文件: router.php 项目: rich20/Kunena
		static $filtered = array();
		KUNENA_PROFILER ? KunenaProfiler::instance()->start('function '.__CLASS__.'::'.__FUNCTION__.'()') : null;
		if (!isset($filtered[$str])) {
			if (self::$config->sefutf8) {
				$str = self::filterOutput ( $str );
				$filtered[$str] = urlencode ( $str );
			} else {
				$filtered[$str] = JFilterOutput::stringURLSafe ( $str );
		KUNENA_PROFILER ? KunenaProfiler::instance()->stop('function '.__CLASS__.'::'.__FUNCTION__.'()') : null;
		return $filtered[$str];

KunenaRouter::initialize ();

 * Build SEF URL
 * All SEF URLs are formatted like this:
 * http://site.com/menuitem/1-category-name/10-subject/[view]/[layout]/[param1]-value1/[param2]-value2?param3=value3&param4=value4
 * - If catid exists, category will always be in the first segment
 * - If there is no catid, second segment for message will not be used (param-value: id-10)
 * - [view] and [layout] are the only parameters without value
 * - all other segments (task, id, userid, page, sel) are using param-value format
 * NOTE! Only major variables are using SEF segments