     * Load a new template by a given name.
     * If the given name is null or the given template can't be found, use a fallback.
     * @fallback    use the standard template
     * @param null|string $s_template_name  the name of the used template
     * @param        bool $b_use_cache      A value to define if the template should use
     *                                      the cache (true) or not(false)
     *                                      default: true
    public function load_template($s_template_name = null, $b_use_cache = true)
        //  user standard template if nothing is given
        if (is_null($s_template_name)) {
            $s_template_name = $this->s_start_template;
        // set the path to the template with following structure:
        //  (DIR)Templatename/templatename.{EXTENSION} relative to the template directory
        // The {Extension} will be set automatically, not need here directly.
        $s_template_path = $s_template_name . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $s_template_name;
        try {
            //todo: Maybe write a log message which template can't be loaded!
            $s_path = LOGD::find_file($this->s_template_dir, $s_template_path);
            if (!$s_path) {
                //Template not found! Check if the standard one wasn't found,
                //if yes throw exception
                if ($s_template_name === $this->s_start_template) {
                    throw new LOGD_Exception('Could not load the standard template "' . $s_template_name . '".
				Please check if its available in the template directory.', 'TEMPLATE_ERROR');
                } else {
            } else {
                if ($b_use_cache && Cache::getInstance()->exists('template_' . $s_template_name . '_html') && Cache::getInstance()->exists('template_' . $s_template_name . '_stats')) {
                    $this->s_current_template = Cache::getInstance()->get('template_' . $s_template_name . '_html');
                    $this->a_stats_html = Cache::getInstance()->get('template_' . $s_template_name . '_stats');
                } else {
                    if (!$b_use_cache && Cache::getInstance()->exists('template_' . $s_template_name . '_html') && Cache::getInstance()->exists('template_' . $s_template_name . '_stats')) {
                        Cache::getInstance()->delete_entry('template_' . $s_template_name . '_html');
                        Cache::getInstance()->delete_entry('template_' . $s_template_name . '_stats');
                    //All ok! Load the template and buffer the output
                    $a_global_template_variables = array('template_directory' => MEDIA_URL . $this->s_template_dir . '/' . $s_template_name . '/', 's_base_url' => BASE_URL);
                    extract($a_global_template_variables, EXTR_SKIP);
                    include $s_path;
                    //Trim the buffered output and set it to a variable
                    $s_full_template = trim(ob_get_clean());
                    //Check if all needed tags are in the template string
                    //todo write a extra method for all needed tags
                    $a_needed_tags = array('title', 'navigation', 'motd', 'mail', 'petition', 'stats', 'stats-head', 'stats-left', 'stats-right', 'game', 'onlineuser', 'copyright', 'pagegen', 'version', 'source');
                    $a_failed_tags = array();
                    $i_key = 0;
                    foreach ($a_needed_tags as $tag) {
                        if (!strpos($s_full_template, '{' . $tag . '}')) {
                            $a_failed_tags[$i_key] = $tag;
                    if (!is_null($a_failed_tags) && sizeof($a_failed_tags) !== 0) {
                        $s_failed_tags = implode(' , ', $a_failed_tags);
                        throw new LOGD_Exception('Following tags could not be found in your template,
					 but have to be in it: <br><b>' . $s_failed_tags . '</b><br>
					 Please check your template "' . $s_template_name . '"', 'TEMPLATE_TAG_ERROR');
                    //extract the special statsbar html of the template.
                    $s_stats_html = substr($s_full_template, strpos($s_full_template, '<!--!stats-->') + 13);
                    $s_stats_html = substr($s_stats_html, 0, strpos($s_stats_html, '<!--end!-->'));
                    $a_stats_html = array();
                    //replace the statsbar html with nothing! Because we don't need the standard one anymore.
                    $s_full_template = str_replace($s_stats_html, null, $s_full_template);
                    //explode all needed tags in the statsbar html (stats-head, stats-left, stets-right)
                    foreach (explode('</div>', $s_stats_html) as $key => $value) {
                        $value = trim($value);
                        if (is_null($value) || $value === '') {
                        $value = $value . '</div>';
                        //added the exploded </div> tag again, to avoid failures.
                        $s_field_value = substr($value, strpos($value, '{') + 1);
                        $s_field_value = substr($s_field_value, 0, strpos($s_field_value, '}'));
                        $a_stats_html[$s_field_value] = $value;
                    //Set the current html of the template
                    $this->s_current_template = $s_full_template;
                    $this->a_stats_html = $a_stats_html;
                    if ($b_use_cache && !Cache::getInstance()->exists('template_' . $s_template_name . '_html') && !Cache::getInstance()->exists('template_' . $s_template_name . '_stats')) {
                        Cache::getInstance()->set('template_' . $s_template_name . '_html', $s_full_template, 86400);
                        Cache::getInstance()->set('template_' . $s_template_name . '_stats', $a_stats_html, 86400);
                //load also all needed standard css and js.
        } catch (LOGD_Exception $e) {
 * @todo set it later via database
 * Enable the auto-loader.
 * it will be accept namespace-based classes and also classes
 * with underscores. It will replace the underscores as path to the class.
spl_autoload_register(function ($class) {
    spl_autoload(str_replace('_', DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, $class));
//Clear complete cache if needed.
//Initialize the random number generator
//Initialize the Session and the Routing
//check if the dbconfig.default.php exist, if yes - we have to install the game
if (!file_exists(dirname(LOGD_ROOT) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . '.dbconfig' . EXT) && file_exists(dirname(LOGD_ROOT) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . '.dbconfig.default' . EXT)) {
    //try-catch the installer, if it fails
    try {
        new \Install\Installer();
    } catch (LOGD_Exception $e) {
//Initialize the language Class
//todo this is later only a fallback if nothing found in the database