 public function test_add_and_delete_item()
     $location = Model::factory('kwalbum_location');
     $location->name = 'Item Is Here';
     $count = $location->count;
     $unknown_location = Model::factory('kwalbum_location')->load(1);
     $unknown_count = $unknown_location->count;
     $item = Model::factory('kwalbum_item');
     $item->type = 'jpeg';
     $item->user_id = 1;
     $item->description = 'd escription';
     $item->path = 'p ath';
     $item->filename = 'f ilename';
     $create_date = $item->create_date;
     $this->assert_equal($location->count, $count);
     $this->assert_equal($unknown_location->count, $unknown_count + 1);
     $this->assert_equal($item->location, $unknown_location->name);
     $this->assert_equal($item->count, 0);
     $this->assert_equal($item->user_id, 1);
     $this->assert_equal($item->type, 'jpeg');
     $this->assert_equal($item->user_id, 1);
     $this->assert_equal($item->description, 'd escription');
     $this->assert_equal($item->path, Kwalbum_Model::get_config('item_path') . 'p ath');
     $this->assert_equal($item->filename, 'f ilename');
     $this->assert_similar($item->latitude, 0.0);
     $this->assert_similar($item->longitude, 0.0);
     $this->assert_equal($item->create_date, $create_date);
     $this->assert_equal($item->update_date, $create_date);
     $this->assert_equal($item->visible_date, $create_date);
     $this->assert_equal($item->sort_date, $create_date);
     $this->assert_similar($item->latitude, 0);
     $this->assert_similar($item->longitude, 0);
     $this->assert_equal($item->hide_level, 0);
     // make sure create_date and update_date can be different
     $item->location = $location->name;
     $item->visible_date = '2008-09-09 09:09:09';
     $item->sort_date = '2008-09-09 00:00:00';
     $item->latitude = 1.234567;
     $item->longitude = 1.234567;
     $item->hide_level = 1;
     $this->assert_equal($item->location, $location->name);
     $this->assert_equal($item->count, 1);
     $this->assert_equal($item->create_date, $create_date);
     $this->assert_not_equal($item->update_date, $create_date);
     $this->assert_equal($item->visible_date, '2008-09-09 09:09:09');
     $this->assert_equal($item->sort_date, '2008-09-09 00:00:00');
     $this->assert_similar($item->latitude, 1.234567);
     $this->assert_similar($item->longitude, 1.234567);
     $this->assert_equal($item->hide_level, 1);
     $this->assert_equal($location->count, $count + 1);
     $this->assert_equal($unknown_location->count, $unknown_count);
     $this->assert_similar($location->count, $count);
     $this->assert_equal($unknown_location->count, $unknown_count);
  * Create a path if one does not already exist and create
  * any directories in the path that do not already exist.
  * Echo errors labled with css class "error"
  * @return string path if successful
  * @throws Kohana_Exception
  * @version 3.0
  * @since 2.0
 private function makePath()
     $path = Kwalbum_Model::get_config('item_path');
     $dirs = explode('-', date('y-m'));
     $path = $path . $dirs[0];
     if (!file_exists($path) and !mkdir($path)) {
         throw new Kohana_Exception('Directory :dir could not be created', array(':dir' => Debug::path($path)));
     $path .= '/' . $dirs[1];
     if (!file_exists($path) and !mkdir($path)) {
         throw new Kohana_Exception('Directory :dir could not be created', array(':dir' => Debug::path($path)));
     $path .= '/';
     if (!file_exists($path . 't') and !@mkdir($path . 't')) {
         throw new Kohana_Exception('Directory :dir could not be created', array(':dir' => Debug::path($path . 't')));
     if (!file_exists($path . 'r') and !@mkdir($path . 'r')) {
         throw new Kohana_Exception('Directory :dir could not be created', array(':dir' => Debug::path($path . 'r')));
     return $path;
文件: Item.php 项目: kweejee/kwalbum
  * Delete an item from the database along with any relationships to other
  * tables in the database. Move the original file to a trash directory
  * and remove the thumbnail and resized images if they exist.
