  * generate xml for a form from a table
  * @param object $setup 
  * @return string
  * @author Andy Bennett
 function get_form_xml($setup)
     $file_name = $setup->form_name;
     $dir = DATAPATH . '/xml/forms/';
     $path = $dir . $file_name . '.xml';
     if (file_exists($path)) {
         return file_get_contents($path);
     if (!isset($setup->model) || !is_object($setup->model)) {
         $config = Kohana::config('controls.controllers');
         $name = Kohana::instance()->uri->segment(1);
         if (!isset($config->{$name})) {
             throw new Exception("No controller set up");
     } else {
         $name = $setup->form_name;
     $field_data = $this->db->field_data($this->table);
     // print_r($field_data);
     $view = new View('xml/form');
     $view->field_data = $field_data;
     $view->name = Kohana::instance()->uri->segment(1);
     $view->action = Kohana::instance()->uri->segment(2);
     $data = $view->render();
     if (file_exists($dir)) {
         file_put_contents($path, $data);
     return $data;
  * Loads URI, and Input into this controller.
  * @return  void
 public function __construct()
     if (Kohana::$instance == NULL) {
         // Set the instance to the first controller loaded
         Kohana::$instance = $this;
文件: MY_form.php 项目: steamboy/ds
 public static function set_checkbox($field = '', $value = '', $default = FALSE)
     if ($_POST) {
         if (!Kohana::instance()->input->post($field)) {
             if (count($_POST) === 0) {
                 return ' checked="checked"';
             return '';
         $field = Kohana::instance()->input->post($field);
         if (is_array($field)) {
             if (!in_array($value, $field)) {
                 return '';
             } else {
                 return ' checked="checked"';
         } else {
             if ($field == '' or $value == '' or $field != $value) {
                 return '';
             } else {
                 return ' checked="checked"';
     } elseif ($default) {
         return ' checked="checked"';
  * get the list of gallery items
  * @param int $gid 
  * @return array
  * @author Andy Bennett
 function get_list($gid)
     $data = array('action' => 'list', 'name' => $this->name, 'role' => Steamauth::instance()->get_role());
     Event::run('steamcore.aclcheck', $data);
     // which model are we using? one passed through or the default?
     $model = $this->model;
     $controller = Kohana::instance()->uri->segment(1);
     $tdata = array();
     $limit = 10;
     $where = null;
     if ($this->uri->segment(3)) {
         $where = array('gallery' => $gid);
     // query the model
     $pagination = pagination_helper::get_pagination($limit, $model->get_total($where));
     $l = steamcore::array_object(array('limit' => $limit, 'offset' => $pagination->sql_offset()));
     $data['query'] = $model->get_list($where, $order = null, $limit = $l);
     $data['controller'] = $controller;
     $data['pagination'] = $pagination->render();
     // pass the order direction
     // $data['od'] = (!isset($lc->query_config->order_dir) || $lc->query_config->order_dir == 'DESC')?'ASC':'DESC';
     // merge any passed data and the data returned from the model
     $tdata = array_merge($tdata, $data);
     // return the result
     return $tdata;
  * Loads URI, and Input into this controller.
  * @return  void
 public function __construct()
     if (Kohana::$instance == NULL) {
         // Set the instance to the first controller loaded
         Kohana::$instance = $this;
     // URI should always be available
     $this->uri = URI::instance();
     // Input should always be available
     $this->input = Input::instance();
     $this->db = new Database();
     $this->user_model = ORM::factory('user');
     $this->supplier_model = ORM::factory('supplier');
     $this->category_model = ORM::factory('category');
     $this->item_model = ORM::factory('item');
     $this->item_stock_model = ORM::factory('item_stock');
     $this->district_model = ORM::factory('district');
     $this->office_model = ORM::factory('office');
     $this->budget_model = ORM::factory('office_budget');
     $this->purchase_model = ORM::factory('purchase');
     $this->request_model = ORM::factory('request');
     $this->transaction_model = ORM::factory('transaction');
     $this->setting_model = ORM::factory('setting');
     $this->log_model = ORM::factory('log');
     $this->email_model = ORM::factory('email');
function error_404()
    if (Kohana::$instance == NULL) {
        Kohana::$instance = new Errors_Controller();
    Kohana::show_404(null, 'common/error_404');
function error_404()
    if (Kohana::$instance == NULL) {
        Kohana::$instance = new Errors_Controller();
    Kohana::log('error', 'Error 404 (steam.core.hooks): ' . URI::instance()->string());
    Kohana::show_404(null, 'common/error_404');
 public function get_upload_config()
     // get the default upload config from appconf
     $uconf = Kohana::config('upload.upload');
     $s = Kohana::instance()->uri->segment(1);
     if (!isset($uconf->multi->{$s})) {
         throw new Exception("No config item for " . $s);
     return $uconf->multi->{$s};
  * Loads URI, and Input into this controller.
