
return function ($in, $debugopt = 1) {
    $cx = array('flags' => array('jstrue' => true, 'jsobj' => true, 'spvar' => true, 'prop' => true, 'method' => false, 'mustlok' => false, 'mustsec' => false, 'echo' => false, 'debug' => $debugopt), 'constants' => array(), 'helpers' => array(), 'blockhelpers' => array(), 'hbhelpers' => array(), 'partials' => array(), 'scopes' => array($in), 'sp_vars' => array('root' => $in));
    return 'Hello ' . LCRun3::encq($cx, LCRun3::v($cx, $in, array('name'))) . ', you have just won $' . LCRun3::encq($cx, LCRun3::v($cx, $in, array('value'))) . '!
Hello ' . LCRun3::encq($cx, LCRun3::v($cx, $in, array('name'))) . ', you have just won $' . LCRun3::encq($cx, LCRun3::v($cx, $in, array('value'))) . '!
Hello ' . LCRun3::encq($cx, LCRun3::v($cx, $in, array('name'))) . ', you have just won $' . LCRun3::encq($cx, LCRun3::v($cx, $in, array('value'))) . '!
Hello ' . LCRun3::encq($cx, LCRun3::v($cx, $in, array('name'))) . ', you have just won $' . LCRun3::encq($cx, LCRun3::v($cx, $in, array('value'))) . '!
Hello ' . LCRun3::encq($cx, LCRun3::v($cx, $in, array('name'))) . ', you have just won $' . LCRun3::encq($cx, LCRun3::v($cx, $in, array('value'))) . '!
Hello ' . LCRun3::encq($cx, LCRun3::v($cx, $in, array('name'))) . ', you have just won $' . LCRun3::encq($cx, LCRun3::v($cx, $in, array('value'))) . '!
Hello ' . LCRun3::encq($cx, LCRun3::v($cx, $in, array('name'))) . ', you have just won $' . LCRun3::encq($cx, LCRun3::v($cx, $in, array('value'))) . '!
Hello ' . LCRun3::encq($cx, LCRun3::v($cx, $in, array('name'))) . ', you have just won $' . LCRun3::encq($cx, LCRun3::v($cx, $in, array('value'))) . '!
Hello ' . LCRun3::encq($cx, LCRun3::v($cx, $in, array('name'))) . ', you have just won $' . LCRun3::encq($cx, LCRun3::v($cx, $in, array('value'))) . '!
Hello ' . LCRun3::encq($cx, LCRun3::v($cx, $in, array('name'))) . ', you have just won $' . LCRun3::encq($cx, LCRun3::v($cx, $in, array('value'))) . '!
Hello ' . LCRun3::encq($cx, LCRun3::v($cx, $in, array('name'))) . ', you have just won $' . LCRun3::encq($cx, LCRun3::v($cx, $in, array('value'))) . '!

return function ($in, $debugopt = 1) {
    $cx = array('flags' => array('jstrue' => true, 'jsobj' => true, 'spvar' => true, 'prop' => true, 'method' => false, 'mustlok' => false, 'mustsec' => false, 'echo' => false, 'debug' => $debugopt), 'constants' => array(), 'helpers' => array('helper1' => function ($args, $named) {
        $u = isset($args[0]) ? $args[0] : 'undefined';
        $t = isset($args[1]) ? $args[1] : 'undefined';
        return "<a href=\"{$u}\">{$t}</a>";
    }), 'blockhelpers' => array(), 'hbhelpers' => array(), 'partials' => array(), 'scopes' => array($in), 'sp_vars' => array('root' => $in));
    return 'Hello ' . LCRun3::encq($cx, LCRun3::v($cx, $in, array('name'))) . ', you have just won $' . LCRun3::encq($cx, LCRun3::v($cx, $in, array('value'))) . '!

. Test 1: ' . LCRun3::ch($cx, 'helper1', array(array(LCRun3::v($cx, $in, array('url')), LCRun3::v($cx, $in, array('text'))), array()), 'raw') . '
. Test 2: ' . LCRun3::ch($cx, 'helper1', array(array(LCRun3::v($cx, $in, array('url')), LCRun3::v($cx, $in, array('text'))), array()), 'encq') . '
. Test 3: ' . LCRun3::ch($cx, 'helper1', array(array(LCRun3::v($cx, $in, array('test', 'url')), LCRun3::v($cx, $in, array('test', 'text'))), array()), 'encq') . '
. Test 4: ' . LCRun3::sec($cx, LCRun3::v($cx, $in, array('people')), $in, true, function ($cx, $in) {
        return '
  * ' . LCRun3::ch($cx, 'helper1', array(array(LCRun3::v($cx, $cx['scopes'][count($cx['scopes']) - 1], array('url')), LCRun3::v($cx, $cx['scopes'][count($cx['scopes']) - 1], array('text'))), array()), 'encq') . ' <= ' . LCRun3::encq($cx, LCRun3::v($cx, $cx['scopes'][count($cx['scopes']) - 1], array('url'))) . ' , ' . LCRun3::encq($cx, LCRun3::v($cx, $cx['scopes'][count($cx['scopes']) - 1], array('text'))) . ', ' . LCRun3::raw($cx, LCRun3::v($cx, $cx['scopes'][count($cx['scopes']) - 1], array('url'))) . ', ' . LCRun3::raw($cx, LCRun3::v($cx, $cx['scopes'][count($cx['scopes']) - 1], array('text'))) . ' !!
  * ' . LCRun3::ch($cx, 'helper1', array(array(LCRun3::v($cx, $in, array('url')), LCRun3::v($cx, $in, array('text'))), array()), 'encq') . ' <= ' . LCRun3::encq($cx, LCRun3::v($cx, $in, array('url'))) . ' , ' . LCRun3::encq($cx, LCRun3::v($cx, $cx['scopes'][count($cx['scopes']) - 1], array('text'))) . ' , ' . LCRun3::raw($cx, LCRun3::v($cx, $in, array('url'))) . ', ' . LCRun3::raw($cx, LCRun3::v($cx, $cx['scopes'][count($cx['scopes']) - 1], array('text'))) . ' :D
    }) . '';

return function ($in, $debugopt = 1) {
    $cx = array('flags' => array('jstrue' => false, 'jsobj' => false, 'spvar' => true, 'prop' => false, 'method' => false, 'mustlok' => false, 'echo' => false, 'debug' => $debugopt), 'constants' => array(), 'helpers' => array('l10nParse' => 'Flow\\TemplateHelper::l10nParse', 'diffRevision' => 'Flow\\TemplateHelper::diffRevision'), 'blockhelpers' => array(), 'hbhelpers' => array(), 'partials' => array(), 'scopes' => array(), 'sp_vars' => array('root' => $in), 'lcrun' => 'LCRun3');
    return '<div class="flow-board">
	<div class="flow-compare-revisions-header plainlinks">
		' . LCRun3::ch($cx, 'l10nParse', array(array('flow-compare-revisions-header-post', isset($in['revision']['new']['rev_view_links']['board']['title']) && is_array($in['revision']['new']['rev_view_links']['board']) ? $in['revision']['new']['rev_view_links']['board']['title'] : null, isset($in['revision']['new']['properties']['topic-of-post']) && is_array($in['revision']['new']['properties']) ? $in['revision']['new']['properties']['topic-of-post'] : null, isset($in['revision']['new']['author']['name']) && is_array($in['revision']['new']['author']) ? $in['revision']['new']['author']['name'] : null, isset($in['revision']['new']['rev_view_links']['board']['url']) && is_array($in['revision']['new']['rev_view_links']['board']) ? $in['revision']['new']['rev_view_links']['board']['url'] : null, isset($in['revision']['new']['rev_view_links']['root']['url']) && is_array($in['revision']['new']['rev_view_links']['root']) ? $in['revision']['new']['rev_view_links']['root']['url'] : null, isset($in['revision']['new']['rev_view_links']['hist']['url']) && is_array($in['revision']['new']['rev_view_links']['hist']) ? $in['revision']['new']['rev_view_links']['hist']['url'] : null), array()), 'encq') . '
	<div class="flow-compare-revisions">
		' . LCRun3::ch($cx, 'diffRevision', array(array(isset($in['revision']) && is_array($in) ? $in['revision'] : null), array()), 'encq') . '