 public function delete()
     // make sure trash directory is writable
     $delete_path = Kwalbum_Model::get_config('item_path');
     $delete_path .= 'deleted';
     if (!file_exists($delete_path) and !mkdir($delete_path)) {
         throw new Kohana_Exception('Directory :dir could not be created', array(':dir' => Debug::path($delete_path)));
     if (!is_dir($delete_path) or !is_writable(realpath($delete_path))) {
         throw new Kohana_Exception('Directory :dir must be writable', array(':dir' => Debug::path($delete_path)));
     // Remove item from location count
     DB::query(Database::UPDATE, 'UPDATE kwalbum_locations
         SET count = count-1
         WHERE id = :location_id AND count > 0')->param(':location_id', $this->_location_id)->execute();
     // Remove item-person relations and reduce persons' item counts
     // Remove item-tag relations and reduce tags' item counts
     // Delete comments
     $comments = $this->_load_comments();
     foreach ($comments as $comment) {
     // Delete the item
     DB::query(Database::DELETE, "DELETE FROM kwalbum_items\n            WHERE id = :id")->param(':id', $this->id)->execute();
     // Delete the thumbnail and resized if they exist
     if (file_exists($this->path . 'r/' . $this->filename)) {
         unlink($this->path . 'r/' . $this->filename);
     if (file_exists($this->path . 't/' . $this->filename)) {
         unlink($this->path . 't/' . $this->filename);
     // Move the main file to the trash directory and possibly overwrite
     // an existing "deleted" file of the same name
     $old_name = $this->path . $this->filename;
     $new_name = $delete_path . '/' . date('YmdHis') . '_' . $this->filename;
     if (!rename($old_name, $new_name)) {
         throw new Kohana_Exception('Could not move :old to :new', array(':old' => Debug::path($old_name), ':new' => Debug::path($new_name)));
文件: Item.php 项目: kweejee/kwalbum
 private function _send_file($filepathname, $filename_addition = '', $download = false)
     $request = $this->request;
     if (!($filepath = realpath($filepathname))) {
         // Return a 404 status
         Kohana::$log->add('~item/_send_file', '404: ' . $filepathname);
     // Use the file name as the download file name
     $filename = pathinfo($filepath, PATHINFO_FILENAME);
     // Get the file size
     $size = filesize($filepath);
     // Get the file extension
     $extension = strtolower(pathinfo($filepath, PATHINFO_EXTENSION));
     // Guess the mime using the file extension
     $mimes = Kohana::$config->load('mimes');
     $mime = $mimes[$extension][0];
     if (!$this->user->can_see_all) {
         $watermark = Kwalbum_Model::get_config('watermark_filename');
         if ($watermark and $size < Kwalbum_Model::get_config('watermark_filesize_limit')) {
             $watermark = Kwalbum_Model::get_config('item_path') . $watermark;
             $watermark = @imagecreatefrompng($watermark);
         } else {
             $watermark = null;
         if ($watermark) {
             switch ($mime) {
                 case $mimes['jpg'][0]:
                     $picture = imagecreatefromjpeg($filepath);
                     if ($picture) {
                         $width_p = imagesx($picture);
                         $height_p = imagesy($picture);
                         $width_w = imagesx($watermark);
                         $height_w = imagesy($watermark);
                         $width_percent = Kwalbum_Model::get_config('watermark_width_percent');
                         $height_percent = Kwalbum_Model::get_config('watermark_height_percent');
                         if ($width_p < $height_p) {
                             $height_r = $height_p * $height_percent;
                             $width_r = $height_r * $width_w / $height_w;
                             if ($width_r > $width_p * $width_percent) {
                                 $width_r = $width_p * $width_percent;
                                 $height_r = $width_r * $height_w / $width_w;
                         } else {
                             $width_r = $width_p * $width_percent;
                             $height_r = $width_r * $height_w / $width_w;
                             if ($height_r > $height_p * $height_percent) {
                                 $height_r = $height_p * $height_percent;
                                 $width_r = $height_r * $width_w / $height_w;
                         imagecopyresampled($picture, $watermark, 0, $height_p - $height_r, 0, 0, $width_r, $height_r, $width_w, $height_w);
                         //imagecopy($picture, $watermark, 0, $height_p-$height_w, 0, 0, $width_w, $height_w);
                         header("Content-Type: image/jpeg");
                         imagejpeg($picture, null, 95);
     // Open the file for reading
     $file = fopen($filepath, 'rb');
     // Set the headers for a download
     $response = $request->response();
     $response->headers('Content-Disposition', ($download ? 'attachment; ' : null) . 'filename="' . $filename . $filename_addition . '.' . $extension . '"');
     $response->headers('Content-Type', $mime);
     $response->headers('Content-Length', $size);
     // Send all headers now
     while (ob_get_level()) {
         // Flush all output buffers
     // Manually stop execution
     // Keep the script running forever
     // Send data in 16kb blocks
     $block = 1024 * 16;
     while (!feof($file)) {
         if (connection_aborted()) {
         // Output a block of the file
         echo fread($file, $block);
         // Send the data now
     // Close the file
     // Stop execution