  * @return  void
 public function __construct()
     if (Kohana::$instance == NULL) {
         // Set the instance to the first controller loaded
         Kohana::$instance = $this;
     // URI should always be available
     $this->uri = URI::instance();
     // Input should always be available
     $this->input = Input::instance();
 function get_pagination($limit, $total)
     $pagination = new Pagination();
     // pull the pagination config from the config/my_controller.php
     $config = Kohana::config('steam.pagination_config');
     // set the base url
     $config['base_url'] = Kohana::instance()->uri->string();
     $config['uri_segment'] = 'admin';
     $config['total_items'] = $total;
     $config['items_per_page'] = $limit;
     $config['style'] = 'custom';
     return $pagination;
  * get the where query
  * @param string $w 
  * @return array
  * @author Andy Bennett
 function get_where($w = null)
     $controller = Kohana::instance()->uri->segment(1);
     $where = array();
     #$where = array('s.title' => $controller);
     if (!is_null($w)) {
         $where = array_merge($w, $where);
     $t = parent::get_table();
     if (!Acl::instance()->check(Steamauth::instance()->get_role(), 'gallery', 'moderate')) {
         $where[$t . '.status'] = '1';
     return $where;
  * return list
  * @param object $lc 
  * @return array
  * @author Andy Bennett
 public function get_list()
     $data = array('action' => 'list', 'name' => $this->name, 'role' => User::instance()->get_role());
     Event::run('steamcore.aclcheck', $data);
     $tdata = array();
     $limit = 10;
     $page_num = $this->input->get('page', 1);
     $offset = ($page_num - 1) * $limit;
     $model = ORM::factory($this->setup['model'], null);
     $data['query'] = $model->where('role', URI::segment(1))->find_all($limit, $offset);
     $data['controller'] = Kohana::instance()->uri->segment(1);
     $data['pagination'] = Pagination::factory(array('style' => 'digg', 'items_per_page' => $limit, 'query_string' => 'page', 'total_items' => $model->count_last_query()));
     // merge any passed data and the data returned from the model
     $tdata = array_merge($tdata, $data);
     // return the result
     return $tdata;
  * This produces a form for editing the copy and headers in a page
  * @return void
  * @author Dan Chadwick
 function edit_inline()
     // $d = array(
     // 	'model' => steamcore::get_controls_model( 'pages' ),
     // 	'form_name' => 'pages_edit',
     // 	'form_data' => array(),
     // 	'update' => ($r->count())?$r->current()->id:0
     // 	);
     // $setup = steamcore::array_object( $d );
     // /* Clear events */
     // Event::clear('steamform_'.$setup->form_name.'.complete');
     // Event::clear('steamform_'.$setup->form_name.'.show_form');
     // Event::add('steamform_'.$setup->form_name.'.complete', array('admin_helpers', 'response_complete_listener') );
     // Event::add('steamform_'.$setup->form_name.'.show_form', array('admin_helpers', 'show_form_listener') );
     try {
         $p = Kohana::instance()->uri->segment(2, 'home');
         $p = str_replace('.html', '', $p);
         $m = ORM::factory('page')->where('name', $p)->find();
         $form = Xform::factory()->name('xpage_contents_edit');
         // create the form
         $form->set_form_data('current', $m);
         // run the form
         // handle form completion
         if (!$form->complete) {
             return $form->render();
         } else {
             $cols = array_keys($m->table_columns);
             foreach ($form->final_data as $k => $v) {
                 if (!in_array($k, $cols)) {
                 $m->{$k} = $v;
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         throw new Kohana_User_Exception('SteamCore Add Error', $e->getMessage());
     // Assets::instance()->add_javascript('/cache/js/steamform');
     // Assets::instance()->add_javascript('/steamform/index/steamform');
     return $e;
  * return list
  * @param object $lc 
  * @return array
  * @author Andy Bennett
 public function get_list()
     $data = array('action' => 'list', 'name' => $this->name, 'role' => User::instance()->get_role());
     Event::run('steamcore.aclcheck', $data);
     $tdata = array();
     $limit = -1;
     $page_num = Input::instance()->get('page', 1);
     $offset = ($page_num - 1) * $limit;
     $model = ORM::factory($this->setup['model'], null);
     $data['query'] = $model->find_all();
     $type = Input::instance()->get('type', false);