                return '' . LCRun3::p($cx, 'flow_reply_form', array(array($in), array()), '			') . '';
            }) . '';
        }) . '</div>
    }), 'scopes' => array(), 'sp_vars' => array('root' => $in), 'lcrun' => 'LCRun3');
    return '' . LCRun3::wi($cx, isset($in['revision']) && is_array($in) ? $in['revision'] : null, $in, function ($cx, $in) {
        return '	<div id="flow-post-' . htmlentities((string) (isset($in['postId']) && is_array($in) ? $in['postId'] : null), ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8') . '"
	     class="flow-post' . (LCRun3::ifvar($cx, isset($in['isMaxThreadingDepth']) && is_array($in) ? $in['isMaxThreadingDepth'] : null) ? ' flow-post-max-depth' : '') . '"
	     data-flow-id="' . htmlentities((string) (isset($in['postId']) && is_array($in) ? $in['postId'] : null), ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8') . '"
' . (LCRun3::ifvar($cx, isset($in['isModerated']) && is_array($in) ? $in['isModerated'] : null) ? '' . LCRun3::hbch($cx, 'ifCond', array(array(isset($cx['sp_vars']['root']['rootBlock']['submitted']['showPostId']) && is_array($cx['sp_vars']['root']['rootBlock']['submitted']) ? $cx['sp_vars']['root']['rootBlock']['submitted']['showPostId'] : null, '===', isset($in['postId']) && is_array($in) ? $in['postId'] : null), array()), $in, false, function ($cx, $in) {
            return '' . LCRun3::p($cx, 'flow_post_inner', array(array($in), array()), '				') . '';
        }, function ($cx, $in) {
            return '				<div class="flow-post-main flow-post-moderated">
					<span class="flow-moderated-post-content">
' . LCRun3::p($cx, 'flow_post_moderation_state', array(array($in), array()), '						') . '					</span>
        }) . '' : '' . LCRun3::hbch($cx, 'ifCond', array(array(isset($cx['sp_vars']['root']['rootBlock']['submitted']['action']) && is_array($cx['sp_vars']['root']['rootBlock']['submitted']) ? $cx['sp_vars']['root']['rootBlock']['submitted']['action'] : null, '===', 'edit-post'), array()), $in, false, function ($cx, $in) {
            return '' . LCRun3::hbch($cx, 'ifCond', array(array(isset($cx['sp_vars']['root']['rootBlock']['submitted']['postId']) && is_array($cx['sp_vars']['root']['rootBlock']['submitted']) ? $cx['sp_vars']['root']['rootBlock']['submitted']['postId'] : null, '===', isset($in['postId']) && is_array($in) ? $in['postId'] : null), array()), $in, false, function ($cx, $in) {
                return '' . LCRun3::p($cx, 'flow_edit_post', array(array($in), array()), '					') . '';
            }, function ($cx, $in) {
                return '' . LCRun3::p($cx, 'flow_post_inner', array(array($in), array()), '					') . '';
            }) . '';
        }, function ($cx, $in) {
            return '' . LCRun3::p($cx, 'flow_post_inner', array(array($in), array()), '				') . '';
        }) . '') . '
' . LCRun3::p($cx, 'flow_post_replies', array(array($in), array()), '		') . '	</div>
    }) . '';

return function ($in, $debugopt = 1) {
    $cx = array('flags' => array('jstrue' => true, 'jsobj' => true, 'spvar' => true, 'prop' => true, 'method' => false, 'mustlok' => false, 'mustsec' => false, 'echo' => false, 'debug' => $debugopt), 'constants' => array(), 'helpers' => array(), 'blockhelpers' => array(), 'hbhelpers' => array(), 'partials' => array(), 'scopes' => array($in), 'sp_vars' => array('root' => $in));
    return 'Hello ' . LCRun3::encq($cx, LCRun3::v($cx, $in, array('name'))) . ', you have just won $' . LCRun3::encq($cx, LCRun3::v($cx, $in, array('value'))) . '!
Hello original ' . LCRun3::raw($cx, LCRun3::v($cx, $in, array('name'))) . ' , the value is ' . LCRun3::raw($cx, LCRun3::v($cx, $in, array('value'))) . '
Hello mustache ' . LCRun3::raw($cx, LCRun3::v($cx, $in, array('name'))) . ' , the value is ' . LCRun3::raw($cx, LCRun3::v($cx, $in, array('value'))) . '
' . $sp . '			required
' . $sp . '			' . (LCRun3::ifvar($cx, isset($in['submitted']['topic']) && is_array($in['submitted']) ? $in['submitted']['topic'] : null) ? 'value="' . htmlentities((string) (isset($in['submitted']['topic']) && is_array($in['submitted']) ? $in['submitted']['topic'] : null), ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8') . '"' : '') . '
' . $sp . '			type="text"
' . $sp . '			placeholder="' . LCRun3::ch($cx, 'l10n', array(array('flow-newtopic-start-placeholder'), array()), 'encq') . '"
' . $sp . '			data-role="title"
' . $sp . '
' . $sp . '			data-flow-interactive-handler-focus="activateNewTopic"
' . $sp . '		/>
' . $sp . '		<div class="flow-editor">
' . $sp . '			<textarea name="topiclist_content"
' . $sp . '			          class="mw-ui-input flow-form-collapsible mw-ui-input-large' . (LCRun3::ifvar($cx, isset($in['isOnFlowBoard']) && is_array($in) ? $in['isOnFlowBoard'] : null) ? ' flow-form-collapsible-collapsed' : '') . '"
' . $sp . '			          placeholder="' . LCRun3::ch($cx, 'l10n', array(array('flow-newtopic-content-placeholder', isset($cx['sp_vars']['root']['title']) && is_array($cx['sp_vars']['root']) ? $cx['sp_vars']['root']['title'] : null), array()), 'encq') . '"
' . $sp . '			          data-role="content"
' . $sp . '			          required
' . $sp . '			>' . (LCRun3::ifvar($cx, isset($in['submitted']['content']) && is_array($in['submitted']) ? $in['submitted']['content'] : null) ? '' . htmlentities((string) (isset($in['submitted']['content']) && is_array($in['submitted']) ? $in['submitted']['content'] : null), ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8') . '' : '') . '</textarea>
' . $sp . '		</div>
' . $sp . '
' . $sp . '		<div class="flow-form-actions flow-form-collapsible' . (LCRun3::ifvar($cx, isset($in['isOnFlowBoard']) && is_array($in) ? $in['isOnFlowBoard'] : null) ? ' flow-form-collapsible-collapsed' : '') . '">
' . $sp . '			<button data-role="submit" data-flow-api-handler="newTopic"
' . $sp . '				data-flow-interactive-handler="apiRequest"
' . $sp . '				data-flow-eventlog-action="save-attempt"
' . $sp . '				class="mw-ui-button mw-ui-constructive mw-ui-flush-right">' . LCRun3::ch($cx, 'l10n', array(array('flow-newtopic-save'), array()), 'encq') . '</button>
' . $sp . '' . LCRun3::p($cx, 'flow_form_cancel_button', array(array($in), array()), '			') . '			<small class="flow-terms-of-use plainlinks">' . LCRun3::ch($cx, 'l10nParse', array(array('flow-terms-of-use-new-topic'), array()), 'encq') . '</small>
' . $sp . '		</div>
' . $sp . '	</form>
' . $sp . '' : '') . '';
    }), 'scopes' => array(), 'sp_vars' => array('root' => $in), 'lcrun' => 'LCRun3');
    return '<div class="flow-board">
' . LCRun3::p($cx, 'flow_newtopic_form', array(array($in), array()), '	') . '</div>

return function ($in, $debugopt = 1) {
    $cx = array('flags' => array('jstrue' => false, 'jsobj' => false, 'spvar' => true, 'prop' => false, 'method' => false, 'mustlok' => false, 'echo' => false, 'debug' => $debugopt), 'constants' => array(), 'helpers' => array('html' => 'Flow\\TemplateHelper::htmlHelper'), 'blockhelpers' => array(), 'hbhelpers' => array(), 'partials' => array(), 'scopes' => array(), 'sp_vars' => array('root' => $in), 'lcrun' => 'LCRun3');
    return '<div class="' . htmlentities((string) (isset($in['extraClass']) && is_array($in) ? $in['extraClass'] : null), ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8') . ' flow-ui-tooltip ' . htmlentities((string) (isset($in['contextClass']) && is_array($in) ? $in['contextClass'] : null), ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8') . ' ' . htmlentities((string) (isset($in['positionClass']) && is_array($in) ? $in['positionClass'] : null), ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8') . ' ' . htmlentities((string) (isset($in['blockClass']) && is_array($in) ? $in['blockClass'] : null), ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8') . ' plainlinks">' . LCRun3::ch($cx, 'html', array(array(isset($in['content']) && is_array($in) ? $in['content'] : null), array()), 'encq') . '<span class="flow-ui-tooltip-triangle"></span>

return function ($in, $debugopt = 1) {
    $cx = array('flags' => array('jstrue' => true, 'jsobj' => true, 'spvar' => true, 'prop' => true, 'method' => false, 'mustlok' => false, 'mustsec' => false, 'echo' => false, 'debug' => $debugopt), 'constants' => array(), 'helpers' => array(), 'blockhelpers' => array(), 'hbhelpers' => array(), 'partials' => array(), 'scopes' => array($in), 'sp_vars' => array('root' => $in));
    return '' . LCRun3::ifv($cx, LCRun3::v($cx, $in, array('empty')), $in, function ($cx, $in) {
        return '
    }, function ($cx, $in) {
        return '' . LCRun3::sec($cx, LCRun3::v($cx, $in, array('data')), $in, true, function ($cx, $in) {
            return '
' . LCRun3::sec($cx, LCRun3::v($cx, $in, array('child')), $in, true, function ($cx, $in) {
                return '' . LCRun3::ifv($cx, LCRun3::v($cx, $in, array('key')), $in, function ($cx, $in) {
                    return '       The value is = ' . LCRun3::encq($cx, LCRun3::v($cx, $in, array('key'))) . ' !!
                }, function ($cx, $in) {
                    return '        key is empty or null
                }) . '
    ' . LCRun3::encq($cx, LCRun3::v($cx, $cx['scopes'][count($cx['scopes']) - 1], array('fake'))) . '

