state"); $SETTINGS[PSNG_SETTINGS_EXECUTED][$action] = TRUE; $SETTINGS[PSNG_TIMEOUT_IS] = FALSE; $SETTINGS[PSNG_TIMEOUT_IS] = ''; if ($SETTINGS[PSNG_TIMEOUT] == PSNG_TIMEOUT_NONE) { $SETTINGS[PSNG_TIMEOUT_TIME_DEADLINE] = time() + 60 * 60 * 24; } // timeout is now in 24 h return $action; }
/** * start session * read settings from session * set and return action */ function init() { global $SETTINGS, $_REQUEST, $LAYOUT; session_start(); // set layout engine $LAYOUT = new LayoutEngine("phpSitemapNG"); $LAYOUT->addContentFooter('<div align="center"><p>Copyright by enarion.net. This script is licensed under GPL and can be downloaded from <a target="_blank" href="http://enarion.net/google/">enarion.net/google/</a></p></div>'); $LAYOUT->setTitle("create your personal google sitemap file"); $LAYOUT->setCharSet("iso-8859-1"); $LAYOUT->addCss('.history, .required { background-color:#E0E0E0; }'); $LAYOUT->addCss('.source_fs { background-color:#FF70CC; }'); $LAYOUT->addCss('.source_website { background-color:#CCFF70; }'); $LAYOUT->addCss('.source_fs_website { background-color:#70CCFF; }'); $LAYOUT->addCss('.notfound { background-color:#FF3030; }'); $LAYOUT->addCss('Label {color:#000099; font-weight: bold; }'); $LAYOUT->addCss('h1,h2,h3 {color:#000099; }'); $LAYOUT->addCss('.error {color:#cc0000; font-weight: bold; }'); $LAYOUT->addCss('.warning {color:#000000; font-weight: italic; }'); $LAYOUT->addCss('.info {color:#000000; font-weight: normal; }'); $LAYOUT->addCss('.success {color:#009900; font-weight: bold; }'); $LAYOUT->addCss('body {color:#000000; font-family:helvetica; background-color:#ebb150; }'); $LAYOUT->switchOffBuffer(); print $LAYOUT->getHeaderLayout(); /* repair NOTICES mk/2005-11-08 */ if (isset($_REQUEST[PSNG_DEBUG])) { /**/ if ($_REQUEST[PSNG_DEBUG] == 'on') { $SETTINGS[PSNG_DEBUG] = TRUE; $_SESSION[PSNG_DEBUG] = TRUE; debug('', 'Debug on'); } elseif ($_REQUEST[PSNG_DEBUG] == 'off') { debug('', 'Debug off'); $SETTINGS[PSNG_DEBUG] = FALSE; $_SESSION[PSNG_DEBUG] = FALSE; } /* repair NOTICES mk/2005-11-08 */ } else { debug('', 'Debug off'); $SETTINGS[PSNG_DEBUG] = FALSE; $_SESSION[PSNG_DEBUG] = FALSE; } /**/ if (isset($_SESSION[PSNG_SETTINGS])) { $SETTINGS = array_merge($_SESSION[PSNG_SETTINGS], $SETTINGS); } $LAYOUT->addContentHeader('<a href="' . $SETTINGS[PSNG_SCRIPT] . '?action=setup" title="Edit settings">Setup</a>'); $LAYOUT->addContentHeader('<a href="' . $SETTINGS[PSNG_SCRIPT] . '?action=' . PSNG_ACTION_CHECK_UPDATESTATUS . '" title="Invoke an update check at enarion.net to get information of recent versions">Check for updates</a>'); if (isset($SETTINGS[PSNG_SETTINGS_EXECUTED][PSNG_ACTION_SETTINGS_GET])) { if ($SETTINGS[PSNG_SETTINGS_EXECUTED][PSNG_ACTION_SETTINGS_GET] == TRUE) { $LAYOUT->addContentHeader('<a href="' . $SETTINGS[PSNG_SCRIPT] . '?action=parse" title="Start the scan for files">Start scan</a>'); } } if (@file_exists($SETTINGS[PSNG_SITEMAP_FILE]) && @filesize($SETTINGS[PSNG_SITEMAP_FILE]) > 0) { $LAYOUT->addContentHeader('<a href="' . $SETTINGS[PSNG_SITEMAP_URL] . '" target="_blank" title="View the created sitemap in a new browser window">View sitemap </a>'); } $LAYOUT->addContentHeader('<div align="left"><a href="http://enarion.net/google/phpsitemapng/feedback/" target="_blank" title="Create a feedback request at enarion.net in a new browser window">Give feedback</a>'); $LAYOUT->addContentHeader('<div align="left"><p> <form action="https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr" method="post"> <input type="hidden" name="cmd" value="_xclick"> <input type="hidden" name="business" value="*****@*****.