     $data['type'] = $type ? 'type=' . $type : '';
     $data['controller'] = Kohana::instance()->uri->segment(1);
     $data['pagination'] = '';
     $data['page'] = $page_num;
     // merge any passed data and the data returned from the model
     $tdata = array_merge($tdata, $data);
     // return the result
     return $tdata;
 public static function render($content, $container_id = false, $dir = "containers/", $additional = array())
     $container_id = $container_id ? $container_id : self::get_container();
     $kohana = Kohana::instance();
     $c = new Container($container_id);
     $view = new View($dir . $c->get_template());
     $view->header = $content->header;
     $view->sub_header = $content->sub_header;
     $view->main_content = $content->copy;
     $view->section_nav = current(self::return_column($c, array('column' => 'nav')));
     $view->left_column = self::return_column($c, array('column' => 'left-col'));
     $view->mid_column = self::return_column($c, array('column' => 'middle-col'));
     $view->right_column = self::return_column($c, array('column' => 'right-col'));
     if (is_array($additional)) {
         foreach ($additional as $a => $v) {
             $view->{$a} = $v;
  * check an item is unique
  * @param string $str 
  * @param string $param 
  * @return void
  * @author Andy Bennett
 public function check_unique($str, $param)
     $table = $this->table;
     if (!is_string($param)) {
         $param = current($param);
     // check that the item is unique
     $sql = $this->db->select('*')->from($table)->where(array('{param}' => strtolower($str)))->getsql();
     $sql = str_replace('{param}', $param, $sql);
     $q = $this->db->query($sql);
     if ($q->count()) {
         $id = Kohana::instance()->input->post('form_id');
         if (Kohana::instance()->input->post('form_action') && $id !== false && isset($q->current()->id)) {
             if ($id == $q->current()->id) {
                 return true;
         return false;
     } else {
         return true;
  * Loads URI, and Input into this controller.
  * @return  void
 public function __construct()
     $session = Session::instance();
     $site_config = yaml::parse($_SESSION['site_name'], 'site_config');
     foreach ($site_config as $key => $value) {
         $this->{$key} = $value;
     // --- Setup our required library instances ---
     // --------------------------------------------
     # Auth Instance for editing site capability
     $this->client = new Auth($this->claimed);
     # Account Instance for user account tool.
     $this->account_user = new Account();
     # assets instance to fetch datapath urls.
     $this->assets = Assets::instance($this->site_name, $this->theme);
     # URI should always be available
     $this->uri = URI::instance();
     # Input should always be available
     $this->input = Input::instance();
     if (Kohana::$instance == NULL) {
         # Set the instance to the first controller loaded
         Kohana::$instance = $this;
  * Get data and display feed
  * @param string $description - For top of feed
  * @return void
  * @author Dan Chadwick
 function index($description = null)
     $model = steamcore::get_controls_model($this->uri->segment(2));
     $tbl = $model->table_name;
     //Set limit
     $limit = uri::segment(3, Kohana::config('rss.limit'));
     //Limit the number of feed items by adding a third segment to the url
     if ($limit == -1) {
         $limit = null;
     /* Set filter
      *  Filters can be added to the rss string like so: ?filter_[filter_field_name]=[filter_value]
     $get = Kohana::instance()->input->get();
     foreach ($get as $key => $filter_value) {
         if (strstr($key, 'filter_')) {
             $filter_column = substr($key, 7, strlen($key) - 7);
             $model->like($filter_column, $filter_value);
     $model->orderby(array('date_added' => 'desc'));
     $result = $model->find_all($limit);
     $v = Kohana::find_file('views', 'rss/' . $tbl) ? $tbl : 'feed-view';
     // You can use a new rss view (named after the table) for specific tables if differnet fields are to be displayed
     $p = new View('rss/' . $v);
     header('Content-type: application/rss+xml');
     $link = $tbl != 'pages' ? $tbl . '/' : '';
     $p->set('description', $description);
     $p->set('link_data', 'page/' . $link);
     $p->set('feed_data', $result);
     try {
     } catch (Exception $ex) {
         throw new Kohana_Exception('debug', 'Rss error');
  * Change status complete
  * @return void