            }) . '';
        }) . '
    }) . '';

return function ($in, $debugopt = 1) {
    $cx = array('flags' => array('jstrue' => true, 'jsobj' => true, 'spvar' => true, 'prop' => true, 'method' => false, 'mustlok' => false, 'mustsec' => false, 'echo' => false, 'debug' => $debugopt), 'constants' => array(), 'helpers' => array(), 'blockhelpers' => array(), 'hbhelpers' => array(), 'partials' => array(), 'scopes' => array($in), 'sp_vars' => array('root' => $in));
    return 'Hello ' . LCRun3::encq($cx, LCRun3::v($cx, $in, array('name'))) . ', you have just won $' . LCRun3::encq($cx, LCRun3::v($cx, $in, array('value'))) . '!
This is next line.
' . LCRun3::sec($cx, LCRun3::v($cx, $in, array('test')), $in, false, function ($cx, $in) {
        return 'This is true! won $' . LCRun3::encq($cx, LCRun3::v($cx, $in, array('value'))) . '!!
    }) . '';

return function ($in, $debugopt = 1) {
    $cx = array('flags' => array('jstrue' => false, 'jsobj' => false, 'spvar' => true, 'prop' => false, 'method' => false, 'mustlok' => false, 'echo' => false, 'debug' => $debugopt), 'constants' => array(), 'helpers' => array('l10n' => 'Flow\\TemplateHelper::l10n', 'l10nParse' => 'Flow\\TemplateHelper::l10nParse', 'enablePatrollingLink' => 'Flow\\TemplateHelper::enablePatrollingLink'), 'blockhelpers' => array(), 'hbhelpers' => array(), 'partials' => array('flow_patrol_diff' => function ($cx, $in, $sp) {
        return '' . $sp . '' . (LCRun3::ifvar($cx, isset($in['revision']['rev_view_links']['markPatrolled']) && is_array($in['revision']['rev_view_links']) ? $in['revision']['rev_view_links']['markPatrolled'] : null) ? '<div>
' . $sp . '        <span class="patrollink">
' . $sp . '            [<a class="mw-ui-quiet"
' . $sp . '               href="' . htmlentities((string) (isset($in['revision']['rev_view_links']['markPatrolled']['url']) && is_array($in['revision']['rev_view_links']['markPatrolled']) ? $in['revision']['rev_view_links']['markPatrolled']['url'] : null), ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8') . '"
' . $sp . '               title="' . LCRun3::ch($cx, 'l10n', array(array('flow-mark-diff-patrolled-link-title'), array()), 'encq') . '"
' . $sp . '               data-role="patrol">' . LCRun3::ch($cx, 'l10n', array(array('flow-mark-diff-patrolled-link-text'), array()), 'encq') . '</a>]
' . $sp . '        </span>
' . $sp . '    </div>
' . $sp . '    ' . LCRun3::ch($cx, 'enablePatrollingLink', array(array(), array()), 'encq') . '' : '') . '';
    }), 'scopes' => array(), 'sp_vars' => array('root' => $in), 'lcrun' => 'LCRun3');
    return '<div>
	<a href="' . htmlentities((string) (isset($in['revision']['rev_view_links']['single-view']['url']) && is_array($in['revision']['rev_view_links']['single-view']) ? $in['revision']['rev_view_links']['single-view']['url'] : null), ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8') . '" class="flow-diff-revision-link">
		' . LCRun3::ch($cx, 'l10nParse', array(array('flow-compare-revisions-revision-header', isset($in['revision']['human_timestamp']) && is_array($in['revision']) ? $in['revision']['human_timestamp'] : null, isset($in['revision']['author']['name']) && is_array($in['revision']['author']) ? $in['revision']['author']['name'] : null), array()), 'encq') . '

' . (LCRun3::ifvar($cx, isset($in['new']) && is_array($in) ? $in['new'] : null) ? '' . (LCRun3::ifvar($cx, isset($in['revision']['actions']['undo']) && is_array($in['revision']['actions']) ? $in['revision']['actions']['undo'] : null) ? '(' . htmlentities((string) (isset($in['noop']) && is_array($in) ? $in['noop'] : null), ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8') . '<a class="mw-ui-anchor mw-ui-quiet" href="' . htmlentities((string) (isset($in['revision']['actions']['undo']['url']) && is_array($in['revision']['actions']['undo']) ? $in['revision']['actions']['undo']['url'] : null), ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8') . '">' . htmlentities((string) (isset($in['revision']['actions']['undo']['title']) && is_array($in['revision']['actions']['undo']) ? $in['revision']['actions']['undo']['title'] : null), ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8') . '</a>' . htmlentities((string) (isset($in['noop']) && is_array($in) ? $in['noop'] : null), ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8') . ')' : '') . '' : '') . '</div>
' . (LCRun3::ifvar($cx, isset($in['links']['previous']) && is_array($in['links']) ? $in['links']['previous'] : null) ? '' . (!LCRun3::ifvar($cx, isset($in['new']) && is_array($in) ? $in['new'] : null) ? '<div><a href="' . htmlentities((string) (isset($in['links']['previous']) && is_array($in['links']) ? $in['links']['previous'] : null), ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8') . '">' . LCRun3::ch($cx, 'l10n', array(array('flow-previous-diff'), array()), 'encq') . '</a></div>' : '') . '' : '') . '' . (LCRun3::ifvar($cx, isset($in['links']['next']) && is_array($in['links']) ? $in['links']['next'] : null) ? '' . (LCRun3::ifvar($cx, isset($in['new']) && is_array($in) ? $in['new'] : null) ? '<div><a href="' . htmlentities((string) (isset($in['links']['next']) && is_array($in['links']) ? $in['links']['next'] : null), ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8') . '">' . LCRun3::ch($cx, 'l10n', array(array('flow-next-diff'), array()), 'encq') . '</a></div>' : '') . '' : '') . '' . LCRun3::p($cx, 'flow_patrol_diff', array(array($in), array())) . '';

return function ($in, $debugopt = 1) {
    $cx = array('flags' => array('jstrue' => true, 'jsobj' => true, 'spvar' => true, 'prop' => true, 'method' => false, 'mustlok' => false, 'mustsec' => false, 'echo' => false, 'debug' => $debugopt), 'constants' => array(), 'helpers' => array(), 'blockhelpers' => array(), 'hbhelpers' => array(), 'partials' => array(), 'scopes' => array($in), 'sp_vars' => array('root' => $in));
    return '' . LCRun3::sec($cx, LCRun3::v($cx, $in, array('specs')), $in, true, function ($cx, $in) {
        return '   <div class="item-spec">
' . LCRun3::sec($cx, LCRun3::v($cx, $in, array('options')), $in, true, function ($cx, $in) {
            return '' . LCRun3::ifv($cx, LCRun3::v($cx, $in, array('icon')), $in, function ($cx, $in) {
                return '        <div class="spec">
            <div class="spec-overlay"></div>
            <input type="radio" id="spec-' . LCRun3::encq($cx, LCRun3::v($cx, $cx['scopes'][count($cx['scopes']) - 1], array('id'))) . '-' . LCRun3::encq($cx, LCRun3::v($cx, $in, array('id'))) . '" value="' . LCRun3::encq($cx, LCRun3::v($cx, $in, array('id'))) . '" name="' . LCRun3::encq($cx, LCRun3::v($cx, $cx['scopes'][count($cx['scopes']) - 1], array('id'))) . '" alt="' . LCRun3::encq($cx, LCRun3::v($cx, $in, array('name'))) . '" data-name="' . LCRun3::encq($cx, LCRun3::v($cx, $in, array('name'))) . '"/>
            <label class="spec-label icon" for="spec-' . LCRun3::encq($cx, LCRun3::v($cx, $cx['scopes'][count($cx['scopes']) - 1], array('id'))) . '-' . LCRun3::encq($cx, LCRun3::v($cx, $in, array('id'))) . '" style="background-image:url(' . LCRun3::encq($cx, LCRun3::v($cx, $in, array('icon'))) . ');">
            }, function ($cx, $in) {
                return '        <div class="spec">
            <div class="spec-overlay"></div>
            <input type="radio" id="spec-' . LCRun3::encq($cx, LCRun3::v($cx, $cx['scopes'][count($cx['scopes']) - 1], array('id'))) . '-' . LCRun3::encq($cx, LCRun3::v($cx, $in, array('id'))) . '" value="' . LCRun3::encq($cx, LCRun3::v($cx, $in, array('id'))) . '" name="' . LCRun3::encq($cx, LCRun3::v($cx, $cx['scopes'][count($cx['scopes']) - 1], array('id'))) . '" data-name="' . LCRun3::encq($cx, LCRun3::v($cx, $in, array('name'))) . '"/>
            <label class="spec-label" for="spec-' . LCRun3::encq($cx, LCRun3::v($cx, $cx['scopes'][count($cx['scopes']) - 1], array('id'))) . '-' . LCRun3::encq($cx, LCRun3::v($cx, $in, array('id'))) . '">' . LCRun3::encq($cx, LCRun3::v($cx, $in, array('name'))) . '</label>
            }) . '        <script>
            document.getElementById(\'spec-' . LCRun3::encq($cx, LCRun3::v($cx, $cx['scopes'][count($cx['scopes']) - 1], array('id'))) . '-' . LCRun3::encq($cx, LCRun3::v($cx, $in, array('id'))) . '\').className += \'hidden\';
        }) . '    </div>
    }) . '';

return function ($in, $debugopt = 1) {
    $cx = array('flags' => array('jstrue' => true, 'jsobj' => true, 'spvar' => true, 'prop' => true, 'method' => false, 'mustlok' => false, 'mustsec' => false, 'echo' => false, 'debug' => $debugopt), 'constants' => array(), 'helpers' => array(), 'blockhelpers' => array(), 'hbhelpers' => array(), 'partials' => array(), 'scopes' => array($in), 'sp_vars' => array('root' => $in));
    return 'Hello ' . LCRun3::encq($cx, LCRun3::v($cx, $in, array('name'))) . ', you have just won $' . LCRun3::encq($cx, LCRun3::v($cx, $in, array('value'))) . '!

