    public function GetNode($id)
        if ($result = $this->db->GetRow('SELECT n.*, rs.name AS linkradiosectorname,
		    inet_ntoa(n.ipaddr) AS ip, inet_ntoa(n.ipaddr_pub) AS ip_pub,
		    lc.name AS city_name,
				(CASE WHEN ls.name2 IS NOT NULL THEN ' . $this->db->Concat('ls.name2', "' '", 'ls.name') . ' ELSE ls.name END) AS street_name,
				lt.name AS street_type,
			lb.name AS borough_name, lb.type AS borough_type,
			ld.name AS district_name, lst.name AS state_name
			FROM vnodes n
			LEFT JOIN netradiosectors rs ON rs.id = n.linkradiosector
			LEFT JOIN location_cities lc ON (lc.id = n.location_city)
			LEFT JOIN location_streets ls ON (ls.id = n.location_street)
			LEFT JOIN location_street_types lt ON (lt.id = ls.typeid)
			LEFT JOIN location_boroughs lb ON (lb.id = lc.boroughid)
			LEFT JOIN location_districts ld ON (ld.id = lb.districtid)
			LEFT JOIN location_states lst ON (lst.id = ld.stateid)
			WHERE n.id = ?', array($id))) {
            $customer_manager = new LMSCustomerManager($this->db, $this->auth, $this->cache, $this->syslog);
            $user_manager = new LMSUserManager($this->db, $this->auth, $this->cache, $this->syslog);
            $result['radiosectors'] = $this->db->GetAll('SELECT * FROM netradiosectors WHERE netdev = ?', array($result['netdev']));
            $result['owner'] = $customer_manager->GetCustomerName($result['ownerid']);
            $result['createdby'] = $user_manager->GetUserName($result['creatorid']);
            $result['modifiedby'] = $user_manager->GetUserName($result['modid']);
            $result['creationdateh'] = date('Y/m/d, H:i', $result['creationdate']);
            $result['moddateh'] = date('Y/m/d, H:i', $result['moddate']);
            $result['lastonlinedate'] = lastonline_date($result['lastonline']);
            $result['mac'] = preg_split('/,/', $result['mac']);
            foreach ($result['mac'] as $mac) {
                $result['macs'][] = array('mac' => $mac, 'producer' => get_producer($mac));
            if ($netname = $this->db->GetOne('SELECT name FROM networks
				WHERE id = ?', array($result['netid']))) {
                $result['netname'] = $netname;
            if ($result['ip_pub'] != '') {
                $network_manager = new LMSNetworkManager($this->db, $this->auth, $this->cache, $this->syslog);
                $result['netpubid'] = $network_manager->GetNetIDByIP($result['ip_pub']);
                $result['netpubname'] = $this->db->GetOne('SELECT name FROM networks
					WHERE id = ?', array($result['netpubid']));
            return $result;
        } else {
            return FALSE;
     * Returns customer data
     * @global array $CONTACTTYPES
     * @param int $id Customer id
     * @param boolean $short Basic or expanded data
     * @return array|boolean Customer data or false on failure
    public function GetCustomer($id, $short = false)
        global $CONTACTTYPES;
        if ($result = $this->db->GetRow('SELECT c.*, ' . $this->db->Concat('UPPER(c.lastname)', "' '", 'c.name') . ' AS customername,
			d.shortname AS division, d.account
			FROM customers' . (defined('LMS-UI') ? 'view' : '') . ' c 
			LEFT JOIN divisions d ON (d.id = c.divisionid)
			WHERE c.id = ?', array($id))) {
            if (!$short) {
                $user_manager = new LMSUserManager($this->db, $this->auth, $this->cache, $this->syslog);
                $result['createdby'] = $user_manager->getUserName($result['creatorid']);
                $result['modifiedby'] = $user_manager->getUserName($result['modid']);
                $result['creationdateh'] = date('Y/m/d, H:i', $result['creationdate']);
                $result['moddateh'] = date('Y/m/d, H:i', $result['moddate']);
                $result['consentdate'] = $result['consentdate'] ? date('Y/m/d', $result['consentdate']) : '';
                $result['up_logins'] = $this->db->GetRow('SELECT lastlogindate, lastloginip, 
					failedlogindate, failedloginip
					FROM up_customers WHERE customerid = ?', array($result['id']));
                // Get country name
                if ($result['countryid']) {
                    $result['country'] = $this->db->GetOne('SELECT name FROM countries WHERE id = ?', array($result['countryid']));
                    if ($result['countryid'] == $result['post_countryid']) {
                        $result['post_country'] = $result['country'];
                    } else {
                        if ($result['post_countryid']) {
                            $result['country'] = $this->db->GetOne('SELECT name FROM countries WHERE id = ?', array($result['post_countryid']));
                // Get state name
                if ($cstate = $this->db->GetRow('SELECT s.id, s.name
					FROM states s, zipcodes
					WHERE zip = ? AND stateid = s.id', array($result['zip']))) {
                    $result['stateid'] = $cstate['id'];
                    $result['cstate'] = $cstate['name'];
                if ($result['zip'] == $result['post_zip']) {