  * @author Andy Bennett
 public static function status_complete_listener()
  * get the data about the image
  * @param integer $image (optional - if not passed, used uri segment 3)
  * @return object
  * @author Andy Bennett
 protected function get_image_row($image = false)
     // use URI segment 3 if no id is passed
     if (!$image) {
         $image = end(URI::instance()->segment_array());
     // strip any file extensions (actually strip anything that isn't a number)
     $image = pathinfo(Kohana::instance()->uri->string(), PATHINFO_FILENAME);
     // make sure the id is numeric - if not exit
     if (!preg_match('/[0-9]+/i', $image)) {
     // get the ORM object
     $row = ORM::factory($this->setup['model'] . '_upload', $image);
     // make sure the object has been loaded properly and the parent model matches
     if (!$row->loaded) {
         Kohana::log('error', 'File model row error: ' . $image);
         throw new Kohana_404_Exception($image, 'common/error_404');
     if ($row->parent_model != $this->setup['model']) {
         Kohana::log('error', 'File model error: ' . $row->id);
         throw new Kohana_403_Exception($row->id, 'common/error_403');
     // make sure the object's status is true
     if (!$row->parent->status and !User::instance()->is_moderator()) {
         Kohana::log('error', 'File status: ' . $row->id);
         throw new Kohana_403_Exception($row->id, 'common/error_403');
     $data = array('action' => URI::instance()->segment(2), 'name' => $this->setup['name'], 'role' => User::instance()->get_role());
     Event::run('acl.check', $data);
     // set up the image's path and error if the file doesn't exist
     $row->full_path = Kohana::config('upload.directory') . '/' . $row->file_name;
     if (!file_exists($row->full_path)) {
         Kohana::log('error', 'Invalid file path: ' . $row->full_path);
         throw new Kohana_404_Exception($row->orig_name, 'common/error_404');
     return $row;
  * check that the user has permission to view this row
  * @return boolean
  * @author Andy Bennett
 public function check_auth()
     // if there is an auth directive for the row and the user doesn't belong to that group, then continue
     return !isset($this->p->row->auth) || Kohana::instance()->ci_auth->belongsToGroup($this->p->row->auth, TRUE);
  * set a value
  * @return void
  * @author Andy Bennett
 public function setvalue()
     $data = array('action' => 'edit', 'name' => $this->name, 'role' => User::instance()->get_role());
     Event::run('steamcore.aclcheck', $data);
     $value = Kohana::instance()->input->post('value');
     $key = Kohana::instance()->input->post('key');
     $id = Kohana::instance()->input->post('form_id');
     $model = ORM::factory($this->setup['model'], $id);
     $model->{$key} = $value;
     Event::run('steamcore.item_value_set', $action = Input::instance()->post('current'));
文件: index.php 项目: ascseb/kohana
 * @see  http://docs.kohanaphp.com/bootstrap
 * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Define the name of the front controller index
define('FCINDEX', basename(__FILE__));
// Define the absolute paths for configured directories
define('DOCROOT', str_replace('\\', '/', realpath(getcwd())) . '/');
define('APPPATH', str_replace('\\', '/', realpath($application)) . '/');
define('MODPATH', str_replace('\\', '/', realpath($modules)) . '/');
define('SYSPATH', str_replace('\\', '/', realpath($system)) . '/');
// Clean up the configuration vars
unset($application, $modules, $system);
if (file_exists('install' . EXT)) {
    // Load the installation check
    return include 'install' . EXT;
// Load the main Kohana class
require SYSPATH . 'classes/kohana' . EXT;
// Enable auto-loading of classes
spl_autoload_register(array('Kohana', 'auto_load'));
// Enable the exception handler
// set_exception_handler(array('Kohana', 'exception_handler'));
// Enable the error-to-exception handler
set_error_handler(array('Kohana', 'error_handler'));
// Initialize the environment
// Create the main instance
// Shutdown the environment
  * undocumented function
  * @param object $setup 
  * @return void
  * @author Andy Bennett
 public static function get_form_xml($file_name, $model)
     $dir = DATAPATH . '/xml/forms/';
     $path = $dir . $file_name . '.xml';
     if (file_exists($path)) {
         return file_get_contents($path);
     $m = ORM::factory($model);
     $field_data = $m->field_data($file_name);
     // print_r($field_data);
     $view = new View('xform/form');