##0 start section:
' . LCRun3::sec($cx, LCRun3::v($cx, $in, array('winners')), $in, false, function ($cx, $in) {
        return '  - EACH 1- ' . LCRun3::encq($cx, LCRun3::v($cx, $in, array('name'))) . '
    }) . 'end section.

##1 start each:
' . LCRun3::sec($cx, LCRun3::v($cx, $in, array('winners')), $in, true, function ($cx, $in) {
        return '  - EACH 2 - ' . LCRun3::encq($cx, LCRun3::v($cx, $in, array('name'))) . '
    }) . 'end each.

##3 Index
Index ?: ' . LCRun3::encq($cx, LCRun3::v($cx, $in, array('winners', 'name'))) . '
Index 0: ' . LCRun3::encq($cx, LCRun3::v($cx, $in, array('winners', '0', 'name'))) . '
Index 1: ' . LCRun3::encq($cx, LCRun3::v($cx, $in, array('winners', '1', 'name'))) . '

return function ($in, $debugopt = 1) {
    $cx = array('flags' => array('jstrue' => true, 'jsobj' => true, 'spvar' => true, 'prop' => true, 'method' => false, 'mustlok' => false, 'mustsec' => false, 'echo' => false, 'debug' => $debugopt), 'constants' => array(), 'helpers' => array('helper1' => function ($args, $named) {
        $u = isset($args[0]) ? $args[0] : 'undefined';
        $t = isset($args[1]) ? $args[1] : 'undefined';
        return "<a href=\"{$u}\">{$t}</a>";
    }, 'helper2' => function ($args, $named) {
        $u = isset($named['url']) ? jsraw($named['url']) : 'undefined';
        $t = isset($named['text']) ? jsraw($named['text']) : 'undefined';
        $x = isset($named['ur"l']) ? $named['ur"l'] : 'undefined';
        return "<a href=\"{$u}\">{$t}</a>({$x})";
    }), 'blockhelpers' => array(), 'hbhelpers' => array(), 'partials' => array(), 'scopes' => array($in), 'sp_vars' => array('root' => $in));
    return 'Hello ' . LCRun3::encq($cx, LCRun3::v($cx, $in, array('name'))) . ', you have just won $' . LCRun3::encq($cx, LCRun3::v($cx, $in, array('value'))) . '!

. Test 1: ' . LCRun3::ch($cx, 'helper1', array(array(LCRun3::v($cx, $in, array('url')), 'this is a test & OK'), array()), 'raw') . ' !!
. Test 2: ' . LCRun3::ch($cx, 'helper1', array(array(LCRun3::v($cx, $in, array('url')), 'this is a test'), array()), 'raw') . ' !!
. Test 3: ' . LCRun3::ch($cx, 'helper1', array(array(LCRun3::v($cx, $in, array('url')), 'this is a test & OK'), array()), 'encq') . ' !!
. Test 3: ' . LCRun3::ch($cx, 'helper1', array(array(LCRun3::v($cx, $in, array('url')), 'string/arg.css'), array()), 'encq') . ' !!
. Test 4: ' . LCRun3::ch($cx, 'helper1', array(array(LCRun3::v($cx, $in, array('url')), 'this is a test'), array()), 'encq') . ' !!
. Test 5: ' . LCRun3::ch($cx, 'helper2', array(array(), array('url' => LCRun3::v($cx, $in, array('url')), 'text' => 'this is a test')), 'encq') . ' !!
. Test 6: ' . LCRun3::ch($cx, 'helper2', array(array(), array('ur"l' => LCRun3::v($cx, $in, array('url')), 'text' => 'this is a test')), 'encq') . ' !!
. Test 7: ' . LCRun3::ch($cx, 'helper2', array(array(), array('url' => '0', 'text' => '10')), 'encq') . ' !!
. Test 8: ' . LCRun3::ch($cx, 'helper2', array(array(), array('url' => '-1', 'text' => '1.3')), 'encq') . ' !!
. Test 9: ' . LCRun3::ch($cx, 'helper2', array(array(), array('url' => true, 'text' => false)), 'encq') . ' !!
			color: #29AECB;
			text-decoration: none;
			border-bottom: solid 1px #eee;
			padding: 0;
			margin: 0;
			list-style-type: none;
			padding: 5px;
			border-bottom: solid 1px #eee;
	<h1>List User</h1>
	<!-- Each User -->
		<!-- print user.nama, link user.id -->
		' . LCRun3::hbch($cx, 'formatDate', array(array(LCRun3::v($cx, $in, array('date')), 'y m d'), array()), 'encq', '$in') . '
' . LCRun3::sec($cx, LCRun3::v($cx, $in, array('user')), $in, true, function ($cx, $in) {
        return '' . (!LCRun3::ifvar($cx, LCRun3::v($cx, $in, array('show'))) ? '				<a href="./user/' . LCRun3::encq($cx, LCRun3::v($cx, $in, array('id'))) . '"><li>' . LCRun3::hbch($cx, 'json', array(array($in), array()), 'encq', '$in') . ' </li></a>
' : '				<li>' . LCRun3::encq($cx, LCRun3::v($cx, $in, array('nama'))) . '</li>
') . '
    }) . '

return function ($in, $debugopt = 1) {
    $cx = array('flags' => array('jstrue' => true, 'jsobj' => true, 'spvar' => true, 'prop' => true, 'method' => false, 'mustlok' => false, 'mustsec' => false, 'echo' => false, 'debug' => $debugopt), 'constants' => array(), 'helpers' => array('helper1' => function ($args, $named) {
        $u = isset($args[0]) ? $args[0] : 'undefined';
        $t = isset($args[1]) ? $args[1] : 'undefined';
        return "<a href=\"{$u}\">{$t}</a>";
    }), 'blockhelpers' => array(), 'hbhelpers' => array(), 'partials' => array(), 'scopes' => array($in), 'sp_vars' => array('root' => $in));
    return '' . LCRun3::ch($cx, 'helper1', array(array(LCRun3::v($cx, $in, array('url')), LCRun3::ch($cx, 'helper1', array(array(LCRun3::v($cx, $in, array('url2')), LCRun3::v($cx, $in, array('text'))), array()), 'raw')), array()), 'raw') . '

' . $sp . '' . (LCRun3::ifvar($cx, isset($in['links']['diff-prev']) && is_array($in['links']) ? $in['links']['diff-prev'] : null) ? '			<a href="' . htmlentities((string) (isset($in['links']['diff-prev']['url']) && is_array($in['links']['diff-prev']) ? $in['links']['diff-prev']['url'] : null), ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8') . '" title="' . htmlentities((string) (isset($in['links']['diff-prev']['title']) && is_array($in['links']['diff-prev']) ? $in['links']['diff-prev']['title'] : null), ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8') . '">' . htmlentities((string) (isset($in['links']['diff-prev']['text']) && is_array($in['links']['diff-prev']) ? $in['links']['diff-prev']['text'] : null), ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8') . '</a>' : '' . LCRun3::ch($cx, 'l10n', array(array('last'), array()), 'encq') . '') . '</span>' . (LCRun3::ifvar($cx, isset($in['links']['topic']) && is_array($in['links']) ? $in['links']['topic'] : null) ? '		<span><a href="' . htmlentities((string) (isset($in['links']['topic']['url']) && is_array($in['links']['topic']) ? $in['links']['topic']['url'] : null), ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8') . '" title="' . htmlentities((string) (isset($in['links']['topic']['title']) && is_array($in['links']['topic']) ? $in['links']['topic']['title'] : null), ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8') . '">' . htmlentities((string) (isset($in['links']['topic']['text']) && is_array($in['links']['topic']) ? $in['links']['topic']['text'] : null), ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8') . '</a></span>' : '') . ')
' . $sp . '</span>
' . $sp . '
' . $sp . '' . LCRun3::ch($cx, 'historyTimestamp', array(array($in), array()), 'encq') . '
' . $sp . '
' . $sp . '<span class="mw-changeslist-separator">. .</span>
' . $sp . '' . LCRun3::ch($cx, 'historyDescription', array(array($in), array()), 'encq') . '
' . $sp . '
' . $sp . '' . (LCRun3::ifvar($cx, isset($in['size']) && is_array($in) ? $in['size'] : null) ? '	<span class="mw-changeslist-separator">. .</span>
' . $sp . '	' . LCRun3::ch($cx, 'showCharacterDifference', array(array(isset($in['size']['old']) && is_array($in['size']) ? $in['size']['old'] : null, isset($in['size']['new']) && is_array($in['size']) ? $in['size']['new'] : null), array()), 'encq') . '
' . $sp . '' : '') . '
' . $sp . '<ul class="flow-history-moderation-menu">
' . $sp . '' . LCRun3::p($cx, 'flow_moderation_actions_list', array(array($in), array('moderationType' => 'history', 'moderationTarget' => 'post', 'moderationTemplate' => 'post', 'moderationMwUiClass' => 'mw-ui-anchor', 'moderationIcons' => false)), '	') . '</ul>
    }), 'scopes' => array(), 'sp_vars' => array('root' => $in), 'lcrun' => 'LCRun3');
    return '<div class="flow-board-history">
' . LCRun3::p($cx, 'flow_errors', array(array($in), array()), '	') . '
	<div class="flow-topic-histories">
		' . (LCRun3::ifvar($cx, isset($in['navbar']) && is_array($in) ? $in['navbar'] : null) ? '' . LCRun3::ch($cx, 'html', array(array(isset($in['navbar']) && is_array($in) ? $in['navbar'] : null), array()), 'encq') . '' : '') . '