**"> <input type="hidden" name="item_name" value="Development of phpSitemapNG"> <input type="hidden" name="no_shipping" value="1"> <input type="hidden" name="return" value="http://enarion.net/google/phpsitemapng/donated.php"> <input type="hidden" name="no_note" value="1"> <input type="hidden" name="currency_code" value="USD"> <input type="hidden" name="tax" value="0"> <input type="image" src="https://www.paypal.com/en_US/i/btn/x-click-but04.gif" border="0" name="submit" alt="Donate the development of phpSitemapNG" title="Donate the development of phpSitemapNG" target="_blank"> </form></p></div>'); debug('version: ' . PSNG_VERSION, 'This is phpSitemapNG'); debug($SETTINGS, 'Merged settings'); debug($SETTINGS[PSNG_SETTINGS_STATE], 'last state'); $action = ''; if (isset($_REQUEST[PSNG_ACTION])) { $action = $_REQUEST[PSNG_ACTION]; } // handle some special actions, eg submit buttons without approriate hidden action tag if (isset($_REQUEST[PSNG_ACTION_SETTINGS_RESET])) { if ($_REQUEST[PSNG_ACTION_SETTINGS_RESET] != '') { $action = PSNG_ACTION_SETTINGS_RESET; } } $SETTINGS[PSNG_SETTINGS_STATE] = $action; debug($SETTINGS[PSNG_SETTINGS_STATE], "current state"); $SETTINGS[PSNG_SETTINGS_EXECUTED][$action] = TRUE; $SETTINGS[PSNG_TIMEOUT_IS] = FALSE; $SETTINGS[PSNG_TIMEOUT_IS] = ''; if ($SETTINGS[PSNG_TIMEOUT] == PSNG_TIMEOUT_NONE) { $SETTINGS[PSNG_TIMEOUT_TIME_DEADLINE] = time() + 60 * 60 * 24; } // timeout is now in 24 h return $action; }
/** * start session * read settings from session * set and return action */ function init() { global $SETTINGS, $_REQUEST, $LAYOUT; session_start(); // set layout engine $LAYOUT = new LayoutEngine("phpSitemapNG"); $LAYOUT->setTitle("Create your sitemap files"); $LAYOUT->setCharSet("iso-8859-1"); $LAYOUT->addCssFile('./includes/layout.css'); $LAYOUT->addJsFile('./includes/tabbedPane.js'); $LAYOUT->switchOffBuffer(); print $LAYOUT->getHeaderLayout(); if (isset($_REQUEST[PSNG_DEBUG])) { if ($_REQUEST[PSNG_DEBUG] == 'on') { $SETTINGS[PSNG_DEBUG] = TRUE; $_SESSION[PSNG_DEBUG] = TRUE; debug('', 'Debug on'); } elseif ($_REQUEST[PSNG_DEBUG] == 'off') { debug('', 'Debug off'); $SETTINGS[PSNG_DEBUG] = FALSE; $_SESSION[PSNG_DEBUG] = FALSE; } } else { debug('', 'Debug off'); $SETTINGS[PSNG_DEBUG] = FALSE; $_SESSION[PSNG_DEBUG] = FALSE; } if (isset($_SESSION[PSNG_SETTINGS])) { $SETTINGS = array_merge($_SESSION[PSNG_SETTINGS], $SETTINGS); } $LAYOUT->addContentHeader('<a href="http://enarion.net/google/" target="_blank" title="Google Sitemap, XML sitemap, txt sitemap, rss sitemap, php sitemap generator, free, open source"><img src="./images/phpsitemapng.png" alt="phpSitemapNG - Create your sitemap files" style="border:0px;" /><br />phpSitemapNG - Create your sitemap files</a>'); $LAYOUT->addContentHeader('<a href="' . $SETTINGS[PSNG_SCRIPT] . '?action=setup" title="Edit settings"><img src="./images/setup.png" style="border:0px;" alt="Setup" title="Setup" /><br />Setup</a>'); if (isset($SETTINGS[PSNG_SETTINGS_EXECUTED][PSNG_ACTION_SETTINGS_GET])) { if ($SETTINGS[PSNG_SETTINGS_EXECUTED][PSNG_ACTION_SETTINGS_GET] == TRUE) { $LAYOUT->addContentHeader('<a href="' . $SETTINGS[PSNG_SCRIPT] . '?action=parse" title="Start the scan for files"><img src="./images/scan.png" style="border:0px;" alt="Scan" title="Scan" /><br />Start scan</a>'); } } /* if (@file_exists($SETTINGS[PSNG_SITEMAP_FILE]) && ( @filesize($SETTINGS[PSNG_SITEMAP_FILE]) > 0)) $LAYOUT->addContentHeader('<a href="'.