$cell_colors = array('#FF8080', '#FFC169', '#50E850'); $rating_class = array('rating1', 'rating2', 'rating3'); $result = $mysqli->prepare("SELECT q_id, q_type, theme, notes, scenario, leadin, display_method FROM papers, questions WHERE paper = ? AND papers.question = questions.q_id ORDER BY display_pos"); $result->bind_param('i', $paperID); $result->execute(); $result->bind_result($q_id, $q_type, $theme, $notes, $scenario, $leadin, $display_method); while ($result->fetch()) { if ($question_no == 1) { // Header row $cols = substr_count($display_method, '|'); } if (trim($theme) != '') { echo "<tr><td colspan=\"4\" class=\"t\">{$theme}</td></tr>\n"; } echo "<tr id=\"row_" . $question_no . "\">"; if ($killer_questions->is_killer_question($q_id)) { if (array_key_exists($q_id, $stored_results) and $stored_results[$q_id] == 0) { echo "<td class=\"killerq skull\">"; $killed = true; } else { echo "<td class=\"q skull\">"; } } else { echo "<td class=\"q\">"; } if (trim($notes) != '') { echo "<span style=\"color:{$labelcolor}\"><img src=\"../artwork/notes_icon.gif\" width=\"16\" height=\"16\" alt=\"note\" /> {$notes}</span><br />\n"; } echo parse_leadin($leadin, $stored_q_parts[$q_id]) . "</td>"; $sub_totals[$stored_results[$q_id]]++; for ($i = 0; $i < $cols; $i++) {
echo '<tr id="link_break' . ($old_screen + $missing) . '" class="breakline qline screenerror"><td colspan="6" class="ie-fullwidth"><h4><span class="opaque">' . $string['screen'] . ' ' . ($old_screen + $missing) . ' </span></h4></td></tr>'; echo '<tr><td colspan="6" style="height:55px; background-image:url(../artwork/no_questions_gradient.png); repeat:repeat-x; color:white; background-color:#C00000; padding-left:15px; padding-top:4x">' . $string['noquestionscreen'] . '</td></tr>'; } } echo '<tr id="link_break' . $temp_array[$x]['screen'] . '" class="breakline qline"><td colspan="6" class="ie-fullwidth"><h4><span class="subsect opaque">' . $string['screen'] . ' ' . $temp_array[$x]['screen'] . ' </span></h4></td></tr>'; } $old_screen = $temp_array[$x]['screen']; $higlight_class = ''; $status_class = ''; if (!$status_array[$temp_array[$x]['status']]->get_exclude_marking() and $temp_array[$x]['marks'] == 0 and $temp_array[$x]['q_type'] != 'info' and $properties->get_paper_type() != '3' and $properties->get_paper_type() != '4' and $exclusions->get_exclusions_by_qid($temp_array[$x]['q_id']) != '0000000000000000000000000000000000000000') { $higlight_class = ' excluded'; } else { $status_class = ' status' . $temp_array[$x]['status']; } $killer = 0; if (isset($killer_questions) and $killer_questions->is_killer_question($temp_array[$x]['q_id'])) { $killer = 1; $killer_class = ' killer_icon'; } else { $killer_class = ''; } $theme_class = ''; $theme_str = ''; if (trim($temp_array[$x]['theme']) != '') { $theme_class = ' q_theme'; $theme_str = "<h4 class=\"theme\">" . trim($temp_array[$x]['theme']) . "</h4>\n"; } echo "<tr id=\"link_{$x}\" onselectstart=\"return false\" onmousedown=\"if (typeof event.preventDefault != 'undefined') { event.preventDefault(); }\" class=\"link_{$x} qline{$theme_class}{$status_class}{$higlight_class}"; $prevous_screen = ''; $next_screen = ''; if ($temp_array[$x]['q_type'] != 'info') {