' . LCRun3::sec($cx, isset($in['revisions']) && is_array($in) ? $in['revisions'] : null, $in, true, function ($cx, $in) {
        return '				<li>' . LCRun3::p($cx, 'flow_history_line', array(array($in), array())) . '</li>
    }) . '		</ul>

		' . (LCRun3::ifvar($cx, isset($in['navbar']) && is_array($in) ? $in['navbar'] : null) ? '' . LCRun3::ch($cx, 'html', array(array(isset($in['navbar']) && is_array($in) ? $in['navbar'] : null), array()), 'encq') . '' : '') . '
	' . LCRun3::encq($cx, LCRun3::v($cx, $in, array('tes'))) . '
	' . LCRun3::encq($cx, LCRun3::v($cx, $in, array('tos'))) . '
' . '	<!DOCTYPE html>
		<title>List User</title>
				font-family: \'Calibri\' , sans-serif;
				color: #444;
				padding: 100px;
				font-size: 1.2em;
	' . LCRun3::hbch($cx, 'json', array(array(LCRun3::v($cx, $in, array('userId'))), array()), 'encq', '$in') . '
		<h1>nama : ' . LCRun3::hbch($cx, 'upperCase', array(array(LCRun3::v($cx, $in, array('userId', 'nama'))), array()), 'encq', '$in') . '</h1>
		<h3>id : ' . LCRun3::encq($cx, LCRun3::v($cx, $in, array('userId', 'id'))) . '</h3>
		<h3>' . LCRun3::hbch($cx, 'formatDate', array(array(LCRun3::v($cx, $in, array('date')), 'y:m:d'), array()), 'encq', '$in') . '</h3>
	</html>' . '</body>

return function ($in, $debugopt = 1) {
    $cx = array('flags' => array('jstrue' => true, 'jsobj' => true, 'spvar' => true, 'prop' => true, 'method' => false, 'mustlok' => false, 'mustsec' => false, 'echo' => false, 'debug' => $debugopt), 'constants' => array(), 'helpers' => array(), 'blockhelpers' => array(), 'hbhelpers' => array(), 'partials' => array(), 'scopes' => array($in), 'sp_vars' => array('root' => $in));
    return '
Children for ' . LCRun3::encq($cx, LCRun3::v($cx, $in, array('name'))) . ':

' . LCRun3::sec($cx, LCRun3::v($cx, $in, array('child')), $in, true, function ($cx, $in) {
        return '' . LCRun3::ifv($cx, LCRun3::v($cx, $in, array('key')), $in, function ($cx, $in) {
            return '       The value is = ' . LCRun3::encq($cx, LCRun3::v($cx, $in, array('key'))) . ' !!
        }, function ($cx, $in) {
            return '        key is empty or null
        }) . '';
    }, function ($cx, $in) {
        return '  ' . LCRun3::encq($cx, LCRun3::v($cx, $cx['scopes'][count($cx['scopes']) - 1], array('name'))) . ' has no children.
    }) . '';
' . $sp . '';
        }) . '		</ul>
' . $sp . '	</div>
' . $sp . '' : '') . '</div>
    }), 'scopes' => array(), 'sp_vars' => array('root' => $in), 'lcrun' => 'LCRun3');
    return '<div class="flow-board">
' . (LCRun3::ifvar($cx, isset($in['undo']['possible']) && is_array($in['undo']) ? $in['undo']['possible'] : null) ? '		<p>' . LCRun3::ch($cx, 'l10n', array(array('flow-undo-edit-content'), array()), 'encq') . '</p>
' : '		<p class="error">' . LCRun3::ch($cx, 'l10n', array(array('flow-undo-edit-failure'), array()), 'encq') . '</p>
') . '
' . LCRun3::p($cx, 'flow_errors', array(array($in), array()), '	') . '
' . (LCRun3::ifvar($cx, isset($in['undo']['possible']) && is_array($in['undo']) ? $in['undo']['possible'] : null) ? '		' . LCRun3::ch($cx, 'diffUndo', array(array(isset($in['undo']['diff_content']) && is_array($in['undo']) ? $in['undo']['diff_content'] : null), array()), 'encq') . '
' : '') . '
	<form method="POST" action="' . htmlentities((string) (isset($in['links']['undo-edit-header']['url']) && is_array($in['links']['undo-edit-header']) ? $in['links']['undo-edit-header']['url'] : null), ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8') . '" class="flow-post">
		<input type="hidden" name="wpEditToken" value="' . htmlentities((string) (isset($cx['sp_vars']['root']['rootBlock']['editToken']) && is_array($cx['sp_vars']['root']['rootBlock']) ? $cx['sp_vars']['root']['rootBlock']['editToken'] : null), ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8') . '" />
		<input type="hidden" name="header_prev_revision" value="' . htmlentities((string) (isset($in['current']['revisionId']) && is_array($in['current']) ? $in['current']['revisionId'] : null), ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8') . '" />

		<div class="flow-editor">
			<textarea name="header_content" class="mw-ui-input" data-role="content">' . (LCRun3::ifvar($cx, isset($in['submitted']['content']) && is_array($in['submitted']) ? $in['submitted']['content'] : null) ? '' . htmlentities((string) (isset($in['submitted']['content']) && is_array($in['submitted']) ? $in['submitted']['content'] : null), ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8') . '' : '' . (LCRun3::ifvar($cx, isset($in['undo']['possible']) && is_array($in['undo']) ? $in['undo']['possible'] : null) ? '' . htmlentities((string) (isset($in['undo']['content']) && is_array($in['undo']) ? $in['undo']['content'] : null), ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8') . '' : '' . htmlentities((string) (isset($in['current']['content']['content']) && is_array($in['current']['content']) ? $in['current']['content']['content'] : null), ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8') . '') . '') . '</textarea>

		<div class="flow-form-actions flow-form-collapsible">
			<button class="mw-ui-button mw-ui-constructive">' . LCRun3::ch($cx, 'l10n', array(array('flow-edit-header-submit'), array()), 'encq') . '</button>
			<small class="flow-terms-of-use plainlinks">' . LCRun3::ch($cx, 'l10nParse', array(array('flow-terms-of-use-edit'), array()), 'encq') . '

' . $sp . '' . (LCRun3::ifvar($cx, isset($cx['sp_vars']['root']['errors']) && is_array($cx['sp_vars']['root']) ? $cx['sp_vars']['root']['errors'] : null) ? '	<div class="flow-errors errorbox">
' . $sp . '		<ul>
' . $sp . '' . LCRun3::sec($cx, isset($cx['sp_vars']['root']['errors']) && is_array($cx['sp_vars']['root']) ? $cx['sp_vars']['root']['errors'] : null, $in, true, function ($cx, $in) use($sp) {
            return '				<li>' . LCRun3::ch($cx, 'html', array(array(isset($in['message']) && is_array($in) ? $in['message'] : null), array()), 'encq') . '</li>
' . $sp . '';
        }) . '		</ul>
' . $sp . '	</div>
' . $sp . '' : '') . '</div>
    }, 'flow_patrol_action' => function ($cx, $in, $sp) {
        return '' . $sp . '' . (LCRun3::ifvar($cx, isset($in['revision']['rev_view_links']['markPatrolled']) && is_array($in['revision']['rev_view_links']) ? $in['revision']['rev_view_links']['markPatrolled'] : null) ? '<div class="patrollink">
' . $sp . '        [<a class="mw-ui-quiet"
' . $sp . '           href="' . htmlentities((string) (isset($in['revision']['rev_view_links']['markPatrolled']['url']) && is_array($in['revision']['rev_view_links']['markPatrolled']) ? $in['revision']['rev_view_links']['markPatrolled']['url'] : null), ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8') . '"
' . $sp . '           title="' . LCRun3::ch($cx, 'l10n', array(array('flow-mark-revision-patrolled-link-title'), array()), 'encq') . '"
' . $sp . '           data-role="patrol">' . LCRun3::ch($cx, 'l10n', array(array('flow-mark-revision-patrolled-link-text'), array()), 'encq') . '</a>]
' . $sp . '    </div>
' . $sp . '    ' . LCRun3::ch($cx, 'enablePatrollingLink', array(array(), array()), 'encq') . '' : '') . '';
    }), 'scopes' => array(), 'sp_vars' => array('root' => $in), 'lcrun' => 'LCRun3');
    return '<div class="flow-board">
' . LCRun3::p($cx, 'flow_errors', array(array($in), array()), '	') . '
' . (LCRun3::ifvar($cx, isset($in['revision']) && is_array($in) ? $in['revision'] : null) ? '		<div class="flow-revision-permalink-warning plainlinks">
' . (LCRun3::ifvar($cx, isset($in['revision']['previousRevisionId']) && is_array($in['revision']) ? $in['revision']['previousRevisionId'] : null) ? '				' . LCRun3::ch($cx, 'l10nParse', array(array('flow-revision-permalink-warning-post', isset($in['revision']['human_timestamp']) && is_array($in['revision']) ? $in['revision']['human_timestamp'] : null, isset($in['revision']['rev_view_links']['board']['title']) && is_array($in['revision']['rev_view_links']['board']) ? $in['revision']['rev_view_links']['board']['title'] : null, isset($in['revision']['root']['content']) && is_array($in['revision']['root']) ? $in['revision']['root']['content'] : null, isset($in['revision']['rev_view_links']['hist']['url']) && is_array($in['revision']['rev_view_links']['hist']) ? $in['revision']['rev_view_links']['hist']['url'] : null, isset($in['revision']['rev_view_links']['diff']['url']) && is_array($in['revision']['rev_view_links']['diff']) ? $in['revision']['rev_view_links']['diff']['url'] : null), array()), 'encq') . '
' : '				' . LCRun3::ch($cx, 'l10nParse', array(array('flow-revision-permalink-warning-post-first', isset($in['revision']['human_timestamp']) && is_array($in['revision']) ? $in['revision']['human_timestamp'] : null, isset($in['revision']['rev_view_links']['board']['title']) && is_array($in['revision']['rev_view_links']['board']) ? $in['revision']['rev_view_links']['board']['title'] : null, isset($in['revision']['root']['content']) && is_array($in['revision']['root']) ? $in['revision']['root']['content'] : null, isset($in['revision']['rev_view_links']['hist']['url']) && is_array($in['revision']['rev_view_links']['hist']) ? $in['revision']['rev_view_links']['hist']['url'] : null, isset($in['revision']['rev_view_links']['diff']['url']) && is_array($in['revision']['rev_view_links']['diff']) ? $in['revision']['rev_view_links']['diff']['url'] : null), array()), 'encq') . '
') . '		</div>
		<div class="flow-revision-content">
			' . LCRun3::ch($cx, 'escapeContent', array(array(isset($in['revision']['content']['format']) && is_array($in['revision']['content']) ? $in['revision']['content']['format'] : null, isset($in['revision']['content']['content']) && is_array($in['revision']['content']) ? $in['revision']['content']['content'] : null), array()), 'encq') . '