$SETTINGS[PSNG_SITEMAP_URL].'" target="_blank" title="View the created Google sitemap in a new browser window">View sitemap</a>'); */ $LAYOUT->addContentHeader('<div align="left"><a href="http://discuss.enarion.net/3/" target="_blank" title="Create a feedback request at enarion.net in a new browser window"><img src="./images/feedback.png" style="border:0px;" alt="Give feedback" title="Give feedback" /><br />Give feedback</a>'); $LAYOUT->addContentHeader('<div align="left"><p>Donate in US-$ <form action="https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr" method="post" target="_blank"> <input type="hidden" name="cmd" value="_xclick"> <input type="hidden" name="business" value="*****@*****.**"> <input type="hidden" name="item_name" value="Development of phpSitemapNG"> <input type="hidden" name="no_shipping" value="1"> <input type="hidden" name="return" value="http://enarion.net/google/phpsitemapng/donated.php"> <input type="hidden" name="no_note" value="1"> <input type="hidden" name="tax" value="0"> <input type="hidden" name="currency_code" value="USD"> <input type="image" src="./images/donate-with-paypal.gif" border="0" name="submit" alt="Donate for the ongoing development of phpSitemapNG" title="Donate for the ongoing development of phpSitemapNG" target="_blank"> </form></p> <p>Donate in EUR <form action="https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr" method="post" target="_blank"> <input type="hidden" name="cmd" value="_xclick"> <input type="hidden" name="business" value="*****@*****.**"> <input type="hidden" name="item_name" value="Development of phpSitemapNG"> <input type="hidden" name="no_shipping" value="1"> <input type="hidden" name="return" value="http://enarion.net/google/phpsitemapng/donated.php"> <input type="hidden" name="no_note" value="1"> <input type="hidden" name="tax" value="0"> <input type="hidden" name="currency_code" value="EUR"> <input type="image" src="./images/donate-with-paypal.gif" border="0" name="submit" alt="Donate for the ongoing development of phpSitemapNG" title="Donate for the ongoing development of phpSitemapNG" target="_blank"> </form></p></div>'); $LAYOUT->addContentHeader('<p style="width:120px;">Copyright by enarion.net. This script is licensed under GPL and is available at <a target="_blank" href="http://enarion.net/google/">enarion.net/google/</a></p>'); $LAYOUT->addHtml('<div id="body">'); debug('version: ' . PSNG_VERSION, 'This is phpSitemapNG'); debug($SETTINGS, 'Merged settings'); debug($SETTINGS[PSNG_SETTINGS_STATE], 'last state'); $action = ''; if (isset($_REQUEST[PSNG_ACTION])) { $action = $_REQUEST[PSNG_ACTION]; } // handle some special actions, eg submit buttons without approriate hidden action tag if (isset($_REQUEST[PSNG_ACTION_SETTINGS_RESET])) { if ($_REQUEST[PSNG_ACTION_SETTINGS_RESET] != '') { $action = PSNG_ACTION_SETTINGS_RESET; } } $SETTINGS[PSNG_SETTINGS_STATE] = $action; debug($SETTINGS[PSNG_SETTINGS_STATE], "current state"); $SETTINGS[PSNG_SETTINGS_EXECUTED][$action] = TRUE; $SETTINGS[PSNG_TIMEOUT_IS] = FALSE; $SETTINGS[PSNG_TIMEOUT_IS] = ''; if ($SETTINGS[PSNG_TIMEOUT] == PSNG_TIMEOUT_NONE) { $SETTINGS[PSNG_TIMEOUT_TIME_DEADLINE] = time() + 60 * 60 * 24; } // timeout is now in 24 h return $action; }