function layotter_make_search_dump($data, $raw_post)
    $post_id = $raw_post['ID'];
    // don't change anything if not editing a Layotter-enabled post
    if (!Layotter::is_enabled_for_post($post_id) or !isset($raw_post['layotter_json'])) {
        return $data;
    // copy JSON from POST and strip slashes that were added by Wordpress
    $json = $raw_post['layotter_json'];
    $unslashed_json = stripslashes_deep($json);
    // turn JSON into post content HTML
    $layotter_post = new Layotter_Post($unslashed_json);
    $content = $layotter_post->get_frontend_view();
    // save JSON to a custom field (oddly enough, Wordpress breaks JSON if it's stripslashed)
    update_post_meta($post_id, 'layotter_json', $json);
    // insert spaces to prevent <p>foo</p><p>bar</p> becoming "foobar" instead of "foo bar"
    // then strip all tags except <img>
    // then remove excess whitespace
    $spaced_content = str_replace('<', ' <', $content);
    $clean_content = strip_tags($spaced_content, '<img>');
    $normalized_content = trim($clean_content);
    if (function_exists('mb_ereg_replace')) {
        $normalized_content = mb_ereg_replace('/\\s+/', ' ', $normalized_content);
    // wrap search dump with a [layotter] shortcode and return modified post data to be saved to the database
    // add the post ID because otherwise the shortcode handler would have no reliable way to get the post ID through
    // which the JSON data will be fetched
    $shortcoded_content = '[layotter post="' . $post_id . '"]' . $normalized_content . '[/layotter]';
    $data['post_content'] = $shortcoded_content;
    return $data;
function layotter_disable_wpautop($content)
    if (Layotter::is_enabled_for_post(get_the_ID())) {
        remove_filter('the_content', 'wpautop');
    return $content;