' . LCRun3::p($cx, 'flow_patrol_action', array(array($in), array()), '		') . '' : '') . '</div>
' . $sp . '' : '') . '</div>
    }, 'flow_header_detail' => function ($cx, $in, $sp) {
        return '' . $sp . '<div class="flow-board-header-detail-view">
' . $sp . '	<div class="flow-board-header-nav">
' . $sp . '' . (LCRun3::ifvar($cx, isset($in['revision']['actions']['edit']) && is_array($in['revision']['actions']) ? $in['revision']['actions']['edit'] : null) ? '			<a href="' . htmlentities((string) (isset($in['revision']['actions']['edit']['url']) && is_array($in['revision']['actions']['edit']) ? $in['revision']['actions']['edit']['url'] : null), ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8') . '"
' . $sp . '			   data-flow-api-handler="activateEditHeader"
' . $sp . '			   data-flow-api-target="< .flow-board-header"
' . $sp . '			   data-flow-interactive-handler="apiRequest"
' . $sp . '			   class="mw-ui-button mw-ui-progressive  mw-ui-quiet flow-ui-tooltip-target"
' . $sp . '			   title="' . htmlentities((string) (isset($in['revision']['actions']['edit']['title']) && is_array($in['revision']['actions']['edit']) ? $in['revision']['actions']['edit']['title'] : null), ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8') . '">
' . $sp . '					<span class="mw-ui-icon mw-ui-icon-before mw-ui-icon-edit flow-board-header-icon"></span>' . LCRun3::ch($cx, 'l10n', array(array('flow-edit-header-link'), array()), 'encq') . '
' . $sp . '			</a>
' . $sp . '' : '') . '	</div>
' . $sp . '	<div class="flow-board-header-content">
' . $sp . '' . (LCRun3::ifvar($cx, isset($in['revision']['content']) && is_array($in['revision']) ? $in['revision']['content'] : null) ? '' . LCRun3::ch($cx, 'escapeContent', array(array(isset($in['revision']['content']['format']) && is_array($in['revision']['content']) ? $in['revision']['content']['format'] : null, isset($in['revision']['content']['content']) && is_array($in['revision']['content']) ? $in['revision']['content']['content'] : null), array()), 'encq') . '' : '') . '	</div>
' . $sp . '</div>
' . $sp . '<a href="javascript:void(0);"
' . $sp . '	class="mw-ui-button mw-ui-quiet side-rail-toggle-button"
' . $sp . '	data-flow-interactive-handler="toggleSideRail">
' . $sp . '	<span class="mw-ui-icon mw-ui-icon-before mw-ui-icon-close pull-right collapse-button"
' . $sp . '		  title="' . LCRun3::ch($cx, 'l10n', array(array('flow-board-collapse-description'), array()), 'encq') . '"></span>
' . $sp . '	<span class="mw-ui-icon mw-ui-icon-before mw-ui-icon-speechBubbles pull-right expand-button"
' . $sp . '		  title="' . LCRun3::ch($cx, 'l10n', array(array('flow-board-expand-description'), array()), 'encq') . '"></span>
' . $sp . '</a>
    }), 'scopes' => array(), 'sp_vars' => array('root' => $in), 'lcrun' => 'LCRun3');
    return '<div class="flow-board-header flow-load-interactive" data-flow-load-handler="loadSideRail">
' . LCRun3::p($cx, 'flow_header_title', array(array($in), array()), '	') . '' . LCRun3::p($cx, 'flow_errors', array(array($in), array()), '	') . '' . LCRun3::p($cx, 'flow_header_detail', array(array($in), array()), '	') . '</div>
' . $sp . '	     data-flow-id="' . htmlentities((string) (isset($in['postId']) && is_array($in) ? $in['postId'] : null), ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8') . '"
' . $sp . '	>
' . $sp . '' . (LCRun3::ifvar($cx, isset($in['isModerated']) && is_array($in) ? $in['isModerated'] : null) ? '' . LCRun3::hbch($cx, 'ifCond', array(array(isset($cx['sp_vars']['root']['rootBlock']['submitted']['showPostId']) && is_array($cx['sp_vars']['root']['rootBlock']['submitted']) ? $cx['sp_vars']['root']['rootBlock']['submitted']['showPostId'] : null, '===', isset($in['postId']) && is_array($in) ? $in['postId'] : null), array()), $in, false, function ($cx, $in) use($sp) {
                return '' . LCRun3::p($cx, 'flow_post_inner', array(array($in), array()), '				') . '';
            }, function ($cx, $in) use($sp) {
                return '				<div class="flow-post-main flow-post-moderated">
' . $sp . '					<span class="flow-moderated-post-content">
' . $sp . '' . LCRun3::p($cx, 'flow_post_moderation_state', array(array($in), array()), '						') . '					</span>
' . $sp . '				</div>
' . $sp . '';
            }) . '' : '' . LCRun3::hbch($cx, 'ifCond', array(array(isset($cx['sp_vars']['root']['rootBlock']['submitted']['action']) && is_array($cx['sp_vars']['root']['rootBlock']['submitted']) ? $cx['sp_vars']['root']['rootBlock']['submitted']['action'] : null, '===', 'edit-post'), array()), $in, false, function ($cx, $in) use($sp) {
                return '' . LCRun3::hbch($cx, 'ifCond', array(array(isset($cx['sp_vars']['root']['rootBlock']['submitted']['postId']) && is_array($cx['sp_vars']['root']['rootBlock']['submitted']) ? $cx['sp_vars']['root']['rootBlock']['submitted']['postId'] : null, '===', isset($in['postId']) && is_array($in) ? $in['postId'] : null), array()), $in, false, function ($cx, $in) use($sp) {
                    return '' . LCRun3::p($cx, 'flow_edit_post', array(array($in), array()), '					') . '';
                }, function ($cx, $in) use($sp) {
                    return '' . LCRun3::p($cx, 'flow_post_inner', array(array($in), array()), '					') . '';
                }) . '';
            }, function ($cx, $in) use($sp) {
                return '' . LCRun3::p($cx, 'flow_post_inner', array(array($in), array()), '				') . '';
            }) . '') . '
' . $sp . '' . LCRun3::p($cx, 'flow_post_replies', array(array($in), array()), '		') . '	</div>
' . $sp . '';
        }) . '';
    }), 'scopes' => array(), 'sp_vars' => array('root' => $in), 'lcrun' => 'LCRun3');
    return '<div class="flow-board">
' . LCRun3::sec($cx, isset($in['roots']) && is_array($in) ? $in['roots'] : null, $in, true, function ($cx, $in) {
        return '' . LCRun3::hbch($cx, 'eachPost', array(array(isset($cx['sp_vars']['root']) && is_array($cx['sp_vars']) ? $cx['sp_vars']['root'] : null, $in), array()), $in, false, function ($cx, $in) {
            return '' . LCRun3::p($cx, 'flow_moderate_post', array(array($in), array()), '			') . '' . LCRun3::p($cx, 'flow_post', array(array($in), array()), '			') . '';
        }) . '';
    }) . '</div>
each partial....
' . LCRun3::sec($cx, LCRun3::v($cx, $in, array('winners')), $in, true, function ($cx, $in) {
        return '' . '  Hello ' . LCRun3::encq($cx, LCRun3::v($cx, $in, array('name'))) . ', you have just won $' . LCRun3::encq($cx, LCRun3::v($cx, $in, array('value'))) . '!
  This is next line.' . LCRun3::encq($cx, LCRun3::v($cx, $in, array('empty_var'))) . '中文
  Test \\on \'spacing in mustache: Hello ' . LCRun3::encq($cx, LCRun3::v($cx, $in, array('name'))) . ', you have just won $' . LCRun3::encq($cx, LCRun3::v($cx, $in, array('value'))) . '!
' . '--
' . '  <div class="yui3-u-1-2 member-status">
   <ul class="h-list">
' . LCRun3::wi($cx, LCRun3::v($cx, $in, array('login_status')), $in, function ($cx, $in) {
            return '' . (LCRun3::ifvar($cx, LCRun3::v($cx, $in, array('is_login'))) ? '     <li><a href="' . LCRun3::encq($cx, LCRun3::v($cx, $in, array('edit_account_link'))) . '">Hello ' . LCRun3::encq($cx, LCRun3::v($cx, $in, array('username'))) . '</a></li>
     <li><a href="' . LCRun3::encq($cx, LCRun3::v($cx, $in, array('logut_link'))) . '">Logout</a></li>
' : '') . '' . (!LCRun3::ifvar($cx, LCRun3::v($cx, $in, array('is_login'))) ? '     <li>New User? <a href="' . LCRun3::encq($cx, LCRun3::v($cx, $in, array('register_link'))) . '">Register Now</a></li>
     <li><a href="' . LCRun3::encq($cx, LCRun3::v($cx, $in, array('login_link'))) . '">Login</a></li>
' : '') . '';
        }) . '    <li><a>About Auction</a></li>
' . '';
    }) . 'end each.