                    $result['post_stateid'] = $result['stateid'];
                    $result['post_cstate'] = $result['cstate'];
                } else {
                    if ($result['post_zip'] && ($cstate = $this->db->GetRow('SELECT s.id, s.name
					FROM states s, zipcodes
					WHERE zip = ? AND stateid = s.id', array($result['post_zip'])))) {
                        $result['post_stateid'] = $cstate['id'];
                        $result['post_cstate'] = $cstate['name'];
            $result['balance'] = $this->getCustomerBalance($result['id']);
            $result['bankaccount'] = bankaccount($result['id'], $result['account']);
            $result['messengers'] = $this->db->GetAllByKey('SELECT uid, type 
					FROM imessengers WHERE customerid = ? ORDER BY type', 'type', array($result['id']));
            $result['contacts'] = $this->db->GetAll('SELECT contact AS phone, name, type
					FROM customercontacts
					WHERE customerid = ? AND type < ? ORDER BY id', array($result['id'], CONTACT_EMAIL));
            $result['emails'] = $this->db->GetAll('SELECT contact AS email, name
					FROM customercontacts
					WHERE customerid = ? AND type = ? ORDER BY id', array($result['id'], CONTACT_EMAIL));
            if (is_array($result['contacts'])) {
                foreach ($result['contacts'] as $idx => $row) {
                    $types = array();
                    foreach ($CONTACTTYPES as $tidx => $tname) {
                        if ($row['type'] & $tidx) {
                            $types[] = $tname;
                    if ($types) {
                        $result['contacts'][$idx]['typestr'] = implode('/', $types);
            return $result;
        } else {
            return false;
     * Returns customer data
     * @global array $CONTACTTYPES
     * @param int $id Customer id
     * @param boolean $short Basic or expanded data
     * @return array|boolean Customer data or false on failure
    public function GetCustomer($id, $short = false)
        require_once LIB_DIR . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'customercontacttypes.php';
        if ($result = $this->db->GetRow('SELECT c.*, ' . $this->db->Concat('UPPER(c.lastname)', "' '", 'c.name') . ' AS customername,
			d.shortname AS division, d.account
			FROM customer' . (defined('LMS-UI') ? '' : 'address') . 'view c
			LEFT JOIN divisions d ON (d.id = c.divisionid)
			WHERE c.id = ?', array($id))) {
            if (!$short) {
                $user_manager = new LMSUserManager($this->db, $this->auth, $this->cache, $this->syslog);
                $result['createdby'] = $user_manager->getUserName($result['creatorid']);
                $result['modifiedby'] = $user_manager->getUserName($result['modid']);
                $result['creationdateh'] = date('Y/m/d, H:i', $result['creationdate']);
                $result['moddateh'] = date('Y/m/d, H:i', $result['moddate']);
                $result['consentdate'] = $result['consentdate'] ? date('Y/m/d', $result['consentdate']) : '';
                $result['up_logins'] = $this->db->GetRow('SELECT lastlogindate, lastloginip,
					failedlogindate, failedloginip
					FROM up_customers WHERE customerid = ?', array($result['id']));
                // Get country name
                if ($result['countryid']) {
                    $result['country'] = $this->db->GetOne('SELECT name FROM countries WHERE id = ?', array($result['countryid']));
                    if ($result['countryid'] == $result['post_countryid']) {
                        $result['post_country'] = $result['country'];
                    } else {
                        if ($result['post_countryid']) {
                            $result['country'] = $this->db->GetOne('SELECT name FROM countries WHERE id = ?', array($result['post_countryid']));
                // Get state name
                if ($cstate = $this->db->GetRow('SELECT s.id, s.name
					FROM states s, zipcodes
					WHERE zip = ? AND stateid = s.id', array($result['zip']))) {
                    $result['stateid'] = $cstate['id'];
                    $result['cstate'] = $cstate['name'];
                if ($result['zip'] == $result['post_zip']) {
                    $result['post_stateid'] = $result['stateid'];
                    $result['post_cstate'] = $result['cstate'];
                } else {
                    if ($result['post_zip'] && ($cstate = $this->db->GetRow('SELECT s.id, s.name
					FROM states s, zipcodes
					WHERE zip = ? AND stateid = s.id', array($result['post_zip'])))) {
                        $result['post_stateid'] = $cstate['id'];
                        $result['post_cstate'] = $cstate['name'];
            $result['balance'] = $this->getCustomerBalance($result['id']);
            $result['bankaccount'] = bankaccount($result['id'], $result['account']);
            foreach ($CUSTOMERCONTACTTYPES as $contacttype => $properties) {
                $result[$contacttype . 's'] = $this->db->GetAll('SELECT contact AS ' . $contacttype . ',
						contact, name, type
