static function extendKs($ks, $expiry = 86400) { $ksObj = KalturaSession::getKsObject($ks); if (!$ksObj) { return null; } $ksObj->valid_until = time() + $expiry; return $ksObj->generateKs(); }
if (!isset($options['raw']) && !isset($options['curl'])) { $params['format'] = '3'; } # PHP // renew all ks'es if (!isset($options['no-renew'])) { $renewedSessions = array(); foreach ($params as $key => &$value) { if ($key != 'ks' && !preg_match('/[\\d]+:ks/', $key)) { continue; } if (isset($renewedSessions[$value])) { $value = $renewedSessions[$value]; continue; } $renewedKs = KalturaSession::extendKs($value); if (!$renewedKs) { continue; } $renewedSessions[$value] = $renewedKs; $value = $renewedKs; } } // get the service url if (isset($options['url']) && is_string($options['url'])) { $serviceUrl = $options['url']; } else { $serviceUrl = isset($config['apiHost']) ? $config['apiHost'] : ''; } if (strpos($serviceUrl, '://') === false) { if (isset($options['https'])) {
// parse command line $options = KalturaCommandLineParser::parseArguments($commandLineSwitches); $arguments = KalturaCommandLineParser::stripCommandLineSwitches($commandLineSwitches, $argv); if (!$arguments) { $usage = "Usage: generateKs [switches] <partnerId>\nOptions:\n"; $usage .= KalturaCommandLineParser::getArgumentsUsage($commandLineSwitches); die($usage); } $partnerId = $arguments[0]; KalturaSecretRepository::init(); $adminSecret = KalturaSecretRepository::getAdminSecret($partnerId); if (!$adminSecret) { die("Failed to get secret for partner {$partnerId}"); } $type = isset($options['type']) ? $options['type'] : 2; $user = isset($options['user']) ? $options['user'] : '******'; $expiry = isset($options['expiry']) ? $options['expiry'] : 86400; $privileges = isset($options['privileges']) ? $options['privileges'] : 'disableentitlement'; if (isset($options['widget'])) { $type = 0; $user = '******'; $expiry = 86400; $privileges = 'widget:1,view:*'; } if (!isset($options['bare'])) { echo "ks\t"; } echo KalturaSession::generateKsV1($adminSecret, $user, $type, $partnerId, $expiry, $privileges, null, null); if (!isset($options['bare'])) { echo "\n"; }
if ($v == 1) { $ret[] = $v . $k; } } } $ret = array_slice($ret, 0, 2); // don't care about more than 2 levels array_splice($ret, count($ret) - 1, 0, 'and'); return join(' ', $ret); } KalturaSecretRepository::init(); if ($argc < 2) { die("Usage: extractKs <ks>\n"); } $ks = $argv[1]; $ksObj = KalturaSession::getKsObject($ks); if (!$ksObj) { die("Failed to parse ks {$ks}\n"); } echo str_pad('Sig', 20) . $ksObj->hash . "\n"; echo str_pad('Fields', 20) . $ksObj->real_str . "\n"; echo "---\n"; $fieldNames = array('partner_id', 'partner_pattern', 'valid_until', 'type', 'rand', 'user', 'privileges', 'master_partner_id', 'additional_data'); foreach ($fieldNames as $fieldName) { echo str_pad($fieldName, 20) . $ksObj->{$fieldName}; if ($fieldName == 'valid_until') { $currentTime = time(); echo ' = ' . date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $ksObj->valid_until); if ($currentTime >= $ksObj->valid_until) { echo ' (expired ' . formatTimeInterval($currentTime - $ksObj->valid_until) . ' ago'; } else {
// =================================================================================================== require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/lib/KalturaCommandLineParser.php'; require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/lib/KalturaSession.php'; $commandLineSwitches = array(array(KalturaCommandLineParser::SWITCH_NO_VALUE, 'b', 'bare', 'Print only the KS itself'), array(KalturaCommandLineParser::SWITCH_REQUIRES_VALUE, 'e', 'expiry', 'Session expiry (seconds)')); // parse command line $options = KalturaCommandLineParser::parseArguments($commandLineSwitches); $arguments = KalturaCommandLineParser::stripCommandLineSwitches($commandLineSwitches, $argv); if (!$arguments) { $usage = "Usage: renewKs [switches] <ks>\nOptions:\n"; $usage .= KalturaCommandLineParser::getArgumentsUsage($commandLineSwitches); die($usage); } $input = $arguments[0]; $ks = $input; $expiry = isset($options['expiry']) ? $options['expiry'] : 86400; $patterns = array('/\\/ks\\/([a-zA-Z0-9+_\\-]+=*)/', '/&ks=([a-zA-Z0-9+\\/_\\-]+=*)/', '/\\?ks=([a-zA-Z0-9+\\/_\\-]+=*)/'); foreach ($patterns as $pattern) { preg_match_all($pattern, $input, $matches); if ($matches[1]) { $ks = reset($matches[1]); break; } } KalturaSecretRepository::init(); if (!isset($options['bare'])) { echo "ks\t"; } echo str_replace($ks, KalturaSession::extendKs($ks, $expiry), $input); if (!isset($options['bare'])) { echo "\n"; }