if + with + partial:
' . (LCRun3::ifvar($cx, LCRun3::v($cx, $in, array('test'))) ? 'w>' . LCRun3::wi($cx, LCRun3::v($cx, $in, array('people')), $in, function ($cx, $in) {
        return '
  p>' . 'Hello ' . LCRun3::encq($cx, LCRun3::v($cx, $in, array('name'))) . ', you have just won $' . LCRun3::encq($cx, LCRun3::v($cx, $in, array('value'))) . '!
This is next line.' . LCRun3::encq($cx, LCRun3::v($cx, $in, array('empty_var'))) . '中文
Test \\on \'spacing in mustache: Hello ' . LCRun3::encq($cx, LCRun3::v($cx, $in, array('name'))) . ', you have just won $' . LCRun3::encq($cx, LCRun3::v($cx, $in, array('value'))) . '!
' . '<
    }) . '
' : '') . '';
  NOTE A: ' . LCRun3::encq($cx, LCRun3::v($cx, $in, array('name'))) . ' : ' . LCRun3::encq($cx, $in) . ' != ' . LCRun3::encq($cx, $cx['scopes'][count($cx['scopes']) - 1]) . '
S~' . LCRun3::encq($cx, $in) . '~' . LCRun3::bch($cx, 'helper3', array(array(), array()), $in, false, function ($cx, $in) {
            return '
  NOTE B: ' . LCRun3::encq($cx, LCRun3::v($cx, $in, array('name'))) . ' : ' . LCRun3::encq($cx, $in) . ' != ' . LCRun3::encq($cx, $cx['scopes'][count($cx['scopes']) - 1]) . '
        }) . 'E
    }) . '
. Test 4: ' . LCRun3::bch($cx, 'helper3', array(array(), array()), $in, false, function ($cx, $in) {
        return 'ABC';
    }) . '

. Test 5: ' . LCRun3::bch($cx, 'helper4', array(array(), array('val' => '123', 'odd' => '1')), $in, false, function ($cx, $in) {
        return '~~~' . LCRun3::encq($cx, $in) . '~~~';
    }) . '

. Test 6: ' . LCRun3::bch($cx, 'helper4', array(array(), array('val' => LCRun3::v($cx, $in, array('people')), 'odd' => LCRun3::v($cx, $in, array('test')))), $in, false, function ($cx, $in) {
        return 'TRY~~~' . LCRun3::encq($cx, $in) . ' , ' . LCRun3::encq($cx, $cx['scopes'][count($cx['scopes']) - 1]) . ' ~~~';
    }) . '

. Test 7: ' . LCRun3::sec($cx, LCRun3::v($cx, $in, array('people')), $in, true, function ($cx, $in) {
        return ' 
 OK! 1 ' . LCRun3::bch($cx, 'helper3', array(array(), array('val' => LCRun3::v($cx, $in, array('name')), 'odd' => LCRun3::v($cx, $in, array('value')))), $in, false, function ($cx, $in) {
            return 'TRY ?!??!!~~~' . LCRun3::encq($cx, $in) . ' , ' . LCRun3::encq($cx, $cx['scopes'][count($cx['scopes']) - 1]) . ' ~~~';
        }) . '
 OK! ' . LCRun3::bch($cx, 'helper4', array(array(), array('val' => LCRun3::v($cx, $in, array('name')), 'odd' => LCRun3::v($cx, $in, array('value')))), $in, false, function ($cx, $in) {
            return 'TRY ?!~~~' . LCRun3::encq($cx, $in) . ' , ' . LCRun3::encq($cx, $cx['scopes'][count($cx['scopes']) - 1]) . ' ~~~';
        }) . '
    }) . '';

return function ($in, $debugopt = 1) {
    $cx = array('flags' => array('jstrue' => true, 'jsobj' => true, 'spvar' => true, 'prop' => true, 'method' => false, 'mustlok' => false, 'mustsec' => false, 'echo' => false, 'debug' => $debugopt), 'constants' => array(), 'helpers' => array(), 'blockhelpers' => array(), 'hbhelpers' => array(), 'partials' => array(), 'scopes' => array($in), 'sp_vars' => array('root' => $in));
    return 'A
' . LCRun3::sec($cx, $in, $in, true, function ($cx, $in) {
        return '=> ' . LCRun3::encq($cx, LCRun3::v($cx, $cx['sp_vars'], array('key'))) . ' , ' . LCRun3::encq($cx, $in) . ' , ' . LCRun3::encq($cx, LCRun3::v($cx, $cx['sp_vars'], array('index'))) . ', ' . LCRun3::encq($cx, LCRun3::v($cx, $cx['sp_vars'], array('first'))) . ', ' . LCRun3::encq($cx, LCRun3::v($cx, $cx['sp_vars'], array('last'))) . ' , ' . LCRun3::encq($cx, LCRun3::v($cx, $cx['sp_vars']['_parent'], array('index'))) . ', ' . LCRun3::encq($cx, LCRun3::v($cx, $cx['sp_vars']['_parent'], array('key'))) . ', ' . LCRun3::encq($cx, LCRun3::v($cx, $cx['sp_vars']['_parent'], array('first'))) . ', ' . LCRun3::encq($cx, LCRun3::v($cx, $cx['sp_vars']['_parent'], array('last'))) . ' # ' . LCRun3::encq($cx, LCRun3::v($cx, $cx['sp_vars']['_parent']['_parent'], array('index'))) . ' - ' . LCRun3::encq($cx, LCRun3::v($cx, $cx['sp_vars']['_parent']['_parent'], array('key'))) . ' .
' . LCRun3::sec($cx, $in, $in, true, function ($cx, $in) {
            return ' =>> ' . LCRun3::encq($cx, LCRun3::v($cx, $cx['sp_vars'], array('key'))) . ' , ' . LCRun3::encq($cx, $in) . ' , ' . LCRun3::encq($cx, LCRun3::v($cx, $cx['sp_vars'], array('index'))) . ', ' . LCRun3::encq($cx, LCRun3::v($cx, $cx['sp_vars'], array('first'))) . ', ' . LCRun3::encq($cx, LCRun3::v($cx, $cx['sp_vars'], array('last'))) . ' , ' . LCRun3::encq($cx, LCRun3::v($cx, $cx['sp_vars']['_parent'], array('index'))) . ', ' . LCRun3::encq($cx, LCRun3::v($cx, $cx['sp_vars']['_parent'], array('key'))) . ', ' . LCRun3::encq($cx, LCRun3::v($cx, $cx['sp_vars']['_parent'], array('first'))) . ', ' . LCRun3::encq($cx, LCRun3::v($cx, $cx['sp_vars']['_parent'], array('last'))) . ' # ' . LCRun3::encq($cx, LCRun3::v($cx, $cx['sp_vars']['_parent']['_parent'], array('index'))) . ' - ' . LCRun3::encq($cx, LCRun3::v($cx, $cx['sp_vars']['_parent']['_parent'], array('key'))) . ' .
' . LCRun3::sec($cx, $in, $in, true, function ($cx, $in) {
                return '  =>>> ' . LCRun3::encq($cx, LCRun3::v($cx, $cx['sp_vars'], array('key'))) . ' , ' . LCRun3::encq($cx, $in) . ' , ' . LCRun3::encq($cx, LCRun3::v($cx, $cx['sp_vars'], array('index'))) . ', ' . LCRun3::encq($cx, LCRun3::v($cx, $cx['sp_vars'], array('first'))) . ', ' . LCRun3::encq($cx, LCRun3::v($cx, $cx['sp_vars'], array('last'))) . ' , ' . LCRun3::encq($cx, LCRun3::v($cx, $cx['sp_vars']['_parent'], array('index'))) . ', ' . LCRun3::encq($cx, LCRun3::v($cx, $cx['sp_vars']['_parent'], array('key'))) . ', ' . LCRun3::encq($cx, LCRun3::v($cx, $cx['sp_vars']['_parent'], array('first'))) . ', ' . LCRun3::encq($cx, LCRun3::v($cx, $cx['sp_vars']['_parent'], array('last'))) . ' # ' . LCRun3::encq($cx, LCRun3::v($cx, $cx['sp_vars']['_parent']['_parent'], array('index'))) . ' - ' . LCRun3::encq($cx, LCRun3::v($cx, $cx['sp_vars']['_parent']['_parent'], array('key'))) . ' .
            }) . '';
        }) . '';
    }) . '';

