        curl_setopt(self::$ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, TRUE);
        // Run the curl request
        $fc = curl_exec(self::$ch);
        // Filter out the Google Javascript API wrapping
        if (preg_match('/window.google.ac.h\\((.+?)\\)/', $fc, $results)) {
            // Decode the array as JSON
            $content = json_decode($results[1]);
            // Loop through each search result
            foreach ($content[1] as $result) {
                // Strip the commas and " results" from the number of hits returned
                $value = str_replace(array(',', ' results'), '', $result[1]);
                // Create a key in $hits named by the search result, with the number of hits as the value
                $hits[$result[0]] = $value;
            // Confirm we actually found hits
            if (is_array($hits)) {
                // Sort the array by the number of hits, as a number, in reverse order
                arsort($hits, SORT_NUMERIC);
                return $hits;
            } else {
                return false;
        } else {
            return false;
// Call the static function getKeywords inside the Keywords class, and pass it the GET or POST var 'q'
$result = Keywords::getKeywords($_REQUEST['q']);
// Display the results
echo '<pre>' . print_r($result, true) . '</pre>';