     $view->form = $file_name;
     $view->field_data = $file_name;
     $view->name = Kohana::instance()->uri->segment(1);
     $view->action = Kohana::instance()->uri->segment(2);
     // $data = $view->render();
     $data = $field_data;
     $f = fopen($path);
     fwrite($f, $field_data, 'w');
     return $data;
  * return the page name of the current section
  * @return string
  * @author Andy Bennett
 public function get_section($n = 0)
     // get the current page
     $p = Kohana::instance()->uri->segment(2, 'home');
     $t = Kohana::instance()->uri->segment(1, 'page');
     // Check number of items in this section. If 1 (i.e. we're top-level) show all children
     $xpc = $this->sitemap->xpath('//item[@url="/' . $t . '/' . $p . '"]/ancestor-or-self::item');
     if ($n < 0) {
         $n = count($xpc) + ($n - 1);
     $n = min(count($xpc) - 1, $n);
     return basename($xpc[$n]['url']);
 public static function event_item_deleted()
     Session::instance()->set_flash('user_message', 'User deleted successfully');
  * replace {} placeholders in the form
  * @return void
  * @author Andy Bennett
 protected function replace_placeholders()
     // first convert the form object back to a string
     $f = $this->data->form_xml_string;
     // first replace placeholders matching {form_XXXX} with input post data
     if (preg_match_all('/{form_([a-zA-Z0-9_-]+)}/', $f, $matches)) {
         for ($i = 0; $i < count($matches[1]); $i++) {
             $m = $matches[1][$i];
             $u = Kohana::instance()->input->post('form_' . $m);
             $v = $m !== false ? $u : '';
             $f = str_replace($matches[0][$i], $v, $f);
     // replace placeholders matching {user_XXXX} with data about the current user
     if (preg_match_all('/{user_([a-z0-9_-]+)}/', $f, $matches)) {
         for ($i = 0; $i < count($matches[1]); $i++) {
             $m = $matches[1][$i];
             $v = User::instance()->{$m};
             $f = str_replace($matches[0][$i], $v, $f);
     // replace placeholders matching {user_XXXX} with data about the current user
     if (preg_match_all('/{session_([a-z0-9_-]+)}/', $f, $matches)) {
         for ($i = 0; $i < count($matches[1]); $i++) {
             $m = $matches[1][$i];
             $v = Session::instance()->get($m);
             $f = str_replace($matches[0][$i], $v, $f);
     // replace placeholders matching {uri_X} with data from the URI string
     if (preg_match_all('/{uri_([0-9]+)}/', $f, $matches)) {
         for ($i = 0; $i < count($matches[1]); $i++) {
             $m = (int) $matches[1][$i];
             $s = Kohana::instance()->uri->segment($m);
             $v = isset($s) ? $s : '';
             $f = str_replace($matches[0][$i], $v, $f);
     if (!isset($this->form_data['controller'])) {
         $this->form_data['controller'] = URI::instance()->segment(1);
     // finally replace any items from form_data
     foreach ($this->form_data as $k => $v) {
         if (is_string($v) || is_numeric($v)) {
             $f = str_replace('{' . $k . '}', $v, $f);
     // now convert the string back to a simplexml object
     $this->form = simplexml_load_string($f);
  * View an id
  * @return void
  * @author Dan Chadwick
 public function view()
     $id = Kohana::instance()->input->post('form_id');
  * event listener - send registration complete email
  * @return void
  * @author Andy Bennett
 public static function register_complete_email()
     $data = Event::$data;
     $data->data['users']['clear_credential'] = Kohana::instance()->input->post('form_credential');
     $to = $data->data['users']['email'];
     $conf = Kohana::config('steamauth.steamauth');
     $type = $conf->activation_method;
     if ($type == 'moderator') {
         self::register_complete_email_send('activation_link_email_' . $type, $data);
         self::register_complete_email_send('activation_pending_email', $data, $to);
     } else {
         self::register_complete_email_send('activation_link_email_' . $type, $data, $to);
        if (Acl::instance()->check(User::instance()->get_role(), null, 'edit')) {
            echo form::open('/' . $controller . '/edit', '');
            echo form::hidden('form_id', $item->id);
            echo form::hidden('controller', $controller);
            echo form::hidden('current', Kohana::instance()->uri->string());
            echo assets_helper::img_tag('/cache/img/admin/edit_icon.gif', array('alt' => 'Edit', 'name' => 'submit', 'title' => 'Edit this user'), true);
            echo form::close();