					FROM customercontacts
					WHERE customerid = ? AND type & ? > 0 ORDER BY id', array($result['id'], $properties['flagmask']));
            $result['sendinvoices'] = false;
            foreach (array_keys($CUSTOMERCONTACTTYPES) as $ctype) {
                $customercontacttype = $CUSTOMERCONTACTTYPES[$ctype];
                $ctype .= 's';
                if (is_array($result[$ctype])) {
                    foreach ($result[$ctype] as $idx => $row) {
                        $types = array();
                        foreach ($CONTACTTYPES as $tidx => $tname) {
                            if ($row['type'] & $tidx && isset($customercontacttype['ui']['flags'][$row['type'] & $tidx])) {
                                $types[] = $tname;
                        if (isset($customercontacttype['ui']['typeselectors'])) {
                            $result[$ctype][$idx]['typeselector'] = $tidx;
                        if ($ctype == 'emails' && ($row['type'] & (CONTACT_INVOICES | CONTACT_DISABLED)) == CONTACT_INVOICES) {
                            $result['sendinvoices'] = true;
                        if ($types) {
                            $result[$ctype][$idx]['typestr'] = implode('/', $types);
            $result['contacts'] = $result['phones'];
            if (empty($result['invoicenotice'])) {
                $result['sendinvoices'] = false;
            return $result;
        } else {
            return false;
     * Returns VoIP account data
     * @param int $id VoIP account id
     * @return array|false VoIP account data on success, false on failure
    public function getVoipAccount($id)
        $result = $this->db->GetRow('
            SELECT v.id, ownerid, login, passwd, phone, creationdate, moddate, creatorid, modid, access,
		location, location_city, location_street, location_house, location_flat,
		lb.name AS borough_name, ld.name AS district_name, ls.name AS state_name
		FROM voipaccounts v
		LEFT JOIN location_cities lc ON lc.id = v.location_city
		LEFT JOIN location_boroughs lb ON lb.id = lc.boroughid
		LEFT JOIN location_districts ld ON ld.id = lb.districtid
		LEFT JOIN location_states ls ON ls.id = ld.stateid
            WHERE v.id = ?', array($id));
        if ($result) {
            $customer_manager = new LMSCustomerManager($this->db, $this->auth, $this->cache, $this->syslog);
            $user_manager = new LMSUserManager($this->db, $this->auth, $this->cache, $this->syslog);
            $result['createdby'] = $user_manager->getUserName($result['creatorid']);
            $result['modifiedby'] = $user_manager->getUserName($result['modid']);
            $result['creationdateh'] = date('Y/m/d, H:i', $result['creationdate']);
            $result['moddateh'] = date('Y/m/d, H:i', $result['moddate']);
            $result['owner'] = $customer_manager->getCustomerName($result['ownerid']);
            return $result;
        } else {
            return FALSE;
     * Returns VoIP account data
     * @param int $id VoIP account id
     * @return array|false VoIP account data on success, false on failure
    public function getVoipAccount($id)
        $result = $this->db->GetRow('
            SELECT v.id, ownerid, login, passwd, creationdate, moddate, creatorid, modid, access, balance,
                location, location_city, location_street, location_house, location_flat,
                lb.name AS borough_name, ld.name AS district_name, lst.name AS state_name,
				lc.name AS city_name,
				(CASE WHEN ls.name2 IS NOT NULL THEN ' . $this->db->Concat('ls.name2', "' '", 'ls.name') . ' ELSE ls.name END) AS street_name,
				lt.name AS street_type,
                v.flags, v.balance, v.cost_limit
            FROM voipaccounts v
                LEFT JOIN location_cities lc ON lc.id = v.location_city
				LEFT JOIN location_streets ls ON (ls.id = v.location_street)
				LEFT JOIN location_street_types lt ON (lt.id = ls.typeid)
                LEFT JOIN location_boroughs lb ON lb.id = lc.boroughid
                LEFT JOIN location_districts ld ON ld.id = lb.districtid
                LEFT JOIN location_states lst ON lst.id = ld.stateid
            WHERE v.id = ?', array($id));
        if ($result) {
            $customer_manager = new LMSCustomerManager($this->db, $this->auth, $this->cache, $this->syslog);
            $user_manager = new LMSUserManager($this->db, $this->auth, $this->cache, $this->syslog);
            $result['createdby'] = $user_manager->getUserName($result['creatorid']);
            $result['modifiedby'] = $user_manager->getUserName($result['modid']);
            $result['creationdateh'] = date('Y/m/d, H:i', $result['creationdate']);
            $result['moddateh'] = date('Y/m/d, H:i', $result['moddate']);
            $result['phones'] = $this->db->GetAll('SELECT phone, number_index FROM voip_numbers WHERE voip_account_id = ?;', array($id));
            $result['owner'] = $customer_manager->getCustomerName($result['ownerid']);
            return $result;
        return FALSE;