 * Note that Solr < 4.6 will probably die horribly trying this.
 * We catch any exceptions as a result and go about our business.
try {
    $search_client = new SearchIndex(array('config' => json_decode(SEARCH_CONFIG, TRUE)));
    $related_laws = $search_client->find_related($law, 3);
    if ($related_laws && count($related_laws->get_results()) > 0) {
        $sidebar .= '
				<section class="related-group grid-box" id="related-links">
					<h1>Related Laws</h1>
					<ul id="related">';
        $related_law = new Law();
        foreach ($related_laws->get_results() as $result) {
            $related_law->law_id = $result->law_id;
            $related_law->permalink = $related_law->get_url($result->law_id);
            $sidebar .= '<li>' . SECTION_SYMBOL . '&nbsp;<a href="' . $related_law->permalink->url . '">' . $related_law->section_number . '</a> ' . $related_law->catch_line . '</li>';
        $sidebar .= '
} catch (Exception $exception) {
    // Do nothing.
 *	If we have citation data and it's formatted properly, display it.
if (isset($law->citation) && is_object($law->citation)) {
    $sidebar .= '<section class="related-group grid-box" id="cite-as">
				<h1>Cite As</h1>
         * Store the total number of documents returned by this search.
        $total_results = $results->getNumFound();
         * Start the DIV that stores all of the search results.
        $body .= '
			<div class="search-results">
			<p>' . number_format($total_results) . ' results found.</p>
         * Iterate through the results.
        $law = new Law();
        foreach ($results as $result) {
            $url = $law->get_url($result->section);
            $body .= '<li><div class="result">';
            $body .= '<h1><a href="' . $url . '">' . $result->catch_line . ' (' . SECTION_SYMBOL . '&nbsp;' . $result->section . ')</a></h1>';
             * Display this law's structural ancestry as a breadcrumb trail.
            $body .= '<div class="breadcrumbs"><ul>';
            $ancestry = explode('/', $result->structure);
            foreach ($ancestry as $structure) {
                $body .= '<li><a>' . $structure . '</a></li>';
            $body .= '</ul></div>';
             * Attempt to display a snippet of the indexed law, highlighting the use of the search
             * terms within that text.
 function handle($args)
      * Make sure we have a search term.
     if (!isset($args['term']) || empty($args['term'])) {
         json_error('Search term not provided.');
      * Clean up the search term.
     $term = filter_var($args['term'], FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING);
      * Determine if the search results should display detailed information about each law.
     if (!isset($_GET['detailed']) || empty($_GET['detailed'])) {
         $detailed = FALSE;
     } else {
         $detailed = filter_var($_GET['detailed'], FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING);
         if ($detailed == "true") {
             $detailed = TRUE;
         } elseif ($detailed != "false") {
             $detailed = FALSE;
         } else {
             $detailed = FALSE;
      * Intialize Solarium.
     $client = new Solarium_Client($GLOBALS['solr_config']);
      * Set up our query.
     $query = $client->createSelect();
      * We want the most useful bits extracted as search results snippets.
     $hl = $query->getHighlighting();
     $hl->setFields('catch_line, text');
      * Specify that we want the first 100 results.
      * Execute the query.
     $search_results = $client->select($query);
      * Display uses of the search terms in a preview of the result.
     $highlighted = $search_results->getHighlighting();
      * If there are no results.
     if (count($search_results) == 0) {
         $response->records = 0;
         $response->total_records = 0;
      * If we have results.
      * Instantiate the Law class.
     $law = new Law();
      * Save an array of the legal code's structure, which we'll use to properly identify the structural
      * data returned by Solr. We hack off the last element of the array, since that identifies the laws
      * themselves, not a structural unit.
     $code_structures = array_slice(explode(',', STRUCTURE), 0, -1);
     $i = 0;
     foreach ($search_results as $document) {
          * Attempt to display a snippet of the indexed law.
         $snippet = $highlighted->getResult($document->id);
         if ($snippet != FALSE) {
              * Build the snippet up from the snippet object.
             foreach ($snippet as $field => $highlight) {
                 $response->results->{$i}->excerpt .= strip_tags(implode(' ... ', $highlight)) . ' ... ';
              * Use an appropriate closing ellipsis.
             if (substr($response->results->{$i}->excerpt, -6) == '. ... ') {
                 $response->results->{$i}->excerpt = substr($response->results->{$i}->excerpt, 0, -6) . '....';
             $response->results->{$i}->excerpt = trim($response->results->{$i}->excerpt);
          * At the default level of verbosity, just give the data indexed by Solr, plus the URL.
         if ($detailed === FALSE) {
              * Store the relevant fields within the response we'll send.
             $response->results->{$i}->section_number = $document->section;
             $response->results->{$i}->catch_line = $document->catch_line;
             $response->results->{$i}->text = $document->text;
             $response->results->{$i}->url = $law->get_url($document->section);
             $response->results->{$i}->score = $document->score;
             $response->results->{$i}->ancestry = (object) array_combine($code_structures, explode('/', $document->structure));
         } else {
             $law->section_number = $document->section;
             $response->results->{$i} = $law->get_law();
             $response->results->{$i}->score = $document->score;
      * Provide the total number of available documents, beyond the number returned by or available
      * via the API.
     $response->total_records = $search_results->getNumFound();
      * If the request contains a specific list of fields to be returned.
     if (isset($args['fields'])) {
          * Turn that list into an array.
         $returned_fields = explode(',', urldecode(filter_var($args['fields'], FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING)));
         foreach ($returned_fields as &$field) {
             $field = trim($field);
          * It's essential to unset $field at the conclusion of the prior loop.
          * Step through our response fields and eliminate those that aren't in the requested list.
         foreach ($response as $field => &$value) {
             if (in_array($field, $returned_fields) === false) {
     $this->render($response, 'OK');
         * Start the DIV that stores all of the search results.
        $body .= '
			<div class="search-results">
			<p>' . number_format($results->get_count()) . ' results found.</p>
         * Iterate through the results.
        global $db;
        $law = new Law(array('db' => $db));
        foreach ($results->get_results() as $result) {
            $law->law_id = $result->law_id;
            $url = $law->get_url($result->law_id);
            $url_string = $url->url;
            if (strpos($url, '?') !== FALSE) {
                $url_string .= '?';
            } else {
                $url_string .= '*';
            $url_string .= 'q=' . urlencode($q);
            $body .= '<li><div class="result">';
            $body .= '<h1><a href="' . $url_string . '">';
            if (strlen($result->catch_line)) {
                $body .= $result->catch_line;
            } else {
                $body .= $law->catch_line;
            $body .= ' (' . SECTION_SYMBOL . '&nbsp;';