return function ($in, $debugopt = 1) {
    $cx = array('flags' => array('jstrue' => true, 'jsobj' => true, 'spvar' => true, 'prop' => true, 'method' => false, 'mustlok' => false, 'mustsec' => false, 'echo' => false, 'debug' => $debugopt), 'constants' => array(), 'helpers' => array(), 'blockhelpers' => array(), 'hbhelpers' => array(), 'partials' => array(), 'scopes' => array($in), 'sp_vars' => array('root' => $in));
    return '' . LCRun3::encq($cx, LCRun3::v($cx, $in, array('grand_parent_id'))) . '
' . LCRun3::sec($cx, LCRun3::v($cx, $in, array('parent_contexts')), $in, false, function ($cx, $in) {
        return '  ' . LCRun3::encq($cx, LCRun3::v($cx, $in, array('parent_id'))) . ' (' . LCRun3::encq($cx, LCRun3::v($cx, $in, array('grand_parent_id'))) . ')
' . LCRun3::sec($cx, LCRun3::v($cx, $in, array('child_contexts')), $in, false, function ($cx, $in) {
            return '    ' . LCRun3::encq($cx, LCRun3::v($cx, $in, array('child_id'))) . ' (' . LCRun3::encq($cx, LCRun3::v($cx, $in, array('parent_id'))) . ' << ' . LCRun3::encq($cx, LCRun3::v($cx, $in, array('grand_parent_id'))) . ')
        }) . '';
    }) . '';

return function ($in, $debugopt = 1) {
    $cx = array('flags' => array('jstrue' => true, 'jsobj' => true, 'spvar' => true, 'prop' => true, 'method' => false, 'mustlok' => false, 'mustsec' => false, 'echo' => false, 'debug' => $debugopt), 'constants' => array(), 'helpers' => array(), 'blockhelpers' => array(), 'hbhelpers' => array(), 'partials' => array(), 'scopes' => array($in), 'sp_vars' => array('root' => $in));
    return '<div class="yui3-u-1-2 member-status">
 <ul class="h-list">
' . LCRun3::wi($cx, LCRun3::v($cx, $in, array('login_status')), $in, function ($cx, $in) {
        return '' . (LCRun3::ifvar($cx, LCRun3::v($cx, $in, array('is_login'))) ? '   <li><a href="' . LCRun3::encq($cx, LCRun3::v($cx, $in, array('edit_account_link'))) . '">Hello ' . LCRun3::encq($cx, LCRun3::v($cx, $in, array('username'))) . '</a></li>
   <li><a href="' . LCRun3::encq($cx, LCRun3::v($cx, $in, array('logut_link'))) . '">Logout</a></li>
' : '') . '' . (!LCRun3::ifvar($cx, LCRun3::v($cx, $in, array('is_login'))) ? '   <li>New User? <a href="' . LCRun3::encq($cx, LCRun3::v($cx, $in, array('register_link'))) . '">Register Now</a></li>
   <li><a href="' . LCRun3::encq($cx, LCRun3::v($cx, $in, array('login_link'))) . '">Login</a></li>
' : '') . '';
    }) . '  <li><a>About Auction</a></li>
    }) . 'end each.

##2 start each+if:
' . LCRun3::sec($cx, LCRun3::v($cx, $in, array('winners')), $in, true, function ($cx, $in) {
        return '' . LCRun3::ifv($cx, LCRun3::v($cx, $in, array('test')), $in, function ($cx, $in) {
            return '' . '  Name:' . LCRun3::encq($cx, LCRun3::v($cx, $in, array('name'))) . ', Value:' . LCRun3::encq($cx, LCRun3::v($cx, $in, array('value'))) . ', This: ' . LCRun3::encq($cx, $in) . ', Test: ' . LCRun3::encq($cx, LCRun3::v($cx, $in, array('test'))) . '
' . '';
        }) . '';
    }) . 'end each+if.

##3 start each+if+with:
' . LCRun3::sec($cx, LCRun3::v($cx, $in, array('winners')), $in, true, function ($cx, $in) {
        return '' . LCRun3::ifv($cx, LCRun3::v($cx, $in, array('test')), $in, function ($cx, $in) {
            return '' . LCRun3::wi($cx, LCRun3::v($cx, $in, array('people')), $in, function ($cx, $in) {
                return '' . '   Name:' . LCRun3::encq($cx, LCRun3::v($cx, $in, array('name'))) . ', Value:' . LCRun3::encq($cx, LCRun3::v($cx, $in, array('value'))) . ', This: ' . LCRun3::encq($cx, $in) . ', Test: ' . LCRun3::encq($cx, LCRun3::v($cx, $in, array('test'))) . '
' . '';
            }) . '';
        }) . '';
    }) . 'end each+if+with.

##4 start each+with+if:
' . LCRun3::sec($cx, LCRun3::v($cx, $in, array('winners')), $in, true, function ($cx, $in) {
        return '' . LCRun3::wi($cx, LCRun3::v($cx, $in, array('people')), $in, function ($cx, $in) {
            return '' . LCRun3::ifv($cx, LCRun3::v($cx, $in, array('test')), $in, function ($cx, $in) {
                return '' . '   Name:' . LCRun3::encq($cx, LCRun3::v($cx, $in, array('name'))) . ', Value:' . LCRun3::encq($cx, LCRun3::v($cx, $in, array('value'))) . ', This: ' . LCRun3::encq($cx, $in) . ', Test: ' . LCRun3::encq($cx, LCRun3::v($cx, $in, array('test'))) . '
' . '';
            }) . '';
        }) . '';
    }) . 'end each+with+if.

return function ($in, $debugopt = 1) {
    $cx = array('flags' => array('jstrue' => true, 'jsobj' => true, 'spvar' => true, 'prop' => true, 'method' => false, 'mustlok' => false, 'mustsec' => false, 'echo' => false, 'debug' => $debugopt), 'constants' => array(), 'helpers' => array(), 'blockhelpers' => array(), 'hbhelpers' => array(), 'partials' => array(), 'scopes' => array($in), 'sp_vars' => array('root' => $in));
    return 'Hello ' . LCRun3::encq($cx, LCRun3::v($cx, $in, array('name'))) . ', you have just won $' . LCRun3::encq($cx, LCRun3::v($cx, $in, array('value'))) . '!
' . (!LCRun3::ifvar($cx, LCRun3::v($cx, $in, array('test'))) ? 'Yes! ' . LCRun3::encq($cx, LCRun3::v($cx, $in, array('name'))) . ' is ' . LCRun3::encq($cx, LCRun3::v($cx, $in, array('gender'))) . '
' : '') . '' . (!LCRun3::ifvar($cx, LCRun3::v($cx, $in, array('test'))) ? '2nd If, ' . LCRun3::encq($cx, LCRun3::v($cx, $in, array('name'))) . ' is ' . LCRun3::raw($cx, LCRun3::v($cx, $in, array('gender'))) . '
' : 'Else test, ' . LCRun3::encq($cx, LCRun3::v($cx, $in, array('name'))) . ' is ' . LCRun3::encq($cx, LCRun3::v($cx, $in, array('gender'))) . '
') . '' . LCRun3::encq($cx, LCRun3::v($cx, $in, array('end'))) . '

return function ($in, $debugopt = 1) {
    $cx = array('flags' => array('jstrue' => true, 'jsobj' => true, 'spvar' => true, 'prop' => true, 'method' => false, 'mustlok' => false, 'mustsec' => false, 'echo' => false, 'debug' => $debugopt), 'constants' => array(), 'helpers' => array(), 'blockhelpers' => array(), 'hbhelpers' => array(), 'partials' => array(), 'scopes' => array($in), 'sp_vars' => array('root' => $in));
    return 'Hello ' . LCRun3::encq($cx, LCRun3::v($cx, $in, array('name'))) . ', you have just won $' . LCRun3::encq($cx, LCRun3::v($cx, $in, array('value'))) . '!

. ' . LCRun3::encq($cx, LCRun3::v($cx, $in, array('!'))) . ' !!
. KAKA ' . LCRun3::encq($cx, LCRun3::v($cx, $in, array('! # % & ( ) * + , . / ; < = > @ [ \\ ^ ` { | } ~'))) . '
. K ' . LCRun3::encq($cx, LCRun3::v($cx, $in, array('!['))) . ' X
. Hello ' . LCRun3::encq($cx, LCRun3::v($cx, $in, array('winners', '0', 'name'))) . ' !! Won $' . LCRun3::encq($cx, LCRun3::v($cx, $in, array('winners', '0', 'value'))) . ' now~~
. Hello ' . LCRun3::encq($cx, LCRun3::v($cx, $in, array('winners', '1', 'name'))) . ' !! Won $' . LCRun3::encq($cx, LCRun3::v($cx, $in, array('winners', '1', 'value'))) . ' later~~
. No ' . LCRun3::encq($cx, LCRun3::v($cx, $in, array('winners', '!', 'name'))) . ' !!